National Socialism: An Antidote and Solution to the New World Order and the World’s Problems – Nature, Family, Altruism, Spirituality, Economics, NSDAP
(I hope this article inspires people to open their minds and think for themselves, and to consider National Socialism as a system that can help bring dignity and prosperity back to all countries, races and cultures. I want what’s best for the planet. National Socialism is very different from what you have been taught)
(It is important to realise that we have been fed so many lies about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler our whole lives, by Hollywood, the Education System, Television etc… the propaganda is incessant – and there is a reason you have been fed these lies. They don’t want you to know the truth about National Socialism… its tremendous benefits… and that it is not a racist ideology)
(The victors write the history – and the Zionists won WW2, and they own the major news networks, newspapers, TV networks, Hollywood, publishing companies, the education systems…)
(I have provided insights into National Socialism from a variety of sources.)
(At the end of this article there is a link to another article called ‘12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany’ – I highly recommend reading that as well. It will validate everything I am telling you.)
Introduction (National Socialism and Spirituality):
I too was brainwashed against National Socialism and Adolf Hitler at one point. But after a great deal of research I have found that National Socialism is a brilliant, uplifting, spiritual, altruistic system that can create tremendous happiness and abundance in a country. It is a system that respects and cares for nature and works in harmony with it. It looks after the people in that country and promotes and protects their traditions and culture. It frees the people from debt slavery. And contrary to all the lies we have been told – It also respects other races and cultures. It is a system that, in theory, could be adopted by any country in the world.
When I discovered what National Socialism was really all about I realized that I had always believed in National Socialism. It just fit right in with my own ideas on spirituality, altruism, nature, community, camaraderie, co-operation, courage, ancestry, traditions, culture, working for the greater good… etc. It is also a progressive system, looking to the future with innovation… But unlike our governments it looks to use technologies for the benefit of the people… and it would never be used to the detriment of the people’s cultures, traditions, ethics and morals (highlighted by all the work the NSDAP did in developing free energy).
Our DNA has a connection to our Soul Energy – the so called ‘Elites’ and Secret Societies very much seem to understand this, we know that they have access to hidden knowledge and they have protected their bloodlines throughout history. We all know the royal families and the so called ‘elite’ bloodlines do this. But these same people try to convince the rest of the world that we don’t need to protect our bloodlines, our DNA, and our long standing heritage and culture, and they want to try to convince you that race mixing is a really great thing. They also want to try and convince you that you as a soul are without identity when you are not in a body, that you don’t continue to have connections to your ancestors and family when you leave the body – but this is not true. Everyone’s Soul Energy is unique. I believe we incarnate into bloodlines that are compatible with our Soul Energy – my research into spiritually and metaphysics definitely suggests that this is the case. DNA and ancestry is a very spiritual thing. We have soul families and soul groups. Protecting our race, culture, ancestry and traditions is a spiritual thing.
Our blood and DNA – this connects us to each other, we have a racial collective-consciousness. Our blood and DNA contain our genetic memory and our connections to our ancestors and soul family / group. Our blood / DNA is connected to our Soul energy and Soul memory. (There is a reason that people say the expression ‘it is in my blood’ or ‘it is in my DNA’ – this is ancient knowledge / memory coming through – it is metaphysical / cosmic knowledge)
Many people don’t understand what National Socialism is – as from the moment they are born they hear ‘Nazi’ this and ‘Nazi’ that – and are bombarded with anti-Hitler and anti-National Socialist lies and propaganda. Hitler is the most lied about man in the world and National Socialism is the most lied about and misunderstood system. Germany’s National Socialist system did not have a focus on ‘white supremacy’ and ‘world domination’, these are 100 percent lies and propaganda by the Jewish Zionist owned media (they own most of it). And surely you must know by now that the holocaust didn’t happen – it is a hoax, probably the biggest lie ever told – this link below is possibly the site with the most comprehensive body of evidence to show that it didn’t happen:
The holohoax is just another way to demonize Hitler and National Socialism and gain sympathy for Jews and Israel – and to further oppress Germany with reparation payments – and also to install a false feeling of guilt within the modern German population, as well as in the European white races.
Here is a little gallery on National Socialism before we proceed (They are thumbnails, please click on the images):
Note: After the last Website Update the galleries are all playing up. If it is not displaying properly, if you refresh the page twice (sometimes once) it will work just fine. I will endeavour to rectify this issue as soon as possible. 4 / 1 / 2023
National Socialism Is Not Against All Other Races
It is important to point out that National Socialism is not ‘racist’ – in that it is not against other races:
“Third Reich racialism has been deliberately distorted. It was never an anti-“other” racialism. It was a pro-German racialism. It was concerned with making the German race strong and healthy in every way. Hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates. Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere. Hitler cared that German families be healthy, and cared that they raise healthy children for the renewal of a healthy nation. German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a striving for excellence, a noble idea. National Socialist racialism was not against other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its own race, and wished that all other races would do the same for themselves.” – Leon Degrelle –
“Contrary to popular belief, Hitler never supported any program of breeding a homogenous blond “hyper-Aryan” race. That was just propaganda. He fully accepted the reality that the German population consisted of several distinct sub-racial groups, and stressed the German people’s national and social unity.” – The Myth of German Villainy – Benton L. Bradberry
Yes, Hitler and The NSDAP were working on halting the Jewish influence in Germany, as any country would. The Jewish people in Germany had caused tremendous problems, and in 1933 international Jewry had declared war on Germany and encouraged all Jews to work against Germany. But Hitler never, not once, wrote about or said that he wanted to kill Jews… never. There is not one document anywhere, there is only evidence that he wanted to help move the Jewish people out of the country, and that they could take all their belongings and wealth with them, he was working on them having their own country – Hitler even proposed Madagascar as a possible place. In fact Hitler and Germany helped many thousands of Jews leave Germany with all their belongings and wealth. Again, and it cannot be emphasized enough, the Jewish people had caused tremendous problems in the country. Remember, the Jewish people have been expelled from countries 109 times throughout history — Hitler was most certainly not the first leader who recognised the problems the Jewish people could cause, and Hitler wanted to move the Jews out in an ethical way. Then WW2 was brought upon Germany by the powerful Jewish bankers and their manipulations.
It is important to note that Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party never called themselves ‘Nazis’. The ‘Nazi’ term is an insult, a slur against them – it was created by a Jewish man who was against the National Socialists – his name was Konrad Heiden. The Jewish Zionist owned News Networks, Jewish Zionist owned Education Systems, Jewish Zionist owned Hollywood have used this term as part of their anti-Hitler and anti-National Socialists propaganda. They aren’t going to say the National Socialist Germans Workers Party (NSDAP) – as that sounds harmless and highlights that it was a party dedicated to the upliftment of the German people.
National Socialism has nothing to do with the Neo Nazis – these racist Neo Nazi groups are mostly set up by Zionist agents to cause trouble – Zionist divide and conquer strategies. And they are often set up to give the National Socialists, by association, a bad name.
Again, Hitler’s National Socialism was not against other races – it is actually a spiritual, ethical and uplifting ideology for the benefit of the countries people – and is most certainly not for the benefit of these International Global Capitalist Jewish Bankers that enslave the world with their debt slavery. It is the opposite of Globalisation and the communist oppressive New World Order that these Jewish Zionists are trying to bring to fruition.
Some Perspectives on National Socialism
A quote from ‘Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil’:
“National Socialism is a world view and philosophy of nature. Nationalism is the individual’s responsibility towards the community and their love for the country. Socialism is the community’s responsibility and love towards the individual. Basically the one who does the most for the community has the highest social status, instead of the one with the most money. Along with that [there] was a process of class unification, ending the concept of class struggle.” –
Rightpedia on National Socialism:
“National Socialism as “the political doctrine of the national community.” (See Adolf Hitler’s Pre-election speech.) The basic ideas were a healthy shaping of characters and a national altruism, contrary to atomized liberal ideas of individualism. The National Socialist worldview is neither purely “Right” nor purely “Left” on the old spectrum, but presents itself as a broad-based popular social nationalist movement and is aimed at involving all classes of the national body for the greater good of the people as a whole. Splintering directions and parties were eliminated under NS (National Socialism) because they were considered weakening to the nation by creating political self interest. Due to the low German birth rates and high Jewish control and employment as a result of The Versailles Diktat, racial awareness took center stage under chancellor Hitler.
The Thule Society was a group that helped come up with the prototype of what Hitler named and developed as National Socialism. It has nothing to do with the way Hollywood Nazism portrays it and it can be implemented in a way beyond a very strict fascistic style of government, to a government that allows many personal freedoms. National Socialism is portrayed typically as a very authoritarian government but this does not have to be so entirely. Since it was inspired by the Thule Society, it was, in part, based on the ancient Germanic and Norse communities, before the Vikings. These were peaceful communities with activities like farming, manufacturing, and services where everyone cooperated with the community. The Vikings did not become warriors until conflicts with other nations.[1]
National Socialism was created in reaction to Capitalism and Communism. Capitalism is a Libertarian doctrine that is all about the individual. If you make a lot of money by harming many other people that’s insanely considered by libertarians to be fine. Communism is a Judeo-Masonic doctrine about the collective; your life belongs to the government and you need to work for the government or you die and you’ll probably die by the government anyways. The idea of National Socialism is that the economy has to serve the people.”-
Justice for Germans on National Socialism:
“National Socialism was about work and personal initiative, and taking responsibility, not only for oneself, merely for one’s own benefit, but also for the national community, as well as the environment (ie. the natural habitat and the society), and thereby, ensuring the survival, that is, the health and prosperity of the nation and the society as a whole entity, and not merely the ‘survival of the fittest’ and continuous prosperity of the already prosperous, solely to their own advantage. It required that people of all classes work together for their common and mutual benefit and interests. The role of the government was merely to facilitate this self-sustaining environment for all members of the nation in which all could live well and prosper, with demand and supply aimed primarily focused on the domestic market, on national, regional and local needs, while producing and consuming what was necessary at home. This meant that the nation had lesser dependence upon the outside world for trade and commerce, was far more independent within the world, less subject to global markets, corporate and global interests, and without need or incentive to expand, nor to coerce and threaten other nations.” –
Germany’s Hitler, by Heinz A Heinz, on National Socialism:
“German Socialism – Adolf Hitler’s Socialism (National Socialism) – is a totally different thing from what is generally understood by this term, from the Socialism derived from Marxian and Communistic theory . The first essential difference between the two consists in this, that the former is strictly national in aim, scope and limit ; the latter is international, without boundaries of race or land . The second vital distinction is that the first has been set up by the wish of the people concerned, the second is imposed upon nations by the will of those who organise and propagate it. A third contrast can be drawn inasmuch as German Socialism tends to draw all sections of the nation closely together, international socialism initiates class war. German Socialism is directed by the country’s nationals ; international Socialism is an instrument of the Jews .’ In the former it is the personality of the Leader which tells ; in the latter we have nothing but the inertia of the mass which is exploited by its organisers.” –
National Socialism – the Biological World-View by Povl H. Riis-Knudsen:
“In other words, National Socialism was not invented by Adolf Hitler. It is the conscious expression of the fundamental Laws of Nature governing our lives. It is based on an infinite love of the creation in all its diversity, a deep, unconditional respect for the wisdom of Nature, and an ardent will to preserve life as it has grown out of this wisdom. The only way to do so is to organize the society of man in accordance with these fundamental Laws. Thus being against National Socialism is just as absurd and illogical as it would be to oppose the law of gravity or the fact that the earth is round! National Socialism is really nothing but the application of physical and biological laws to the political, economic, social, and religious areas of human life in the same way as they are today applied to technology. In this light, National Socialism is truly scientific – unlike any other worldview. It does not wish to make reality fit any preconceived theories but to make the theories fit reality. New epoch making scientific landmarks would thus immediately be reflected in the practical life of a National Socialist community.”
A quote from Adolf Hitler on National Socialism
This is an excerpt from an interview he did in the 20’s with George Viereck (friend of Nicola Tesla, fun fact) – The Fuhrer speaks on the difference between Marxism and Socialism:
“Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.”
“We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one.”
Hitler’s National Socialism Success Led to the Jewish Zionist bankers war against Germany
Because of Hitler’s speaking style he can appear very dictatorial, but the way he speaks is demonstrating his passion and love for the German people and his country – he is inspiring them. People really do not understand in what bad shape Germany was in when Hitler was elected – and yes, that’s right – elected. There were very high rates of suicide in the country, high amounts drug use and prostitution… it was a broken country – the people were despondent and disorientated. They needed a leader with foresight, with passion, and with a vision to revitalize the country… and that’s what they got. People need to see the videos of Hitler’s speeches with the correct and accurate translations – you will then understand that everything was for the people – and that Hitler was also trying to warn the world about the Freemasons and the immoral Jewish Banking Cartels and their threat to humanity. He knew back then what people are only waking up to now.
The reason we get all this anti-National Socialist propaganda is that The NSDAP (The National Socialist German Workers Party) were a huge threat to the Jewish Zionist bankers and their quest for total domination of this planet – Their ‘New World Order / One World (Jewish) Government’.
Hitler’s government looked after the people, got rid of usury and the immoral jewish bankers, gave interest free loans, printed their own money/bonds. Hitler’s National Socialism showed the world that you did not need gold to create a happy and thriving country and economy. The NSDAP (The National Socialist German Workers Party) was a party and government that had morals and ethics, promoting family, health, community and comradeship – bringing all classes together and promoting common goals and high ideals.
I have studied how Hitler transformed Germany and ended the influence of the Jewish International Bankers on his people. Through his National Socialist policies he turned Germany from a broken destitute country into a prosperous, happy, abundant powerhouse in short space of time. He highlighted how you could do this – how it wasn’t actually that difficult. Could these Jewish Zionist bankers allow this knowledge to spread? Could they allow Germany to demonstrate to the world what they had done? NO.
The destruction of Hitler’s Germany was really due to Hitler and the NSDAPs economic transformation – his economic policies that rid Germany of Jewish banking influence. Hence why these bankers schemed and manipulated to create WW2. International Jewery actually declared war on Germany in 1933, boycotting Germans goods – all Jews including those in Germany were urged to conspire against Germany etc… this was obviously well before WW2 actually began. The Zionist Bankers then also conspired and used Poland to create WW2 so that they could destroy Hitler and Germany.
There where many excellent policies that were set out to benefit the people of Germany – and Monetary reform was the very essence of National Socialism. Hitler’s two main points in The Program of the NSDAP are below. The National Socialist German Workers Party and its General Conceptions:
“The Common Interest Before Self – The Spirit of the Program”
“Abolition of the Thralldom of Interest – The Core of National Socialism”
Essentially, everyone in German working for a united common purpose, the benefit of all – and getting rid of debt slavery. Brotherhood and Sisterhood promoted and Freedom from debt. Sounds exactly what each country on this planet needs to me. Class divisions were eroded, labourers were held in high esteem, Germany became a country where nearly every single German was working together for a common cause.
Hitler could see that getting rid of debt slavery / interest / usury was the key to having a thriving country. Hitler implemented this in various ways, with various economic and social policies. Everything was for the benefit of the German people. Hitler essentially ‘got rid of’ the international usurious Jewish bankers and showed the world how a country could be run for the benefit of the people. There are various articles, books and documentaries demonstrating how Hitler quite brilliantly transformed Germany – but you will have to look for them – the Jewish Zionist owned media won’t make it easy for you. And you can read this book to help: ‘A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind’ by Stephen Mitford Goodson.
“In 1939 Germany had become the most powerful country in the history of Europe. Its gross Domestic Product at an annual average growth rate of 11% per annum had doubled in the short space of six years of quasi state banking. The Germans were the happiest and most prosperous people in the world, fully employed and enjoying one of the highest standard of living. This success was achieved by the hard work of the German people and with the support of an honest money system not based on usury or the gold standard.” – A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, by Stephen Mitford Goodson, p.146
Then Poland, who were manipulated by the bankers, intensified their oppression of the 1.5 million remaining ethnic Germans in Poland. Rapes and massacres were occurring – over 58,00 Germans were killed by Poles in acts of savagery and brutality. Hitler made many proposals to try and resolve the situation peacefully.
In fact, Adolf Hitler made so many proposals and attempts at peace:
“Germany made at least 28 known attempts at peace without conditions [before & during WW2], they were all refused” – A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, by Stephen Mitford Goodson, p.142
Poland had been advised by the British Foreign Secretary not to negotiate – the allied forces were essentially Jewish Zionist controlled. Germany went to try and rescue the Germans being murdered and raped in Poland. Britain and France then declared war on Germany. So many attempts at a peaceful resolution were made by Germany. Hitler eventually went into Poland to rescue the ethnic Germans living there. But Hitler had been put into a no-win situation and was set up by the Allied forces and the Bankers – this was their excuse to declare war on Hitler and Germany. The Jewish Zionist bankers manipulated, bribed and schemed – and started WW2. The Jewish Zionist Bankers destroyed Germany and then murdered millions of innocent German civilians when the war was won, in the Dresden firebombings and in the Rhine Meadows death camps.
Germany’s National Socialist Economic Transformation continued… quotes and extracts:
In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:
“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution,and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”
Los Angeles Attorney Ellen Brown discusses how Hitler transformed Germany in her book Web Of Debt:
“When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly broke. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany.
Private currency speculators caused the German mark to plummet, precipitating one of the worst runaway inflations in modern times. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators and to private (Jewish controlled) banks. Germans lived in hovels. They were starving.
Nothing like this had ever happened before – the total destruction of the national currency, plus the wiping out of people’s savings and businesses. On top of this came a global depression. Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international (mainly Jewish) bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany.
Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers.
The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates.
Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn’t backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.
Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest.
Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, despite the international bankers’ denial of foreign credit to Germany, and despite the global boycott by Jewish-owned industries. Germany succeeded in this by exchanging equipment and commodities directly with other countries, using a barter system that cut the bankers out of the picture. Germany flourished, since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. (Venezuela does the same thing today when it trades oil for commodities, plus medical help, and so on. Hence the bankers are trying to squeeze Venezuela.)”
These facts do not appear in any textbooks today, since Jews own most publishing Companies.
National Socialism: The Right and Only Way to Free Ourselves, by Stefan Timm:
“National Socialism is the right and only way because it first of all is a racial ideology, whose principles teach us the importance of racial purity and integrity, for what is a culture without its race?
A culture whose people have lost their racial identity through miscegenation in the end dies, for a real culture is developed over the course of many centuries through its people, by whom it was founded and established. A culture can only survive as long as its people remain racially pure and whole, because it is through its people that a culture is expressed and lived. Anything else would be just an echo, a faded shadow of the original…
National Socialism economically teaches the worker that “making a living” is not just about accumulating material wealth and providing for one’s own family, but most importantly, about doing one’s part in moving forward the progress of one’s people, one’s race. The worker takes pride in work, knowing that every man and woman does his or her share to help create a healthier and better way of life for the whole society through hard work and being united in a harmonious way, as a people.
Under National Socialism work is more than just mere work. It is a combined effort by every individual to establish a productive society in which every person has an important task to carry out, in order to establish a healthy society devoid of selfishness and individual greed which would hinder the well-being and progress of the people as a whole.
Under National Socialism the worker is not exploited and ordered around like some meaningless automaton, abused and slaved around, betrayed and eventually forgotten by the system. Under National Socialism the worker is praised and his or her work acknowledged as being the driving force of the progress of Civilization.
An individual works to better the life and well-being of the people as a whole, spiritually, mentally and physically….
Our survival is also dependent on the balance and well-being of our natural world.
Capitalism strives for profit and represents selfish individual advancement for the goal of material accumulation and power at the expense of not only the well-being of one’s own people, but at the expense of the well-being of our natural world.
The result has been the destruction of Mother Nature and the slow gradual extinction of many animal species essential to the balance and well-being of our natural world.
We therefore must strive to respect Mother Nature and uphold the balance and integrity of our natural world, lest we risk our own extinction.
Under National Socialism Mother Nature is protected and the balance kept alive.”
Stefan Timm’s Full article:
Hitler, The National Socialist German Workers party (NSDAP) and the German people showed the world something very special. Hitler’s transformation of a totally broken Germany was the greatest economic triumph ever seen on this planet. Hitler did not use the gold standard – so his country’s policies could be replicated throughout the world, by all countries. Again, he showed the value of the countries people — their labour, comradery, intelligence and creativity.
Hitler and The German National Socialist German Workers Party are still lied about and demonized so much – the reason is that they showed the world the antidote and the solution to the New World Order – they pretty much did everything that the immoral Jewish Zionist Bankers don’t want countries to do. But when people hear the word ‘Hitler’ all these prejudices come forth, the brainwashing is so strong, they don’t even look into the Truth about him and Germany. National Socialism is probably the best way to fight back against the Zionist Jews New World Order / One World Government / Globalisation. Each country having their own version of National Socialism that suits them and is best for them. Adopting Hitler’s economic policies and maintaining the two most important overriding aspects.
“The Common Interest Before Self – The Spirit of the Program”
“Abolition of the Thralldom of Interest – The Core of National Socialism”
No gold standard is needed, no foreign bankers, no usury. It is not hard – countries thrive when you get rid of usury and the foreign bankers. Even when all German goods were boycotted by Jews (and countries controlled by the Jews behind the scenes) around the world, the country thrived. They were inventive and adaptive, and used materials that came from their own country.
Hitler’s National Socialism obviously revolved around a great leader – and he was tremendous leader – and leaders like that don’t come around too often – but to implement a National Socialist system perhaps you don’t necessarily need it revolve around one great leader. Although Traditional National Socialism does seem to have originated in ancient Germanic and Norse communities I am sure It could be adapted to each country and situation.
There really is no need for all this suffering and poverty. People have to become educated and look at the alternative systems and rise up and break free from this satanic debt slave system engulfing the planet. Again, this insane banking system is the root cause of all problems and it is the Jewish Zionists power base – everything else we are doing is just papering over cracks, our energy must be focused on the root causes of our problems.
Watch all parts of the brilliant ‘Europa The Last Battle’ at the below link
Here is a link to a channel with many videos on the Truth abut National Socialism (Over 100 Hitler and WW2 Truth videos on this channel):
(I do not fully endorse this site, it is run by very suspect people, and there are a fair few shills on there. But I needed a place to upload all my Hitler, WW2 and National Socialism videos – and they are not censored on there)
I also recommend this article, it validates the above article and also further expands upon the points made. Link:
Here is an overview of the Twelve Things: 1. Hitler Broke Free from the International Banking Cartels — 2. Hitler Created a Thriving Economy with No Unemployment — 3. Hitler Emphasized Respect for Women, Children and Strong Family Values — 4. National-Socialist Preservation of Environment and Animals — 5. Hitler Banned Experimentation on Animals (Vivisection) — 6. Hitler Funded Research into “Free Energy” Technologies — 7. German Workers Were Well-Treated — 8. Organized Industrial Production & Farming — 9. Hitler Eliminated Crime and Improved Health of Germans — 10. No Citizen Will Starve or Freeze — 11. The National-Socialist Anti-Tobacco Mission — 12. National-Socialists Created a Culture that Cherished Music
I also highly recommend this channel on Bitchute called – Hitler and WW2 Truths – it is full of WW2, Hitler and National Socialism Truth – the link is below the image – clicking on the image will also take you there:
Some Videos related to this Article:
Adolf Hitler’s Economic Reform ’The Untold True Story’ by thenari21- National Socialism
National Socialism vs the New World Order & Globalisation
Democracy in Hitler’s Germany – Mike Walsh – National Socialism
National Socialist Racialism (The Truth) – not ’Racist’, NSDAP
Women & Girls of National Socialist Germany
’This is National Socialism’ – Hitler Speeches – Footage of National Socialist Germany
Life in the Third Reich, by The Impartial Truth
There used to be a playlist below of YouTube videos on WW2 and Hitler Truth but they are ALL GONE NOW. Jewish / Marxist run YouTube have deleted every single Truth video on this subject.
Below is a link to my second article on National Socialism – it is an extension and provides a bullet point list of the benefits:
Why National Socialism? An Awakened, Happy and Abundant Nation.
More related articles:
Zionism – Judaism – Freemasonry – New World Order – Satanism – Kabbalah – Israel – Palestine – Holocaust – Hitler – Second World War – National Socialism
Usury: The Root Cause of all Problems on the Planet – Debt Slavery – Central Banks, Wars, Assassinations
Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys – 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany and 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys
Multiculturalism is being used against Humanity – to help bring about the Zionist New World Order – Kalergi Plan – White Genocide – Immigration
Life in Hitler’s Germany – Hans Schmidt – “To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful.” – National Socialism
Beautiful website!! Excellent photos and articles…. I’m so glad I found it. Thank you
Thanks, and well done for finding it. Of course, certain search engines love to try and bury my articles.
I’ve been reading your stuff for awhile…coping it for posterity incase they come for you too. There are only a couple sites that I truly trust and inspire me, and this is one of them. Trying to put it all together myself, but wish there was some sort of guide for normies or folks that haven’t fully realized who is behind things…almost like a, pick an event, and I can show you who is behind it…type of guide. So once you’ve gone through Pearl Harbor, USS Liberty, Vietnam, 9/11, Plandemic, and many, many more…you’ll see the root of the problem. Something that also points out democracy, and what a lie that is, and how it basically is a starting point for them, to create this fake society of believing that we actually have power and freedom, while they slowly bring us to a point where the middle class is eroding, they are getting richer and richer, which ultimately takes us to Socialism, where they remove the middle class and all our freedom entirely, and then walk us right into Communism. Their playbook is in writing for all to see, but people don’t see it. I don’t have the skill to create a sort of guide, or a normies guide to red pill, and/or taking all the events over the last 100 years and showing how the same people are always behind it. Because, one of the main things I’ve heard, and most will, is “it’s not ALL of them, only some”, so if you could show them that they ARE behind every event or agenda, then you can say, “ok, it’s not ALL of them, but they are behind ALL bad shit going on.” Anyway, just wanted to share my appreciation of this article, and this site.
Hi Blut Boden
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate you taking the time to write this. Keep spreading the Truth.
Hi EntityArt,
I wasn’t sure under which article to post the following questions… hope this one is OK:
If I understood correctly, Adolf Hitler chose the Swastika sign to be a symbol for the NSDAP & their fight against Communism. Given that this symbol was found in many ancient cultures around the world, european ones included, what was the inspiration source of AH for his Swastika version ? Could it be the celtic / druidic tradition ?
As I currently understand, AH & his inner circle were not Christianity’s biggest fans yet they supported & protected this belief system… the german soldiers even wore belts with the ‘Gott mit Uns’ inscription on them. If so, what were AH’s spiritual roots ? From what did he build his faith / vision / NSDAP principles ?
Also, I noticed a similarity between the way the letter ‘s’ from the SS inscriptions (on the german uniforms & in some german documents) is written and the celtic / druidic runes… the ‘SS’ letters look like they are actual runes. Is / could there be, in your opinion, a connection between NSDAP’s ideology / principles and the druidic tradition ?
As some historians concluded, the german soldiers – the Waffen SS & the Wermacht – were fierce fighters both in gun & hand to hand fighting. I’ve recently saw a short video that shows a boxing training sequence but I doubt this was their main fighting method. Any ideas regarding their hand to hand combat system used in war ? Was it a native method or did they have some external influences (like oriental martial arts) ?
Thank you.
Hi Doru
I have not come across information that tells me the direct source of his inspiration for the use of the swastika. As far as I am aware it was because it was / is a very positive ancient symbol, that was used by Aryans in ancient times. And remember the Aryans / Indo Europeans were ruling in many places around the world long ago, not just Europe, they were more far spread than the mainstream will show. They were considered the ruling class long ago. I don’t fully trust Robert Sepehr on Youtube, but he has created some good, easily accessible videos about these widespread ancient Aryans.
Adolf Hitler believed in a higher power – what some might call God. But his main philosophers were based around nature. My own philosophies are as well. There is only nature and nature’s laws. National Socialism was aligned with Nature. Where as Marxism and Communism goes against nature’s laws and hierarchy and competition… so as to serve Jewry.
Adolf Hitler was an intelligent man, he knew that he had to bring the Nation together – all people together… So he was tolerant of Christianity and assisted the churches. But it would have been phased out eventually over time – not forced – but as the people were educated and rose in consciousness they would see Christianity for what it was.
It appears to have been inspired by the sig-rune. Putting two sig runes together. A graphic designer apparently came up with it. There can be no doubt that it was inspired by the runes. But a connection with the druidic traditions is doubtful.
I have not come across any information to say that they used any oriental martial arts for close combat training – I doubt they would have.
Hi, [veg juice, conscription, succession, greys]
First I want to apologize for linking an American Renaissance article to you in my previous comment.
They are obvious controlled opposition.
Thank you for mentioning primal diet – I have adopted it. has a torrent with many free resources and a decent search function.
Why don’t you drink vegetable juice? Don’t we need to alkalize?
Should there be conscription in a NatSoc state?
What if some guy wants to work in a civilian capacity and not be pulverized at a young age?
By the end of the American Revolution most of the Continental Army was conscripts.
So much for freedom-fighting.
I get a bad feeling that National Socialism may be the same way.
Also, what is the succession mechanism of the breakaway Germans? What happens when the Fuhrer dies?
Are the breakaway Germans interbreeding with Greys? How do Greys reproduce? Do they even have genders?
If you’re ever in a bad mood I recommend Schopenhauer’s ‘On the Suffering of the World’.
Maybe it’s too honest…
Additionally – a compelling case that Christians slaughtered people underground.
There is another thread on the same subject on the same site
“Are the breakaway Germans interbreeding with Greys?”
LOL no they don’t you american dolt as that goes against one of their core values which is RACIAL PURITY. The greys were helping them to abduct and collect sperm and egg samples of valuable Aryans (Whites) in various White nations as pointed out in the 2nd Ufology Explained article and this article too:
The Reichsdeutsche Part 15: UFO abductions and race preservation
Here’s another case of an Aryan man from Australia that was abducted by the Breakaway Germans via a cigar/cylinder shaped spaceship aka the Andromeda Gerät
The Frederick Valentich Case
Video above isthe communication between him and the Australian Air Traffic Control that happened during the incident.
“On October21, 1978 at the south coast of Australia, civilian pilot Frederick Paul Valentich decided to fly on private matters with his Cessna 182-L. He departed from Moorabbin Airport in the State of Victoria, bound for King Island. His plane took off at 6:19 pm and the entire flight would take no more than 90 minutes. But as Valentich passed over Cape Otway at around 7 pm, the pilot communicated to the tower that he was looking at strange lights a few miles ahead. The flight controller said he did not know what they were about, but the two remained in contact for exactly 53 minutes until Valentich fell silent and then disappeared without leaving any trace.
The next morning, the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) began searches of the plane, which lasted five days. A huge team covered about 8,000 km2 of sea and land looking for any kind of trace, but none were found. Valentich’s father, Guido, in a recent testimony to a New Zealand TV, believes that his son is still alive and that he was taken by an extraterrestrial spaceship to another planet. “I believe that one day he will come back, but I don’t know if I will still be alive to see this,” he said.”
Source: The UFO of the Frederick Valentich Case
Hi spore star
“Why don’t you drink vegetable juice? Don’t we need to alkalize?”
No, I do not think we need to ‘alkalise’. From what I read, veg juice is mainly for the enzymes that can help your digestion if you have a poor digestive system. Many people coming to the raw primal diet have developed some poor digestion over the years and use the veg juice to assist with the transition. Raw honey also offers an incredible amounts of enzymes to help with digestion. I used and still use raw honey. I felt better without the veg juice (I did use it at the beginning) – I mainly use cucumber juice, melon and fermented raw milk for hydration. If you feel better with the veg juice then I would continue.
“Should there be conscription in a NatSoc state?
What if some guy wants to work in a civilian capacity and not be pulverized at a young age?
By the end of the American Revolution most of the Continental Army was conscripts.
So much for freedom-fighting.
I get a bad feeling that National Socialism may be the same way.”
Why are you associating National Socialism so heavily with conscription and war? War was brought upon them, they did not want it, and it is not the main focus of NatSoc. Having an advanced, elite military is extremely important, but war is not the agenda and aim – the NS Germans were very open to dialogue and peace talks with other nations, and also tried to create alliances with other nations… They tried hard for peace at the beginning of WW2 and were very reasonable in their discussions. Regarding conscription, everything would be totally dependant on the circumstances in the nation and the current threats the National Socialist country is facing.
“Also, what is the succession mechanism of the breakaway Germans? What happens when the Fuhrer dies?”
I do not know. I will say that they very likely have life extension technology / mechanisms – I should imagine they have much longer lifespans.
“Are the breakaway Germans interbreeding with Greys? How do Greys reproduce? Do they even have genders?”
No, it is extremely unlikely that they are. The ‘Hybrid children’ rhetoric was extremely likely to be a just another subversive Ufology psyop.
Though genetic engineering plays seems to play a big part in the cosmos for some advanced groups – from what I have seen.
I do not know if the small greys have genders – I only have recall of some very brief experiences with them. I know they are very ‘metaphysically’ gifted.
Hope that helped.
This web site has been amazingly helpful for me. After reading much of the Oera Linda document it seems to me the roots of National Socialism are also found in there.
Hi Robert, glad to hear this.
But I am afraid the Oera Linda document is more subversion – a fabrication.
I understand where you are coming from, and can see why you made the correlation. You are not the first person to mention it to me.
As I am sure you know, ultimately NatSoc came from the minds of various German thinkers. They were inspired by some old writings / stories – but they came up with the philosophies and all the various elements of the system.
I have been greatly studying Ancient History over the last two and a half years and it is mainly all a fabrication – with bits of Truth sprinkled in there that most people do not see. I did some analysis of the Oera Linda document and it definitely does not fit in with what I have discovered about the planet’s history. I also looked into a few of the people promoting the Oera Linda – who I know are controlled agents through their other work and connections.
It misdirects people away from the Truth of the planet’s real history and the Oera Linda system is very basic compared to NatSoc.
Hope that helped.