The Underworld and Hell – Resets and Genocides, Part 12



  • Well Known Hells and Underworlds – a list
  • Levels of Hell / The Underworld
  • Maps of Hell
  • The Cavernous Regions Inside the Earth

Underworld Journeys:

  • Orpheus
  • Aneas
  • Hermes
  • Heracles (Herakles / Hercules)
  • Psyche
  • Elysium + The Field of Reeds
  • Inanna (Ishtar)
  • Gilgamesh and Enkidu
  • King Yudhishthira – The Mahabharata
  • Ehecatl (Quetzalcoatl) – Aztec Story

Physical or ‘Non-physical’ ‘Demons’:

  • Physical encounters with ‘Demons’
  • Ancient descriptions of ‘Astral’ / ‘non-physical body’ of Demons and Humans
  • Soul / Astral Body / Etemmu Depictions in European Art
  • Hell: Astral Realm or the 4th dimension… or something else?

Christian / European Hell:

  • Hell Visions and Tours
  • Hellmouth
  • Jewish Hell and The Watchers
  • Angels, Archangels and ‘Fallen Angels’
  • European Depictions of Hell
  • European Depictions of The Underworld (Buildings in The Underworld)

Other Hells and Underworlds:

  • Buddhist Hell
  • Hells of Ancient India – Hinduism and Jainism
  • Islamic Hell
  • Zoroastrian Afterworlds
  • Meso-american / Aztec Hell
  • Hel / The Norse Underworld
  • Ancient Egyptian Duat
  • Hades
  • Kur Netherworld of Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Hittites Netherworld

Concluding Thoughts:

  • Overview and Summation
  • Why did this non-human force set up Hell / The Netherworld / The Underworld?
  • Our Current Afterlife System

Additional Images and Information:

  • Demons in Hell and The Underworld are Bipedal Reptilians
  • Persephone / Prosperine / Kore… a demon of Hell
  • Demons / Bipedal Reptilians lived inside the Earth
  • The Demons of Hell – Dictionary of Demonology… Lucifer etc
  • Le Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur, 15th century Illustrations
  • Dante Illustrations – Priamo della Quercia
  • Dante Illustrations – Sandro Botticelli etc (Close ups)
  • Stranger Things – The Upside Down (Netflix Series)
  • Jupiter Ascending (Hollywood Movie)
  • The Breakaway Civilisation, UFOs and Protection (‘Iron Sky’ and ‘Nazis at the Center of the Earth’)
  • Ethnic groups that suffered in Hell
  • Hellmouth – Additional Images

This is my longest ever article / presentation, but all that is included is relevant and necessary – all of it is needed to help you understand The Underworld and Hell (and this planet’s ancient history). Every section, including the Additional Information Section at the end, contains important insights, patterns, correlations and significant images. If you ever wanted to research these topics, this article will save you a lot of time and effort (though, of course, I always encourage people to do their own research as well). Like the other articles in this series, it will offer you some insights and Truths that, currently, you cannot find elsewhere. You should have a very good feel for the subject when you have completed the read through. You may need to read through it more than once to fully assimilate all the correlations and insights.


Throughout the recorded history of this world before the 1800s, there was something that all the significant religions and ancient civilisations had in common… A belief in a hellish, or dangerous, underworld that was inhabited and run by ‘demons’ and non-human ‘gods’. All the religions and ancient civilisations had a belief in, what we Europeans call, Hell. Why?

(Note: I am talking about all civilisations and religions that we have a decent amount of information about, such as a significant body of artwork or old texts)

All significant civilisations around the world were aware of a rocky, cavernous region under the surface of the Earth where people / Souls were tested, judged, punished and tortured.

All these separate or isolated regions / civilisations below believed in a dangerous / hellish Underworld and created a great deal of art depicting it. There was no globalisation and very little communication between distant civilisations. Civilisations in the very ancient eras believed in it (Such as the ancient Mesopotamian civilisations), and civilisations completely isolated from medieval / renaissance Europe, the Middle East and Asia – like the Aztecs and Mayans – also did.

Left: Indian / Hindu Hell. Centre: Chinese Buddhist Hell. Right: Japanese Buddhist Hell
Left: Christian / European Hell. Centre: Zoroastrian Hell. Right: Islamic Hell
Left: Ancient Egypt, Non-human deities guarding the chambers of Hell. Right: A region of Aztec Hell depicted, full of very strange non-human ‘gods’.
Left: Psyche in The Underworld (Ancient Greece). Centre: King Yudhishthira in The Underworld (Ancient Southern Asia). Right: Gallu Demons in the Sumerian Underworld
Left: Hittite Netherworld. Right: Norse Underworld… incl. Hel: The Land of the Dead and Muspelheim: The Land of the Fire Demons
Left: Aneas visiting The Underworld. Centre: Heracles dragging Cerberus up from The Underworld. Right: Charon ferrying people in The Underworld

A great many more images are displayed throughout the article, and there is information pertaining to all these Underworld Journeys and Hells in further sections.

Well Known Hells / Underworlds:
  • The Norse Underworld / Hel
  • Ancient Greek Underworld (Hades)
  • Ancient Egyptian Underworld / Hell (Duat)
  • Ancient Mesopotamian Netherworld (Kur)
  • Hittite Netherworld (Not that well known, as this is a more recent discovery)
  • Jewish Hell (Enochic descriptions)
  • Christian / European Hell
  • Zoroastrian Hell / Afterworlds
  • Islamic Hell (Jahannam)
  • Hindu Hell / Underworld, India (Naraka / Patala)
  • Jainism Hell, India (Naraka)
  • Chinese Buddhist Hell (Diyu)
  • Japanese Buddhist Hell (Jigoku)
  • Aztec Hell / Underworld (Mictlan)
  • Mayan Hell / Underworld (Xibalba)

There are so many similarities between all these underworlds and hells:

Large rocky caverns inside the Earth – various levels on top of one another – different areas / chambers for different sins and different types of torture – burning pools of ‘fire’ (lava) – rivers of water – hot regions – icy cold regions – gates and gatekeepers – inhabited by malevolent ‘demons’, non-human ‘gods’, as well as strange ‘snakes’, ‘dragons’ and other ‘mythical’ creatures.

Levels of Hell:
  • Mayan, Aztec and Christian (European) Hells have 9 levels.
  • Buddhist Hell can have a variety of levels; some say 18, but the most common seems to be 8 levels of Hell.
  • Islam, Hinduism and Jainism have 7 levels of Hell.
  • Zoroastrians were unusual as they only had 4 levels.

Ancient Egyptians said there were 12 chambers of Hell. But it is not cut and dry, as during the New Kingdom, the number of gates through which the dead had to pass was variously given as seven (Book of the Dead Spell 147) or twenty-one (Book of the Dead Spells 145 and 146).

What are the chances that all around the world throughout the history of this planet, going back to ancient Egypt and ancient Sumeria, that all locations and religions had this same notion of a Hellish Underworld – and nearly all of them spoke about various levels, gates, chambers and regions?

As you proceed through this article you will see even more similarities – we will see that the idea of Hell (or The Underworld) is / was so very similar all around the world. It has all been so prevalent and significant in the consciousness of the populations on the surface of this planet throughout the ages – this does not just occur without good reason.

The Christian Bible does not say there are exactly nine levels of hell, but this idea very much appeared to be accepted in Europe after the various vision journeys… That there were various levels with various punishments and tortures in each level (Dante also suggested 9 levels, and that seemed to be the most common belief) … The medieval / renaissance Europeans, like everyone else, very clearly said that Hell was inside the Earth – underground, in rocky caverns.

There is not a lot of information – and zero artwork – on Jewish Hell. But Christianity was, of course, heavily influenced by Jewish writings. There is information on some of the Enochic material / The Watcher material in a later section – which provides some information related to their ancient idea of Hell (You will also find out what The Watchers, archangels and angels really were). As you will see later, the Enochic material does describe a hell region similar to all these other religions and civilisations.

The Hittites also believed in a Netherworld / Underworld – as I will show you in a further section – but there is hardly any surviving ancient information from them telling us any of the finer details about this realm. Likewise, there is not a lot of details about the number of levels in the Mesopotamian Underworld (Sumerian & Akkadian etc), but it was said by them that there were 7 gates in the Underworld, each guarded by a gatekeeper – there are also some interesting Sumerian Underworld stories that have survived. The surviving Norse Underworld information talks about various regions in the Netherworld, such as Hel: The Land of the Dead and Muspelheim: The Land of the Fire Demons (as well as Svartalfheim and Niflheim), but it does not specifically talk about chambers and gates.

But we have more information on all the more recent / less ancient Underworlds / Hells – and they all talk about the various levels.


To understand our distant history, and all the so-called ‘mythology’, you must understand that these stories that we are told are ‘myths’ are not just the product of people’s imaginations. These ‘myths’ are based on real events that occurred in Earth’s history, but they have usually been somewhat (sometimes greatly) misinterpreted and some of the Truth has been lost. Elements have been lost and misconstrued over time – and some elements and Truths have been very purposely altered over time.

We also must always remember that a lot of information has been destroyed in numerous disasters / reset-related events throughout this planet’s history. The lack of records and the massive holes in this planet’s history is staggering. But as always, if we complete enough research, look for patterns and correlations, and use critical thinking, we can find out a great deal.

Physical / Non-physical:

Hell was seen as underground / inside the Earth – and it seemed to be both a physical place and a ‘non-physical’ / ‘metaphysical’ place. That Souls were taken there was well documented, but were physical 3D bodies also taken there? From looking at some of the stories in this article it seems that they were.

It is important to note that humans also have less-physical bodies, as well as our dense 3D body – some call one of these less-physical bodies the ‘astral’ body. I have had numerous out-of-body / ‘astral’ / other realm experiences and there definitely is another world that runs parallel to our physical world. It is right there, overlaying our 3D world, but beyond our senses when in our 3D dense body. I do not think it is accurate to say this realm is non-physical. I discuss this in greater detail below in a section below.

When the ancient and medieval people talk about and illustrate the Human Soul, in the vast majority of cases they seem to be referring to what we might call our ‘astral’ body – or something similar. The Akkadians and Sumerians have some interesting insights on the nature of the less physical body that we have after dense 3D death – this is also discussed in a further section.

I have looked very closely at Hell and Underworld art from all around the world, with a focus on the more abundant and more detailed European Medieval / Renaissance art. I also read through the various Hell Vision Tours / Journeys and the more ancient Underworld Journeys.

It is important to note that there is no such thing as ‘magic’. There is just the mechanics of the universe – and there is also advanced technology that utilises and manipulates these mechanics / universal Truths.

Do not be fooled by any of the old / ancient depictions of ‘devils’ / ‘demons’. We often get cartoon like drawings that can make these beings look a little backward or primitive. They actually had very advanced technology and a very good understanding of the mechanics of the cosmos.

The 1800s Change of Focus:

Hellish, torturous underground regions were a very real phenomena for people to consider before the more modern era, but after the early 1800s they became ‘myths’, just made-up stories in the minds of much of the population… said to be just their ancestors’ imaginations, or just religions scaring people.

Through the 1100s to 1700s the hellish underworlds were a huge topic for art and literature – perhaps the biggest topic. It was all a very big part of people’s lives all around the world and firmly in their consciousness. But then in the 1800s this belief and interest in Hell greatly subsided, it was a quick change / shift in the grand scheme of things. Many of the people that were so very focused on hell, underworlds and judgement no longer seemed to be around. I talk about our different, current / modern-day afterlife realms in a later section – and the light and tunnel mechanism we now face when we leave our body at the time of our ‘death’. This change is related to the reset / reorganising of the planet that was completed (in the main) at some point in the 1800s – discussed in previous articles in this series.

Diagrams / Maps of Hell:

Below are diagrams created by various artists which were based on all the literature on the out-of-body Hell-Vision Journeys that various people had shared in Europe, and specifically on Dante’s Divine Comedy poem on Hell and The Underworld, which itself was massively influenced by the Hell-Vision Testimonies (More information on Hell Vision Journeys in a further section). Medieval and Renaissance Europeans were certainly not the only people on Earth who viewed Hell as a series of levels / large caverns underground, as you will see later on in the article:

Left: Map of Dante’s Inferno from the Dialogue of Antonio Manetti. Centre: Stradano, Map of Hell. Right: Michelangelo Caetani, Cross Section of Hell
Map of Hell, By Sandro Boticelli (1480-1490) – Zoomed in images of this map in the Additional Information section.
Cavernous Regions in Earth’s Crust:

These are real tunnels inside our planet created by lava flow (These particular ones are obviously not that far below the surface):

Diagrams on Lava Tube Formation:

The huge caverns inside the Earth are not created just by lava flow. Lava flow, numerous underground rivers, temperature fluctuations and the expanding crust of Earth have helped to shape The Underworld (See my Electric Universe article for information on our expanding crust / Earth).

Humans camping and paddle-boating in some of the caverns that are just below the surface. See the mist in the image on the left, you can imagine weather systems forming in the very large caverns that are deeper in the Earth.

Some artwork to help you imagine enormous caverns inside the Earth (some as big as small countries with their own weather cycles):

Left: An imagined civilization in one of the large caverns in the crust. Right: This is obviously unlikely to be a perfect representation of Earth, and the central sun / atoma does not look like that, but it helps us to get a feel for what it is like.

Image above, on the right, shows our Hollow Earth. These types of large caverns that I displayed above exist inside the crust. Beyond the crust is Hollow Earth with an inner sun (central atoma). Civilisations can live in these huge caverns inside our crust, as well as in the Hollow Centre. Note that the illustration on the right shows a large blazing / orange / fiery sun in the centre. The central sun / ‘atoma’ will not look like this. It is likely not as large, and it gives of a softer light – it will not be bright orange but whiter and paler…. it is not the same composition as the Sun in our solar system.

If you are a ‘flat earther’, please don’t get yourself all wound up, abandon the article and walk away grumbling to yourself… There is a lot of important information and significant compilations of images in this article. Terrible things have occurred on this planet and in the overlaid / parallel realms – people should know the Truth. If you do not assimilate certain Truths, you will never be prepared for the dynamics of existing in the cosmos away from ‘prison’ Earth. If you want to imagine the Earth as some type of large cuboid, go right ahead, no problem, but you should engage with all this information on The Underworld and Hell – it is all very significant if you want to understand what has been occurring on this planet.

This current article is going to provide plenty of further evidence for a Hollow Earth. As you will see, later in the article, ancient tales saying that after journeying through this ancient hellish, rocky and dusty, cavernous underworld – which contains some lava (fiery pools) and rivers – you can reach beautiful places like Elysium (Ancient Greece) or The Field of Reeds (Ancient Egypt). ‘Elysium’ or ‘The Field of Reeds’ are very likely referring to this abundant and lushly vegetated hollow centre of our planet. When you understand the crust is honeycombed, and full of rocky caverns, as well as rivers of water and lava, and that Hollow Earth is lush with incredible vegetation, then ancient Underworld stories make a lot more sense.

From all my research on alternative cosmology (electric universe), ancient history (The huge amounts of ancient stories alluding to a Hollow Earth), the natural world’s mechanics (all is fractals, microcosms and macrocosms), sacred geometry, seismic wave monitoring, Arctic explorers’ testimonies and the activities of the National Socialist Germans (The SS and the Ahnenerbe, in the main) just before, after and during WW2 I would very strongly suggest that we live on a Hollow Earth that has a central atoma / inner sun. I have two articles that cover some of these topics:

I hope to create another article covering some more topics related to our Hollow Earth at some point in the future – as I have more evidence to share. My post on Atlantis has a section on Hyperborea, which also strongly suggests a Hollow Earth.

Note: The invading non-human force would have cut off (destroyed) access to the very large caverns and any routes leading to Hollow Earth – it was an important part of their deceptive agenda.

Diagrams related to our expanding Earth, alluding to how some of the very large caverns are formed (There is more information on this topic in my Electric Universe post):


The information in this article is somewhat disconcerting / disturbing, but as I have mentioned at various times in this series, if you properly study and analyse the UFO activity in our atmosphere, all the evidence very strongly suggests that we have a benevolent, protective, advanced force scouting our lower and upper atmosphere (as well as the inside of our planet). All evidence also suggests that the non-human force that created The Underworld and Hell is no longer in close proximity to us, and the vast majority of them left our planet by some time in the 1700s or early 1800s (leaving their human Proxies to control humanity). We would not be having this awakening if there was not this benevolent, advanced force protecting us. We were never meant to become this conscious and knowledgeable. I would most certainly not be able to expose this non-human / reptilian force in this series if we did not have protection. My 5-part series on Ufology – ‘Ufology Explained’ – should help you understand. Some information and images related to this protection and The Breakaway Civilisation are in the Additional Information Section at the end of this article… so as to help you see that we do have protection. I provide this information so that people do not become despondent or distracted.

Note: I will also talk about the genetic make-up, of the different ethnic groups who suffered, at the end of the article, in the Additional Information section.

Physical Journeys in Hell / The Underworld:

Ancient Greece

There were various, what appear to be, physical journeys to The Underworld in Ancient Greece:

  • Odysseus consults the seer Tiresias in the land of the dead, where many departed souls (including Achilles) appear to him.
  • Heracles rescues Theseus from the Hades during his twelfth labour. (He also brings Alcestis Back from the Underworld)
  • Hermes rescues Persephone from Hades.
  • Aeneas is reunited briefly with his dead father in The Underworld.
  • Pysche completes her 4th trial, set by Venus, by visiting Persephone in The Underworld.

Important to note: Tartarus was the name of the Hellish region of punishment in Ancient Greece. The term Hades seemed to refer to The Underworld / Inner Earth as a whole, which included both Tartarus and Elysium.

We must also remember that these pieces of old art in this section, depicting the Underworld, are also created from legend and stories passed down to that generation. The artists were using old descriptions. For example, the pottery artists – and the people they knew – in ancient Greece, would not have seen Cerberus but would have old descriptions to work from (And if they had seen him, they may have worked out that Cerberus was very likely not organic… more on that in Part 13 of this series). We must also remember that there have been so many destructive reset-related events, so information is hard to come by, but there is enough information left for us to get close to the Truth of what had occurred.


The physical and living Odysseus goes into The Underworld and is able to communicate with various spirits / dead people -including his mother, who he cannot hug as she is a spirit. Initially, Odysseus had protested that no mortal could visit the Underworld. Circe told him not to worry, the winds would guide his ship. When he arrived at Oceanus, the body of water encircling the earth and the seas, he would find the groves of Persephone and the house of Hades.

That sounds quite nice: ‘the groves of Persephone’ and ‘the house of Hades’. They have a small orchard or woodland and a house. This alludes to the idea that Hades refers to both the Inner Earth realm of caverns in the crust and the Hollow Earth area. In fact, this area where they live is very likely what the Ancient Greeks called Elysium.

Odysseus questions the seer Tiresias, by Alessandro Allori (1580) + Unknown source and date for an old image titled Odysseus in the Underworld

Heracles travels into the underworld and rescues Theseus – who is stuck to some type of chair – due to some type of ‘magic’ – and brings him safely back to the surface. Heracles also brings the three-headed-dog Cerberus up to the surface. There is also a story of Hercules bringing Alcesti back from the Underworld.

Two pieces of Ancient Greek pottery showing Heracles and Cerberus (By the way Cerberus was very likely not an organic creature, I will explain in Part 13 of this series).
Theseus and Hercules enter the underworld (Hades) to rescue Pirithous (In a late medieval or early renaissance illuminated manuscript) + Hercules Bringing Alcestis Back from the Underworld, by Eugène Delacroix.

There is some interesting information about Heracles in the section on the Hittites later on in the article…. related to Nergal, the God of The Underworld in ancient Mesopotamia.


Hermes goes into the Underworld and retrieves the physical and living Persephone. But she has to live part of every year in the Underworld (one third), as she ate some food there… some pomegranate seeds apparently.

Hermes leads Persephone out of the Underworld. They are greeted by Hekate and Demeter. Classical Period.

Below is an interesting image of Hades and Persephone from the 1400s. Hades and Persephone have been depicted as having more genetically in common with these very reptilian looking ‘demons’ on the right:

Hades and Persephone seated in The Underworld on a throne, in the form of an eagle’s head, with Cerberus before them by French School, (15th century); Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France

In the Additional Information section there is more information about Persephone… information from old texts. Persephone was also known as Proserpine and Kore – and was known as a demon or she-devil.


Aneas is guided by Sybil through the underworld. Charon, the old ferryman, refuses to carry living beings across the river but finally agrees when Sybil shows him the ‘golden bough’. Aeneas finds many Trojan heroes who were killed in the Trojan War. They also visit the fortress encircled by a river of fire and high walls.

Aeneas in the Underworld, c 1615
Jan Brueghel the Elder – Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld (circa 1600) – slightly cropped

Psyche’s fourth task, in the trials given to her by Venus, was to go to the Underworld and ask from Persephone a day’s worth of her beauty, pack it in a box and quickly bring it back. Apparently, she went to the hill Taenarus in the Peloponnese, where she found a hole leading to Hades. She avoided the traps and dangers of The Underworld, paid the Ferryman Charon and fed Cerberus something – and eventually came back to the surface after finding Persephone.

Psyche ‘feeding’ Cerberus to get into the Underworld + Psyche in the Underworld
Charon depicted on Last Judgement fresco painting in the Sistine Chapel, by Michael Angelo, 1534-1541
‘Charon, the Damned and the Archangels’. (Detail: Charon). 1499-1504. Fresco. Orvieto, Cathedral, Cappella Nuova. Luca Signorelli. (Charon more clearly depicted as a ‘demon’ in this work)

Elysium and The Field of Reeds:

Elysium, Ancient Greece:

Everything points towards Elysium and the Elysium Fields being inside the Earth. More specifically, it is very likely to be the Hollow Earth area past all the cavernous regions.

“Elysium was the Ancient Greek paradise originally reserved for the heroes of Greek Mythology to whom the gods had granted immortality. According to ancient Greek mythology Elysium delighted in a perpetual spring and shady groves, with its own sun and lit by its own stars. Elysium was the land of perfect happiness was also the imagined dwelling place for those who had lived a righteous life. Some of the important gods and goddesses of death resided in Elysium living in the golden palace where Hades, the Prince of Darkness and Persephone the Queen of the Underworld presided over their royal court. Other lesser gods resided in the City of Hades which was also located in Elysium. According to mythology Persephone prepared the spirits of worthy women to enter Elysium, strewing flowers along the path she would travel.”

The Waters of Lethe by the Plains of Elysium (1880) by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope (1829-1908). Lethe (literally ‘forgetfulness’) is one of the rivers of the ancient underworld, drunk by reincarnated souls to lose the memories of their previous lives. In the background can be seen the happy souls of the Elysian Fields.

“The Greek writer Plutarch (c.AD 46-after AD 119) described entry into the fields as a process that followed an initial period of rather apprehensive uncertainty: ‘At first one wanders and wearily hurries to and fro, and journeys with suspicion through the dark as one uninitiated: then come all the terrors before the final initiation, shuddering, trembling, sweating, amazement…’ Happily, this is eventually followed by one being ‘struck with marvellous light, one is received into pure regions and meadows, with voices and dances and the majesty of holy sounds and shapes: among these he who has fulfilled initiation wanders free, and released and bearing his crown joins in the divine communion, and consorts with pure and holy men…”

The Field of Reeds, Ancient Egypt:

The Ancient Egyptians seemed to refer to this lushly vegetated desirable location as The Field of Reeds:

In Ancient Egypt It was said you could make it to The Field of Reeds if you made it through all the torturous chambers / caverns, past all the gates and the guarding non-human ‘deities’, and then passed the final judgment in the Hall of Osiris.

“After finally reaching the Hall of Osiris, the deceased had to undergo the final judgment and the weighing of his heart against the feather of maat (truth) in the presence of Osiris and the 42 judges of the afterlife. If the applicant passed successfully, he was admitted to the paradise of Osiris, referred to as the “Field of Reeds” or “Field of Offerings.” This realm was modeled on Egypt itself. The land was crisscrossed by irrigation canals, and the deceased was responsible for such agricultural tasks as plowing, sowing, and reaping. Since this was paradise, the fruits of such labor were much greater. Wheat was said to grow to a height of five cubits (2.29 meters), with ears two cubits (.91 meters) in length. Barley grew seven cubits (3.2 meters) high, with ears of three cubits (1.37 meters). In order to avoid performing such backbreaking labor personally, the well-prepared Egyptian was buried with a number of shawabti-figurines, which responded for him or her when the deceased was called on to do manual labor in the afterlife.” -

‘The Field of Reeds’, artwork found in TT1 sennedjem’s tomb

Mesopotamia and India:

Here are some more ancient visits to the Underworld:

Inanna’s Underworld Journey:
Descent of Inanna to the Underworld and the ancient Sumerian Goddess of the Great Below, Ereshkigal

“Inanna travels to the gates of the underworld, demanding entry. Ereshkigal allows each of the seven gates through which she must pass to be opened by just a crack, forcing Inanna to squeeze through by removing a piece of clothing at each gate, gradually stripping her of her power. By the time Inanna reaches Ereshkigal’s court she is naked, but still manages to take Ereshkigal’s place. The group of deities in residence known as the Anunnaki are outraged by this, and turn Inanna into a corpse hanging by a hook.

Ereshkigal eventually consents to her sister’s corpse being sprinkled with the food and water of life to be revived, but there’s a catch – Ereshkigal demands one of the living take her place. Not her servant Ninshubur, Inanna says, for he is loyal; not Shara, her beautician, for he is seen mourning her death. Ereshkigal’s gallu (demons) then propose taking Dumuzid, Inanna’s shepherd consort. He is revealed to be dealing with his grief rather admirably, spending his days lavishly clothed, sitting on his wife’s throne while being entertained by slave girls. An irate Inanna immediately instructs the demons to take him, and Dumuzid is dragged down to the netherworld, lipstick marks still fresh on his collar, while Inanna is allowed to return to the upper world.” – Brooke-Hitching, Edward. The Devil’s Atlas.

Dumuzid and Gallu demons and snakes either side. (Was Dumuzid also a ‘demon’ / reptilian? Why is he depicted as looking the same as the demons?)
The Epic of Gilgamesh:

“The Epic of Gilgamesh is a tale of the mighty king of Uruk that was one third mortal and two thirds god. His grief for his friend Enkidu sent him on a journey through the underworld to find his ancestor of the great deluge, Utnapishtim, who resided at the mouth of the Rivers. His journey through the underworld took him through a place of darkness for 12 leagues. Passing through a mighty mountain he came upon the place of the Underworld where he hoped his ancestor could give him the keys of immortality.” – Brooke-Hitching, Edward. The Devil’s Atlas

From the additional information I have read, it very much looks like Gilgamesh does not go to the hellish netherworld, but to the realm of the God Ea. He goes to the Apsu or freshwater ocean beneath the earth where Utnapishtim lives (and has eternal life). It very much sounds like Utnapishtim lives in the Hollow Interior of the Earth and not the cavernous regions.

It is actually Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s friend, who goes to the hellish underworld / netherworld, and reports – when questioned by Gilgamesh – that he saw ‘the man with one son’. Gilgamesh then posed a series of questions until they spoke of the man with seven sons, and from the answers it is clear that the more sons a man has, the less thirsty he will be in The Underworld (I know that sounds odd, I don’t know exactly what that means, but the idea that people can be thirsty in the Netherworld / Underworld is something to note). Enkidu was brought back up to the surface by the Sun God Utu.

A depiction of Enkidu in the centre. One of the other two figures is Gilgamesh. Sketch of ancient Sumerian engraving
Here is the other depiction of Enkidu, where he very much looks like a bipedal reptilian.
India. The Mahabharata, The story of King Yudhishthira:
Yudhishthira In Hell / The Underworld

“In Book 18, Chapter 2 of the first of the two major Sanskrit works that comprise the Epic Literature, the Mahabharata, there is the story of King Yudhishthira, who travels to hell to argue against the suffering of friends and family members, the first in a hell-tour motif that far predates the Christian ‘harrowing of hell’ tradition in which Jesus travels to the infernal realm:

Polluted with the stench of sinners, and miry with flesh and blood, it abounded with gadflies and stinging bees and gnats and was endangered by the inroads of wild bears. Rotting corpses lay here and there. Overspread with bones and hair, it was noisome with worms and insects. It was skirted all along with a blazing fire. It was infested by crows and other birds and vultures, all having beaks of iron, as also by evil spirits with long mouths pointed like needles…” – The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke-Hitching.

Again, there is no ‘mythology’. All is based on an old events.

These people (some of these well-known human figures above, may, in reality, have been one of the non-human force) seem to be physically in this Underworld / Netherworld – they definitely do not seem to be spirits / in their astral body. Some are accosted by ‘demons’, and others feel threatened by the ‘demons’ and the strange ‘creatures’ down there. They have to avoid the traps and dangers. They are recognised as alive by Charon and other demons. There were also rotting corpses seen…

  • Why would there be rotting corpses if it was just a place for already dead non-physical spirits?
  • Why is the physical Cerberus down there guarding areas if it is just a non-physical place?
  • Why would a spirit be thirsty?
An Aztec Underworld Journey:

There is an interesting well-known Aztec Story related to this topic. I read various translations / explanations of this story to get a good feel for it:

The Aztec deity ‘Quetzalcoatl’ journeyed to the Underworld (The Underworld was called Mictlan by the Aztecs) at the dawning of the Fifth Sun, in order to restore humankind to life from the bones of those who had lived in previous eras. From these bones he created fifth-world mankind. Apparently, these bones littered the underworld. Our current time was considered the fifth sun, the previous four having been destroyed by flood, fire and the like. (Obviously he would be getting DNA from the bones)

The story also relates that Xolotl led the way down to Mictlán and ‘through the nine layers of the Realm of Death’. It also says they went down into the depths of the underworld, all the way to the palace of the Lord of the Dead.

Xolotl in an Aztec Codex

Of course, the story suggests that a lot of physical people are dying in The Underworld if it was littered with bones, as well as this it suggests that this non-human force has created some races of humans. It also conjures up images of those bizarre and very creepy catacombs we have around the world. And significantly it also talks about the 9 layers of the realm of death, like Dante and other Europeans did. Important Note: There was no European contact with the Aztecs until the 16th century.

And Quetzalcoatl was not a tall White man like many people in the 20th century have said (And this has even been published in South American school books). To be accurate, Quetzalcoatl was a dragon ‘a flying serpent’. The red faced ‘god’ Ehecatl was greatly associated with Quetzalcoatl and was said to be an aspect / element of Quetzalcoatl. If you read my 13th article in this series, which is about Mythical Creatures and Technology, you will realise that dragons were technology. The large flying dragons were flying vehicles. So, from what I can tell, it is very likely that Ehecatl, the red-faced Aztec god, was the ‘god’ who operated the vehicle Quetzalcoatl. You will see that throughout ancient history that ‘gods’ are sometimes said to ‘turn into’ or ‘become’ these large mythical creatures. But in reality, they enter into vehicles / craft, and either the people back then did not understand this – or the stories have been twisted and subverted over time (Both elements could be occurring to create the strange stories we have now).

Left: Ehecatl from Codex Borgia – Center: Quetzalcoatl from the Codex Laud, here in the form of Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl – Right: Quetzalcoatl consuming a man on an Aztec Codex

Ehecatl looks a little like some of the more modern European depictions of Satan or ‘The Devil’ with that red skin. Note that these sculptures below try to depict him some type of snout – he definitely does not look human! He is likely to be some type of bipedal reptilian.

Ancient sculptures of Ehecatl.

“Ehecatl was a Mesoamerican god of air and winds, especially those which brought rains. Regarded as a manifestation of the great feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl, he was sometimes known as Quetzalcoatl-Ehecatl, in which guise he helped create humanity in the Aztec creation myth… According to one version of the myth, Quetzalcoatl took on the guise of Ehecatl and descended into the Underworld where he stole the bones of the inhabitants of the former worlds in order to create humans in this one.”

“Ehecatl is a pre-Columbian deity associated with the wind, who features in Aztec mythology and the mythologies of other cultures from the central Mexico region of Mesoamerica. He is most usually interpreted as the aspect of the Feathered Serpent deity (Quetzalcoatl in Aztec and other Nahua cultures) as a god of wind, and is therefore also known as Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl.” –

You will find various images online of the red faced Ehecatl from the Aztec Codices that are labelled as Quetzalcoatl.

Physical or Non-Physical (Corporeal or Incorporeal) Demons:

Before we look at the European / Christian images of the Hell Realms / Underworld we must look at the topics of ‘The Soul / Astral Body, as well as Astral Realms and Dimensions’. To try and establish what these Hell realms may be and what is exactly is occurring in them.

After this we will spend some time on Christian Hell and then look at some summations and images related to all the other Hells around the world:

Christian Hell Sections:

  • Visions and Tours
  • Hellmouth
  • Jewish Hell and The Watchers
  • Angels and Archangels
  • Depictions of Hell

The Hells and Underworlds that feature after the Christian section:

  • Hindu Hell, India
  • Jainism Hell, India
  • Chinese Buddhist Hell
  • Japanese Buddhist Hell
  • Islamic Hell
  • Zoroastrian Afterworlds
  • Meso-american Underworlds (Aztec and Mayan)
  • Hades
  • Hel: The Norse Underworld
  • Ancient Egyptian Duat
  • Kur Netherworld of Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Hittite Underworld

Corporeal or Incorporeal:

Alphonso de Spina was a Spanish Franciscan Catholic Bishop, preacher and writer  – in 1467, He studied the ‘demon’ phenomenon and prepared a classification of demons based on several criteria:  

“For de Spina, demons weren’t just metaphors, but facts; they weren’t only allegories, but realities; they weren’t merely symbols, but personalities capable of altering the world as surely as any woman or man can.” – Pandemonium: A Visual History of Demonology, Ed Simon.

In medieval debates about demons, this question below was often asked:

“Are these beings material or incorporeal? Are all of them the scions (descendants of this warring group) of the war in heaven, or do some have alternative origins?”—it must be remembered that they were not just figures of myth and literature, but of experience and encounter as well. For medieval thinkers, demons were potent metaphors and symbols, but they were also very much actual beings whose machinations affected individual lives.” Pandemonium: A Visual History of Demonology, Ed Simon

Most discourses on demonic entities approach them as beings that inhabit a realm separate from that of ordinary reality. Frequently, the realm of demons is depicted as being both adjacent to and underneath the mortal realm—a chthonic empire of shadow and flame that serves as a kind of dungeon for fallen souls. This vision of the underworld echoes Sumerian ideas of the afterlife as expressed in documents like the Epic of Gilgamesh. Here, the realm of the dead is a subterranean land of darkness where the souls of the departed huddle like mournful birds amid squalor and dust.” – The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised, Michelle Belanger.

We saw encounters with ‘demons’ depicted in European Medieval / Renaissance art in my previous article called: Bipedal Reptilians ‘Demons’ and ‘Gods’. So, we know they were also physical. The encounters mainly depicted legends that had been passed down through generations.

We also saw some cropped images depicting battles with some demons on the surface of the planet in Persian and Indian art. These were images created in the 1500s, or early 1600s, of physical encounters with demons in very ancient times. Encounters roughly 1500 – 2000 years ago for the Persian art, or even events around said to be 4000 years ago for the Indian Art depicting Krishna. They may have not been from quite this long ago though, there is a lot of evidence that TPTB lie about dates and try to stretch our ancient history. But we know that they were old legends that have been passed down through many generations.

Left and Centre Images: Hushang killing the Black Demon, Persia — Right: Dhu al-Qarnayn building a wall with the help of Demons to keep away Gog and Magog (miniature from a book of Falnama1524–1576).
3 images showing Rustam Slaying the White Div (Demon / Devil) – (Created in late 1500s)
The demon Khara is killed by Rama with the bow ( c. 1597-1605) + Krishna Cleaves the Demon Narakasura with his Discus + Shiva slays the Demon Andhaka, (c. 1590)

The non-human ‘gods’ in Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, that ruled those regions, would be classed as ‘demons’ and some are often very clearly referred to as ‘demons’. They were very much physically present on the surface of the planet in those very ancient times – and were said to also live inside the planet, as well as existing on the surface. We saw lots of depictions of them in my previous article called ‘Bipedal Reptilians’.

Nehebkau + Sobek + Pazuzu + Lamashtu

We even saw some of these non-human gods on the surface of the planet consuming human flesh in the Aztec images in that previous article:

Images from ancient Aztec Codices showing these non-human gods being worshipped and consuming human flesh and blood.

Saint Anthony:

Saint Anthony was a monk from the 3rd / 4th century who went into a large tomb to fast and pray and was said to have been physically attacked by ‘demons’ (bipedal reptilians). There were many depictions of this ancient event created in 1400s and 1500s.

Saint Anthony attacked by ‘demons’.

We also saw the reptilian being ‘demon’; found dead in Italy, at the river Tiber, in roughly 1496:

Non-human bipedal creature found dead in Italy in 1496. One of the most recent confirmed surface level physical sightings / encounters.

We should also remember that in my article on ‘Comets and Disease’ we looked at the numerous books on Miracles, Portents and Signs created in the 1500s which showed some of the encounters that people were having throughout history with unusual, physical, bipedal beings.

“The [third] century Greek Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry noted that demons “are not clothed in a solid body . . . nor do they all have a single shape. They take many forms . . . [and] administer large parts of the regions beneath the moon . . . [being] responsible for the sufferings which happen round the earth, such as plagues, crop failures, earthquakes and droughts.” Parallel to Rabbi Huna’s conclusions concerning the demonic population, Porphyry writes that they “find their natural place in the air and on the earth and thus exist cheek-by-jowl, as it were, with human beings.” – Pandemonium: A Visual History of Demonology, Ed Simon.

We must always remember when analysing ‘demons’ (this non-human / reptilian force), that they were very technologically advanced. I do not think an individual demon ‘takes many forms’ – (I am not sure the above quotes actually suggests that, but the way it is phrased it is a bit ambiguous, so I wanted to offer some clarification). I think they were a variety of ‘demons’ / reptilians (and a few other types of beings that worked with them) – but they were likely to be mostly different types of reptilians. I think it very likely that they also had the technology to affect a human’s consciousness to some degree and alter what they are seeing. As well as this, some demons or ‘gods’ would also get into vehicles that flew or moved, and the naive and confused humans of that time said they changed into a strange animal (mythical creature). In summation, they are physical extraterrestrial beings that can easily move between realms / levels of reality, and they have advanced technology. I also think that there were some entities that were not what we would call 3D physical, and these ones only existed on other levels.

The Mathers’s translation of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage says that:

“…Satan did not fall of his own will and gives this as the reason for why he, unlike Lucifer, is not bound and inaccessible in Hell. Instead, he abides in the invisible plane of air tangential to our own (a concept strongly reminiscent of the invisible world believed by many Muslims to be inhabited by the Jinn). – Belanger, Michelle. The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised

Pu Songling ( June 1640 – 25 February 1715) was a Chinese writer during the Qing dynasty, best known as the author of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, wrote about Chinese Demons:

“.…the “space” occupied by demons in Songling’s work is separate from and yet contiguous with our own—as proved by the tremendous amount of traffic carried out between the two realms. The Islamic belief in Jinn similarly places these non-human beings in an “invisible world” that is both distinct from and adjacent to the material realm populated by humanity. All of this suggests that the realm of spirits—whether those spirits are classed as Jinn, yokai, or demons—exists in tandem with our mortal realm. Our worlds are two aspects of a larger whole, and despite being inhabited by beings of a different substance, interlocution is possible between these realms. Although it is not often expressly stated, this interconnected model was also at work throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe. There, witchfinders, Inquisitors, and theologians all posited a world populated by evil spirits, any of which could be called up by mortals willing to formulate a pact with dark powers. This placed demons simultaneously separate from yet adjacent to the mortal realm—and able to move into that realm, despite doctrinal belief that demons were bound effectively as prisoners in Hell.” – The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised, Michelle Bellanger.

The Ancient Mesopotamians – The Etemmu

“The Mesopotamians did not view physical death as the ultimate end of life. The dead continued an animated existence in the form of a spirit, designated by the Sumerian term gidim and its Akkadian equivalent, etemmu. The etemmu is best understood as a ghost…. It must be stressed that Mesopotamian notions of the physical body and the etemmu do not represent a strict body/soul dualism. Unlike the concept of psyche in Classical Greek thought, the etemmu was closely associated with the physical corpse. Some texts even speak of the etemmu as if it were identical to the body. For instance, the etemmu is sometimes described as “sleeping” in the grave (Scurlock, “Death” 1892) – a description that echoes accounts of the corpse or pagaru. Further, the etemmu retained corporeal needs such as hunger and thirst, a characteristic that will be discussed in more detail below. It also unclear whether the etemmu existed within the living body prior to death (and was thus an entity that separated from the body), or whether it only came into existence at the moment of physical death (and was thus an entity created by the transformation of some physical life-force). In either case, upon physical death the status of the deceased changed from awilu to etemmu. Death was therefore a transitionary stage during which humans were transformed from one state of existence to another…. Upon arrival in the netherworld, the eṭemmu was “judged” by the court of the Annunaki and assigned a place in its new subterranean community. This judgment and placement was not of an ethical nature and had nothing to do with the deceased’s merits during its lifetime. Instead, it had rather a clerical function and confirmed, according to the rules of the netherworld, the etemmu’s entrance into its new home.” –

This realm / other level in which people are tortured in ‘Hell’ is very likely not the 4th dimension. When you actually research the 4th dimension you realise it is a very different experience / reality. I think it is pretty much impossible for us 3D humans to imagine 4D, as it is so different.

This information on the Etemmu (Akkadian word) or Gidim (Sumerian word) body is significant and is alluding to some important cosmic / universal information / possibilities that we are purposely kept in the dark about. Is this related to this embalming and mummification process that was prevalent in a lot of ancient civilisations?

We know so little about death, and the body that remains after 3D death. Most people nowadays experience the very alluring bright white light at death, and go straight into it, without exploring any possibilities. The ‘after-life realms’ that Souls on this planet now experience (as well as the light and tunnel mechanisms) very much seem to have been set up / implemented just before, or during, the most recent reset that occurred in the 1800s.

This notion of an invisible to our eyes ‘overlaid’ world is something I have experienced. As I have mentioned at various times in my articles, I had a great many ‘metaphysical’, other-dimensional and out-of-body-type experiences in my thirties. I will share a few relevant ones now:

In one I fell asleep downstairs on the sofa and briefly experienced myself out of my body standing on the landing upstairs, looking out the landing window at some type of UFO in what, can only be, a different realm / parallel realm that is linked to our own 3D reality. Some may say the ‘fourth dimension’ some say ‘astral’ (I do not think it is the 4th dimension). I don’t think we have the necessary, or accurate, vocabulary for a lot of the things I have experienced and for what we call ‘metaphysical phenomenon’ (Though it is still physical).

In another experience during ‘3D body sleep’ I recalled / ‘experienced myself’ make my way to a street about 10 minutes away from my house (I walked there). I found myself standing on the street with a group of other people (roughly around 10 or 12 of them), and we were collected by some type of advanced craft. But it happened in a realm / reality that was overlaid over or ‘parallel’ to our own. I recognised the street and the local area, but it was somewhat different and was not the 3D Earth that I know. We have a lot to learn. (In this experience we were picked up by an advanced benevolent group. We experienced some sort of travel, that took us to a large ‘glass’ building in a different civilisation. I was taken to a room with a young woman, and we were both given some type of technology – something like a thin, all glass I-pad – and we were left in the room, waiting for someone… then the experience ended, I don’t know what happened next, it seems that I was only allowed to see / remember so much).

There are Hollywood movies and a Netflix series that allude to these ‘overlaid’ / ‘parallel’ realms: ‘Tomorrowland’, ‘Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets’ and ‘Stranger Things’ are some examples… and the movie interstellar makes reference to a fourth dimension (A 4D experience is different to an overlaid / connected realm).

Valerian and Tomorrowland
Stranger Things and Interstellar (More on Stranger Things in the Additional Information section at the end)

I suggest that these ‘demons’ exist very easily in both realms (and old literature on demons greatly supports this), switching between the two realms with ease. Always fully conscious as they make the transition between these connected or ‘overlaid’ realms.

There is a lot of speculation and, what very much looks like, false information online about the ‘astral plane’ and dimensions. I saw a few times it suggested that the ‘astral plane’ is said to inhabited by ‘higher dimensional beings’ – which does not make sense at all, and from what I have seen is absolutely not true! I do not think this overlaid world / astral plane is a ‘higher dimension’. A higher dimensional being in 4D would observe our world, and it would look very strange to them – they would be separate from it. As already mentioned, I should imagine a 4D existence would be very different.

Note: From researching Near Death Experiences, it is obvious that currently when we physically die on 3D Earth we float above our body, and if we do not go straight into the light and tunnel, we can move / float / fly through walls and ceilings with ease. Similarly, if you have an out-of-body experience at night, you usually float up through the ceiling and through walls (I have experienced this). But I have also experienced myself in some of the other realms connected to Earth during the night (they are not 4D) and I was walking on the solid ground and very lucidly touched a wall there that was solid. I could not just walk through it. And as mentioned previously, I have also experienced myself ‘out of body’ at night standing on the floor of my house as well as well as walking through streets of an alternative / overlaid Earth ‘realm’.

Single human Souls being collected and weighed:

It is also important to note that in medieval art, when a ‘demon’ takes a single Soul from a dying body, the Soul is usually shown as a very small human / like a child that is ‘flying’ / ‘floating’ out of the body. But the people taken into Hell or ‘Hellmouth’ in Europe are not these floating, small humans. They can very much look like flesh and blood humans. You can also occasionally see them being rounded up fully clothed in some art. Why these different depictions of the ‘astral’ body / etemmu? Maybe just the imagination of the artists?

Note: Back then, demons collected the human Souls (their less physical bodies) when people died – there was not a ‘white light and tunnel’ mechanism collecting Souls before the 1800s.

Souls being collected by ‘demons’.
Souls being collected by ‘demons’. (This old artwork sometimes illustrates these beings as hairy. As mentioned in my Bipedal Reptilian article, I do not think they were, it was a misinterpretation and or details added by artists that were not there)
3 depictions of a demon taking the Soul of Judas.
The weighing of Souls by Angels and Demons. I do not think this sort of thing was occurring. It was likely something that developed as more wishful thinking. Humans could not possibly know if human ‘angels’ were in anyway interacting with ‘demons’. The demonic non-human force was very likely in total control, and I very much doubt there were any negotiations with human ‘angels’.

You will see in Medieval and Renaissance images of the Hell realms, that ‘Souls’ / Astral Bodies (or Etemmu / Gidim bodies) are depicted as walking on the ground, and they cannot just fly away or walk-through walls – they are trapped and confined in the cavernous hell-like regions. So, looking at all this information there is a lot we do not understand about this topic. It is more complex than we realise, and we have much to learn and understand.

Souls confined to Hell
Souls confined to Hell

Don’t take anything you see from people on-line as accurate when looking at the ‘astral’ topic. There is much we do not understand about the different states of our body and the realms connected to Earth – and there are many misdirecting / subverting, controlled agents online. You will get a lot of totally ridiculous, fantastical, ‘magical’ or psychedelic looking images when looking at the ‘astral’ topic online. This realm – or realms – that some people refer to as ‘astral planes’ – that are connected to Earth – are not ‘magical’ or ‘ethereal’ – they look like Earth! And they can have unpleasant activities occurring and unpleasant entities. We have been very much cut off / disconnected from these realms by malevolent beings for good reason. But the fact I was able to congregate with other humans in a street in this overlaid realm, and for myself and these other people to be collected by a benevolent group / craft there, suggests that this other level of existence / overlaid realm connected to Earth may not be as dangerous as it used to be. (I am doing my best with the terminology related to these ‘other levels’, we don’t really have the words on this planet or the detailed understanding).

Christian / European Hell

  • Visions and Tours
  • Hellmouth
  • Jewish Hell and The Watchers
  • Angels and Archangels
  • Depictions of Hell

Visions and Tours

How did people know what Hell looked like in Europe? As far as I can tell it is mainly from the variety of visions, or metaphysical tours, that saints and regular people were given by ‘angels’. They also had access to more ancient literature and art than us (disastrous reset-related events purposely targeted libraries and galleries), so they would learn more about how Hell was depicted and described by some of the ancient civilisations. (Where these beings ‘angels’, or were these tours a tactic of control carried out by this manipulative non-human force? You will find out the Truth in a following section)

The earliest Christian information on Hell was from apocryphal saints.

The Apocalypse of Paul (Not the same as Coptic Apocalypse of Paul below):

“The Apocalypse of Paul (also Visio Pauli or Ammonitio Pauli) was first written in Greek, probably in the environs of Egyptian monasticism, late in the fourth century. It stands as one of the earliest and most influential tours of Hell, and predates the development of ideas of ‘purgation of sin’ as understood later in the Middle Ages.”

 “In his Apocalypse, ‘Paul’ describes a hell of rivers erupting in flames, a reeking pit for infidels located on the north side of hell, and deadly snowfalls in freezing temperatures that fill the air with the sound of chattering teeth. There are extraordinary amounts of blood, worms (the worst of which, ‘the one that does not sleep’, lies in the north-side pit), animals and avenging angels with torture instruments. The last are led by Tartaruchus (keeper of Tartarus), the angel of torments, head-torturer and supervisor of the Day of Judgement.” – The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke-Hitching.

Note how ‘angels’ are said to be in hell: ‘avenging angels’ and ‘the angel of torments’ – it will correlate with information in further sections.

Coptic Apocalypse of Paul (Estimated Range of Dating: 150-255 A.D.)

The Coptic Apocalypse of Paul is one of the texts of the New Testament apocrypha found in the Nag Hammadi library of Codex V. 

“… in the mid-second century, crude horrors abound, which would have appealed to the members of the then-persecuted sect, reassured by the promise of gruesome post-mortem revenge on their oppressors. Having shown St Peter the paradise kingdom of the virtuous, Christ guides him around an opposing realm of darkness, where offenders are tortured by angels in black robes, where blasphemers are suspended by their tongues over flames and others drown in a flaming lake. Female adulterers are dangled by their hair over boiling dung, while unfaithful males hang upside down with heads submerged in the filth. Murderers are covered in hungry worms and are attacked by evil beings, for the amusement of the souls of their murdered victims, who watch and cheer God’s justice.” The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke-Hitching.

Note, again… ‘tortured by angels’.

The tours and visions continue in the following centuries, some notable ones:

  • In his History of the Franks, Gregory of Tours reports the hell vision of Sunniulf, Abbot of Randau, using the image of hell as a giant beehive of sinners.
  • There are the visions of an Irish preacher named Fursey, relayed by the Venerable Bede (c.673-735).
  • Irish itinerant monk named Brother Marcus, relays a vison from The Knight Tundall (or Tundale). Having fallen unconscious at the dinner table, the knight Tundal spends three days in the infernal realm. (c.1149)
  • The Vision of Thurkill (1206) tells the story of the English ditch-digging peasant Thurkill who is whisked away for a tour of the Other World by St Julian.

(Some people from other countries and religions also had hell journeys / visions – for example, there is one described in the book of Ardā Wīrāz, related to Zoroastrianism)

By the 12th century, hell visions / tours had become a popular literary subject in Europe, gaining the interest of both clerics and regular folk. They seemed to have been accepted as real by most.

In 1149 The Irish Knight Tundale had a seizure and then an out of body experience. He is given a ‘tour’ of Hell by a so called ‘angel’. He witnesses many of the tortures of Hell – and unusually for a vision journey he experiences some of the tortures.

Tundale is depicted as naked below, so as to show us he visited this realm in some type of ‘astral’ body:

Left: Acheron. Right: hybrid dragon. Two images from a 15th century French translation of Tundales ‘vision journey’ called Les Visions du chevalier Tondal – commissioned by Margaret of York

Above Images: The first beast is said to be called Acheron. He was was said to be so vast that thousands of people could fit through his mouth and two ferocious ‘giants’ are impaled on his great teeth, one the right way up and the other upside down (likely some sort of technology), supporting the mouth like pillars. (Tundale very much seems to have encountered ‘Hellmouth’ – more on that later). Souls are funneled into the mouth to receive further tortures.

The second creature is described as a hybrid dragon made of flesh and metal. It is huge, it has wings and has iron and steel claws and an iron nose! The dragon creature sits in the middle of a frozen lake swallowing and regurgitating the damned. (Note how this dragon is said to be made of metal, this prepares you for Part 13 of this series called ‘Mythical Creatures and Advanced Technology’.)

Tundale also said that ‘snakes’ would eat people from inside out, breaking through their skin from inside them. They don’t sound like our organic snakes on the surface!

Some may say that the stories of hell were all just religious people trying to scare and control people. I one hundred percent do not think it was. When you look at all the information from all around the world, and look at the ancient artwork for all around the world, you will not think it was just a few religious people trying to control people – it all goes much deeper than that (no pun intended).


Stradano, Map of Hell + Sandro Botticelli, Map of Hell
Map of Dante’s Inferno from the Dialogue of Antonio Manetti + Michelangelo Caetani, Cross Section of Hell
Close up / zoomed in areas of the Illustration to the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (Abyss of Hell), 1480-1490
Sandro Botticelli

The hell featured in Dante’s poem is a physical, subterranean part of Earth. Situated directly beneath Jerusalem, it takes the form of a giant cone reduced in diameter as it descends towards the centre of the Earth. Above, and in the introduction, we saw diagrams or maps created using Dante’s literature.

“In the construction of the Western image of hell, there is no more significant a figure than Dante Alighieri. The Florentine poet’s 14,233-line narrative poem La divina commedia (The Divine Comedy), written between c.1308 and 1320, envisioned the afterlife with such persuasive, horrific detail that it profoundly shaped the mortal fears of an entire continent…. On a vision journey guided by the classical poet Virgil, Dante must travel down through nine tiers of concentric circle hells of sinners, witnessing their torments – from the circles of the lustful and gluttonous to the lower levels of the heretics and traitors – in Book 1, the Inferno, before explorations of purgatory and paradise can be embarked on.”

Dante’s hell is likely based on much knowledge that he had acquired about hell and the netherworld (Had Dante had his own vision tour by some ‘angels’?). In the 1200s and 1300s there would have been a lot more literature and information available from the preceding centuries – as well as the various testimonies of vision journeys. He would have access to more ancient works…. So much information has been hidden from us now, and reset related events / disasters destroy old texts and art.

Dante’s hell not only correlates with various vision journeys and the apocryphal saints, but also with the description of the underworlds and hells from all over the world. From all religions, as well as ancient civilisations.

Again, there are caverns, layers and zones, demons, strange creatures, various tortures, great suffering, rivers, lava… often there are gates, walls and buildings / cities.

15th Century Illuminations for Dante’s Divine Comedy – Priamo Della Quercia (active 1426-1467):

Dante and Virgil witnessing the gigantic figure of Dis, with his three mouths biting on the sinners Cassius, Judas, and Brutus + Dante and Virgil witnessing the torments of the barterers
Dante and Virgil entering the fourth circle, with Plutus (Pluto), the Avaricious, the Prodigals and the Wrathful + Virgil and Dante entering the eighth circle, that of adulterers, seducers, and flatterers,
Detail of a miniature of Virgil introducing Dante to the poets + Virgil holding Dante’s eyes to prevent him seeing the Gorgon pass, and Virgil and Dante entering the city of Dis
Dante and Virgil encountering a centaur, and the centaur Nessus carrying Dante and Virgil on his back past the lake of boiling blood + Virgil speaking to Geryon, and Dante speaking to three souls standing under a shower of flames in the compartment of the usurers

Note the very reptilian looking ‘demons’ in the artwork above.


“Hellmouth, or the jaws of Hell, is the entrance to Hell envisaged as the gaping mouth of a huge monster, an image which first appeared in Anglo-Saxon art, and then spread all over Europe. It remained very common in depictions of the Last Judgment and Harrowing of Hell until the end of the Middle Ages, and is still sometimes used during the Renaissance and after.” – Wikipedia

In medieval Europe Hellmouth was very regularly illustrated / depicted. Humans (Souls?) are seen being coerced or led into this ‘mouth’ – and demons are also seen coming out of it (Tundale was told by his ‘angelic’ guide that it was called Acheron). The people are often shown to be taken to Hell via this ‘Hellmouth’. I have included a lot of images of it in this post, so as to try and get a good feel for what was occurring. It was significant to the Medieval Europeans, it was firmly in their consciousness, and we get brainwashed naive (and often controlled) academics dismissing it all as ‘symbolic’.

When researching Hellmouth I looked into if it has been used in popular culture (As the people who control the entertainment industry know a lot more than us):

“In Buffy the Vampire, Hellmouth is referred to a sort of portal between Earth and the next dimension. For this reason, the Hellmouth’s area was a hot spot for supernatural activity, sending out mystical energy that affected the nearby population, and attracting supernatural creatures, even when closed.” –

There is a 2014 movie called ‘Hellmouth’. It is about a grave-keeper who is drawn into a hell dimension to save the Soul of a beautiful woman. The cemetery is actually a gateway to hell.

Left: The reptilian looking demon encountered in the film. Right: The cover art for the movie Hellmouth (2014)

We must always think in terms of advanced technology and cosmically knowledgeable non-human extraterrestrials when assessing exactly what the humans were seeing. Knowing what I know about how much advanced technology this non-human force utilises, and how the medieval people could not understand advanced technology, my immediate instinct was that Hellmouth was possibly the door /opening of a large, advanced craft / vehicle.

Then I considered that it was some type of portal. The mouth seems to stay open; it is not shown to shut, you can sometimes see hellish scenes inside it and there is rarely a large ‘beastly body’ depicted behind the mouth (The body is actually shown in some art in part 13 of this series). However, we are shown a ‘head’ and ‘eyes’, and Tundale’s description of Acheron, with so-called ‘giants’ holding up the mouth, and some sharp ‘teeth’, makes it sound more like some type of large vehicle. Are we just seeing the front portion of it – just the large entrance / doorway of a large craft?

Other information discovered, while researching for my ‘Mythological Creatures and Advanced Technology’ article (Part 13 of this series), leads me to believe that Hellmouth was indeed very likely some type of advanced craft that collected people. It was likely experienced / witnessed by some people before, or perhaps at the very beginning of, the medieval period. You will more clearly see what I mean when you read that article.

Why this vehicle (or perhaps ‘device’) seems to have become such a prominent image in Europe and not elsewhere is not entirely clear. Perhaps it was used in some other regions but there are no depictions of it available anymore. Images below are from the 1100s up until sometime in the 1600s (In part 13, there is evidence it was seen collecting people in India as well). This Hellmouth phenomenon may have been something the European people were experiencing in the ‘Dark Ages / very early Middle Ages’ – some time before all this artwork was created. Something had been happening – there is no smoke without fire.

The people in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods of Europe did not know anything about advanced technology, absolutely nothing. Everything would be explained away in a way that was familiar to them and made sense to them. All technology they saw, heard about, or read about (You will see this very clearly in ‘my Mythical Creatures and Technology’ article) had to be organic. Whatever type of technology Hellmouth was, it had to be the mouth of a beast for them to comprehend it.

During a certain period of Europe’s history did people witness people being rounded up and taken into this Hellmouth in dense 3D physical reality? How else would people come to draw it? Humans at that time did not have the ability to access the other realms connected to Earth, so did it occur in our 3D, more physically dense, reality? I am sure this must have been based on what some people saw in dense 3D at some point in Europe’s history. People being rounded up into a large craft? Evidence in Part 13 of this series suggests this may have been the case.

Clothed people rounded up into Hellmouth:

People / Souls being forced into Hellmouth:

It is not totally clear, but it does appear that in medieval and renaissance art a naked human usually represents a person’s ‘Soul’ (perhaps what we would call their ‘astral body’ or the ‘Etemmu / Gidim’). The majority of people seen going into Hellmouth in medieval and renaissance art are naked – and nearly everyone actually in Hell in medieval art and early renaissance art is depicted as being naked (But the very ancient figures in The Underworld are not depicted as naked in paintings).

In the first image you can see open graves with one light coloured Soul protruding from one of the graves. Does this suggest these are Souls?

Hellmouth in Hell (Depositing Souls?):

Sometimes Hellmouth is depicted inside Hell.

Occasionally Hellmouth is depicted with 2, or even 3 heads. In these ones below you can see ‘mythical’ creatures inside the Hellmouths: Dragons to be specific – one regular dragon and one with multiple heads and necks. In part 13 of the series, you will find out how mythical creatures stem from this ‘demonic’ / bipedal reptilian force.

Archangels and Angels

We must remember that there have been various destructive resets and numerous reset-related events on this planet. After these resets subversive rhetoric is introduced into the populations.

Now, let’s pretend that these angels depicted in this old art were actually humans – if they were, they would be advanced humans with metaphysical capabilities – and would have been able to bypass the demonic forces tight control of this planet. I think this is all highly unlikely, as when you study demonology you realise how huge this ‘demonic’ extraterrestrial force was, and how much control they had over Earth and the realms / levels connected to it.

This is a good time to share information on Jewish Hell and the Enochic / Watcher material.

The Watchers are very clearly a part of this non-human demonic force. They are very clearly demons – there is no doubt about it when you study demonology. The Watchers are often described as ‘angelic beings’ watching over humanity.

Jewish Hell and The Watchers:

Though the ancient Israelites / ancient Jews clearly had a great deal of involvement with ‘demons’ and ‘non-human gods’, and there was some level of focus on them by this force, there is no artwork of Hell or The Underworld from the ancient Israelites / Jews. This is probably due to their particularly historical circumstances, as well as the high amounts of destruction and reset-related events on this planet. But we know Christianity was greatly influenced by Jewish scripture / text. The Book of Enoch (also called ‘1 Enoch’) is an ancient Hebrew apocalyptic religious text, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah.

Jewish Hell – Enochic Material (The Watchers etc):

“Writing at least in the second century BCE and probably much earlier, the author of this section [1 Enoch] establishes a vision of Hell and damnation that has haunted Western civilization ever since. Consider that, prior to this, the Jews had a vision of the underworld that was ambiguous at best. Neither Heaven nor Hell precisely, Sheol was a place of dust and darkness, very clearly influenced by the Babylonian and Sumerian visions of the afterlife.

In the Enochic material, the place of punishment is directly referred to as an abyss—at least three centuries before the Book of Revelation was even penned. It is a dark and fiery pit in which sinners are bound, to be released only upon the day of final judgment. The tradition represented by 1 Enoch is almost certainly where we get this familiar vision of Hell. The only difference is in the names of the fallen angels first bound there. In later centuries, we would name the first to fall Lucifer or Satan. In the Enochic tradition, the leaders of the Watchers are the first bound in Hell: Azazel and Shemihazah.” – The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised, Michelle Bellanger (p. 438)

[Azazel and Shemihazah (or Shemyaza) were certainly both demons – Azazel was a particularly prominent one, lots of information about him in Bellanger’s book]

The Watchers depicted as a group of concerned, benevolent old men with wings.

This artist who created that painting above, of The Watchers, has clearly not researched / studied demonology!

Now let’s see how Marvel depicts Azazel, who was one of the most well-known Watchers (a leading ‘angel’). As demonstrated in Parts 11 and Part 13 of this series, Marvel shows us quite a lot of Truth if you pay attention:

Azazel depicted by Marvel. Obviously, he wasn’t quite this human looking – and was a bipedal reptilian – but you get the idea.

Two little snippets of information on Azazel from ‘The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised’:

Azazel is said to be the chief of the Se’irim. In Leviticus 16:8, he is described as dwelling in the desert, haunting the same wild and waste places as the goat-demons themselves.”

Azazel features throughout Jewish folklore. In the Chronicles of Jerahmeel, Azazel appears with the angel Azah (likely an abbreviated form of Shemyaza), where the two are sentenced to be suspended forever between Heaven and Earth for their role in bringing wickedness to the mortal plane. Azazel, however, escapes and remains on earth, unrepentant. As an evil angel bent on leading others astray, he is named in the Haggadah, in Ginsburg’s Legends of the Jews, and in the Midrash of Shemhazai and Aza’el.”

It is not even really up for debate, Archangels (and angels) are ‘demons’ / bipedal reptilians. Below are excerpts of information from The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised, by Michelle Bellanger. All this information comes from a variety of ancients texts on demons – all the characters below are known to be demons:

  • Oriel: A spirit whose name appears in several different places, variously described as a demon, an angel, and sometimes even an archangel (where the spelling of his name is interpreted as a variant of Uriel). In the second book of Trithemius’s Steganographia, he appears as an angel.
  • Abezithibod: A demon who allegedly inhabits the Red Sea. Abezithibod appears to King Solomon in the extra-biblical Testament of Solomon… Abezithibod reveals himself as a rather prideful fellow, demanding special respect from the biblical monarch because he is the spawn of an archangel. He claims that his father is Beelzebub.
  • Ornias is a demon of ambiguous intentions, as he also claims to strangle men who lust after noble virgins, demonstrating a protective, if violent, side. In his first interview with Solomon in the Testament of Solomon, Ornias states, “I am the offspring of the archangel Uriel, the power of God.”
  • Phanuel: In the Ars Theurgia, Phanuel appears among the list of twelve dukes who serve the wandering prince Emoniel. Emoniel and his followers are believed to have a fondness for woodland settings, and they can manifest during the hours of either day or night. As far as the Ars Theurgia is concerned, Phanuel holds dominion over one thousand three hundred and twenty lesser spirits. Phanuel also appears in the Book of Enoch, but here he is ranked as an archangel.
  • Sachiel: In ceremonial magick, Sachiel is often identified as the angel of the planet Jupiter. He appears in this capacity in both the Secret Grimoire of Turiel and the Grimoire of Armadel. In Qabbalistic lore, Sachiel is identified as an archangel of the Cherubim. He is the angel of Thursday, and his name is generally taken to mean “the covering of God.”
  • Samael also appears in the Mathers translation of the Grimoire of Armadel. In keeping with the confusion surrounding this ancient figure, this text also identifies Samael as both a fallen angel and a heavenly being… Curiously, Samael (spelled Simiel) also appears in a list of seven archangels composed by Saint Gregory, who served as Pope Gregory I from 590 until 604.
  • Uriel: In the Ars Theurgia, Uriel makes an appearance as one of the so-called “wandering princes.” In this capacity he is said to have ten chief dukes and one hundred lesser dukes who serve to carry out his wishes. Those of his hierarchy are described as being truculent and evil by nature… Uriel also appears as a demon in Trithemius’s Steganographia. Uriel, of course, is a name that is not typically associated with demonic entities. He is better known as one of the archangels. Uriel appears in the Book of Enoch alongside the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel… Uriel is also identified as an angel in the Testament of Solomon
  • Sariel: One of the fallen angels mentioned in the Book of Enoch. As one of the Watchers, Sariel was entrusted with knowledge of the phases of the moon… Sariel is a night-demon who serves the infernal king Aseliel.

(There is a great deal more evidence in ‘The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised’, that angels were ‘demons’ / part of this ‘demonic’ force)

Do you know who else was described as an angel? Apollyon / Abaddon / Apollon / Apollo was:

Revelation 9:11: “They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.”

Confirmed depictions of Apollyon below… he was an angel.

Left: Apollyon by William Blake — Centre: Christian and Apollyon, on the John Bunyan plinth, Bedford, England — Right: Christian fighting Apollyon, stained glass Robin Chapel, England.
Left: Christian kills Apollyon, Henry Courtney Selous, 1800s. Right: Christian and Apollyon, English School, 1800s

Of course, this story of a Christian killing Apollyon is extremely likely to be made up pacifying and misdirecting rhetoric inserted into the human population.

This image below, showing Apollyon / Abaddon with his ‘locusts’ from an illuminated manuscript, combined with the proceeding quotation is significant.

Apollyon / Abaddon depicted in a 13th century Illuminated Manuscript with his destructive ‘locusts’ – Fifth trumpet of the Apocalypse, France 1220-70. Bib de Toulouse. (In part 13 of this series I will discuss how these ‘locusts’ were technology)

“At the start of the Jewish War, Titus was the general of the Fifteenth Legion. With Apollo as its patron, the Fifteenth Legion was suitably nicknamed Apollinaris, a name meaning “devoted to Apollo.” The Fifteenth Legion would always carry an emblem of Apollo or one of his holy animals wherever it went. Not surprisingly, the locust was one of Apollo’s holy animals.” –

I will discuss how Apollyon was Apollo, as well as some discussion on the other Greek and Roman ‘Gods’, in a future article.

It is very clear after studying demonology, that the so called ‘Watcher Angels’ were ‘demons’ – they were this non-human (bipedal reptilian) space faring force. All angels, in Truth, were all extremely likely to be ‘Demons’, and the Truth about them was lost over time, after many destructive resets and reset-related events.

The medieval people were very brainwashed and mind controlled – they imagined angels to be something quite different.

The first image showing an Angel leading people out of Hellmouth (From the Hours of Catherine of Cleves). The second image is a 12th century image titled An Archangel Locks the Hellmouth.
This image is showing leaders and nobility being taken. You can some angels here as well.

Jesus saving people (Below Images): There are medieval depictions of Jesus saving some people from Hellmouth. There are also medieval images of him inside the Hell leading some people out. Was this wishful thinking by the people of that time? I very much think so.

The people of that time seemed to have the idea of Jesus or ‘angels’ saving them from Hell inserted into their consciousness. Which was very likely some type of pacifying rhetoric to placate and soothe the people.

After each reset this non-human force would very likely insert various subversive narratives into human civilisations.

Archangel Michael:

We have also have ‘Archangel Michael’ depicted so many times – and in a great many ways. It is said that after a brutal war with the Archangel Michael and his ‘angelic’ army, Lucifer (or Satan) and his troops / angels were forced down into Hell. Down into the inside of the Earth, where they supposedly lost their ‘angelic’ form:

Dragons are massively associated with his non-human force. I will show you in Part 13 of this series – which analyses the information we have on mythical creatures – that dragons were actually technology used by this non-human force. The term dragon could be used for various mythical creatures (all were technology), but the dragons mentioned in the passage below are likely referring to the very large flying ones see in the skies in bygone eras – which were advanced craft.

Lucifer led a great host of angels to join him in the rebellion. “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven” (Revelation 12:7,8).

The devil and his angels were defeated and cast out of heaven. “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” (Isaiah 14:12).

Note: You can see that Lucifer or The Devil are said to control or lead angels. Because angels are just ‘demons’ (bipedal reptilians). And also note that ‘Morning star’ is another name for Lucifer.

“Lucifer was once the foremost angel in Heaven, second only to God himself. He was known as the Light-Bearer and the Morning Star…” – The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised, M Bellanger.

Some passages talk of Satan rather than Lucifer – it doesn’t matter, it is all just subversive rhetoric inserted into human civilisations by the non-human (reptilian) force.

“Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” Revelation 12:7-9 –

“Hurl’d headlong flaming from th’ Ethereal Sky / With hideous ruin and combustion down / To bottomless perdition, there to dwell / In Adamantine chains and penal Fire.’ For nine days they tumble through Chaos, until: ‘Hell at last / Yawning receiv’d them whole, and on them clos’d, / Hell their fit habitation fraught with fire / Unquenchable, the house of woe and pain.’ They crash into a burning lake, and on emerging from the sulphurous flames discover they have lost both their angelic form and their heavenly surroundings, instead finding: ‘A Dungeon horrible, on all sides round / As one great Furnace flam’d, yet from those flames / No light, but rather darkness visible / Serv’d only to discover sights of woe.” Paradise Lost, John Milton

These ‘demons’ did not lose their so-called ‘human angelic form’! These ‘demons’ are not fallen ‘human angels’! They are the most manipulative, deceptive and psychopathic extraterrestrials you will likely ever come across... Angels and archangels were demons / bipedal reptilians.

I believe there was likely a war in ‘heaven’ (the upper atmosphere and space) at some point in the planet’s distant history, involving advanced technology – a long time ago. I think we are talking about quite a few thousands of years ago (but very likely not as long ago as they want us to believe) – between this non-human invading force and the ancient White human giants that dominated this planet and the solar system (It is likely that the Chinese, and Japanese giants in East Asia, as well as the Southern Asian giants and their blue-skinned friends fought against this non-human force as well). The human giants were very likely on Mars as well. But the human giants lost, they very clearly lost this battle. Look at all the destruction on this planet: So many melted and vitrified buildings and desert ‘rock formations’ – as well as the mud flooded buildings – and then look at Mars with all the scarring of the surface, the ruins, and the vast desert created.

Lucifer and these ‘demons’ (reptilians) did not get banished to this planet by human angels, they did not get forced down onto this planet by human ‘archangels’ / a human space faring force. That is totally absurd when you look at the evidence. This non-human force very likely came here a long time ago, defeated whatever defences these ancient White giants had (and the other giants as well), neutralised the energy harnessing networks and then took over our planet – and many of them took up residence inside our planet (as well as likely all other parts of the solar system) – and they moulded this planet and the people to satiate and fulfil their wants and needs. Psychopathic, narcissistic, sociopathic parasites.

The people wanted it to be true. They wanted to believe in a human ‘Archangel Michael’. They also wanted to believe that Jesus went into Hell and rescued people. They also wanted to believe that human ‘angels’ might rescue them from hell. That these imagined winged-humans might be saving people. I do not think it was happening. It was extremely likely to be wishful thinking – and subversive pacifying rhetoric inserted into the consciousness of the people.

I think the story of Archangel Michael was either completely made-up rhetoric inserted into the consciousness of the human population by the non-human force. Or the Archangel Michael story was an ancient tale about a ‘demon’ / one of this non-human force. Perhaps some sort of battle between two different non-human (bipedal reptilian) groups / factions. You will also notice, if you study demonology, that a lot of demon’s names end in an ‘el’ (often ‘ael’ or ‘iel’)…. especially the demons that are archangels.

Europeans depicted some battles in the skies of Europe between advanced craft in the 1500s. I showed this very clearly in my Comets article. We do not know who was involved in these battles: Infighting between different factions of this non-human force / empire? There did also seem to be some battles in very ancient times between the ‘gods’ and this non-human force. Certainly, in very ancient India, there are surviving stories of battles between the southern Asian giant’s ‘gods’ (Krishna etc) and another force – which are documented in their ancient texts (The tall Indian people back then – South Asian Giants – are not the same genetic stock as the people who are there now).

Update: After further research / analysis, it is clear that this reptilian force did not come to Earth and take over the human giant’s Old World civilisation. The Bipedal Reptilians have always been in control of humans – ruling them and directing them. All evidence I have seen points to the Bipedal Reptilians creating humans – genetic engineering. It is likely that the ‘fall of Lucifer’, and these battles described, refer to one advanced reptilian group warring against another advanced reptilian group. There is more evidence and discussion related to this in the proceeding article, and in some of the comment sections in this series.

‘Angels’ rescuing people from Hell:

The first two images are from the Book of Hours France, Bourges, ca. 1473 Purgatory — Left: Angels lift souls from flaming tower in which are other souls amid flames (fire of purification) Centre: Two angels carry two souls to heaven. Right: Image has no source information, but it is from some type of illuminated manuscript.

Images Above: These first two images are angels taking people out of the fire of purification in Hell. From looking at various translations I believe this shows the belief that angels would collect the Souls and take them to heaven after they had been purified by the tortures of Hell, and specifically after the fire of purification. I do not think this ‘angel’ collection was something people were witnessing and experiencing though – how could anyone on the dense 3D Earth realm possibly even know? I very much doubt anything like this occurred, it is very likely wishful thinking and pacifying rhetoric created by humanities controllers. Especially as the evidence very strongly suggests that angels were a part of this non-human force (a type of bipedal reptilian).

Christian (European) Depictions of Hell

Many of these images come from ‘Last Judgement’ paintings. A great amount of these paintings were created in the late medieval and renaissance period.

The Last Judgement, fresco painting, by Giotto
The Inferno, Basilica di San Petronio, Bologna – Giovanni da Modena 1410
Medieval illustration of Hell in the Hortus Deliciarum Manuscript of Herrad of Landsberg (About 1180) + Detail from The Last Judgement by Fra Angelics (1431)
Limbourg brothers, Hell Les Tres Riches Heures – a prayer book of the Duc de Berry, Mouth of Hell, c. 1150. From Winchester Psalter manuscript + another image of Hell by the Limbourg brothers from around the same time.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Français 96, detail of f. 61. Histoire de Merlin. Poitiers, 1450-1455. Artist Master of Adelaide of Savoy + From The French Translation Of ‘De Civitate Dei’ By St. Augustine Of Hippo (354-430) 15th C. French School
Second Coming, by G.Klontzas (16th century)
The Last Judgement by Georgios Klontzaz (16th century)
Last Judgement and Hell
c.1335–1340, fresco by Buonamico Buffalmacco (c.1315–1336) (This image appears to have been somewhat colourised, the actual painting on site is less vibrant)
This Russian Christian painting shows us the different tortures in the different regions of Hell.

European Depictions of The Underworld (Old World Buildings):

In the late Middle Ages and renaissance period various paintings of The Underworld were created illustrating ancient underworld journeys. Note all the Old-World buildings we see depicted in The Underworld / large underground cavernous regions. Most of these images below are not the full painting, but are cropped details from them.

Jacob Isaacsz, van Swanenburg (1571- 1638), Sibyl and Aeneas in the Underworld with Charon’s Boat (Detail / Crop)
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld (c.1630) by Jan Brueghel the Younger, inspired by the work of Jan Brueghel the Elder. (Detail / Crop)
Jan Brueghel – Orpheus in the Underworld (1594) (Detail / Crop)
Aeneid: Aeneas descends into Avernus (The Underworld), Niccolo’ dell’Abate (1509 -1571)

Buildings depicted in general Hell / Underworld paintings in late Middle Ages and Renaissance periods in Europe:

Jacob van Swanenburg (1571 – 1638) a crop / detail of one of his works on Hell / The Underworld.

I am sure you get the idea, the ancient people understood that there were buildings and cities inside The Underworld and in Hell.

Other Hells and Underworlds:

Images and brief overviews of Hells and Underworlds:

  • Hindu Hell India
  • Jainism Hell India
  • Chinese Buddhist Hell
  • Japanese Buddhist Hell
  • Islamic Hell
  • Zoroastrian Afterworlds
  • Meso-american Underworlds
  • Hades
  • Hel: The Norse Underworld
  • Ancient Egyptian Duat
  • Kur Netherworld of Ancient Mesopotamia
  • Hittite Netherworld

Like in my Bipedal Reptilian article (Part 11), you will again see that the Asian people were more likely to depict demons as more human looking. Remember, no one was coming back from Hell with descriptions, so artists based their illustrations on old legends. Truths were lost over time.

Indian Hell / Underworld

Sins and Subsequent Punishments in Hell (Naraka)

“The Garuda Purana, a Hindu holy text and one of the Vishnu Puranas, details the experiences of the soul after death. Of particular interest to our purposes are the descriptions of the states between death and rebirth, where the souls of sinners are tortured in the realm of Yama, god of death:

“Some of the sinful are cut with saws, like firewood, and others thrown flat on the ground, are chopped into pieces with axes. Some, their bodies half-buried in a pit, are pierced in the head with arrows. Others, fixed in the middle of a machine, are squeezed like sugar-cane. Some are surrounded closely with blazing charcoal, enwrapped with torches, and smelted like a lump of ore.” The pain and misery visited upon unworthy souls in Yama’s realm would be perfectly at home in any Christian vision of Hell, with one salient exception: Yama’s torture is reparative, meaning that it is intended to help souls let go of their flaws before they are subsequently released for rebirth. Unlike the Christian concept of damnation, the suffering inflicted in this Hindu vision of Hell is temporary.” – The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised, Michelle Belanger


Patala – Seven Levels of the Underworld. (Note the bipedal reptilian beings in the 4th level of hell)

“In Indian religions, Patala (that which is below the feet), denotes the subterranean realms of the universe – which are located under the earthly dimension. Patala is often translated as underworld or netherworld. Patala is described as more beautiful than Svarga (subtle dimensions, loosely translated as heaven). Patala is described as filled with splendid jewels, beautiful groves and lakes.

In Hindu cosmology, the universe is divided into the three worlds: Svarga, Prithvi or Martya (earth/mortal plane) and Patala (gross dimensions, the underworld). Patala is composed of seven realms/dimensions or lokas, the seventh and lowest of them is also called Patala or Naga-loka, the region of the Nagas. The Danavas (demon sons of Danu), Daityas (demon sons of Diti), Yakshas and the snake-people Nagas (Serpent-human formed sons of Kadru), live in the realms of Patala.”


Seven Levels of Hell and the different punishments encountered in each zone.

China – Buddhist Hell

Left: Yama, Lord of Death, gripping the Bhavacakra, the Wheel of Life, an illustration of the Buddhist cycle of life, death and rebirth. Right: The World God Rakshasa tsakli – A Buddhist Initiation Painting from the Yuan Court (1271-1368)

(It seems Yama, The Lord of Death, is referred to in both Hinduism and Buddhism.)

Diyu (“earth prison”) is the realm of the dead or “hell” in Chinese mythology. It is loosely based on a combination of the Buddhist concept of Naraka, traditional Chinese beliefs about the afterlife, and a variety of popular expansions and reinterpretations of these two traditions…. Diyu is typically depicted as a subterranean maze with various levels and chambers, to which souls are taken after death to atone for the sins they committed when they were alive. The exact number of levels in Diyu and their associated deities differ between Buddhist and Taoist interpretations. Some speak of three to four “courts”; others mention “Ten Courts of Hell”, each of which is ruled by a judge (collectively known as the Ten Yama Kings); other Chinese legends speak of the “Eighteen Levels of Hell”. Each court deals with a different aspect of atonement and different punishments; most legends claim that sinners are subjected to gruesome tortures until their “deaths”, after which they are restored to their original state for the torture to be repeated.” – Source

Japan – Buddhist Hell

Jigoku, in Japanese Buddhism, hell, a region popularly believed to be composed of a number of hot and cold regions located under the Earth. Jigoku is ruled over by Emma-ō, the Japanese lord of death, who judges the dead by consulting a register in which are entered all of their sins.

Islamic Hell


“As well as the descriptions of hell as a living creature, we have the detailed geographical depictions of Jahannam as a netherworld crater of concentric circles composed of these aforementioned regions on the underside of the flat Earth. One relevant passage is verse 15:43-44 of the Qur’an: ‘And verily, Hell is the promised abode for them all. It has seven gates: to each of those gates is a specific class of sinners assigned.’… Qadi Ayyad takes this detail of seven gates farther and identifies them by name, as well as the infernal department locked behind each one.” The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke Hitching.

(Note: Just because some highly manipulative non-human / reptilian ‘gods’ taught some people in the middle east that the Earth was flat does not mean it is.)

Muhammed visiting Hell and witnessing the punishment by demons.
Muhammed visiting Hell and witnessing the punishment by demons.
An Islamic painting in the style of a Christian ‘Last Judgement’ painting.

Notice that the Hellmouth in this Islamic painting is depicted with a ‘body’ behind the mouth. Some Asian artwork in Part 13 of this series also shows a ‘body’.

Zoroastrian Hell

Parchment painting of the Zoroastrian religion (or Mazdean) representing the duality between the good (god Ahura Mazda) and evil (Ahriman), here in the version Paradise and Hell; the souls of humans being devoured and tortured by demons, snakes and scorpions on one side; on the other, welcomed in the light with the sun (created before the sixteenth century).
The unbearable hellish tortures that await violators of Zoroastrian law, according to the ancient Persian prophet Zarathustra and described in the Book of Ardā Wīrāz, (This copy thought to date from the year 1589).

“A graphic tour of hell is provided by the author of the Book of Ardā Wīrāz, an account of a dream journey that is thought to have been composed sometime during the period of the Sasanian Empire (224 – 651). Having been shown paradise by Ahura Mazda, Ardā Wīrāz is then led on a journey through hell to glimpse the punishments inflicted on the damned, and at one point he spots Alexander the Great, who for his conquests of Persia has been condemned to the hell described as a deep well – dark, stinking and claustrophobically narrow. Xrafstars (hell creatures) are reported to be as tall as mountains, feasting on the souls of the damned.”– The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke-Hitching.

Mesoamerican Hell / Underworld

Aztec (Mictlan):

“In Aztec (also called Mexica) cosmology, the soul’s journey to the Underworld after death leaves them with four destinations: the Sacred Orchard of the Gods, the Place of Darkness, the Kingdom of the Sun, and a paradise called the Mansion of the Moon. The most common deaths end up on their way to Mictlán (Place of Darkness) with its nine levels, crashing mountains and rushing rivers, and four years of struggle. This pantheon of gods and goddesses and the expanse of the 13 Heavens provides the cultural basis for the Day of the Dead customs and celebrations.”

The 9 Layers of the Underworld – from the Codex Vaticanus-Latinus
Page 52 of the Codex Borgia, depicting Mictlampa, the northern hemisphere of Mictlan, the Aztec Underworld. The Codex Borgia is a Mesoamerican ritual and divinatory manuscript believed to have been written before the Spanish conquest of Mexico + An image of the death god Mictlantecuhtli the ruler of Mictlan.

Mayan (Xibalba):

“Below the earth lurk nine layers of underworlds, an idea one can see represented in the nine tiers of the enormous stone pyramids built as tombs for Mayan kings, like the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque, Temple I at Tikal and the Pyramid of Kukulcán at Chichen Itza. Each cosmic level was populated by colourful figures from their polytheistic pantheon of at least 166 named gods. The most significant of these gods are the Maker, the Begetter, the Maker of the Blue-Green Plate, and the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, who all play a part in the creation of the Earth. But the most feared are the Lords of the underworld Xibalba (pronounced ‘Shee-bal-ba’), as the K’iche’ Maya named it, which literally translates to Place of Fright, a subterranean landscape featuring a court of twelve death gods. We learn of this from the Popol Vuh (Book of the People), a narrative originally of oral tradition that was transcribed in 1550….

Roamed by demonic predators, Xibalba is a vast land from which there is no escape. The Popol Vuh reveals it to be a giant city of deception and trickery – just travelling to its outskirts involved overcoming a series of booby traps. First one has to cross a river of scorpions, then a thick river of blood, then an oozing river of pus. Farther on, the traveller must navigate a crossroads of four roads, which each speak aloud to lead one astray. Finally, the visitor reaches the council place of Xibalba, where protocol dictates he or she must greet the seated Lords.” The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke-Hitching.

Ancient Greek Underworld (Hades)

Orpheus in the Underworld , Jan Brueghel 1594 – detail

“For the intrepid explorer of Hades, there are different regions to investigate: Tartarus is reserved for the worst transgressors; the Elysian Fields (explored further on page 168) is the paradise destination for only the most virtuous; the Lugentes Campi (Fields of Mourning) were home to those who wasted away their lives on unrequited love; and the Asphodel Meadows are for average or indifferent souls who never committed any serious crimes, but who also are not remarkable enough for admittance to the Elysian Fields.

Having crossed the Styx, one encounters a wild array of beasts patrolling the area before the main doors, including centaurs, Scylla, Briareus, the Gorgons, the Lernaean Hydra, Geryon, the Chimera and harpies. And then there is the most notorious of all, Kerberos (Cerberus in Latin), the ferocious, many-headed hellhound guarding the entrance. Should you successfully navigate these wardens, then you finally – and rather underwhelmingly considering the trouble you’ve gone to – reach the house of Hades itself, a joyless labyrinth of dark, cold halls, surrounded by locked gates.” The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke-Hitching.

Charon ferries a soul across the River Styx from purgatory to paradise, with hell and its ominous entrance archway in the upper-right quarter, by Joachim Patinir (1500s) – Note: Charon is depicted as a human in this painting, unlike the two previous images of Charon in this article, where he was depicted as a ‘demon’.

Norse Underworld

In Norse mythology it says there nine worlds which are distributed in the tree called Yggdrasil. These worlds are Asgard, Midgard, Helheim, Niflheim, Muspellheim, Svartalfheim, Alfheim, Vanaheim and Jötunheim:

Norse Underworld…. Svartalfheim: Home of the Dark Elves — Hel: The Land of the Dead — Niffleheim: Frozen Realm of the Dishonoured Dead — Muspelheim: The Land of the Fire Demons

People have created these strange diagrams above from the very limited information we have from the time of the Norse ‘gods’. You will never truly understand what they were talking about until you understand that the Earth is indeed far more vast than we surface dwellers realise. Huge caverns in the crust contained in the various layers, linked by tunnels and smaller caverns – and beyond this complex honeycombed crust there is the lushly vegetated hollow centre with the central sun / atoma.

“The base of Yggdrasil is the home of the Underworld realms of Hel/Helheimr and Niflheim/Niflheimr. Hel was the Land of the Dead, ruled by the goddess Hel, daughter of Loki. When humans were not accepted to Valhalla or Fólkvangr, they went to Hel’s hall Elivdnir. Niflheim was a place of Ice and Fog, the lowest of the nine realms, and has been associated with the region of Hel.”

“… Nidavellir or Svartalfheim was probably thought of as a labyrinthine, subterranean complex of mines and forges.”

“The Scandinavian and Germanic peoples envisioned the world as an immense yew or ash tree, the limbs and roots of which spread into a variety of realms or planes of existence. The World Tree, Yggdrasil, plunged its deep roots into several subterranean kingdoms, which all bordered a vast primordial void called Ginnungagap. One root of Yggdrasil led into Niflheim, the land of the dead. As in the Greek underworld, many waters flowed out from the depths and into the human world; in Niflheim it was the spring/river Hvergelmir (meaning ‘roaring cauldron’), which boiled and churned relentlessly. The 11 tributaries of the Hvergelmir emptied into the central void of Ginnungagap. The second of Yggdrasil’s roots found its way into the lands of the gods, Asgard and Vanaheim. While often pictured as a land high in Yggdrasil’s branches, this realm was a subterranean one as well. In fact, the only world of Norse cosmology that is not in some sense subterranean is that of Midgard (middle earth), the surface world. Bifrost, the ‘rainbow bridge’, stretched from Midgard across Ginnungagap into Asgard.

In the Elder Edda, Odin says: ‘No one has ever known or will ever know the vastness of the roots of that ancient tree.’ This is a reference not only to the created world and heavens, but also to the root-like cavern system beneath the surface world. Also issuing from the depths of the World Tree was the titanic world-serpent or ouroboros which encircled the earth and held its tail in its teeth. It was called ‘the girdle of the world’, and its writhings beneath the sea were one of the sources of storms and earthquakes. The main entrance to the subterranean realms lay in the north. Similarly, the Greeks believed that one of the entrances to Tartarus lay beyond Hyperborea, and the entrance to the Finnish underworld lay north of Lapland, where the earth and sky met.” –

Loki and his daughter Hel:

Loki is a ‘trickster’ god. Which is pretty much like a codeword that says he is connected to (a part of) this non-human ‘demonic’ / reptilian force. Loki was said to responsible for Baldur’s death and Loki’s hideous, unfeeling daughter rules over ‘Hel’ / the Underworld.

“In Norse belief, giants such as Rán are the great nemeses of the gods, and it is this enmity that will one day instigate Ragnarök, a cataclysmic battle between the two sides that the gods were expected to lose. (Although, as with most apocalyptic predictions, when it came to pinning down exactly when this would happen details were a little hazy.) Rán and her subaquatic kingdom of the dead had a counterpart in the goddess Hel, unfeeling daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboða, with her siblings being the monstrous wolf Fenrir and the giant Midgard Serpent. Hel presided over a subterranean netherworld that shared her name. (‘Hel’ is etymologically related to the Old English ‘hell’, as both terms derive from the Proto-Germanic feminine noun xaljō (concealed place, the underworld) from which we can also trace Valhalla (hall of the slain) and indeed the Modern English word ‘hall’.) ‘She is half blue-black and half flesh-colour (by which she is easily recognised),’ the Prose Edda tells us, ‘and very lowering and fierce.’”

Loki and his daughter Hel were very likely both a part of this non-human force. Likely both bipedal reptilians… You must remember that large resets have occurred – Ragnarök itself was one of them (more on Ragnarök in Part 13) – which wiped out the vast majority of recorded history at certain points.

Look at the image below and see how Loki is depicted in the 18th century Icelandic manuscript of the Prose Edda. He has a hideous face. Compare it to Heimdall. Why is Loki depicted like this? The people in the 1700s knew more than us. Though they have not shown a truly accurate depiction, they have shown us that he looked different / non-human (We know from Part 11 of this series that bipedal reptilians were depicted / illustrated as ugly humans on various occasions throughout the world).

Images Below: Look at how Loki is depicted in the (((entertainment industry))) run by elite jews and Freemasons who have access to hidden information. He is usually shown with a malevolent demeanour, in green clothes, and with two horns coming out the front of his head. Not the side of his head, like Vikings, but out the front like a demon. Significantly, in the Marvel movies Loki leads the Chitauri (reptilian like beings) in battle against Earth / Humans (Chitauri is said to be the ancient African name for the bipedal reptilian beings some of their ancestors encountered).

Loki is also said to be the ‘father’ of the monstrous wolf Fenrir and the giant Midgard Serpent. The Wolf and Serpent will be vehicles / technology / robotics – they were not organic creatures. He would have created them, and or had control over them, that is why they were referred to as his ‘children’. Mythical creatures / animals are nearly always technology. Part 13 of this series will discuss this. Again, Loki was almost certainly not a human, but one of this non-human force.

Wolf Fenrir and The Giant Midgard Serpent and Hel. All said to be Loki’s children – but more accurately we should say that the Wolf Fenrir and The Giant Midgard Serpent are his creations.

Egyptian Afterlife / Underworld / Hell (Duat)

“The souls of dead Egyptians had to battle their way through the twelve chambers of hell, overcoming demons and monsters, crossing over lakes of fire, and finding their way past gates guarded by fire-breathing serpents. The path through the afterlife was violent, brutal, and dangerous. They could be killed in hell, and a death there meant an eternity in oblivion.

If they made it through unscathed, they would meet their judgement day. They would stand trial before the gods, who weigh their hearts against the weight of a feather. The worthy might go on to paradise, or even become a god – but the unworthy would have their hearts cast to the demons, torn to shreds, and devoured.

Passing Through the Twelve Chambers:

The ferry, though, would take them through Duat, a land full of gods, demons, and monsters, many of which were out to kill the soul that tried to pass through. These creatures would prey on the souls of the dead, who had to fight them off with magic and weapons, and so the dead Egyptians were often buried with spells and amulets to help them stay in the netherworlds.

To make their way through Duat, they would pass through twelve impenetrable gates lined with sharp spears and guarded by snakes who breathed venom and fire. The only way to pass through was to say the names of the guardians. Many kings would be buried with these names, lest they forget.”

In the collection of documents known widely as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, one of the punishments of undeserving souls involves immersion in a lake of fire (lava). Every Hell seems to have some sort of lake of fire, even the Ancient Egyptian one.

One of the coffins of Gua, physician to the governor Djehutyhotep, dated to 1795 BC. The painted floor shows the ‘two ways’ of land and sea that the dead could take to reach the afterlife. The twisting lines form a map of the underworld to help the deceased reach the afterlife. A false door was also included, to allow the ka (spirit) of the dead to escape.
Descent into the realm of the dead, wall decoration, Tomb of Thutmose III + The journey of the solar boat of Ra through the gates of the netherworld and its deities — from a 4th century BC sarcophagus
Book of the Dead of Hori – non-human creatures guarding the netherworld (Cleveland Museum of Art) + depiction of Egyptian Underworld (unknown source)
An ancient Egyptian papyrus depicting the journey into the afterlife. Officially entitled Guide to the Afterlife for the Custodian of the Property of the Amon Temple Amonemwidja with Symbolic Illustrations Concerning the Dangers in the Netherworld.

Netherworld of Sumeria / Ancient Mesopotamia (Kur)

“The heavens were home to the gods alone – the dead travelled instead to a dark, colourless netherworld known by many names: in Sumerian it is called Kur, Irkalla, Kukku, Arali or Kigal; in Akkadian it is Erṣetu. Metaphysically, Kur is far away; physically, it was thought to lie in a cavern a short distance below the world’s surface. It is referred to as the ‘land of no return’, and the ‘house which none leaves who enters’, and is imagined as a giant house of dust. Dust cakes its doors, its buildings and bolts, and indeed dust is the only food and drink available to the dead.” – The Devil’s Atlas, Edward Brooke-Hitching.

“The ruler of the underworld was the goddess Ereshkigal, who lived in the palace Ganzir, sometimes used as a name for the underworld itself. Her husband was either Gugalanna, the “canal-inspector of Anu“, or, especially in later stories, Nergal, the god of war. After the Akkadian Period (c. 2334–2154 BC), Nergal sometimes took over the role as ruler of the underworld. The seven gates of the underworld are guarded by a gatekeeper, who is named Neti in Sumerian. The god Namtar acts as Ereshkigal’s sukkal, or divine attendant. The dying god Dumuzid spends half the year in the underworld, while, during the other half, his place is taken by his sister, the scribal goddess Geshtinanna, who records the names of the deceased. The underworld was also the abode of various demons, including the hideous child-devourer Lamashtu, the fearsome wind demon and protector god Pazuzu, and galla, who dragged mortals to the underworld.”

Sometimes this relief below is said to depicting Ishtar / Inanna, but more often it is said to be showing Erishkigal. Innana (Ishtar) and Erishkigal were sisters, so it is not that important – they would have looked very similar. We can see Erishkigal or Innana’s reptilian feet. From the remnants of paint found during the initial discovery of this reflief it is known that the figure was painted red. A naked red figure with wings and reptilian feet… Erishkigal and Innana / Ishtar were ‘demons’ / bipedal reptilians.

Erishkigal (or Innana / Ishtar)

The Underworld was apparently the abode of both Pazuzu and Lamashtu. Two familiar faces for those of you who have read part 11 of this series:

Left: Pazuzu. Right: Lamashtu (The daughter of Anu).

Hittite Netherworld

This is information from a video released in 2021 – (Cosmic Symbolism at Hittite Yazilikaya) – which relays information from a modern study of the Hittite carvings in Hattusa. Some Swiss academics deciphered the carvings in the region and found that the Hittites also believed in an Underworld / Netherworld. And we can see from the evidence below that they knew non-human beings / ‘demons’ were involved (it is very likely all the underground beings were non-human). Here are some screen-grabs from the video with some entities highlighted.

Hittite Netherworld – The non-human guardians in the top corners highlighted.
Netherworld Guardians
Left: One of the guardians. Right: The two demons / devils shown to be holding up The Moon
Two devils / demons holding up The Moon in the centre

We assume that the people in this civilisation who created these carvings were actually seeing these beings and depicting them from their own experience and viewing of them. But it is likely a similar set of circumstances as during the medieval period: Information passed down – legends and stories told by others. There have been so many reset-related events. You can just look at the absolute state of the regions where all the Hittite carvings are found… that civilisation was obliterated and melted down like so many others have been.

Nergal, the king of the Hittite (and Akkadian) Underworld was known as: The ‘god’ of war, disease and death. He sounds like all the other demons and non-human ‘gods’ from Part 11 of this series. Below we can see what looks like a strange ugly ‘man’ with horns coming out the top of his head, who has cerberus on a lead. The ‘man’ certainly looks non-human. To me it looks like Nergal is Hades, and that is Persephone in the background to the right. Persephone was also known as Prosperine or Kore – and she was known as a demon or she-devil, as shown in the additional information section at the end of this article. Hades was depicted as non-human in some artwork in medieval Europe.

Nergal, the Ruler / King of the Hittite and Mesopotamian and Underworlds – ancient carving from Hatra, Iraq depicting Nergal.

This relief above is actually referred to as Heracles-Nergal in academic papers. In her paper titled “My Lord With His Dogs”, Lucinda Dirven says: “A great many of these shrines are centred around the cult of a Herakles-figure, who was worshipped in Hatra under the name of Nergal.” (Heracles or Herakles, the son of Zeus)

Portrayed in hymns and myths as a god of war and pestilence… Nergal evolved from a war god, to a god of the underworld. In the mythology, this occurred when Enlil and Ninlil gave him the underworld (Enlil and the Anunnaki are this reptilian force, we know this for sure, as the demon ‘reptilian’ Lamashtu is Anu’s daughter, shown in part 11 of this series).

Combining this information above on Heracles / Nergal, with the other information in this series on Apollo, Hades / Pluto and Persephone/ Prosperine / Kore (and The Watchers) we are starting to see a pattern. Who were all these Greek and Roman ‘gods’ and ‘divine heroes’ really? It looks like they were this reptilian force – that they were not human.

Such a lot of subversive information has been inserted into the consciousness of human populations after the various reset events.

After seeing this I investigated the Hittite carvings further. I found a very thorough website – – which had many photographs of carvings from various Hittite sites. There are so many carvings of ‘demons’ and non-human gods / goddesses / deities at these Hittite sites. This is just a small selection.

Hittie Carvings / Reliefs. Right: Demons / Devils, and ‘bird’ headed and ‘lion’ headed beings from Aindara. Centre: A diety from Karatepe. Right: Some sort of – clearly reptilian – deity from Tellhalaf.

The central figure above has the large penis hanging down, which we saw in depictions of non-human ‘gods’ and demons in Part 11 of this series. For example, the ancient drawing of Yahweh also had one hanging down. If you don’t think that central figure is actually a depiction of a bipedal reptilian, I have provided some evidence for you in the images below (I never thought I would ever be presenting information about extra-terrestrial / alien penises! It is a surreal moment for me, but patterns and correlations lead to Truth.)

A reminder of the Yahweh illustration on an ancient piece of pottery – discussed in Part 11 of this series + A sculpture from pre-Colombus Colombia (Tairona culture) of a reptilian.
Hittite carvings: Bird headed, lion headed and goat legged demons / deities at Karagamis
Hittite carvings: A Devil / Demon + ‘animal’ headed, and ‘lion’ headed deities at Allepo.
Hittite carvings: Two clearly reptilian deities and a ‘lion / cat’ headed figure at Zincirli.

These are the same sort of beings that we see in carvings found in various parts of ancient Mesopotamia (Sumeria etc) and similar to many found in ancient Egypt. Remember that there is lots of evidence from Part 11 of this series that horned beings with goat legs are in fact skewed / misinterpreted depictions of a type of bipedal reptilian being. As demonstrated very clearly in the ancient Mesopotamian depictions of Enkidu below. We also saw that the cat faced bipeds were in fact a type of bipedal reptilian being.

Enkidu depicted in two different ancient Mesopotamian carvings. One artist showing him as a hoofed being with horns – the other artist showing him as a bipedal reptilian.
Ancient Mesopotamia: Pazuzu was depicted with a lion head by a few artists (shown in the image on the left) – but most depictions of him very clearly show he was a bipedal reptilian (shown in the central images and the image on the right, which also shows scales on the body).

We had pretty much the same thing occur with depictions of Apollyon in Europe. Most depictions show him as bipedal reptilian, but a few show him with a lion’s head. This one shown below shows him with a lion’s head, but still depicts scales on the body. Lion headed humanoids were bipedal reptilians. It is also very likely that the bird headed humans displayed above were also bipedal reptilians. There were / are various types of reptilians in their empire.

Four images of Apollyon. Left: With a lion’s head… And the three others as a bipedal reptilian.

Concluding Thoughts

Hopefully you can see that the ancient Underworlds are all described in extraordinarily similar ways – and hopefully you can also see that all the Hells, from all religions, are also all extremely similar. The demons may be illustrated slightly differently by each culture (none of the artists would have actually visited hell), but all these Underworlds and Hells were so similar:

  • Cavernous, rocky and dusty regions.
  • Rivers of water.
  • Lakes of ‘fire’ (lava).
  • Hot regions.
  • Icy cold regions.
  • Various levels, realms and gates.
  • Each level or realm having different brutal tortures, as well as traps and hidden dangers.
  • Walls, gates, buildings and cities encountered.
  • Non-human entities guarding and controlling each gate, realm or level.
  • Judgement by a non-human ‘god’.
  • Strange ‘serpents’, dragons and other mythical creatures encountered.
  • Many demons carrying out the tortures.
  • One particularly large ‘demon’ / creature consuming Souls.

Some of the ancient Underworlds – like in Greece and Egypt – had the possible destination of a lush, abundant land. (Elysium Fields + The Field of Reeds). The paradises promised were very likely the lush, fertile, abundant lands in the hollow centre of our planet.

How did all of these isolated regions, many with very little, or zero, contact have such a focus on these extremely similar Underworlds or Hells? All just a coincidence? Of course not!

Why did this Non-human Force set up these Hells / Netherworlds?

We should first consider a psychopathic / narcissistic ‘souls’ incessant desire for power, control and adoration / worship – as well as their jealousy and hatred of the love, contentment and beauty that comes from Souls that were created by Universal Mind.

We should also most definitely be thinking about energy. Ultimately, energy exchanges are very likely occurring on other levels.

It is important to note that humans have a Soul, which can be referred to as an inner sun. We have a small sun ‘inside us’, that, like our solar system’s Sun, is bringing in energy from somewhere else. This Soul / Inner Sun is obviously still ‘in’ our ‘astral body’ or ‘etemmu’ when it detaches from our dense 3D body. We also have vortices within us (that some people call chakras) – but we cannot see them in dense 3D.

No one knows how our electric Sun brings energy into our Solar System, but it does. Likewise, we don’t know where our own inner Sun – our Soul – brings energy from, but it does (another dimension / ‘counter space’?). We only see such a small portion of the Cosmos with our physical eyes.

Information on the chakras stems from the knowledgeable ancient Old World giants – it is from information in old texts that were discovered by us smaller humans. We are constantly emitting energy and we have an energy field – we just can’t see the energy with our human eyes.

Diagrams / Illustrations from the Vedas. Left: An illustration showing chakras. Right: An illustration showing someone having a 3rd eye experience (I am not sure why they depicted with him with his eyes open).

We can see that all the original Old-World giants around the world clearly knew a great deal about energy and the human energy systems when we look at their energy harnessing / sound ‘healing’ Old-World buildings (Part 8 of this series showing the Old-World cathedrals and churches true original purpose etc). The Vedas would have been created by some of the surviving future generations of giants, but it would have been quite a long time after the initial invasion and after some large scale reset events – after much knowledge was destroyed. Interestingly, if we look in the 3rd eye vision depicted in one of these diagrams from the Vedas we appear to be seeing some type of ‘demon’ entity inside the 3rd eye:

Third eye vision (Third eye chakra / pineal gland)

Here are some modern images to help us imagine the chakra vortices and the human body emitting energy:

There is going to be a lot of misinformation and misunderstandings on chakras and humans’ energy systems online – our knowledge on them is basic.


In (((Ufology))) the word ‘Loosh’ is used to describe the energy emitted – that other entities feed on – when humans are suffering. Apparently, Robert Monroe coined the word (I don’t trust Monroe one bit – a lot of nonsense and subversion from him in his stories – he is just another gatekeeper).

(Ufology has some Truth in it – it has to, so as to draw people in – but it is mixed in with SO many lies and so many subversive agendas… and such a lot of gatekeeping)

The image above is the go-to image for ‘Loosh’ – it has been knocking around the internet for a very long time and no one seems to have created a better version. These entities in other realms did not, and do not, look like bald men with eyebrows stolen from Sesame Street puppets.

Some advanced, ‘realm hopping’ (perhaps multi-dimensional) entities seem to consume the energy that Souls (beings with a spark of Universal Mind in them) give off / emit. They do not have Souls like us, they are not the same as us. Humans are very emotive beings; our emotions can be very strong. When a human is suffering a great deal, and is terrified or in physical or psychological pain, a great deal of energy is emitted – and perhaps these emotions created / emitted when in pain and terror emit a certain type of energy that these beings prefer. Human Souls do not seek this type of energy harvesting from other Souls, as we have different Souls.

A non-human, extraterrestrial, cosmically knowledgeable, realm hopping, technologically advanced force came to this planet and solar system, they took over (conquered) the region, and a large amount of them eventually took up residence in the huge underground caverns inside the Earth. The crust of the Earth is honeycombed and full of large caverns (some are exceedingly large – possibly the size of small countries), and it also contains rivers and lava. They created areas of torture inside these underground regions. This force also created the religions. They created this notion of a dark, torturous ‘afterlife’ where you face judgement and the atoning for ‘sins’ through suffering. All religions and ancient locations had this rhetoric and belief in an Underworld full of suffering / torture, tests, gates, levels, caverns, demons, creatures and judgement. All of this was just a manipulative scheme created by this psychopathic, narcissistic, parasitical extraterrestrial non-human force.

The Underworld / Hell was both a 3D physical place and a realm on a different ‘level’ (a realm on a slightly different ‘level’ of reality, I do not think that it was the 4th dimension). There is another realm overlaying our 3D reality (perhaps more than one), that is somewhat congruent to the 3D reality we experience – we do not have the precise vocabulary to discuss it and explain it. We have other ‘less physical’ bodies, some call this the astral body (but the astral body may not be exactly the same as the body we have upon 3D bodily death). Ancient Mesopotamians (Akkadians and Sumerians) called this body that we have after 3D physical death ‘the etemmu or gidim’, and said it was very similar to the 3D physical body and it could feel pain, thirst and hunger.

All of this is much bigger than we can comprehend, as there are many realms and many levels to reality. I have spoken of the overlaid Earth realm on slightly different level, but there is also another connected level where these ‘floaty’ incorporeal entities move about. I have experienced them around me and attached to me in the night, on various occasions. I even had an experience where I somehow remote viewed myself in the middle of the night and saw one of them on my back – they are so strange. The one I saw had a bird like head and tentacles for a lower half. An ex-girlfriend of mine used to see them and described one of the entities she saw as worm-like – very large dark worms (It all reminds me of Studio Ghibli animations – such as those in the movie Spirited Away). She also told me how she would sense / feel entities all around her when she was depressed (This was a fellow teacher who worked at the same school as me, who had no interest in these matters – nor did I at the time – but she trusted me and told me about these experiences. It wasn’t until many years later that I realised the significance of what she described to me)

It very much seems that planets are taken over and used as energy farms (other benefits are gained on the various levels – with various parasitical beings working together). Energy will very likely be funnelled / channelled to certain powerful other-dimensional / other-realm inhabiting entities.

In these projects (I have talked about some of the memories I have of them in various other articles), run by the Breakaway Civilisation and their Allies, there are missions taking place in some of these other levels / realms – from what I have seen. More on that another time, but I am mentioning them as I don’t want you to become despondent or distracted from your mission on dense 3D Earth. We dense 3D, Earth based, surface-dwelling humans have to deal with this insane dense 3D, and try to turn things around here, and there are other forces working on other levels. How much they have achieved I do not know – but I have briefly seen missions taking place in some of these other realms / levels… Believe it or not, from the recall / ‘bleed through’ I have had, it looks like I took part in some of them. In these projects, you seem to take part in missions in both 3D dense reality and on other levels.

Psychopaths, Narcissists (NPD) and Sociopaths:

The beings in this non-human / reptilian force were very likely – as ‘souls’ – what we would call psychopaths, narcissists (NPD) and sociopaths (If they can be called Souls). I do not think they have Souls that came direct from Universal Mind. They seem to need to gain energy from Souls that came from Universal Mind. They are psychopathic, narcissistic, sociopathic parasites. They may have come from some far-flung location in the universe – or even perhaps from another universe… we have no idea how vast things might be.

To help you understand these malevolent ‘souls’, the study of psychopaths, narcissists (NPD) and sociopaths will help. I firmly believe these are Soul level matters and not so-called ‘personality disorders’. I have an article linked at the end of this presentation that should help you with this. In that article there is a section talking about how people with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are ‘energy vampires’ – and how people testify to feeling drained of energy after spending time with someone who has NPD. It also has some very conscious narcissistic psychopaths talking about how they experience life and how differently they experience themselves. This article also has important information on our current Afterlife Realms.

Link at the end.

(‘Borderlines’ (BPD) may also be from the same ‘soul’ group – they also have an unstable sense of self, identity issues, delusions and they have great problems dealing with emotions and regulating them.)

We have to consider that these psychopaths, narcissists (NPD) and sociopaths that are living with us on the surface of this planet – intelligences with no empathy / heart-felt connection to human Souls – are a part of the same ‘soul group’ that these bipedal reptilians come from. I think some of these ‘elite’ jews and ‘elite’ Freemasons, at the very top of the ‘pyramid’ of control, may consciously know this, and realise what they are and what / who they are connected to. We must remember, or bear in mind, that there are many levels to reality / the cosmos, there is so much we are cut off from.

When these ‘intelligences’ / ‘souls’ are incarnated into this reptilian empire their inhumane behaviours are encouraged and they do not have the societal norms to conform to that they have when growing up in human civilisations. These ‘intelligences’ / ‘souls’ often rise to the top in our human civilisations as they have no empathy, no feeling of connection to human Souls, are ruthless and very focused on gaining power and control over others. I will discuss this more in Part 14 – as certain groups must have been manoeuvred into influential positions during the 1800s reset.

These ‘souls’ / ‘intelligences’ never change. There is no ‘cure’ for their so-called ‘personality disorder’. They will never stop seeking power, control, and (depending on the ‘soul’/ ‘intelligence’) narcissistic supply… and they will never develop any genuine empathy / sense of connection towards us.

Their desire for control and power manifests in a wide variety of ways in their interactions with us.

I don’t know for sure that they are the same ‘souls’ / ‘intelligences’ that have been in, or are from, this non-human / reptilian force – but it is very obvious to me that narcissists (NPD), psychopaths and sociopaths are not human Souls. If you really study them – how they think, behave, experience themselves (their inner world) … And how they view themselves and the world, it is obvious that they are ‘something else’. They must be related to the takeover. They don’t belong here with us, and they cause us untold problems – our problems all stem from them – these infiltrating ‘souls’ / ‘intelligences’/ entities… and again, they cannot be ‘cured’ or change… it is who they are.

This absolutely does not mean that I am suggesting politicians and royal families are shape shifting reptilians, or that any of these videos that are said to be showing people’s eyes change to reptilian eyes are genuine. That’s all distraction and it is not how the cosmos works. As mentioned, it is very likely just that they are from the same ‘soul group’ – for want of a better term. In this area of the cosmos, we seem to have a ‘battle’ between two different types of ‘Souls’. Again, I don’t know if they are actually ‘souls’ and again, I do not know where they have come from – it is extremely doubtful that there would have been any of these infiltrating ‘souls’ in the highly advanced and harmonious initial Old-World giant civilisation.

The movie ‘They Live’ seems to be about these infiltrating ‘intelligences’ that are incarnating into humans on this planet. It may be that the people who write the scripts for some of these movies are being influenced, or assisted in some way, from other levels. Some of the movies we get about A.I may also be warning us.

If they wanted their proxy groups to control a planet, they would make sure ‘souls’/ ‘intelligences’ from their ‘soul group’ ‘incarnate’ in great numbers into a specific race / tribe or into certain families. And if you can, you initially create a specific race that has certain genetic characteristics and predispositions.

Of course, there are also some narcissists (NPD), psychopaths and sociopaths in all the other races on this planet – and they certainly cause trouble in all nations, communities and families – but they are not part of an (((International Tribe))) that has a strong collective narcissism, so the problems they cause are more regional / isolated.

Creating a strong, collective, tribal, narcissistic ethos in a carefully designed racial group that contains a lot of psychopaths, narcissists and sociopaths would be a key tactic.

I am not really sure what these infiltrating ‘souls’ are. In my investigation into narcissistic personality disorder (and psychopathy) they sounded like some sort of artificial intelligence or perhaps an artificial ‘soul’. I recommend you read my article on narcissistic personality disorder – linked at the end – you will know what I am talking about after reading it.

We also have to also consider that this non-human (reptilian) extra-terrestrial force may have been getting various other benefits from farming humans (as well as the energetic aspect).

For example, some humans may have been traded and sold into off-planet slavery – as this is what happens in the cosmos.

It is also important to note that this non-human force was mining Earth for gold (evidence in Part 13 of this series) and had some level of focus on the treasures of the Earth (evidence in the book ‘The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised’ by Michelle Belanger).

We also know from the Aztec Codices that the large bipedal reptilians ate humans on the dense 3D level.

I have tried to get us all closer to the Truth on this topic. It is a hard topic to discuss as we just don’t have the words or frame of reference to understand it all. Even I, who has had numerous brief experiences in some of these other realms connected to Earth, struggles to precisely explain it, as we just do not have the body of knowledge and depth of experience to describe and understand these other realms and our less physical bodies, and all the intricacies related to these topics.

It may take people some time to fully assimilate this information presented, but these areas inside the Earth were real, and people were both ‘metaphysically’, and physically (our dense 3D), taken there and tortured. What humanity / human Souls have been through on this planet is worse than everyone realises.

How long were these Souls held in the Hell regions? Some descriptions of Hell in Europe spoke of the people in Hell never ‘dying’ – and that death was not possible there. How long can Souls be imprisoned for? If they are traumatised, mind controlled and greatly subdued / oppressed… well it could be for a very long time.

Has your motivation, focus and determination increased yet? Are you more motivated to turn things around on this planet?

Current Afterlife System:

It is important to remember that in modern times humans associate the afterlife with the very bright alluring white light and then the tunnel which takes them to some sort of ‘realm’, which is actually likely a type of virtual reality tailored to their psyche and previous experiences. They will often see or hear someone they love who has previously died (it is extremely likely NOT their loved one) convincing them to enter into the light, if they do not go straight into it – sometimes some type of entity (supposedly a ‘loving light being’) can appear to convince people. This is all a relatively new phenomenon in the grand scheme of things. This system is new. The people before the late 1800s did not talk about this phenomenon / afterlife system… they spoke about hell, underworlds, caverns, gates, torture, tests, sin, judgement, demons and angels (Some had a hope that human ‘angels’ would take them to heaven after they had been ‘purified’ in hell). This new afterlife system very much seems to have coincided with the 1800s reset that I have been exposing in this series. Possible reasons as to why the after-life experience / system was changed / reinvented for humans in this period will be discussed in part 14. But it is surely another way to collect human Souls for nefarious purposes – likely energy harnessing / energy consuming purposes.

A lot is alluded to in (((their))) Hollywood movies. I still remember the impact the movie The Matrix had on me. Not because of the ‘being in a computer program element’ (we are not in a computer program on Earth), but mainly because of the ‘humans as batteries’ element. That concept would not leave me – it obviously never has. I don’t think it is like it is in the movie, in pods etc – but is certainly alluding to something. Everything is energy… What really happens to the human Souls after they enter these obviously fake, deceptive modern day Afterlife Realms? … I think that human Soul energy is a source of sustenance for other entities – both on Earth and in these ‘Afterlife Realms’.

The Matrix – Humans as Batteries

The amount of Truth that is alluded to in (((their))) sci-fi movies and sci-fi series is pretty creepy. Are these writers fully aware of what they are producing? Is information / buried memories in their twisted ‘soul’ / subconscious coming through? Is someone higher up in the pyramid of control telling them what to create? Or is something that is connected to them working through them from other levels? … I don’t know.

Life on this planet is not really living – we are in a prison, but almost everyone is unaware that they are, as they don’t know what they should be able to experience. The Proxies / Prison Guards on Earth are obviously very much aware of this awakening occurring among the prison population and they want to maintain their power, their control and their narcissistic / psychopathic lifestyles, and they work very hard to do so… Awakened people are striving to take power away from the proxies. But most of the prisoners are not yet aware of what is going on.

Who are the prison guards (The Proxies) on Earth? It is obviously International Jewry and the Freemasons. If you understand the reset topic and the 1800s reset occurrence, you realise that The Freemasons (the numerous Masonic families that were established at that time), must have played a big role in the 1800s, a more substantial / overt role back then, with them having to control, subvert and manipulate the populations in that era… And then Jewry – as designed and planned – eventually rose to prominence after infiltrating governments, financial institutions, and the media, in nations all around the world. This was planned and put into motion by highly intelligent extraterrestrials (Jewry also run Freemasonry now). Royal Families would have also been selected / created and put into positions in the 1800s – there was no real succession, only since some time in the 1800s.

My article called ‘Narcissists, Artificial Intelligence, Dreams, The After Life’ on this website, includes a section about the deceptive Afterlife Realms that human Souls currently experience, and at the end of that article there is an incredible video embedded in it from Star Trek, which is showing us a lot of Truth about our current Afterlife Realms. The article also talks about NOT going into the alluring white light – and doing your best to avoid it. There is important information in that article. Link at the end of this presentation / post.

Hollow Earth:

All this information when brought together also provides further evidence that our planet is hollow, and the crust is full of very large caverns (some are massive), as well as a labyrinth of tunnels and smaller caves. This invading non-human force (bipedal reptilians in the main) would have made sure to destroy the access points to the very large caverns and routes to the Hollow Earth so that humans could not easily find their way down there. This would have been an essential part of The Underworld / Hell deception and their parasitical agenda. Before the invasion by the non-human force, it is very likely that the very large caverns and the Hollow Earth were very much connected to the Old-World surface populations – we can even see evidence of Old-World buildings existing inside the Earth in the ancient art of Hell / The Underworld.

I know this is all heavy going, but we have to face the harsh Truths to progress, and evolve, into a wise cosmic race.

If the significance of all this has sunk in, and you are somewhat freaked out by it all, then read through the Additional Information section below, there is some information about the Breakaway Civilisation, with some new images, text and links that will help you see that we are not alone in all this, and that we do have an advanced protective force looking out for us. A force that is enabling us to have this awakening and giving us the opportunity to turn things around on this planet.

Additional Information and Images:

  • Demons in Hell and The Underworld are Bipedal Reptilians
  • Persephone / Prosperine / Kore… a demon of Hell
  • Demons / Bipedal Reptilians lived inside the Earth
  • The Demons of Hell – Dictionary of Demonology… Lucifer etc
  • Le Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur, 15th century Illustrations
  • Dante Illustrations – Priamo della Quercia – The city and entity called Dis
  • Dante Illustrations – Sandro Botticelli (Close ups)
  • Mankind’s Eternal Dilemma – The Choice Between Virtue and Vice, by Frans Francken the Younger
  • Stanger Things – The Upside Down (Netflix Series)
  • Jupiter Ascending (Hollywood Movie)
  • The Breakaway Civilisation, UFOs and Protection (‘Iron Sky’ and ‘Nazis at the Center of the Earth’)
  • Ethnic Groups that Suffered in Hell
  • Hellmouth – Additional Images

Demons in Hell, and The Underworld, are Bipedal Reptilians:

I am sure many of you have already read part 11 of this series called: Bipedal Reptilians, ‘Demons’ and ‘Gods’. Where I show that these demons were certainly bipedal reptilians and that these non-human gods were also likely to be different types of bipedal reptilians. I show how demons are illustrated in a wide variety of ways due to lack of first-hand knowledge and misconstrued and lacking descriptions. The least accurate illustrations of demons / reptilians were created by the Japanese / Chinese and Southern Asian artists (The Persians weren’t too great either). Europeans were more often closer to the demon’s true image (Closer, but still had some parts of these bipedal reptilians lacking accuracy on most occasions).

I want to make sure people know that these demons in hell were extraterrestrial bipedal reptilians:

Fresco at St Cecile Cathedral
This image of Persephone, Hades, Cerberus and the bipedal reptilians is a significant image. (Note that on the right side of the image there is yet another ‘demon’ depicted with breasts – remember from Part 11 of this series that both Baphomet and the non-human Egyptian ‘goddess’ Taweret were depicted with breasts).


It is clear from this depiction above that some of the medieval / renaissance people did not think of Persephone and Hades as human.

Persephone was also known as Proserpine or Kore – and was said to be a demon. Below is information from ‘The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised’, by Michelle Belanger:

“Pluto: Originally the Roman version of Hades, god of the Underworld, Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal ranks Pluto among the denizens of Hell. He is also described as the Prince of Fire. The hierarchy that features Pluto was later cited by Waite in his treatment of the Grand Grimoire. It stems from the works of French demonologist Charles Berbiguier. This same hierarchy also identifies Pluto’s consort, Proserpine, as a demon. Proserpine is better known by her Greek name, Persephone. She was the goddess of the spring. She was also known as Kore.

“Proserpine: A Roman goddess. She was the daughter of Ceres, goddess of the harvest, and the consort of Pluto, lord of the Underworld. She is the Roman version of Persephone, the Greek goddess of the spring. She was a fundamental deity connected with the Eleusinian Mysteries, and she was sometimes known as Kore. Despite her ancient status as a deity, Collin de Plancy includes Proserpine as a demon in his Dictionnaire Infernal. She is named as the Arch-She-Devil and Princess of Mischievous Spirits. These titles for Proserpine were repeated by occultist A. E. Waite in his treatment of the Grand Grimoire as presented in his Book of Black Magic and Pacts.”

“Kore: In the Mathers edition of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, Kore is identified as one of the principal spirits ruling a number of lesser demons. In this text, Kore is most often paired with the demon Magoth, another one of the eight infernal sub-princes thought to serve directly beneath the fiends Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, and Belial. The joint hierarchy of Magoth and Kore is unique to the Mathers version of the Abramelin material. In all other versions, this collection of demons is said to be ruled over by Magoth alone. Kore is another name for the Greek goddess Persephone, consort of Hades. Hades was the Greek lord of the Underworld, and Persephone was his unwilling bride. Because of their associations with the Underworld, these ancient deities were sometimes integrated into the demonology of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Notably, Charles Berbiguier identifies Persephone as a queen of Hell, and her status as an infernal ruler is repeated in Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal. Of course, to the ancient Greeks there was nothing infernal about this goddess. Connected with the rites of the Eleusinian Mysteries, she was a powerful and respected deity in the ancient world. The Roman version of this goddess was married to Pluto.”

In Part 13 of this series, I will further discuss the Greek and Roman ‘God’s – I do not think they were human.

As mentioned earlier, from what I discovered in my research it is extremely likely that Apollo (Apollon in Ancient Greek) was Apollyon / Abaddon. I have found plenty of information that strongly points to this, I will present more of it in Part 13 (I have shown you the ‘locusts’ / Apollo / Apollyon correlation already). The information above, as you can see, is also clearly telling you that Pluto is Hades, and that Pluto was one of the denizens of Hell.

Two confirmed depictions of the bipedal reptilian / demon Apollyon (Apollyon fighting the Christian).

It is clear from the information in this article, and the images, that this bipedal reptilian force controlled and lived in the Inner / Hollow Earth – they conquered the large, cavernous regions area as well.

Demons (Bipedal Reptilians) Lived Inside the Earth:

It is very clear from both the literature on demons (Demonology), and from the old illustrations, that the medieval and renaissance humans understood / knew that the ‘demons’ lived inside the Earth / Underground:

The Demons of Hell:

In my previous article I showed that demons were bipedal reptilian extraterrestrials (certainly in the vast majority cases). I also mentioned the book ‘The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised’, which is a book that compiled a great amount of information on demons using a wide variety of old literature that is well citied.

Hell is mentioned an incredible number of times in this book, and it is clear that a great many ‘demons’ resided / lived in Hell (The Underworld). The quotations below are from the above-mentioned book.

Various demons are named as Dukes of Hell (or Grand Dukes), Generals of Hell, Kings of Hell, Princes of Hell or Counts of Hell – and we hear about the various amounts of legions under their command:

Cason: According to the fifteenth-century grimoire known as the Munich Handbook, this grand duke of Hell commands no fewer than forty-five legions of devils.” — “Bileth: A great and terrible king of Hell with eighty-five legions of spirits at his command.” — ” Zoeniel is a grand duke of Hell, and he has three thousand eight hundred and eighty lesser spirits that carry out his commands…”

Some demons in Hell have other roles, such as being Hell’s ambassadors to nations on Earth:

Mammon is listed as Hell’s ambassador to England.” — “Rimmon: Hell’s duly appointed ambassador to Russia…” — Hutgin: French writer Charles Berbiguier identifies this demon as Hell’s ambassador to Italy.”

Hells Royal Household is often mentioned – again alluding to the idea that these extraterrestrials took up residence inside our planet and lived there. Various demons were said to have serve in Hell’s Royal Household:

Verdelet: A member of the royal household of Hell and the duly appointed Master of Ceremonies.”—
Chamos: According to the demonic hierarchy of Charles Berbiguier, Chamos serves in Hell’s royal household.” — “Misroch: In A. E. Waite’s version of the Grand Grimoire, Misroch is identified as the Grand Steward of the Royal Household of Hell.”

One demon was described as Hell’s Field Marshall – Inspector General of Hell’s armies:

Nebiros: A demon named in both the Grimorium Verum and the Grand Grimoire. He is a martial demon and is described as being Hell’s field marshal. The Grand Grimoire also accords him the title of Inspector General of Hell’s armies.

The Leader / ‘Top Dog’ / Emperor:

When looking through demonology there seems to be certain very significant demons such as Beelzebuth (Beelzebub) or Satan, and the demonology information I have seen pretty much all points to Lucifer as being the top entity – the one who all other demons serve. As we heard in article 11 of this series, Lucifer does not come to the surface but always resides in Hell. In old art he is depicted as a large non-human (often as a reptilian-looking being) that is consuming humans.

“In the Grand Grimoire, Beelzebub, spelled Belzebuth, is listed as the Prince of Hell. In an 1821 work by Frenchman Charles Berbiguier, Beelzebub supplants Satan as the ruler of Hell. He is given the very colorful title of Supreme Chief of the Infernal Empire and the Founder of the Order of the Fly. In the True Keys of Solomon, Beelzebub is said to rule all the spirits of the Americas together with the demon Astaroth.”

“Agaliarept: This demon appears in the Grand Grimoire and is named as a general of Hell. He is purported to command the Second Legion of Spirits for the glory of the emperor Lucifer and his Prime Minister, Lucifuge Rofocale.”

“Elestor: An infernal duke named in the seventeenth-century Venetian grimoire Secrets of Solomon. In that text, Elestor is identified as the Count of Hell, one of the three highest-ranking infernal powers. Lucifer is his emperor and Belzebuth (a variant of Beelzebub) is his prince. Elestor is perceived as an incredibly violent demon, and the text includes many warnings about interacting with him.”

It seems very likely to me that Lucifer is the large reptilian-like entity that we see consuming Souls in the hell pictures that we saw in preceding sections.

Left: Lucifer devouring sinners, courtesy of Dover Publications. Right: Lucifer with a triple face devouring Judas and two other sufferers. From Opere del poeta Danthe, printed by Bernardino Stagnino, Venice, 1512
Lucifer would not have looked this human, but we can see that people understood it was a large non-human entity that consumed humans in Hell / The Underworld. The images created of him would have been based on legend.

“From his new place in Hell, Lucifer is believed to lash out at the mortal world, seeking to torture and torment humanity, with the ultimate goal of acquiring human souls…” – The Dictionary of Demons: Expanded & Revised (pp. 251-252), M Bellanger

Le Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur – c. 1450-1470

Le Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur is a French book written circa 1450-70 and is an illustrated treatise “on the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection of Christ” and “the Antichrist, Last Judgement, Hell, and Heaven”.

A small selection of images from this 15th century Illuminated manuscript:

Dante Illustrations:

Illustrations by Priamo della Quercia (c. 1400 – 1467). Here are some close ups of just a small selection of his illustrations. You will see the depictions of the demons as being very reptilian-like and you will see buildings inside the Earth – inside the cavernous regions in the crust:

The image below is titled: Dante and Virgil being rowed across the river Styx by a demon rower, Phlegyas, and Dante and Virgil at the brazen gates of the city of Dis.

The image below is titled: Dante and Virgil witnessing the gigantic figure of Dis, with his three mouths biting on the sinners Cassius, Judas, and Brutus.

In Dante’s hell, the main city in Hell is referred to as Dis, and it seems the large entity consuming souls is also referred to as Dis. The large non-human being is labelled as Dis in the above illustration. Which is interesting as in the English language we have the prefix ‘dis’ and words like dis-aster, dis-information, dis-respect, dis-abled, dis-order etc etc.

The Roman ‘god’ Pluto (Hades) was also referred to as Dis. His full name: ‘Dis Pater’. Dis Pater (like Pluto and Hades) was also known as the god of the Underworld. Because it is obviously the same being / reptilian ‘god’.

“In 249 BC and 207 BC, the Roman Senate under senator Lucius Catellius ordained special festivals to appease Dīs Pater and Proserpina. Every hundred years, a festival was celebrated in his name.” –

Obviously, ‘Proserpina’ is Prosperine / Persephone / Kore…the wife of Hades / Pluto… who was known as a ‘demon’ / ‘she-devil’.

Dis Pater was also equated with Taranis, the Gaul’s ‘God of Thunder’.

I do not know if this large entity above consuming Souls is actually called ‘Dis Pater’ – I think it is likely the entity that is often called Lucifer.

I also do not know why the artist drew two of them – this is the first time I have seen this, and it may be a mistake / anomaly.

Dante – Sandro Botticelli map (1480-1490) – close up / zoomed in illustrations:

(The full map is displayed above in the main article)

Guiniforte degli Bargigi:

Various people created illustrations for publications of Dantes Inferno. Below is one of the illustrations by Guiniforte degli Bargigi. Clearly depicting a bipedal reptilian.

Ms 2017 f.245 Dante’s Inferno with a commentary by Guiniforte degli Bargigi. Illustration created around the year 1440, by Guiniforte degli Bargigi

Mankind’s Eternal Dilemma – The Choice Between Virtue and Vice, by Frans Francken the Younger, 1633:

A renaissance painting showing the surface and The Underworld with non-human entities and a dragon outside the entrance to the hellish realm. Renaissance artists, particularly in the later renaissance work, tended to show the non-human entities as more human looking. But make no mistake, The Underworld was inhabited, and ran by, bipedal reptilian extraterrestrials, as well as a few other non-human alien beings.

Mankind’s Eternal Dilemma – The Choice Between Virtue and Vice, by Frans Francken the Younger, 1633.

From assessing the images in this article, and Part 11 of this series, you can see that the artists in the 1300s and 1400s were more likely to depict demons in Hell as bipedal reptilians – their depictions would be more accurate… not totally accurate, but more accurate. However, in the 1600s large paintings of The Underworld or Hell the depictions tended to be more varied and less accurate – showing how accuracy and Truths were lost over time. Some artists in the 1600s would depict demons as more human-like and sometimes with hoofed goat legs. If you have read Part 11 of this series on the ‘Bipedal Reptilians’ you will know where this error of illustrating demons, or devils, with hairy goat legs and hooves came from: Bipedal reptilians have legs that are a similar shape to the hind legs of a goat (or other hoofed animals like a horse or a cow). Though the bipedal reptilians’ feet were not hoofs, but were taloned and eagle-like – and they did not have hair. But this description of goat shaped legs led to many artists illustrating ‘demons’ with hoofed feet and some hair. There are some illustrations from Ufology in a following section showing the true shape of bipedal reptilians’ legs and feet.

Detail: Mankind’s Eternal Dilemma – The Choice Between Virtue and Vice, by Frans Francken the Younger, 1633.
Eurydice in Hell, by Hermann Weyer (1620). Note: See the hairy goat legs. Take away the hair on the legs, add scales and replace the hooves with taloned eagle feet – and then the legs would be pretty accurate.

In the late 1500s and the 1600s artists depicted the demons of Hell in ever increasingly varied and strange ways. Some looked more bird-like, some more insect-like and some more amphibian-like… Again, accuracy and Truth was lost over time. But make no mistake, demons were actually bipedal reptilian extraterrestrials. If you want to see more clearly what they actually looked like, and understand the Truth of this, then you should also read Part 11 of this Resets and Genocides series.

Detail: Juno’s arrival in Hades – circle of Jan Brueghel the Younger (1601-1678)
Detail: Sibyl and Aeneas in the Sibyl s Aeneas the Underworld with Charon’s Boat, by Jacob Isaacsz, van Swanenburg (1571- 1638)
Detail: Orpheus in the Underworld, by Jan Brueghel (I), (1594)

Stranger Things / The Upside Down:

As we know from my article on Bipedal Reptilians, part 11 of this series, it was not just reptilian beings that were associated with Hell.

Stranger Things (((Netflix))) series
Stranger Things (((Netflix))) series
Vecna (The corpse like skeletal entity in Stranger Things)

I mentioned Vecna, the Demogorgon and the ‘Upside Down’ from the series Stranger Things in Part 11 of this series on Bipedal Reptilians. Stranger Things is a very highly publicised, big budget (((Netflix)))) series. Vecna represents ‘Death’ / Kisin / Mictlantecuhtli (A ‘god’ of the Underworld) from ancient the ancient stories of Europe and South America. And the Demogorgon represents a bipedal reptilian (we can clearly see its reptilian legs and feet).


The Demogorgon has bipedal reptilian legs and feet (See Part 10 of this series if you need more clarity on this – look at the Ufology images in that article)
Note that the reptilian images used in Ufology have the same legs and feet as the ‘Demogorgon’.


Vecna represents Mictlantecuhtl / Ah Puch / Kisin / ‘Death’

Mictlantecuhtl‘god’ of the Aztec Underworld:


Ah Puch / Kisin – ‘god’ of the Mayan Underworld:

Ah Puch / Kisin

The entity called ‘Death’ from European legend:

The image on the left is showing ‘death’ exiting Hellmouth. In my article on Bipedal Reptilians there is an image of ‘Death’ in hell with some ‘demons’.
Two more images of ‘Death’ (Vecna) exiting Hellmouth.
The corpse-like or skeletal ‘Death’ entity.

The ‘Upside Down’ in Stranger Things is a hellish realm that is shown to be an overlaid reality, parallel and somewhat congruent to our 3D realm – as well as this, a Hellish underground area of tunnels and caverns is also featured a good deal in a few of the series. This is all alluding to how these bipedal reptilians (and associates) created hellish torturous experiences inside these realms connected to Earth – and specifically inside the Earth. I do not think it means that the overlaid realms are like that anymore, from what I have seen they are not like that anymore.

Images from Stranger Things, of the Hellish overlaid realm and Hellish underground regions:

Stranger Things
Stranger Things Screenshot
Stranger Things Screenshot
Stranger Things Screenshot

It seems to me that certain ‘souls’ create these TV series or movies to remember what happened… Again, are these people fully aware of what they are creating when they make these series? Is who they truly are as a ‘soul’ coming through? Are they told by people higher up in the ‘chain of command’ what to create? Or is something bigger expressing themselves through these twisted ‘souls’ / ‘intelligences’?

Jupiter Ascending:

Jupiter Ascending was a poor movie, with a weak script and bad acting, but it does give people the sense of the large, advanced, malevolent empires that can exist in the cosmos, and the way some of them behave.

Jupiter Ascending screen shot
Jupiter Ascending screen shot

The Wachowski Brothers created the aforementioned movie ‘The Matrix’, as well as the science fiction movie ‘Jupiter Ascending’. They are jewish brothers (who are apparently now both transgenders, btw). From all we Truthers / Truthseekers notice about the jewish people and their truly massive involvement with the NWO agendas (And their pretty much total control of what is created in Hollywood and the Western world’s entertainment industry), you have to ask the question: ‘What type of souls are incarnating into the jewish race?’ Are many of them coming from a ‘soul’ group that has a connection to the non-human entities that did all this to Earth and human Souls?

At one point in the movie, Jupiter sees one of the rulers of this large empire rejuvenate herself – going from old to young by bathing in a pool of some type of liquid. Jupiter then sees a room full of vials that contain this liquid. It is here that she learns that the core ingredient of rejuvenating liquid is from humans, with roughly 100 people making one vial. The colony planets are farms (Earth is one of them), where the humans are left to grow and evolve and – when at a point that the planet can no longer sustain them – they are harvested. Below is an image of a harvested empty city from the movie. It is like the empty or sparsely populated cities that we see in some areas of Earth in the 1800s, shown in previous articles in this series.

Jupiter Ascending screen shot: Rejuvenation / age reversing pool
Jupiter Ascending screen shot: The Vials
Jupiter Ascending screen shot: Showing an empty harvested city from another Earth-like planet containing humans.

I do not think all this is totally accurate, with regards to Earth and the invading force, they will very likely not display the exact dynamics in movies. But it is very much alluding to the possible control of numerous planets from certain empires in the cosmos, humans seen as a type of livestock, and that something is being gained from metaphysically and physically imprisoning the humans on planets… which I would suggest is mostly related to harvesting energy from humans.

In the movie we see large reptilians (Dracos) as part of the controlling force – but a family of humans are shown to be the leaders of the empire. I certainly do not think that small Earth humans, like we see in the movie, would be leading – not at all – but there most certainly could be beings / entities above the Dracos and the bipedal reptilians.

Jupiter Ascending screen shot: The Draco Reptilian (A Sargorn) taking orders from Balem Abrasax (A human).

The book Dune (and the 80s movie) is also a sci fi story that can get you thinking about large empires and the possible politics and dynamics that can exist in the cosmos. It is interesting how Dune and the first Star Wars movie (A New Hope) are based around Mars like desert planets (From what I have seen in my flashback memories, it looks like some humans were found living on Mars inside the rock caverns and in tunnels by the Breakaway Germans).

Normies think these highly promoted (((Hollywood))) sci fi stories / movies are just organically occurring – that some random person just thought of it all – but I very much beg to differ. The higher degree freemasons are privy to a lot of information. For example, there has very likely been some cosmic wars occurring beyond Earth’s atmosphere and the movies called Star Wars and Battle Beyond the Stars are alluding to this (just two examples). Some of the creatures in the movie ‘John Carter (of Mars)’ are very similar to creatures that exist on Mars (I have had flashback memories and you can check out my artwork and my Life on Mars article). The speeder bikes in Star Wars do exist, I have memories of using a vehicle extremely similar to speeder bikes to get across desert regions in a few of my flashback memories (likely on Mars). A lot is shown to us in sci fi movies.

The Breakaway Civilisation, UFOs and Protection:

The truly terrible, cringeworthy movies ‘Iron Sky’, ‘Iron Sky: The Coming Race’ and ‘Nazis at the Center of the Earth’ show that the Germans colonised the Moon and also settled in the Hollow Earth… And in reality, the Breakaway Germans have done just that… and a whole lot more… such as also creating alliances with other advanced groups, the development of very advanced technology and understandings of certain mechanics of the cosmos. These movies were made to be so stupid, childish and over-the-top on purpose – it was a tactical move. They certainly were not made to make money, but to influence – mainly to destroy credibility. A well-directed, well-written science fiction movie with quality actors and high-quality special effects about ‘Nazis’ in space and inside the Earth would make so much money! But (((they))) wanted to try and make the whole topic seem ridiculous and insert silly nonsense into the rhetoric.

‘It is all just the movies goyim, there’s no Truth in these movies, it’s all just silly make believe, move along now…’

There is most definitely hope. There is a resistance force inside our planet, in our Solar System and beyond, and while they are dealing with more metaphysical, advanced and complex matters, we have a job to do on the surface of this planet… To take back control of our nations: Educating people and waking them up to the (((NWO))) agendas and all the subversions and lies, as well as inspiring free thinking, independent engineers and scientists to create free energy technology (or any other game-changing types of technology that takes power away from the Elites and gives it to the people).

I hope the information in this article increases your motivation, focus and commitment. Never underestimate the impact one very determined, focused individual can have. Never forget that you and everyone you love is imprisoned / enslaved (and has been for a long time), and that we have an opportunity to change that and turn things around.

Depending on how Part 14 of this series goes (there are quite a fair few different topics I want to address in it) I hope to include some descriptions of some of the missions that I regained memories of – brief flashback memories of missions working with Breakaway Civilisation and their allies. Many people on Earth have taken part in these projects and have no memories of them – this is all related to the large amount of reported abductions / collections in the 60s / 70s and 80s by the small greys and the so-called ‘nordic’ extraterrestrials (Breakaway Germans). Time and space are more malleable and flexible than people realise… and we on the surface of the Earth know so little about the Soul, consciousness and the mechanics of the cosmos.

The 3D missions I had recall of in my late thirties (recall via my third-eye, I believe) were what I would call proactive missions. Here are very brief overviews for just 3 of them: 1. Scouting (reconnaissance) of a distant facility with some type of 4-legged robot moving around outside it, and then some advanced equipment preparation in a desert region before we attack… 2. Expertly and very efficiently ‘cleaning out’ an underground facility and rescuing some humans… 3. Hunting / chasing beings next to a forest and waterfall (I did not see who or what they were, I just know we were hunting them). Exactly where these took place I do not know – I am only allowed to see and know so much – likely inside the Earth and on other celestial bodies in our Solar System. I obviously do not know the full situation and the progress made, but I know there is a proactive resistance force.

I have known for quite some time that is extremely likely that the Breakaway Civilisation and their Allies pretty much know everything that is going on in Earth’s surface population. In one of my metaphysical / ‘other realm’ experiences in my thirties I experienced / recalled myself (my consciousness) in a ‘void’ – but not a void (we don’t have the words) and all around me are screens (screens just suspended / floating in the void) and I could direct them / move them with my mind. Inside these screens are scenes from Earth – like TV screens giving live feedback (I did not have the chance to see details, I think they only allow me to see so much, but it was scenes of humans and it had to be Earth from what I saw). So, they know what’s going on… Incredible things can be done in these other realms and with cosmically tuned technology. As well as this, in another brief recall / bleed through experience I was in some type of craft or base and there was a large viewing screen (like a huge television with a frame) and my consciousness could enter into it and actually go to the location of the live scene and view in real life 3D – on this occasion it was humans on another planet using small, advanced vehicles. I have also seen / recalled myself remote viewing distant locations in these projects without the use of any technology. I would strongly suggest that The Breakaway Civilisation and their Allies absolutely know who is who, and who is doing what, within Earth’s surface population – and where their allegiances lie.

A small selection of UFOs neutralising ‘Fireballs’ / so called ‘Meteors‘:

Screengrabs taken from videos (you can see these UFOs moving around at great speed in the videos). From my ‘Ufology Explained, Part 5’ article:

Northwest Australia, June 2020 + Eastern Morocco, May 2021 + Taiwan, 7th of July 2021
Japan, 2013 + Chelyabinsk, Russia February 15, 2013 + Florida, USA ,March 2019:

Images from: – there are a great many more images in that article.

You can access all the Ufology Explained articles here:

Since that article I have monitored all the ‘fireballs’ (there have been so many) – I have seen over 15 more occurrences where you can see UFOs neutralising the ‘fireballs’. Here is an example of one that was particularly clear in 2021. The UFO shoots through the fireball in the same way the UFO did in the Chelyabinsk incident in 2013:

Pilbara, Australia, 27 July 2021.

Sometimes the UFOs move through the fireballs and neutralise them, sometimes they fly alongside them and neutralise them.

I do not know exactly what these streaking fireballs are (they are definitely not meteors). If I was pushed, I would suggest they are weapons being used by Earth groups (TPTB). These fireballs are very low down in our atmosphere. There will be very secretive military projects in isolated regions created by our psychopathic Earth ‘leaders’ (Elite Jews and Freemasons). But we cannot be sure who these ‘fireballs’ are from, exactly what they are, and what their initial targets are… but I can say with almost complete certainty that cigar and saucer shaped craft (some of them can look more spherical on occasions) are neutralising them.

UFOs seen entering and exiting volcanos:

A few of the oldest images below (screengrabs from videos I watched) were recorded around ten years ago – some of them are of recent occurrences. All took place within the last ten years or so. There have also been some more very clear Popocatepetl Volcano UFO sightings occurring as I have been creating this series of articles – one of which happened on the 5th of October 2022, which is displayed below.

Most of these UFOs below are seen clearly entering or exiting the volcano, and some are just seen near to the openings.

Colima, Mexico + Colima, Mexico + Mount Etna, Italy
Cotapaxi, Ecuador + Mount Etna, Italy + Colima, Mexico
Parinacota, Chile + Osorno, Chile + Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan + Mount Etna
All Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
All Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
All Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
5th of October 2022, Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico – Cigar shaped UFO entering the volcano.

I have mainly provided these images, so that people don’t freak out and think that we are all alone and so vulnerable (We have some protection). So that you can get on with trying to turn things around on this planet and taking power away from The Proxies, while this protective force does what it needs to do in our atmosphere and beyond.

You can view my ‘Who is on The Moon?’ article and see images and footage of identical cigar shaped craft exiting The Moon. Who was known to be building cigar shaped craft? The National Socialist Germans were (Documents showing diagrams and plans were found, as displayed in some of my Ufology articles).

If you want to see plenty of recent images of this protective force in our atmosphere / sky just scouting and monitoring, then you can look at this YouTube channel: … Obviously, it is very likely a controlled channel as it is on (((YouTube))) (It won’t tell you any Truths or do any analysis), but there is lots of very good genuine footage sent in by the public – and all the channel does is compile the footage. As I have said many times, to anyone who has carefully studied UFO activity, and is capable of analysis and critical thinking, there is very obviously a scouting, protective force in our atmosphere.

Nearly done, just two more short sections.

The Ethnic Groups that Suffered in Hell:

We can get a good feel for which human groups actually existed on the surface of Earth in the 1300s, 1400s, 1500s, 1600s and 1700s from the Hell artwork available to us. The many European Kingdoms, the Ottomans, the Persians, the Chinese / Japanese, the Southern Asian Giants(There were not many ethnic groups on the planet before the 1800s) There were other civilisations around back then who suffered in these realms, but they have no, or very little, remaining art because of the type of destruction their locations suffered. We do not get much Hell artwork from the numerous White Tribes of North and South America, but there is some Aztec artwork of Hell and some descriptions from the Mayans… We have no artwork of Hell from the Tartarian Empire, which shows how much TPTB wanted to hide its existence from us and how much artwork and literature was destroyed… We also have no remaining artwork from the White Civilisations of North Africa that existed before the 1600s – North Africa was further obliterated at some point in the 1600s or early 1700s, a new level of destruction in that area which genocided and destroyed the remaining Caucasian civilisations in North Africa, as well as obliterating many large rivers. We also get no Hell artwork from the Black Africans that were living in the central and western region of Africa in the 1500s.

Though we do have two frescos depicting hell in Ethiopia, found in some surviving Old-World buildings. I am not sure who these people are in the images, and for how long they had lived in that region, but they are not the 5 feet-tall people who live in Ethiopia now.

Left: Fresco painting in Addis Ababa Trinity Cathedral, Ethiopia Right: Fresco painting in an Ethiopian monastery (Lake Tana, Bahir Dar).
Detail from the fresco painting in Addis Ababa Trinity Cathedral, Ethiopia

The detail above, and the hell painting on the left above, is in Addis Ababa Trinity Cathedral, Ethiopia (displayed below), which is an impressive Old-World building – a European style (White giant) Old-World building. Obviously, this building was not built by the short, very slender, dark people currently residing in Ethiopia. It would have been built by White giants – its White giant style architecture (What we see below is the top portion of the Old-World building, the rest is buried – some steps and walls have been added at a later date.). As I have mentioned before, when you look carefully at all the ruins, and the current Old-World architecture still remaining in Africa – and at illustrated old maps – there is a lot of evidence that Africa was once dominated by an advanced White (Caucasian) civilisation led by White giants.

Addis Ababa Trinity Cathedral, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa Trinity Cathedral, Ethiopia

The majority of artwork of depicting Hell is showing the 7 foot-tall-plus humans suffering. The 7 foot-tall-plus humans were the dominant people on the planet before sometime in the mid to late 1700s or perhaps the very early 1800s. There is evidence that during the medieval and renaissance eras there were 5-foot-tall-plus humans living in North America (Likely some in South America as well), The European Kingdoms, The Tartarian Empire, The Ottoman Empire, The Chinese / Japanese Kingdoms… and perhaps some living with the South Asian giants. There were also likely some 5-foot-tall White people living in North Africa with the White giants, the Berbers etc. Obviously the 5 foot-tall human’s ethnicity corresponded with the ethnicity of the giants / taller humans they were living with.

So, there would have been some 5-foot-tall humans who went through the trauma of Hell as well. But the vast majority of 5-foot-tall ethnic groups on this planet did not exist during the time of Hell / The Underworld. Most 5 foot-tall-plus ethnic groups were added to the planet either in the late 1700s or the early 1800s, by the advanced non-human force (bipedal reptilians in the main). There is no evidence for the vast majority of ethnic groups on this planet existing before this period. So many different 5-foot-tall populations were added to Africa, Asia, North and South America, various Islands and other locations. Many of these new ethnic groups were convinced that other pre-existing human histories were theirs, so they believe they have a long history, but they do not. Some examples: The Iranians are not the Persians, the current ‘Turks’ are not the Ottomans / original Turkish people, the current Jewish people are not the Israelites… and the so-called dark skinned Native Americans are not the natives… The so-called Native Americans were added to that continent after the numerous White tribes of the Americas were systematically genocided in the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s via poisonings / pestilences / toxins that were spread by the advanced bipedal reptilian force.

You can read Parts 2, 3 and 4 of this ‘Reset and Genocides’ series to help you understand all this… as well as Part 10 on Comets, Pestilence, Plague, City Fires and Earthquakes. Evidence for some Chinese / Japanese and South Asian 5 foot-tall people living with their giant counterparts will be presented in Part 14.

Hellmouth – Additional:

More Hellmouth sculptures on, or in, churches:

More Hellmouth Sculptures on, and in, churches.

A clearer image of the illustration of Acheron / Hellmouth that Tundal saw in his Hell-vision journey:

Tundal is shown the beast Acheron, illustrated by Simon Marmion in a c.1470 – The Vision of Tundal.

Two more Hellmouth images. These two showing ‘dragons’ and other ‘mythical creatures’ in, or near to, Hellmouth:

Left Image Title: ‘Apollyon gives Sin his commissions’, Newman, 1800s. Right: Image from ‘Le Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur’ – c. 1450-1470

Apollyon (Apollon / Apollo) is with a demon called Sin in this image above on the left and below (The title above is written on the original image – as shown in the image below).

In Babylonian tradition, Ishtar is the daughter of Sin. Sin (Suen in Akkadian) was The God of the Moon in Ancient Mesopotamian civilisations. Yet another demon / reptilian ‘god’… Providing further evidence that Ishtar / Inanna was a bipedal reptilian.

Seeing these ‘mythical creatures’ in, or near to, Hellmouth, in the above images, leads you nicely into the next article in the series: Part 13, on mythical creatures and advanced technology (Some more work is needed on Part 13 before I publish it).


Related article:

You cannot understand this planet if you do not have a good feel for the so-called ‘personality disorders’ (cluster B ‘disorders’). This article will greatly help you. People with so called ‘narcissistic personality disorder’ (NPD) are much more prevalent than most realise:

Next article in this Resets and Genocides series:

This article will help you understand more about this Bipedal Reptilian force, as well as help you understand all the bizarre ‘mythological creatures’ and where they came from.

55 thoughts on “The Underworld and Hell – Resets and Genocides, Part 12

  • November 30, 2022 at 10:08 pm

    Hello Friend,

    Thanks for this excellent, well written article. It reminded me of a few things that I have experienced:

    1. A “dream” that I had when I was around 5 or 6 of being in large, round, white room like something from Startrek. I was with my Mother, all of a sudden we had to jump through this orange pool of gas or liquid. I can’t remember anyone else there but I remember feeling very scared when I had to jump into the orange pool which was located on the white floor. I am 41 years old now and still remember the dream clearly.

    2. A few years ago, around May (have had other profound experiences in May for some reason) I dreamt or astral travelled that I went into a tunnel far down into the earth. It was a beautiful place that I went to and there were women and men living there. The women had long plaits of hair and both sexes were white or Caucasian. I got some feeling that they were my ancestors. I heard the word “Vanir” resonating in my ears as I woke up or came back into my body.

    • December 1, 2022 at 7:03 pm

      Hey Fiona

      You are welcome, and thankyou.

      Best regards.

  • December 5, 2022 at 4:07 am

    Hi E.A.,

    Bravo! What a fantastic wealth of knowledge and research. A genuine tour de force.

    So, I was trying to refrain from responding until this series’ completion as I’m sure you are super busy editing and researching, as well as responding to comments. However… I have a point which may be of interest regarding one of the images of Hell. (Hmm. Sounds pretty depressing, but you get what I mean). I am attempting to keep it as brief as possible. As you know, topics such as these makes brevity next to impossible. I am editing it now, making it concise. Will send it your way in the next day or so. Just wanted to let you know that. Also, your work is greatly appreciated.

    Take care,

    • December 6, 2022 at 11:17 pm

      Hi SB74,

      Good to hear from you and thankyou.

      I am very happy for you to send me information that you think is pertinent, it just might not be posted or replied to straight away 🙂

      It is a good idea to share information with various shorter comments, with one on each specific subject, or line of thought. That would make things a bit easier for me, and it means that I can respond to, or post, specific pieces of information more swiftly.

      I am interested to see what you have.

      Best regards.

  • December 6, 2022 at 1:03 pm

    Good article.

    Hans F. K. Guenther has made an attempt in his book “Frömmigkeit nordischer Artung” to summarize the original similarities of the religious assumptions of the different Indo-European cultures. A short quotation from the book about the afterlife world I would like to add here. Perhaps it is of interest. When I compare Guenther’s thesis with the article here, it seems to me that the original Indo-European conceptions of an afterlife world arose before the earth was taken over by a hostile power. Here now the quotation:

    „Because perfect human life is possible for the righteous already on “this” earth, if he develops his efficient being in measured self-assertion, because the death of the individual belongs to the order of the world just as much as the duty to preserve the chosen clans, because an afterlife has no essential meaning in the faith of the Indo-Europeans, because at least the prospect of an afterlife cannot worry or depress the believer, so death does not have the meaning of an exciter to faith and moral conduct of life.
    It is striking how pale and unexciting are the original Indo-Germanic ideas of life after death, ideas like those of the realm of the dead of Hades among the Hellenes or of Hel among the Teutons. The Valhalla conceptions of the Teutons hardly belong here; they are a late, not original special development and less from a believing mind than from poetic descriptive talent.
    Basically, for the Indo-Germanic, death was a transition to a life which in its individual features resembled life in the world of the living, only quieter, more balanced and shadowy. The deceased remained a part of the clan soul, of which he had also been a part in life. He had never been a detached individual, but always a part of the family-long existence of a clan on its hereditary farms. As a part of the clan soul, the individual death was of little significance for him. What concerned him in the realm of the dead, however, was the prosperity of his clan, the horses and cattle of his clan, the fields and pastures of his clan. Achilles, the deceased, asks Odysseus, who has advanced to the underworld, “Tell me of my excellent son!” (Odyssey XI, 492) and goes “with great steps” and “joyfully” from there, when he had learned of “the son’s virtue” (XI, 539/40).“ (Page 31,32 of „Frömmigkeit nordischer Artung“ from Hans F. K. Günther)

    • December 7, 2022 at 11:28 pm

      Hello Vinger, and thankyou.

      This is what the Indo Germanic people believed. But who told them this? And it still seems fairly similar to the some of the other after-worlds. We can see that what people experienced in these realms did change over the years – the more ancient people having slightly different experiences – and some of them even had the promise of Elysium or the Field of Reeds. But they were still all under the control of the reptilians.

      I think the Truth about all this, is not what people are going to want to hear.

      It is extremely likely that these Indo Germanic people were also going to some sort of after-life realm created by these bipedal reptilians. The keys to understanding all this are 1. Understanding the very evolved and cosmically knowledgeable, energy harnessing Old World civilisations (Part 8 of this Resets and Genocides series will help with this) and 2. Understanding that numerous resets and reset related events that have taken place – with the reptilians reinventing societies and civilisations – wiping out old knowledge and inserting their own subversive stories and rhetoric (Parts 5, 6, and 10 will be of particular help with this).

      All these ancient stories that have been given to us are massively influenced by the controlling bipedal reptilians (created by them more likely). The Greek and Roman ‘gods’ (Olympian / Hyperborean ‘gods’) were these bipedal reptilians. The ancient Egyptian and ancient Mesopotamian ‘gods’ were these bipedal reptilians . The Hittite ‘gods’ were these bipedal reptilians. The Chinese / Japanese gods were these bipedal reptilians. Many of the South Asian gods were these bipedal reptilians. The Aztec gods were these bipedal reptilians. The ancient Peruvian gods were these bipedal reptilians. The North American White Indian tribes gods were these bipedal reptilians. The Christian and Jewish god Yahweh, was a reptilian ‘god’. The Watchers, angels and archangels were reptilians… Lucifer, Satan, Molech etc… again, reptilians. We could go on.

      I do not think we have any historical information from when these reptilians were not in control. Nothing from when the Old World civilisation, consisting of humans of various sizes led by large giants, was intact and flourishing.

      I exposed Loki and his daughter Hel, as almost certainly being reptilians – and will expose Loki further in part 13 – and from what I have read, Valkyries were originally known as dark angels and a type of evil spirit that took people to the different ‘afterlife realms’, and they worked for Odin. Somehow people reinvented them as attractive blonde women… it is like how angels were re-imagined as tall White people with wings by the medieval Europeans (when they were really demons / reptilians).

      Honestly, its not looking good, with regards to Norse god stories. Everything we know is based on lies, including the – very likely subversive – Norse god stories. I am not going to be going around pro-actively correcting anyone or making a big deal about it all. It doesn’t make much difference – we need to take power away from the non-human force’s Proxies, that is the focus.

      Christianity causes quite a few problems, but admiring these Norse ‘gods’ doesn’t really. But I have to say, from looking at all the information – and part 13 looks at some of the technology they had as well – I think the Norse ‘gods’ were this non-human bipedal reptilian force as well. People are not going to want to believe this, and that’s fine, not a big problem, but a lot of information is pointing to that. I will talk about this a bit more in Part 13.

      Again, one of the keys to understanding all this is the Old World civilisation (Part 8 of this series) – and understanding the cosmic energy (vril energy, if you like) that was being massively harnessed and was bathing the Old World cities. The people back then – the giant humans – would have had complete access to other realms and the other levels of reality. Very spiritually and metaphysically knowledgeable. They would not be fighting bloody wars on Earth and they would not have ambiguous stories about the after life. They would know all about the other levels and their less physical bodies and would be consciously utilising them. It was such a different life / existence. The Afterlife and the less physical bodies would be a natural part of life – humans moving between them with ease. They would have surely had continued communication with anyone whose dense 3D body had perished. They were also extremely likely to be extremely long lived in the Old World – pretty much immortal if they avoided extreme physical damage. There was also very likely no wars back then between these different Old World giant civilisations on Earth and very good / harmonious relations. There wasn’t any lack back then – there would not have been competition for resources – this vril / prana / chi energy they were bathed in, and the sound / frequency stations (churches, cathedrals and temples etc), would maintain and ‘feed’ their bodies, and keep their consciousness at very high levels… and they would have access to endless free energy. They would also have access to other parts of the cosmos, and our solar system – they were not confined to Earth.

      And there would not have been any narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths incarnating into their civilisations.

      These Old World civilisations were clearly not prepared for the invasion by this parasitical reptilian / non-human / A.I force. We can only assume they came from a very distant location in the cosmos / universe, and the humans in our solar system or galaxy did not know such forces existed…

      It very much looks to me that ALL our historical information was created after the destruction of this energy harnessing Old World network. It is all from the time of the reptilian control / rule.

      This is going to be fairly depressing for some, and some will be resistant, but the Truth is what is important. The fact that we are clearly having an awakening on the surface of this planet, and beginning to work out the depths of the lies, is encouraging. If only there wasn’t truly insane amounts of controlled opposition misdirecting and subverting people. The Proxies incessantly seed controlled opposition in all areas.

      Hope that helped.

      • December 9, 2022 at 1:23 pm

        Thank you very much for the detailed answer. From your articles I take away a lot of new information that is not available elsewhere. I also assume that many mythologies and religions have the same starting point. There are so many similarities, even between the monotheistic and polytheistic belief systems that oppose each other today. I have read many psychological and esoteric interpretations of mythologies and religions. A similar approach according to which many folk tales are interpreted. But certainly they can be interpreted in a different, more historical way.
        A German esotericist of whom I have read a lot said shortly before his death, after many decades of studying the esoteric arts, that man is in a much more hopeless situation than he thinks. And that man is better off by doing nothing than by engaging in modern esoteric systems that only lead astray. He was probably right.

        • December 11, 2022 at 7:27 pm

          Hello again Vingr

          You are welcome – and yes, there is something a bit different about me that enables me to find some of the more deeply hidden Truths.

          Yes. This is the case for all our history, all over the world – all our creation stories and all our religions. It is all from this invading non-human / bipedal reptilian force.

          Indeed. All these stories we get are subversive and lead us astray. Our ancient stories and so-called religious ‘guidance’ are very bizarre and not based on cosmic Truths . It was meant to be like that, meant to confuse and subvert – and also to get the more persistent seekers going around in circles. That guy you mentioned gave up, and I can, to a degree, understand that, as it is a maze of confusing subversive tales. But I have worked out much of what they were trying to divert us away from and presented it to people in this series.

          A good deal of it was created to lead us away from the knowledge regarding the free infinite cosmic electric energy that can feed / sustain our bodies and elevate our consciousness – and power machines. The energy the Old World buildings were harnessing. The cosmic energy that is coming to use from our electric Sun.

          (Also, obviously, some of the subversive rhetoric was there to divert us away from the long history of the reptilian parasites control and malevolent behaviours)

          To learn about this cosmic energy I recommend you read part 1, part 8 and part 9 of this series… In fact, you should read all of the resets and genocides series, as there are so many correlations, and you need to read it all for it all to make sense 🙂

          And the information on energy in my the Hollow Earth 3 part series is very useful as well – information on our Electric Universe, Free Energy and the ancient giants bringing this cosmic energy into their bodies – and much more.

          Hope that helped.

      • December 10, 2022 at 2:44 am

        This is a well structured response. Thank you. I did read your article on reptilians. Quite sad what has happened to us. I have a few more questions.

        1. Do you think the reptilians (or archons?) were created by Sofia (mother Earth) as per the gnostic texts?

        2. How can we correct the situation we are in? How can we acquire the capacities we once had?

        3. Besides eating well, have you come across some other means one can heal? You mention vril/prana a lot. How can one tap these energies?

        Thank you.

        • December 11, 2022 at 7:10 pm

          Hi lhapsburg

          1.Do you think the reptilians (or archons?) were created by Sofia (mother Earth) as per the gnostic texts?

          No. I think the reptilian empire and their A.I came from a distant area of the cosmos, or perhaps even a different universe. It very much seems like the human giants were not prepared for a group of entities like that.

          I don’t think the gnostics necessary knew exactly what they were seeing and had the necessary words, the term archons can be confusing for some – they would also not have had much experience with all of these other levels, and the advanced technology and the alien species they saw – but they did describe, what sounded like, artificial intelligence and reptilians. To me, it seems fairly accurate to say that the force that took-over was a realm-hopping, cosmically knowledgeable, bipedal reptilian force that greatly utilises A.I and advanced technology.

          Perhaps their ‘gods’ are some of these powerful A.Is.

          2. How can we correct the situation we are in? How can we acquire the capacities we once had?

          Our focus is take power away from The Proxies, and working towards a mass awakening – winning the information war is a big part of this. Learning how to talk to normies, and opening their minds, is a very important skill to develop.

          This takeover is all very likely much bigger and more complex than we can comprehend. There are many levels to reality. Other forces work on other levels, and we surface humans deal with 3D dense Earth.

          3.Besides eating well, have you come across some other means one can heal? You mention vril/prana a lot. How can one tap these energies?

          Not sure exactly want you mean by heal. I write just a little bit for you on this, as this is a fairly large subject.

          Physical Healing

          The Old World giants harnessed the subtle cosmic energy to sustain and heal their bodies. We are just beginning to understand and learn about this cosmic electric energy. Various articles on this website, and in this series, talk about it and show the giants constructions. You can study those articles. Energy is harnessed from the crust of the Earth and from the atmosphere. These articles on the cosmic energy are in both the Resets and Genocides series and the Hollow Earth series.

          It is also clear that sound was very important in sustaining and healing bodies in the Old World. I use singing bowls. I have some small and large ones – some metal, some crystal – with different tones for different chakras / energy vortices. The big ones generate a decent amount of energy / vibration – you can feel it. After getting some bigger singing bowls I can now imagine how much energy the giant bowls could create – especially in a purposely built room with oscillating forms / cavities. Now, if you had a small spare room, and you study the ceilings of the ancient cathedrals, you could recreate some similar forms so as to oscillate and amplify the energy and confine it there, to positively impact your body.

          I should imagine, that If you could build a room out of granite, or crystal, and create oscillating forms and use large singing bowls, it would be much more powerful (if it was built on an energy point of Earth it would be even more powerful – this is related to leylines and the giant’s geomancy featured in Part 1 of this series).

          I don’t know if this sound oscillation has to be combined with the cosmic energy brought up from the crust and down from the atmosphere.

          You can also look at the energy harnessing hats the giants used to use. My article on the Chestahedron / Sacred Geometry presents them clearly. To bring energy into the crown chakra and your body.

          But again, we are just really beginning to learn about this cosmic energy and the effects of sound. It is difficult for us to measure its levels and effects.

          For me, one of the biggest things, and this is related to diet – is to rid the body of toxins (these toxins can have a big affect on you without you realising). The body needs lots of nutrient dense food – with plenty of animal fat (I use a lot of raw cultured butter) and plenty of animal protein – to create the necessary cleanses to rid the body of some of the more difficult toxins. The body is very intelligent – if you give lots of nutritious food it will cleanse. I follow the raw primal diet (started it about 3 and half to 4 years ago) and it has been transformational both physically and with mental capabilities / ‘brain power’.

          Psychological Healing

          Introspective meditation for a short period each day can greatly help: following the breath and observing all thoughts while sitting with the energy that comes up, and allowing yourself to feel it – the energy is then eventually ‘released’ (in a sense), and you become in control of your emotions, aware of your weaknesses and motivations – and your clarity of mind is increased. The Tao of fully feeling.

          Also, related to this, is learning to breath properly, which can improve your health and clarity – training yourself to breath more deeply, with less shallow breaths.


          We stay healthy, fit, strong, conscious, self-disciplined, balanced, focused – and committed to finding Truth and sharing it. Until power is taken away from The Proxies very little will change – things will only get worse.

          Hope some of that helped.

          • February 23, 2023 at 4:48 am

            “Also, related to this, is learning to breath properly, which can improve your health and clarity – training yourself to breath more deeply, with less shallow breaths. ”

            Interesting that you say this, have you ever heard of Buteyko breathing? They say the opposite: that deep breathing (referred to as hyperventilation by Buteyko practicioners) is the cause of many health problems. They advocate for diaphragmatic, shallow breaths, maintaining a slight feeling of “air hunger” to re-train the body to utilise air more efficiently – this is referred to as “reduced breathing”. According to them, people in the past (1800s or so if I remember correctly) breathed so little that their breathing was invisible and inaudible, and the reason people hyperventilate nowadays is due to modern changes in lifestyle, I believe sleeping on the back was one (apparently ancient people slept sitting, or even standing!).

            Apparently the reason why hyperventilation is instinctual is because in the ancient past the concentration of gasses in the air was different (more carbon dioxide, less oxygen I believe).

            I’m not sure that I believe it – it came from a researcher in the (((Soviet Union))). I’ve heard that long meditations can take you into a state of “reduced breathing” naturally, so maybe there’s something to it (but I’m not sure what type of meditations these were. Subversive escapist meditations?)

            It could be a case of “correlation not causation”, i.e. the increased toxins in the modern world results in a constantly “stressed state” where the body hyperventilates naturally, not the hyperventilation causing the “stressed state”.

  • December 8, 2022 at 10:29 pm

    Hi Entity,

    Your work lacks the words to describe how gigantic it is. As far as it seems, this source is the best regarding these topics on the whole Internet. So, I am very grateful this world has people such as you, and I wish you the best luck in your life, and I wish this truth would spread throughout our race, so we would regain our natural instincts to be the best versions of ourselves, and then win this war eventually, save ourselves, and this planet from evil.

    Also, I have a couple of questions I would like to hear your opinion on. And maybe other people would like to hear it, too.

    1. You have mentioned that ancient buildings were built by White giant humans. I am wondering who these White giants were exactly. Were they our direct ancestors? If so, then what is the reason that we do not grow today up to their size? Can it be related to pollution of our planet?

    2. I have noticed that there are lots of subversions that give some grains of truth which are aligned with everything you write here. And I have even seen people who believe in these subversions. However, when talking about crucial points (such as Breakaway Germans), then it seems these points are missed or subverted in ways that you might want to laugh hysterically of how foolish this subversion is. So, I am wondering if these gatekeepers, shills, and other people just copy your work, and then subvert it to fool the general White population seeking the truth? I have especially noticed these things in Russian subversive channels.

    Thank you for your input in advance, and I am very grateful for your gigantic work.

    • December 11, 2022 at 6:39 pm

      Hello Antanas

      Thankyou and your are very welcome.

      Question 1:

      The answers are in the Resets and Genocides series, though I will bring some more clarity for you now. It very much looks like there were roughly 4 or 5 main genetic groups of Old World giants in the original / initial Old World Earth, before the initial takeover. From looking at the different types of architecture, the Whites Giants were easily the most numerous, and they very likely had very harmonious relations with the other racial groups of giants. The spread of architecture also suggests this.

      I do believe, from looking at the evidence, that the bipedal reptilians created the smaller humans – our current humanity – using the some of the DNA of these giants. The evidence points to that. So we are in a sense, a modified version of the giants.

      The giant humans were genocided by the bipedal reptilians. From looking at old artwork, there were 5 foot humans on the planet since roughly the 1300s (possible a bit earlier than that as well, but we have evidence for the 1300s), they were living with the remaining giants, and then a great many more 5 foot humans were added by the bipedal reptilians in (roughly) the early 1800s, when the giants were nearly all killed off. If you read the Resets and Genocides series from the beginning, you will see evidence for this.

      But truthfully, we do not know exactly how far this reptilian control goes back.

      Question 2:

      Absolutely, yes, this definitely does occur. Parts / sections of my work are used by the controlled agents. I especially notice this happening on (((YouTube))), not that long after articles are released. They show a snippet of information and insert some misdirecting subversion. Some controlled people will even use terms or phrases that I have coined in conjunction with their subversive content. This especially happens with my work on Ufology, metaphysics / other realms and Ancient History. They also compartmentalise subjects, just showing a snippet of information, so that people do not see the Truth. Whereas I bring lots of information together and show the patterns and correlations and provide analysis and critical thinking by comparing it to other subject areas.

      Yes, some of the nonsense they come out with is so ridiculous and illogical, especially in (((Ufology))).

      The handlers of these controlled agents will tell them what to create and who they need to subvert people from. It is all very organised, everybody underestimates how much controlled opposition there is, as well as how organised it is. In fact, in the alternative media, I find it very hard to find any content creators that are not controlled opposition gatekeepers.

      I would suggest that probably at least a quarter of my views for this Resets and Genocides series (the handlers will know the significance of the insights I share in this series) are controlled people, who have been told by their handlers to look at my work, take certain parts of it (or find very similar information related to it), and then create subversive gate-keeping content with it, to draw people away from my site and the information I share. They will also specifically seed new controlled gate-keeping agents to try and subvert people away from new information and certain websites. I know how it all works, again, it is all very organised. This happens in all sections of the alternative media.

      Hope that helped.

  • December 9, 2022 at 10:32 pm

    Hi again. Thanks for the advice. I applied it.

    Those people in the two Hell images from Ethiopia are most likely the original Abyssinians, specifically the Habesha. These people are what some American Indians call ‘Children of the Sun’ as opposed to, ‘The People’. Ex: Maidan, Anasazi etc were‘Children of the Sun.’ The Navajo, Hopi, Comanche etc. were ‘The People’. Some of the ancient Hellenes mentioned them as being tall, robust, etc.

    Mainstream tries to push Congoloid, darker complexion “Ethiopians” as Habesha. They are not. Most likely that group was part of those added to the human population between the 17th and 19th centuries. Saying they are Habesha (or even Abyssinian) is just disinformation due to various, obvious, reasons. Covering up this planet’s true history as you’ve already been covering. There are certain physical markers: lighter complexion, hair texture, absence of broad facial features etc.

    But, the biggest difference is the soul. Innate actions. As you stated, we simply do not have the proper words for this topic. Yet, we do know certain people possess a visceral need to discover what happened to mankind… How this world became so ineptly run and wholly exploited (both nature and people). These people harbor an innate desire to set things right by Mother Nature, while holding a deep abhorrence to all things unnatural. One can pick up on a person’s spirit while being in their presence.

    Like mankind being different from humankind, it appears the original ethnicities of mankind (seems to be four or five) were all ‘Children of the Sun.’ Compared to the other original ethnicities/racial groups, the Habesha were smaller in number. And like the other ethnicities, some managed to escape the horrific AIF tragedy; be it Sun Terra or otherwise.

    In this world, presently, are a few who still have the DNA of one or more ethnic groups belonging to the ‘Children of the Sun’. The more this specific DNA present, the more chance they were involved with the “abductions” you mention from the 1960s et al. In fact, the most well known involving a Habesha is the Betty and Barney Hill incident. Barney had a significant amount of Habesha DNA/heritage. It’s been out there in the mainstream. Also, my aunt and uncle knew the couple at the time of the incident. I’ve talked to my aunt about them. Over the years, the story has been altered by Mainstream and others. And, his experience wasn’t unique. If one looks into the “abduction” phenomenon, they will find, in rare cases, Habesha people are present. Again, there are accounts out there.

    What we have today concerning Earth’s humanity, is a remnant of a tragic, immoral, unnatural crime committed against a vulnerable (almost decimated) species and their brutally occupied world. And, yes, there is hope. However, to understand what that hope entails, it is essential to know the past. To understand, as much as possible, what was lost.

    As it goes, no one has hope when they believe they are forgotten. I believe the genuine awakening occurring among some is proof that some of the groups never forgot the tragedy that befell Earth… and they are preventing further crimes from occurring. Yet, where does this all lead? Not exactly sure. But, as you’ve mentioned, it’s best to act in any way possible (do your part) to help bring about the very necessary end to the current, tyrannical, destructive (insane) world society.

    I hope this helps explain the two images.

    • December 9, 2022 at 10:40 pm

      “Sun Terra” should read Sub Terra.

    • December 12, 2022 at 4:49 pm

      Hi SB74

      Thanks for this.

      I did some research and found more murals of these people, found in old buildings, and you can get a better feel for them by looking at these additional paintings – murals and frescos in Old World buildings can be very useful, if you look at them carefully. They were definitely not the same as the current Ethiopians! They would have very likely been giants (at least over 7 feet tall). We don’t know their genetic history, how long they lived there, and how they came to be there. Or if they were some of the original giants, or were related to some of them, or were perhaps even created by the reptilians (these reptilians were / are also genetic engineers – most advanced groups are capable of that) – so much history has been destroyed. Some of these people have a similar complexion to some of the tan or light brown skinned Persians, and some also seem to have really quite fair skin – but the hair of many of them certainly looks different to the other giant (7 feet plus) races.

      In the Pierre Descelliers map, created in the mid 1500s, there are three regions where large White kings are depicted in Africa. Two In the north and one in the east. It was known that White people ruled and lived in those parts (I have more evidence for this as well, will share in part 14). The two kings in the North Africa were depicted with red hair and very pale skin – the 5 feet tall remaining White Berbers could be survivors of this 1600s /1700s destruction in that area. Like you suggest, I can’t think that these Abyssinians / Habeshi were that numerous, or prominent, in those times, or they would likely been depicted on the map rather than the red head men. So much has been hidden from us. These Habeshi people were, of course, genocided as well. I suspect they would have been very different indeed, to the current Ethiopians, not just visually – but in various other ways. The reptilians aren’t going to create more able humans to insert into that location.

      Yes, the current, short, dark, very slim Ethiopians would have been added to that location, either in the late 1700s or early 1800s – along with the nearby Somalians, Kenyans, Sudanese, Libyans, Egyptians, Moroccans, Algerians etc… All new 5 feet tall populations of humans, created by the reptilians and their allies. This adding of new five foot tall populations occurred in a great many locations all around at that time – very likely in all continents. We can only imagine how all these new groups were created / grown by this non-human force – perhaps in some kind of liquid filled tanks, like those we see in science fiction movies.

      I would like to know if the Black Africans, in the East and Centre of Africa back then in the 1500s, were the 7 feet tall people or 5 feet tall. It is difficult to tell, as there is not much art related to this. I think the Black Africans that lived in Africa at that time were likely created by the reptilians, as they have no corresponding Old World architecture and mainly seemed to live in huts (this is clearly shown on the Descelliers map). But I don’t know if the Black people living there were wiped out before the latest reset and then new Black people were inserted into that area. In some of the old European art, the Black people were depicted as being very nearly as tall, or as tall, as the upper class White people (who would have been 7 feet tall at least), but there are also some much smaller black servants depicted and these look like they are 5 feet tall. It is difficult to know, but its possible they had the same ‘large and smaller humans dynamic’ in that region of Africa back then. I will look into it a little more at some point.

      The information about Barney and Betty is also interesting. Though the vast majority of abductions very much seemed to be of White people – mainly from nations with, what we would call, Western or Central European DNA, there were also various anomalies. Some of the more strange ones could have been that the Germans may not have had total control of the atmosphere until perhaps sometime in the 70s or 80s … And some of them will be made up subversion by Jewry and the Freemasons – some of them definitely are fake, as shown in my Ufology Explained series. I do not think the Barney Betty one was subversion – their encounter sounds real and credible. We do not know which ethnic groups had survived the reptilian occupation in the vast complex labyrinth of caverns in the crust and in the hollow centre – there must have been various other surviving human groups down there, that were very likely, due to the reptilian occupation, living in a some type of fallen state. I am absolutely convinced the Germans made it to Hollow Earth and Mars – from my research, my artwork and from some of what I have seen in my experiences and flashback memories in the night. The Germans were working with the small Greys – did some other human groups that the Germans met inside the Earth, or on Mars, also benefit from the small Greys DNA collections and DNA investigations? (By the way I do not think the small Greys are from inside the Earth – I think they were likely encountered elsewhere, possibly on Mars or another location in our solar system. It is interesting that in cartoons, and video games, Martians were often depicted as similar to the small greys – with the large head and small limbs and body).

      Thanks again.

  • December 10, 2022 at 5:35 am

    Hi, big fan here, wanted to mention that this series of articles reminds me of the legend of Beowulf particularly how Grendel the main monster of the story and Grendel’s mother sound like these bipedal reptilians and how Beowulf and the Geats sound like giants not to mention how he slew ‘dragons’ and ‘sea monsters’. The language in this specific translation by Strafford Riggs correlate with a lot of the things in your articles. I highly suspect Beowulf and the people of Geatsland were giants and Beowulf slew one of these bipedal reptilian creatures. Tell me what you think! I suspect you may have read it before since you used an image from the book in one of your articles but if not here you go.

    “ They were tall like the trees of their forests, and broad like the stout beams of their boats, and each man had the strength of ten. They were yellow of hair; their eyes were deep-set and burned blue like the sea; on their arms and around their necks were great circlets of beaten gold; and upon their heads they wore helmets decorated with the horns of bulls or the black wings of ravens.”

    “For on one cruel night, twelve years before, there had come to Heorot–which was the great drinking-hall of Hrothgar–a monster, part animal, part man, part bird.”

    “He sang of dragons that had no blood in them, but which, when they fought in bitter combat among themselves, oozed a white liquid so cold that even the fir trees withered where it fell.”

    “His legs were like the trunks of trees and they were covered with a kind of gray dry scale that made a noise like paper as the fiend moved this way and that. The body of the beast was shaped like that of a man, but such a man as no mortal eyes had ever before beheld, and the size and shape of it were something to be marveled at.”

    “On the earthen floor of Heorot they fell together and the force of their fall made the earth tremble, as when two giants fight in mortal combat.”

    • December 11, 2022 at 6:16 pm

      Hi Matt

      I did indeed look at the various images that had been created to accompany that story, and read some excerpts of the story – and came to the same conclusion as you. Yes, these people would have been giants (larger humans) and yes, that would have to have been one of the larger bipedal reptilians (there were / are different sized reptilians in that force)

      This translation you shared is very useful – I had not read this particular version of the story before. It is very clear that this is a large bipedal reptilian. That description of ‘gray dry scale that made a noise like paper’ is great. You can imagine the noise made by its dry scaly reptilian skin on its limbs, as it rubbed against other surfaces or other parts of its own body.

      As well as this, the description of the dragons is fantastic, and strongly alludes to an important Truth about them:

      “He sang of dragons that had no blood in them, but which, when they fought in bitter combat among themselves, oozed a white liquid so cold that even the fir trees withered where it fell.”

      Because dragons (there were various types) were actually machines / technology. Very likely with artificial intelligence. When you really study mythical creatures, you realise that pretty much all of them were either advanced A.I robotic ‘creatures’ connected to the reptilian force, or vehicles used by the non-human / reptilian force. In many of the descriptions on mythical creatures you hear about strange poisonous fluids that came out of them when they were damaged – these fluids killed plants and were sometimes said to dissolve bones etc

      I will add that excerpt on dragons to part 13.

      Many thanks for the share.

      • March 11, 2023 at 8:30 am

        The fact that it says the liquid in the “dragons” was cold is interesting. It could have something to do with their energy generation and free energy. Free energy systems are said to get cold instead of hot like our technology, because they are not working against the flow of Nature.

        Was the liquid a gas that was whirled through vortices of some sort similar to Walter Russel’s Optic-Dynamo, or Schauberger’s designs, and because of the “cooling effect”, it turned into liquid? But if it gets too cold, the fluid would freeze and the machine would stop working.

        So, the fluid would have to be one that is difficult to freeze. My first thought is something like Hydrogen, because it has to be extremely cold to become solid. Conveniently, Hydrogen is also very abundant. But, Hydrogen is clear when liquid. So it’s probably not that.

        But if you take a look at Nitrogen, it’s also clear, but it creates white vapour through its contact with air. It also has a very low freezing point. Moreover, Nitrogen (in its gas form) is supposedly the element chosen by Tesla to be used in his “Radiant Energy”/”Cold Electricity” systems, because it “conducted” the unique form of energy best, let’s call it Aetheric Energy, and it did so without “electronic contamination”, i.e. the creation of the electricity we know through Aetheric Energy’s interaction with matter, and with it, the characteristics of electricity: heat, resistance, energy loss, shocks, etc. (He originally tried to use copper, but found it to be one of the worst materials in this respect. Interesting note.)

        Liquid Nitrogen looks more like a gas than a liquid though, and I feel that if they saw this they would have mentioned it. The “ooze” part hints at it being viscous, which Liquid Nitrogen is not, but it may have been referring to liquid Nitrogen’s gaseous nature?

        Either way, this seems like a useful hint. Maybe there are testimonies out there of UFOs oozing this same cold white liquid? Could it have something to do with Mercury?

  • December 21, 2022 at 4:18 am

    — This is an improved version of the previous comment, please delete my old comment—
    part 1

    I feel like if you said hell still exists I would go insane from fear.

    On another note, it seems that spiritual hell and this ‘different Earth’
    can be explained by 4 dimensional geometry.

    >What are these realms?

    ***I would suggest that what these spiritual realms are is (3d) volumes
    offset by a non-zero vector in the 4th dimension.***
    (A vector is a set of values typically added to coordinates.)
    Formulaically, Let Realm A = (0, x, y, z) and Realm B = (1, x, y, z),
    where x, y and z are variable (such that these realms are whole volumes, not just points)
    and such that the first ‘w’ coordinate is the value in the 4th dimension.
    Then to move between A and B all you do is add/subtract the vector V[->] = (1, 0, 0, 0).
    A + V[->] = B

    >How can there be 4d when these realms look 3d?

    Because volumes can exist in 4d.*
    Normal 3d-style volumes can exist in a world with greater than 3 dimensions,
    provided that only three dimensions are variable and that the rest are constant.
    (for that particular volume, not universally)
    [e.g. (k1, k2, k3, k4, x, y, z); kn = constant]

    >Why must there be a 4th dimension?

    Because it allows volumes to be superimposed, almost at the same position but also not.
    And superimposition is part of the observations.
    Also, if there wasn’t another dimension then the other realms would have be 3-dimensionally contiguous,
    e.g. another Earth elsewhere in the solar system, which we don’t have afaik.

    Also other reasons related to finitude and the shape of the universe.

    • December 21, 2022 at 9:37 pm

      Hi Heightmogged by giants

      Is this the one you want to be posted, as there is another variation in my spam folder that you sent today?

      • January 13, 2023 at 4:04 pm

        Yes, that was part 1, this is part 2:
        >If it’s 4d there must be 4d shapes, where are they?

        These complex 4d shapes (e.g. tesseract) are hypervolumes generalized between
        volumes i.e. they go between realms with different 4th coordinates.

        >additional thoughts

        Portals may be related to 4d shapes. (pinch points…)

        Maybe similar realms are closer – with a smaller vector between them.
        Perhaps the vectors vary and are less at energy intense places.

        Of course maybe there are more than one extra dimension, I’m just saying 4d
        because it’s the simplest case that explains the observations.

        If you offset things in an orthogonal dimension then they are parallel,
        so that term is accurate; these realms will be ‘parallel’/concurrent.
        [e.g. the xy plane offset in z:
        (x, y, 0) and the same plane moved forwards(x, y, 1) are parallel.]

        *[see asterisk in earlier comment] simpler shapes can exist in higher realms.
        (all the shapes from lower realms can exist in a higher realm)
        [the realms and their shapes- 0d: point, 1d: point, line, 2d: point, line, plane,
        3d: point, line, plane, volume, 4d: point, line, plane, volume, 4d-hypervolume]


    • December 30, 2022 at 7:17 pm

      Hi Heightmogged

      The Tesseract cube in the Marvel movies is very likely related to all this. They make a pretty big deal about in a few of those Hollywood movies.


      I read a book called ‘The Tesseract’ by Alex Garland about 20 or so years ago. The title always stuck in my mind. Garland was also behind the A.I movie ‘Ex Machina’ and the creepy movie ‘Annihilation’… as well as ‘The Beach’. Normies think these people just randomly pop up… When this guy obviously ‘knows things’ and is likely a Freemason.

      Here are a few excerpts I found online, showing what Garland said about the title of his book ‘The Tesseract’:

      “The tesseract of Garland’s title refers to the reduction of a four-dimensional cube to a three-dimensional one: “”We can see the thing unraveled, but not the thing itself.”” In an attempt at similar dimensionality, Garland (The Beach) has written a novel that operates on two levels. His characters intersect in a metaphysical web and also in a violent series of coincidences.”

      “In a note at the end of The Tesseract, Alex Garland writes: “Some definitions of a tesseract describe it as a hypercube unraveled, and others as the hypercube itself. I chose the version used here only because I happen to prefer it.” This is not only a definition of the title of this novel; it is something of a description of its structure. Unfortunately, the meaning of the term is clear only to those with a prior knowledge of esoteric terms in mathematics. A title should clarify for the reader, not obfuscate. In this novel, it is clear only that several disparate elements meet in violent collision at a point where they intersect for no apparent reason.”

  • January 16, 2023 at 6:25 pm

    Thank you very much for this article series, this is amazing truth you are uncovering!
    The part about psychopaths/narcissists and their “souls” intrigues me alot personally. I have been studying psychopathy/narcissism very in depth for quite some time now and have become very knowledgable. Your assessments do very much make sense to me, but right now we don’t have enough hard evidence sadly.
    I am very interested in that topic because I very likely happen to be a psychopath myself. My motivation for writing this comment is simply to find the truth, as I imagine you too are very interested in finding the truth, since I regard this “soul” matter to be quite key to understand this reptilian/A.I/alien force you have described in this article.
    I would very much like to give you insights into how I think and try and unravel some of this mystery, since I believe people like me are very rare to come across, even rarer to be willing to talk about it and find out what is actually going on in this world.
    I’m very much looking forward to a reply or a DM through my e-mail.
    Wish you all the best and I’ll be patently waiting for you to release more information, as always.

    • February 5, 2023 at 9:42 pm

      Hello Piper

      You are welcome. Sorry for the delay.

      Yes, cluster B ‘personality disorders’ are fascinating – and are SO incredibly important to understand!!! (Though most don’t realise this)

      I have some of these cluster B entities (some narcissists) that I occasionally have to interact with, and some in my family that I have grown up knowing – and I am absolutely convinced that they are something very different to me – not a human Soul. I grow more and more convinced all the time that they are something very different and I do not think of them as human.

      Until humans realise on a large scale what these entities (psychopaths / sociopaths / narcissists etc) are like, and how human they can seem (what actors they are), they will remain enslaved by them.

      I have watched various documentary series about murderers, con-men and con-women etc etc… and every instance involved either a sociopath, psychopath or narcissist. Sometimes the murderer was a human Soul killing one of the sociopaths, psychopaths or narcissists in self defence, but it all involved these entities. They cause SO much trouble, and obviously also rise to positions of power.

      I assume you have read the article of mine on Narcissists, as well as this one on The Underworld.

      Feel free to share your theories.

  • February 23, 2023 at 7:52 am

    What an incredibly rich and detailed resource you are providing for seekers of Truth like myself. I have stumbled across your website today and I’m bewildered and appreciative of the work and thought you’ve put into your presentation.

    Having read this article and a related one involving life after death and the astral plane, I was wondering if it would be on your radar to go more in depth what we are to expect and how to prepare for our entrance into the afterlife realms. I believe this is of critical importance as these uncertain times are prompting a zeitgeist that is focused on this particular topic.

    As you know, Icke has released a book on the topic as well as Howdie Mickoski “Exit The Cave” — many videos on YouTube are dealing with this subject in greater detail. Channels like Forever Conscious Research, Tony Sayers Tena and Karen, the list goes on including excellent research done by Wayne Bush which is available for free on his website

    Would you or have you already done a deep dive into these topics? You have covered John Lash whom is an excellent source, yet I do not see mention of the Tibetan Book of the Dead which advises to avoid going into the white light and rather, seek the clear golden light – which I suspect could indicate the moon (false light) and the sun (golden).

    I’m hoping you can be tempted into writing the details of navigating the afterlife realm and whether or not it is all dissimilar to the astral projection experiences you’ve personally had. Your critical analysis and summation of the death experience both preparatory and post-mortem would be a tremendously valuable contribution to aid in our understanding of what may await us in the hereafter. There is much to indicate that what we do here on this planet is rather pointless if our history keeps getting rewritten, erased and our memories also as we incarnate upon our plane with amnesia once again.

    Is Earth occupied by a majority of what Gurdijeff describes as “organic portals” who have created the conditions that Steiner has warned us about regarding the medical treatment most have been given? You can see why death/rebirth is important in this context. If Steiner is correct about the purpose of innoculating the population leading to a spiritual disconnection, it would not be wise to choose to be reborn where one cannot give consent as an infant to deny an injection of this gene altering substance. Nor should a spiritual being arrive in a world of such deception, surveillance, control and enslavement as is being
    currently built.

    A plan B may become necessary to have should humanity be unsuccessful in turning the tide.

    If you email me, I can provide you with books that offer more insight into the topic should you be interested.

    The Cathars are especially intriguing to learn about. A Christian Gnostic sect that believed Yahweh to be evil, did not eat meat, refused to have children and allegedly knew the secret of ending the reincarnation cycle by way of a ritual called the “consolomatium” — they were well loved and respected prior to their extermination by the Vatican who declared them as heretics. More information can be found on them here:

    I hope this has piqued your interest and thank you once again for your hard work and contributions. 🙏

  • March 5, 2023 at 11:37 pm

    Hello E.A.!

    Apologies for the delay in responding. I’ve been waiting for the end of this series to respond a bit more in detail. Hard to convey in a concise manner as you know.

    I agree wholeheartedly concerning this world’s history… a lot has been hidden. The majority of my research has led me to (pretty much) the same conclusion as yourself. Research that includes older books (resources) but mostly goes beyond them… life experiences, out of the ordinary engagements, encounters et cetera. This has expanded over three decades.

    In brief, yes, I’m well aware of the cover-up regarding the prominent presence of White people (7 ft plus) in Northern Africa, as well as other parts of Africa. I travelled to Morocco in the spring of 1995. A lot of that history is purposely distorted. Their presence in Asia, and indeed worldwide, has been greatly distorted like in the “Tartarian” and “Mud Flood” info coming from dubious sources at this present time.

    I’ve also come across a pattern (worldwide) of stark differences concerning various ethnic groups’ origins. It comes down to what some Amerindian groups call the ‘Children of the Sun’ aspect. In short, those who possess the DNA of Man who originated from ‘Creator Source’. These individuals are very different (spiritual level on out) from ‘The People’. The latter possess the DNA of a different creator, not of Universal Source… most likely Reptoids, Insectoids, advanced off world species.

    This definition is only a general overview. It has nothing to do with any organized religion and DEFINITELY not related to the inane contrivances of Abrahamic faiths or ideologies.

    History is pretty convoluted. It appears some DNA of “Man” (original Giants/Titans) was attained by the Reptoids (I know, this sounds pretty wild). It was then used in this Solar System resulting in the original four or five ethnicities of human beings. Some have more original Man DNA than others. Various genetic experiments ensued, with devolving Man being the primary goal. It sounds like a movie. Some science fiction stories have plots closely mimicking slight versions of true accounts.

    Unless a person has a reliable connection to other realms at will (or otherwise) and retain some or full memory… well, you know the drill. Development of one’s natural (mental) psi senses is key.

    In Science Fiction, a lot of these types of scenarios presented as fiction seem to be based in some fact. Some more than others… Heinlein’s short novel ‘Lost Legacy’, included in the anthology, “The Edge of Eternity,” is eerily similar to today’s society regarding the proxies of this dysfunctional world.

    Another is “Halo”. Even though a video game, the backstory is rather elaborate and the devolution of ancient man resonates… including how present day humanity has come into existence. Even “Dark City”, a dystopian S.F. film has shades of familiarity.

    Entity, the Breakaway Germans knew quite a bit regarding this world’s history and those who were mismanaging it. What they went on to accomplish is a testament to the spiritual and intellectual greatness that is Man.

    I look forward to the rest of this series. Your work is greatly appreciated.


    PS: The ongoing spat of Aerial Objects being talked about on MSM here in the US had me revisiting your Ufology series. Very informative!

    • March 6, 2023 at 2:51 am

      *spate* not spat.

      Also, cannot state enough how all the research I’ve done thus far is theory, work-in-progress. I don’t think it’s possible at this point in time, being in this world to get hardcore, solid facts about the world and its past. We can come close though. You certainly seem to be one who has. To reiterate, developing the psi senses certainly helps a lot.

    • March 9, 2023 at 6:46 am

      “It appears some DNA of “Man” (original Giants/Titans) was attained by the Reptoids (I know, this sounds pretty wild). It was then used in this Solar System resulting in the original four or five ethnicities of human beings.”

      I’ve been wondering about this ever since I saw Entity mention in a comment that we were created by the Reptilians. If they can just create us like this, do they really need to harness our “energy”/”Loosh”? Seems like a pretty round-about way to do it, creating whole civilisations and made up narratives, setting up entire Hell realms.. etc. Why not just create us and plop us directly into Hell? But, if they can create us, surely they have a simpler way of attaining our “energy”? Or, they don’t need it at all? If so, what’s the motive for all of these atrocities? Fun? I really don’t want to think that’s the answer…

      But I’ve been wondering, did they create our souls, or just our bodies? Maybe they can only create vessels, and trick souls into entering them? It makes me wonder how they came to be so powerful in the first place if it’s so difficult for them to get “sustenance”. They have to trick us into the light, they can’t force us to enter. They seem inferior to us, who supposedly have our own limitless energy.

      DNA/Soul compatibility is another thing I’ve been wondering about. Maybe the degeneration of Man had to be gradual, otherwise the original Human Souls wouldn’t have been compatible with the degenerated vessels. If it’s gradual, the Soul might be “re-shapen” over time. Maybe in the past, every human was 15ft+, and robust.

      Just some thoughts.

      How would you develop the “psi senses”, as you say? Thanks.

      • March 9, 2023 at 6:50 am

        Another thing I forgot to add,

        Do you think the DNA they obtained was from Giants on this planet/in this solar system, or elsewhere?


        • March 12, 2023 at 8:58 pm

          The evidence I have seen suggests that the Reptilians created the Giant / Larger Humans.

      • March 9, 2023 at 7:05 am

        Another thing I want to add, haha

        I’ve also thought about the “Super Soldiers” psyop I think it was, one of the researchers said there was a galactic competition of some kind to see who the strongest species was. Apparently humanity came out on top. Maybe it was a Half-Truth. Maybe the Reptilians have done something truly extraordinary on this planet, and it was only possible because they intercepted fresh Human Souls and placed them in modified bodies. And maybe they left in the 1800s because they saw a future they didn’t like.. I’m not sure why they would give up this planet though, if our energy is like some sort of gourmet food to them. They have put great effort into lying to us, limiting us, limiting us intellectually, limiting us spiritually/astrally especially, etc. Why? Are they afraid of something?

        • March 12, 2023 at 8:53 pm

          Hi eldiajin

          Yes, that was a stupid story from James Casbolt’s script writers. I believe he said this testing, or competition, took place in an underwater base. A total nonsense story my friend, things don’t work like that.

          I would also say it is unlikely that we would come out on top, as he was talking about physical abilities. I would suggest that we are not even close to being the most physically or metaphysically advanced, though we do have our strong points.

          I listened to all of these ‘Super Soldier’ stories, every single one, from all the fake whistle-blowers, because I was (perhaps still am, I don’t know) one of these operatives, trained from a little boy in other realms etc. I remember various missions and some training – it is so ‘far out’ and it is difficult to assimilate what I was involved in. I did not know it at the time (when I was watching all the videos), no memories had returned then, but I was instinctively drawn to it all because of all this.

          As time and space is more malleable than we realise it is hard for us to get our heads around it all. I think you can be picked up (in my case small greys portal into your room), and you are ‘switched’ to your ‘alter’. I think you can go away for quite some time and are then returned that same night.

          Anyway, to the question: The reptilians (and likely some allies) created us. There seemed to be a lot of experimenting. The created various types of humans and then wiped them out in resets. We are the latest variant on this planet.

          They would very likely try to create a being that gave off a lot of energy – but they also had to try and create one that they could control and manipulate. They would also have to put various metaphysical mechanisms in place to limit us. The Sumerian tablets suggest the first human they created was for slave labour, so energy farming may not have been their original purpose – though it was these Reptilians that created the tablets, and they could be lying.

          They very likely used some type of basic hairy hominid and experimented – adding other DNA to its DNA.

          We were made to be limited so that we were easier to control. In general, humans easily forget what has been done to them, they are easily distracted, very conforming, very trusting, can be manipulated via their emotions, and they like to be told what to do and follow leaders. (We are also brilliant in many ways, as well, in my opinion… but humans are pretty easy to control, in the main.)

          I don’t think the main Reptilian force left because they saw a future they didn’t like. I don’t know why they left the solar system (in the main, as I think small amount remained). Have this empire returned to this solar system / sector of the galaxy? Are the wars being fought in the Cosmos because of this? I don’t know.

          Was their a new ownership of Earth in the 1800s? I don’t know. It seems like this latest reset was related to A.I – and the goal of setting up some type of A.I world eventually.

          Were humans underestimated? It seems so. Was there also some off-planet assistance that helped the Germans breakaway? We don’t know.

          Did the Reptilians set up other worlds with humans? I am pretty sure they set Mars up as another one of their human ‘farms’.

          Some of my very brief memories of missions that I took part in were of humans being rescued from facilities. I don’t know where they were.

          • March 13, 2023 at 5:34 am

            Hi Entity, thanks for your responses.

            “The reptilians (and likely some allies) created us. There seemed to be a lot of experimenting. The created various types of humans and then wiped them out in resets. We are the latest variant on this planet.”

            I assume this means first order of business for the Germans once they were out in space would’ve been to “upgrade” their DNA, because we humans have been weakened so much (or created weak). Hence the abductions. Trying to piece together the original, more advanced DNA of the Giants. It all seems to come together. I think the Germans would’ve known about this (and many Truths) due to the Ahnenerbe, back then there was probably a lot more information.

            Makes me wonder what the Germans up there really look like. In the “Pleiadians” and other such psyops, they’re often depicted as attractive and with muscular, strong builds (good genetics, good development, good nutrition), and with long hair (I assume this relates to prana/cosmic energy). How far have they taken it? Have they managed to recreate Giants? Have they managed to increase the lifespan, which I assume has been sabotaged considerably (think of Biblical characters living for up to 900 years!).

            • March 20, 2023 at 9:17 pm

              Hi eldiajin

              Indeed, I thought about this. Yes, I should imagine that DNA has been upgraded to some degree.

              Perhaps there is a leadership / guardian type group that has been given particularly advanced DNA, I don’t know. But they would have likely been collecting the best DNA from Earth as well, and also upgrading their own DNA in other ways. Makes total sense.

              The people who I saw in civilian life, and on some missions, looked like European people from down here that had good genetics. Athletic looking. You would not know any difference though, and would just think they were Earth humans.

          • March 13, 2023 at 6:04 am

            “… though we do have our strong points. ”

            What would you say they are? Would it have to do with our collective strength once united by any chance? Or powerful, motivating feelings, and strong will power? Ingenuity? Those are what I think of.

            Thanks again.

            • March 20, 2023 at 9:14 pm

              Hi eldiajin

              Yes, our collective strength through empathy and love – those unbreakable bonds and the self-sacrifice and commitment that stems from it… as well as our inventiveness, adaptability and creativity.

              Being in control of our powerful emotions and using them wisely as tools… and yes, strong will power.

              Righteous anger is very powerful and motivating… if we are in control of it and know how to use it wisely.

              We also make excellent cosmic soldiers when we have the correct technology to back us up.

              As long as all the narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are weeded out (perhaps blocked from incarnating if possible), then tremendous unified civilisations can be created.

          • March 13, 2023 at 6:09 am

            “The Sumerian tablets suggest the first human they created was for slave labour, so energy farming may not have been their original purpose – though it was these Reptilians that created the tablets, and they could be lying.”

            Seems suspicious to me. If they have technology to create beings and accurately manipulate DNA, they likely would have efficient, free-energy machines to do work for them. Going through the effort of creating humans and setting up this metaphysical prison energy net around the Earth seems unnecessary. Just a thought (though I don’t know what sort of labour they wanted).

            • March 13, 2023 at 6:59 am

              After thinking about this more, it might make sense if the labour wasn’t just dumb labour. It might’ve been something like: “Human, build a temple for us Gods.” (Could this have been the reason for the Giants strength and size, and architectural skill?), or, “Human, go and find gold.” Something like that.

            • March 20, 2023 at 9:09 pm

              Hi eldiajin

              But robots don’t really compare to humans in performing certain tasks and taking orders (I should imagine they would rather have human slaves), and humans are possibly easier to create. You just grow them in vats.

              But yes, In Truth, we don’t know if they created workers first and then another force got involved, from another level, that wanted the energy harnessing? Or whether the story about creating slave labour is misdirection, and it was always about creating a race to harness energy from.

          • March 29, 2023 at 8:58 pm


            “They very likely used some type of basic hairy hominid”
            Was it this: ?
            These hairy giants should have had only a small genetic difference from us (even modern humans can look pretty like that in hypertrichinosis) but a lot more cold resistance and therefore suitability to the wild.
            They shouldn’t be distorted demon representations because of the lack of horns and ‘goat legs’. Also they are low tech, holding sticks a lot, unlike the demons.
            This makes me think of yetis/bigfoots – what is your opinion on those?

            Also, did the demons create the Greys? or vice versa?
            There are advanced mammals, reptiles, cephalopods, but are there other advanced invertebrates – spiders, ants, crabs, mantises etc? Can almost any clade of animal become advanced?
            What about advanced worms (aside from the metaphysical ones, I mean physical worms)?


            • May 14, 2023 at 9:28 pm

              Hi Heightmogged by giants… Sorry mate, I missed this, was scrolling back through and found it.

              No, I doubt it – those wild-men look like a human variant that the Reptilians have created. They would have likely initially used something with more primitive DNA from Earth. Think of those earliest hairy humans that they show in evolution pictures, possibly something like that, and they may have combined with some DNA they already had from another planet to make humans… perhaps even using some of their own Reptilian DNA as well. Who knows for sure, but ancient stories I have seen suggest they initially used at least some DNA from a primitive hominid already on Earth. Who knows what they were like – they would have very likely have been wiped out on a whim by the Reptilians. I think a lot of experimenting occurred.

              I am not sure about Yetis and Bigfoots – I have not seen clear evidence for them existing, but I definitely do not rule it out – I can’t see why they would not be able to exist here, especially if they can move between Earth’s realms / levels with ease.

              I don’t know if just anything can become advanced… and I don’t think evolution works quite like they say. From what I have seen, I would strongly suggest that genetic engineering occurs a lot in the cosmos.

              No, I don’t think the Reptilians created the Greys. They would only create what would benefit them and is easily controlled – as they are narcissistic psychopaths. Greys are very metaphysically gifted, very psychically gifted and highly intelligent.

              By the way, I removed that comment that you asked to be removed… the one you have created a replacement for (about dimensions).

              Best regards.

      • March 12, 2023 at 8:43 pm

        Hi eldiajin

        I do not think they created our Souls.

        I believe these controlling and manipulative entities are artificial ‘souls’ / intelligences (the narcissists, psychopaths / sociopaths on Earth etc) and are very likely inferior to us. They did not come from Source / Universal Mind. The do not have real love, connection and empathy like us.

        With so many mechanisms shutting us down I don’t think it is possible to develop any consistent, or greatly beneficial, psi senses on the surface of Earth. If you have been used in any of the Breakaway Groups (and their Allies) projects (or had many ET collections) it can change you somewhat, but it is not drastic or long lasting. Again, there seems to be many metaphysical mechanisms in place to shut us down.

        Much of what I have seen and experienced (remote viewing and other experiences) was feedback to the brain while I was out of body.

        By the way, don’t believe these muppets on YouTube who stand up at whiteboards and pretend they are remote viewing. I don’t believe any of the so-called remote viewers. I have seen too much to believe them.

        My remote viewing occurred when I was ‘asleep’ and disconnected from my body / out of body. It was the more conscious and knowledgeable out-of-body me that was doing it. In body I am greatly shut down and limited.

    • March 12, 2023 at 8:30 pm

      Hey SB74

      Welcome back. Thanks.

      By the way, I am pretty much certain the Titans were the Reptilians, as were the Olympian / Greek / Hypoborean Gods. All the God stories around the world are really about the ruling Reptilians (demi-gods also Reptilians) – they just reinvented the stories and twisted them to give us a past we did not have, an illusion of human independence and progression. It was always humans being controlled by Reptilians, but they did a pretty god job of covering it up.

      By the way, I think many of the human populations in ancient times were banned / forbidden from depicting the reptilians as exactly how they looked. Which is why we often see other animals heads used, or see them depicted as almost human on occasions – humans with horns etc… and of course of lot of evidence has been destroyed.

      Yes, lots of experimenting took place to create humans. We are the latest version.

      We don’t even know all the variants that came before the main 4 or 5 different races they created – the 4 or 5 that inhabited what was left of the Old World civilisations in the medieval periods – as well as just before.

      All the evidence I have observed, after seeing through the lies, strongly suggests The Reptilians created us, and that they were obviously here before us. They dominated the solar system before we even existed.


      Yes, a lot is occurring in our atmosphere. The amount of activity seems to be increasing.

      Glad you found the series useful. My Ufology series is just a small part of what has been occurring in what appears to be some type of cosmic war / conflict. The Breakaway Germans are one aspect of it all – an important aspect for our Solar System.

      I have watched a few more abduction videos that came to me attention recently involving Small Greys… They really were assessing people a lot in the 60s and 70s. People were told ‘it is for your own good’. There was a plan, they seemed to be preparing for something. The Small Greys, The Germans and some other groups working together. I cannot help but think these metaphysical projects (involving various conflicts / battles and covert missions) I have been involved in were related to all this assessment of humans that was occurring.

      • March 13, 2023 at 5:39 am

        “They dominated the solar system before we even existed. ”

        A harrowing realisation.

        The idea that they didn’t create our Souls (i.e. us) is reassuring.

      • March 13, 2023 at 6:39 am

        “I cannot help but think these metaphysical projects (involving various conflicts / battles and covert missions) I have been involved in were related to all this assessment of humans that was occurring.”

        Do you have any idea how? Were they testing your aptitude, seeing where the Earth humans were at, what their DNA was like, perhaps by creating a clone of your Earth body and using your consciousness? Or giving you experience, training you in simulations maybe, perhaps in preparation for something that’s coming like you said. I wonder how many more people this has happened to, that have no idea about it, no recall.. Perhaps it’s possible for these things to lay dormant in the sub conscious until a select moment. Sleeper agents.

        I just can’t see why else they would need to use Earth humans as soldiers, unless they had a severe population shortage, or there is not that much difference between us and them, physically. These Germans that escaped on the U-Boats would have been the best of the best, physically fit, competent, in other words likely with good DNA, and I assume they would have had time to modify their own DNA. Are they using Earth humans as cannon fodder? That doesn’t seem right. Perhaps it has more to do with the Soul, maybe some Souls are special in some way.

        • March 20, 2023 at 9:07 pm

          Hi eldiajin

          I don’t know what the Greys were testing for exactly… in the lab type experiments on the craft.

          But I have memories in the projects of being put through all sorts of tests, a weird dangerous maze, some type of period being abandoned in a desert type wilderness to fend for yourself, having to go into a room and kill someone, group tests to find natural leaders… even one were I was about 3 years old riding a type of tricycle in a strange sloping room. These would have occurred in the 80s after most of the Greys abductions in the 60’s and 70’s.

          The people who were having this particular assessment (which seemed to military type assessment and training) would have already been identified as having potential – either though their DNA or who they are as Soul (probably both reasons).

          The Breakaway Germans would use soldiers that had similar genetics to them, some would go and live with them and serve with them. There had to be that spiritual and psychological bond. From what I have seen you could live with their civilisation.

          But interestingly, I was shown a holographic image once, when I was being moved around in one of the metal containers and someone outside the box was communicating with me metaphysically. They showed me a warrior type humanoid figure with textured skin, large and muscular, reddish skin in places. It was not an Earth human. I was told my DNA had been used to help create this being.

          I strongly suspect that armies were also being also genetically created to fight in the cosmic wars… far out I know, but this is a very vivid memory – and it looked like it was some type of very tough warrior being.

          But all my memories of missions and battles involved working with White humans and we seemed to be battling non-human forms in most cases. I did see a Chilean / Hispanic like looking guy with us on one mission.

          No. I don’t think Earth humans are being used as cannon fodder. My memories do not suggest that at all.

          I should imagine Earth humans have certain missions suited to their abilities, and much of their work would be for the Breakaway Civilisations goals. Though they could also be taking part in the Resistance Alliance’s missions as well. I don’t know, I should imagine it is all quite complex. Most of my missions seemed to be on Mars and what could have been inside the Earth (as well as on other Earth related levels / realms)… though some were clearly not, and seemed to be on strange planets.

  • April 25, 2023 at 11:05 am

    Hello again Entity, hope you are well,

    I have discovered some information which I believe is pertinent to this topic.

    First, this:
    This was written by a biologist who believes (((Darwinism))) is false, and he has come up with a new theory of evolution called stabilisation theory – I haven’t read into that yet but it has to do with hybrids. He believes that we have been lied to about the limits of hybridisation – distant hybrids are very much possible and not always infertile, you can look at the “mammalian hybrids” list on his site, some of the stuff there is amazing (and horrifying). He also has some information on ancient hybrids. He seems to think the “deities” with various animal heads from ancient cultures were human/animal hybrids, as well as mythical creatures like minotaurs and centaurs, he suggests they could have been hybrids – though I know you have said they were really misrepresented Reptilians and advanced technology. Perhaps take a look at it and see what you think. Here’s a page that immediately reminded me of this series, I think you may have even used that image:

    Anyway, his theory of our origins is that we are the result of interbreeding between the Bonobo, or Pygmy chimpanzee, and a common pig – sounds crazy, but if you read it the evidence is all there, and very convincing. A very interesting example is the fact that humans are shockingly infertile – the majority of our sperm is abnormal or completely inactive – a common trait in hybrids. But we can’t rule out the idea that this data is flawed due to how much humans are being poisoned in this society. He seems to think this hybridisation occurred naturally, but what if it didn’t? What if it was done on purpose? Here’s another page on this site, I recommend reading this one before the human origins one to give you an idea, in particular, watch the videos, it is incredible:
    I don’t know about you but I’ve never seen a cat that looks like that! (Also note how a web search for “cat rabbit hybrid” yields a first result from The Ministry Of Truth AKA (((Wikipedia))) claiming they are “fictional”.. they clearly don’t want us to know about this for whatever reason, which is odd as this knowledge seems harmless, at least upon first consideration…)

    Additionally: I’ve seen Aajonus say in some of his articles that the pig has a digestive system very similar to ours – they also suffer from similar diseases to us, because they are fed toxic foods by farmers and their bodies react similarly to us. This is covered in the human origins series as well though he attributes these diseases to “genetic causes” which as you know is just another one of (((their))) lies.

    I couldn’t help while reading this but keep thinking of something I read on a certain site: it claimed that in a remote mountainous region an ancient underground stone facility was found which was built for giants (!) – huge doorways, chairs, tables, and supposedly in this facility there was some sort of holographic device that allowed the user to combine any DNA and see what the result would be (!!) – and tweak the outcome to their liking. Here is the link, I have not read it, just skimmed the front page, as I found it while searching for something else unrelated, it could be subversion but the idea is still interesting, and remember, the best lies are half-truths:


    Secondly, this documentary:
    This BitChute channel recommends your site, by the way, and from what I have seen so far he is not subversive and has very good info (he recommends some controlled agents in some older posts but I do not believe he did this knowingly, he acknowledges this). This documentary is absolutely shocking, to say the least… especially the final parts… you will see what I mean. Something that caught my attention is what the Rabbi says about “software”… though I don’t want to spoil it – I will let you watch it, please let me know what you think. When I watched this I could hardly stop my jaw from dropping the whole way through.

    I have a feeling you may have already seen the above documentary but if not, watch it – the correlations with what you have said are absolutely amazing.

    P.S: Is your site being attacked or something? I noticed it went down for a while.

    • May 12, 2023 at 9:35 pm

      Hey eldiajin

      (I will assume you read my update at the top of Part 13)

      He may think they are hybrids, but he is almost certainly wrong. The Reptilians were extremely likely, almost certainly, to be forbidding the people of certain civilisations as depicting them as they Truly are. Even telling the people how to represent each leading reptilian in artwork etc. The are very controlling entities, and they did not want future humans to know who they were and what they had been doing. It is extremely likely that different ‘deities’ were given different heads so that each ruling reptilian could to be identified in the art work.

      I understand that some of this old art can look like genetic experiments, and yes a few of them may have been, but many of these old images are illustrations of VERY ANCIENT descriptions of ‘creatures’, and artists were using their imagination. Most of these strange creatures were robots. Part 13, which I have just published, will show you this.

      Centaurs were almost certainly technology – likely robots with very advanced A.I

      Nope. This guy is wrong. We were almost certainly genetically engineered by the Bipedal Reptilians. Lloyd Pye’s work is useful to look at – fused chromosomes etc etc… And look at the Sumerian Tablets (the Anunakki were the reptilians) and Aztec Creation stories… you will see that the Reptilians almost certainly created humans.

      The Reptilians were / are genetic engineers – and they also likely had access to a many other planets. Look at the animals down here that are so perfect for us… cows, chickens, sheep etc… It is very possibly / likely that after the Old World energy harnessing networks were destroyed. Meaning that humans then needed to eat food. The Reptilians created / engineered, or introduced, useful animals for humans to maintain populations. The also likely introduced various fruits, grains and vegetables for humans – again, once the energy networks were destroyed

      It is a possibility that they created pigs using some human DNA combined with another animals DNA.

      Yes, I read about Bucegi mountain and what was said to be found there, a while back, when researching Hollow Earth. It almost certainly would not have been human giants experimenting with DNA and genetic engineering – it would have almost certainly have been the Bipedal Reptilians. Some of the leading Reptilians were very big – giants.

      That is a fairly long documentary. Will have to check it out at a later date.

      Yes, the site has been targeted and attacked.

      Hope all is good with you, and you are feeling the benefits of your diet.

  • May 5, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    When are you going to release part 13, the one on Atlantis?

    • May 11, 2023 at 8:00 pm

      Hi Lia

      Part 13 is on Mythical Creatures. I have published it. Some more info on Atlantis will be in Part 14.

      I believe there was actually a message of yours that I did not reply to, before some things happened… I started to reply and had to get into something else, I will have a look and see.

  • June 11, 2023 at 5:32 pm

    Hi Entity Art

    There is one question that got created in my head after reading about your conclusion that the reptilians created The human race. I apologize if the answer to my question have already been answered here somewhere, I did not find any so thats why I´m writing this. The question is:

    If the reptilians created humans, wouldn´t that destroy the view on that you should embrace your roots. I mean how can you be proud of where you are from if you are created by evil reptilians….
    The beutiful aryan race that got created by an narcissistic reptilian force?
    Why would the reptilians create something completely opposite. If you are going to control something, you dont want them to turn against you. Which aryans will do considoring how evil these reptilians seems to be.

    I´m clearly missing some piece of information.

    • June 16, 2023 at 4:22 pm

      Hello Willmon

      I don’t think you are missing any information. It is what it is. I have been saying for many years that genetic engineering occurs on a large scale in the cosmos. I even had an experience in the night that greatly alludes to this, when I was shown a being (via an incredible hologram) that was created using some of my DNA.

      After completing all this research, and the origins of humanity became clear, I knew that so many people will be resistant to the idea that the Reptilian ET race created humans. It is understandable, but that is what all evidence points to if you really do the research.

      (By the way, we call them Reptilians but I think they are mammals – I am pretty sure they do not thermo-regulate like reptiles do)

      Just because they created the different human races doesn’t mean you don’t have spiritual, metaphysical and psychological connection with those who are closely genetically related to you. The vast majority of intelligent races in the cosmos were likely created via genetic engineering, not just humans. It is likely that even these bipedal Reptilian gods were created by genetic engineering – certainly these Reptilian god’s reptilian minions / lower classes would have likely been genetically engineered by them (such as the Igigi mentioned in Sumerian tablets).

      Genetics, DNA, Blood, Metaphysics, Spirituality are going to be connected. But I can see where you are coming from, as it is disconcerting to think that these unpleasant beings created humans.

      You can still be proud of your ancestors, and what they achieved, even if your people were originally created by an unpleasant ET race. 5 feet tall plus humans can really be quite incredible.

      You can see they created humans to be a subservient race, to look to authority. Just enough intelligence to perform certain tasks and develop societies – but the vast majority of humans are not that bright and struggle to deal with complexity, lateral thinking and critical thinking. We engage with this information online and talk to people of similar intelligence and consciousness but we are small proportion. Most people are not able to deal with complexity, and able to see beyond the numerous lies.

      We are waking up and our consciousness has risen to levels that we were never meant to reach – as we have a protective force in our atmosphere looking out for us. We know the people in the medieval period / middle ages were clueless and very mind controlled. The very advanced Reptilians always had great levels of control and influence over humans, but not so much now.

      Something to further contemplate, is the other variants of humans that have very likely been created by these Reptilian ‘gods’. What other planets had human societies set up on them to be controlled by a race that portrayed themselves as gods? I mentioned in this article about the human I saw that was next to the 6 foot tall Bipedal Reptilian in my returned memory of working with / for the breakaway civilisation – coming to me via my 3rd eye. The man with the Reptilian was not an Earth human, his skin had some texture and his skin was two toned.

      And here is the other thing: I am pretty sure that us smaller White humans are not technically Aryans. I know it is a term that people use to talk about White people, but when you look through the old maps you notice these was a location called Aria at one point around East Europe or West Asia, and nearby were the Tartarians, Hungarians and Bulgarians… Now, crucially, the people that lived in these regions before the late 1700s or early 1800s were White giants – 7 feet tall plus. Is it very likely that these were the Aryans (The tall White Tartarians / ‘TartAryans’ spread all across Asia and created an empire). You can see that the Tartarians were White giants in my article on them on this site. The small darker-haired people who live in Hungary and Bulgaria now (and near to where Tartaria originated) were added at some point in the 1800s when all the taller, fairer people (what we call giants) were wiped out by the Reptilian’s so called ‘natural disasters’(pestilence / disease / toxins, ‘earthquakes’, floods etc), contrived wars or ‘accidents’(huge city fires etc).

      Until people realise there was some type of reset, and the adding of new smaller humans to many locations (that was mainly completed at some time in the 1800s) history will not make sense.

      I am not bothered if people use the term Aryan for our current 5 feet tall plus White humans, but I don’t think it is technically true – historically and genetically. I used the term in some of my older articles, but it is not a term I use anymore. To my mind, there is nothing wrong with the term White people or White folk.

      The 5 feet tall plus humans, as a whole, very much seem to be quite a young race in the grand scheme of things. There were certainly some 5 feet-tall plus humans around in the Middle ages and Medieval period (particularly in Europe), but the vast majority very much seem to have been added in the 1800s (possible some in the late 1700 in some location, we don’t know). I am not sure how many 5 feet tall humans survived the 1700s / 1800s reset. Did they have memory wipes for those remaining? Were some taken off planet for slavery? I think, after looking a the evidence, that they left the surviving 5 feet tall humans on the planet – as there surely had to be some sort of feeling of continuity in some areas.

      It is likely that there was also a large reset just before the middle ages / medieval period.

      I hope some of that helped.


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