Why National Socialism? An Awakened, Happy and Abundant Nation.

I have already created a long article containing a lot of information on National Socialism and National Socialist Germany. This ‘Why National Socialism?’ article is an extension and overview of this previous article:

National Socialism: An Antidote and Solution to the New World Order and the World’s Problems – Nature, Family, Altruism, Spirituality, Economics, NSDAP

(If you still believe “Nazis” were evil then you really need to read some of my other articles on this website before you read this one, and undo some of your brainwashing and programming)

“National Socialism is not a political party, as are the political parties of the United States and Europe. National Socialism is an evolutionary nation repair kit, that makes communism and capitalism as outdated as feudalism.” – Mike Walsh – Hitler Uncensored

National Socialism is more than just a political outlook, as previously mentioned, it is a system for a nation of higher consciousness. It is like a fast forward button for human development and evolution.


The bulk of this article is a bullet point list on why we should be studying, and looking to understand, Germany’s National Socialism. I write this, my second article on this topic, because this is such an important subject… I wanted to create a list so people can have a quick overview of the benefits.

It is important to note that Germany’s National Socialism was the most successful system in modern history… and that it was not against other races… (it is actually a way to safeguard the future of all races and cultures on this planet) it is also important to note that the National Socialist Germans did not have any designs on taking over Europe or the World. I won’t go into all the multitudes of lies and the incessant propaganda that the world has been subjected to regarding Hitler and the ‘Nazis’ – as there are other articles on this site that deal with this.

“Life in Hitler’s Reich was better than anywhere else on Earth. For nearly nine years ordinary workers enjoyed a lifestyle equaled only by the rich and famous. From 1932 to 1945 Hitler’s Germany led the world in fashion, medicine, cinema, superior lifestyle, transport facilities, public services, cutting edge sciences, healthcare and education. Germans were the happiest people on Earth, their standard of living and quality of lifestyle has never been equaled.” – Mike Walsh – Life in the Reich

Perhaps it’s not actually correct to suggest National Socialism is political or ideological…. It can be said that National Socialism is really about the fundamental and necessary considerations for a people to survive and thrive. It is not radical… it’s all common sense really… especially when you’re a more evolved soul and have a higher than average level of consciousness.

As mentioned in my other article, National Socialism is also cosmically and metaphysically true. Our blood and DNA – this is what connects us to each other, we have a racial collective-consciousness. Our blood and DNA contain our genetic memory and our connections to our ancestors and soul family/group. Our blood / DNA is connected to our Soul energy and Soul memory. (There is a reason that people say the expression ‘it is in my blood’ or ‘it is in my DNA’ – this is ancient knowledge coming through – it is also metaphysical knowledge.)

We are protective of our immediate family – they share our blood and DNA – we feel an intuitive and natural strong bond with them, and our connection to them will certainly go back further, and beyond, this current lifetime. Our race is our extended family – a large, connected soul group. This is what I feel and believe is Truth, from my own research, observations and contemplation on this subject.

If we wish to understand much of how the universe works then we should look carefully at nature. It is all about living in balance with nature, working with it – and it is also all about survival. Nature is mainly about survival, the survival of the fittest species and subspecies. And fittest involves: intelligence, consciousness, creativity, courage, inventiveness, altruism within the group, physicality etc…. a whole range of factors.

I just wanted to give an overview with the list below, there may be a little overlap between some of my points. I will provide links to a variety of videos after the list, so that you can do further research and see the Truth of the points listed.

When you understand National Socialism you understand how to transform this planet and stop the New World Order agenda – you will understand how to create a happy abundant nation… and also a happy and abundant world, with all cultures and races having a homeland where their race, culture and traditions are preserved.

As National Socialism is, to some degree, a system for higher levels of consciousness, it will be more difficult to implement in some countries. It is an altruistic system and not at all like the selfish, hedonist, materialistic ‘me first’ cultures that predominate in many countries.

Hitler’s two main points in ‘The Program of the NSDAP’ are below:

The National Socialist German Workers Party and its General Conceptions

“The Common Interest Before Self – The Spirit of the Program”

“Abolition of the Thralldom of Interest – The Core of National Socialism”


The List 

What National Socialism Offers:

  • Strong, altruistic, interactive communities.
  • Very low, almost non-existent, crime.
  • Nature’s laws respected.
  • Nature and wildlife protected and revered.
  • Animal welfare seen as very important.
  • A family orientated society. 
  • Anti-Globalisation.
  • Anti-New World Order.
  • No debt slavery or usury… No private owned Central Banks parasiting from the nation. (jewish banking cartels will not rule your nation)
  • No degenerate Art or Books.
  • No degenerate Movies.
  • No Cultural Marxism.
  • Protects the unique cultures, races and traditions.
  • Promotes respect for other cultures and races.
  • Protects your own race and provides a safe homeland for each race / people. (It recognises that each race has a right to a homeland)
  • No mass immigration. 
  • Promotes ‘world peace’. (If the majority of countries were National Socialist there would be no World Wars)
  • Regular plebiscites and referendums on important national issues (More Democratic than so-called western “Democracies”)
  • Leaders are rated by the citizens and nation every 12 months.
  • Leaders are held accountable for their actions and decisions.
  • Leadership appointments and important national positions are based on ability. (Anyone in the country can rise to prominent positions if they are talented, capable and have the highest moral integrity)
  • Farmers and agriculture assisted by the government – and held in very high regard.
  • Small businesses are protected and promoted. (Large corporations are regulated and not allowed to monopolize).
  • Countries are much more self sufficient using materials from their own country wherever possible (Much more environmentally friendly with less import and export)
  • Private property is protected.
  • Individuality promoted (Freedom to be yourself as long as it is not damaging to the larger community).
  • Art / Music / Theatre is very much encouraged.
  • Working for the greater good is a national philosophy – creating a National Community.
  • Technology created for the benefit of the people in the nation. (i.e the National Socialists were developing free energy.)
  • Pursuit of knowledge and science strongly encouraged.
  • A striving for excellence and continual improvement.
  • Full employment.
  • Free Healthcare for all.
  • Subsidised housing – and no homelessness.
  • Eradication of class clashes.
  • Physical labour is very much respected.
  • Healthy lifestyles and healthy diets (free of toxins) promoted.
  • Subsidised holidays and vacations.
  • The creation of an awakened Nation aware of global issues and the international lies and propaganda.
  • Newspapers / news outlets owned and run by the citizens in that country.
  • Gifted and talented children very much catered for.
  • Free higher education.
  • Families financially assisted when raising children.
  • Policies to assist the needy – if ever needed. The elderly are well cared for.
  • Youth organisations that promote, health, fitness, altruism, practical skills, camaraderie, assisting the needy and upstanding moral characteristics.
  • A well trained military to prevent attacks from other countries. (Disarmaments possible if neighboring countries all reach agreements)
  • A military with morals, honor and ethics. (Again, military as a preventative measure)
  • A Nation that seeks to have friendly alliances and open dialogue with other Nations.
  • No confiscation of guns from the citizens. (No strict ‘Gun Control’ legislation)

(Much of this could be implemented due to the ending of debt slavery / usury… the ending of the influence of parasitical jewish banking cartels / central banks…)


I hope all the above points give you an overview of what National Socialist Germany was like, and what other countries can also be like. I am sure there are other benefits, but this was the list that I came up with from my research… from online articles, from ‘revisionist’ historians, a variety of books on Hitler and Economics, some NSDAP documents and from online documentaries. I recommend you read my other article on National Socialism, where there is much more information on the economic miracle of National Socialist Germany (linked at the top of this article).

Of course there have been some technological developments in the world since National Socialist Germany. So National Socialism, if implemented into a country, will look a little different today – but it will have the same fundamentals. If National Socialist Germany had been allowed to continue an even more beautiful, abundant and Utopian type of society would have developed in that nation – and it would have spread from country to country

National Socialist Germany was destroyed by international jewry / the jewish banking cartels in WW2 – using the allied forces politicians as their puppets to achieve this. And these same people have implemented the most vast and incessant propaganda campaign against National Socialism – due to it being a huge threat to their aims of having a jewish New World Order.


I am an Aryan Soul – I have White European genetics – Nordic / Germanic, Celtic /Anglo Saxon genetics – my first loyalty and priority is to my people and race. I primarily promote National Socialism for European countries – but I also promote National Socialism for other races / nations that are not White. Races / Nations with higher than average levels of consciousness will be well suited to National Socialism. The more awakened, like-minded, happy and abundant nations there are – the better the world will be.


A quote from Adolf Hitler on National Socialism – An excerpt from an interview he did in the 20s with George Viereck (friend of Nicola Tesla, fun fact) – The Fuhrer speaks on the difference between Marxism and Socialism:

“Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.”

“We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one.


“In 1939 Germany had become the most powerful country in the history of Europe. Its gross Domestic Product at an annual average growth rate of 11% per annum had doubled in the short space of six years of quasi state banking. The Germans were the happiest and most prosperous people in the world, fully employed and enjoying one of the highest standard of living. This success was achieved by the hard work of the German people and with the support of an honest money system not based on usury or the gold standard.” – A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind, by Stephen Mitford Goodson, p.146


“Whoever studies the conception of the National Socialist state in its innermost structure and practical functioning is bound to recognize that it is the most modern government of the people in history. It demonstrates the principles of responsibility and leadership in the truly national state, in opposition to the anonymous principles of degenerate democracy. It regards the will of the people not as a dead parliamentary majority to be gained by money or financial influence, but recognizes it continually in the permanent and direct alliance with the life of the people itself. The National Socialist Party is, therefore, not a party in the parliamentary sense, but simply and positively the party of the German nation. It is the great guardian of the social conscience of the nation, it holds its hand on the pulse of the people, it feels its slightest stirrings, its anxieties and its needs, its requirements and its desires, its pleasure and its pain. It is its helper and adviser and the unceasing bearer of its suggestions to the higher authorities. It has entrusted hundreds of thousands of citizens of all professions and classes with political responsibility, thereby providing tens of thousands of politically tested Germans with the opportunity of advancement to leading positions in the Reich. It has linked the perpetual stream of youth, organically and eternally, with the life of the nation and has created a system for the selection of leaders, which compels future generations to play their uninterrupted and vital part. Tangible shape is thereby given not to the will of a questionable parliamentary majority, but to the true will of the people.”

– The Spiritual Foundations of The New Europe – Reich Press Chief Dr. Otto Dietrich.

Videos Link:

Watch all parts of the brilliant ‘Europa The Last Battle’ at the below link (A must watch Documentary):


I also highly recommend this channel on Bitchute – full of WW2, Hitler and National Socialism Truth – the image is linked:


These following videos are on the 153news.net site – I do not fully endorse this site – there are some shills posting on there and the owners of the site are suspect. But the same can be said of YouTube, and other video sharing platforms, and YouTube heavily censors anything on Hitler and National Socialist Truth. Anyway, I recommend this Hitler Truth channel on 153news, as it has many excellent videos on National Socialism and Hitler Truth – they are not censored. 


Some Specific Videos Related to this Article:

Adolf Hitler’s Economic Reform ’The Untold True Story’ by thenari21- National Socialism

National Socialism vs the New World Order & Globalisation

Democracy in Hitler’s Germany – Mike Walsh – National Socialism

National Socialist Racialism (The Truth) – not ’Racist’, NSDAP

Women & Girls of National Socialist Germany

’This is National Socialism’ – Hitler Speeches – Footage of National Socialist Germany

Life in the Third Reich, by The Impartial Truth

A Small Gallery

A larger Gallery is in my other National Socialist article:

Note:Note: After the last Website Update the galleries are all playing up. If it is not displaying properly, if you refresh the page twice (sometimes once) it will work just fine. I will endeavour to rectify this issue as soon as possible. 4 / 1 / 2023



Related Articles:

Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys – 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany and 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys

Life in Hitler’s Germany – Hans Schmidt – “To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful.” – National Socialism

The Myth of German Villainy – WW2 – International Jewry vs Germany

22 thoughts on “Why National Socialism? An Awakened, Happy and Abundant Nation.

  • December 3, 2018 at 8:32 am

    Truly eye opening and inspiring. Getting rid of central banks and the banking system is step one and a realistic goal for us to start turning the world around. That and a bit of truth serum on Hitler WW2 The holohoax and what the allies did afterwards. Once these two shaky columns of deceipt are taken away the walls and temples of lies and control will come tumbling down

  • September 19, 2019 at 6:36 am

    Adolf’s 25 Point Programme, look it up & read his: The Second Book.

      • January 24, 2024 at 9:00 am

        The bitchute is blocked

        • January 25, 2024 at 7:17 pm

          Yes, Bitchute censors the most important Truths. You will need a VPN to view those videos.

  • January 15, 2021 at 9:24 am

    Hi EntityArt.

    Great article, Thanks. I have a question please:

    What do you think about Esoteric Hitlerism and Miguel Serrano’s books? They are interesting but I don’t know how this fit with all of this madness, ancient History, the gods, German breakaway groups…etc. So maybe you could shed some light at this subject. Thank you.

    • February 8, 2021 at 10:56 pm

      Hi Saturn Trap

      I had to read some Serrano, as I had heard his name a few times but never really read his material. I do not know all he has been saying and his background, but I just read through an interview that he did last year, so I can only base what I am saying here on that interview transcript.

      He has some very positive things to say about Adolf Hitler. But I do not think in terms on ‘avatars’ though… this talk of ‘avatars’ sounds very ‘New Age’ and related to this made up New Age notion of ‘ascended masters’. All made up subversion. I am not saying Serrano is deliberately subverting with this term, but it is no helpful in my opinion… and this term or promotion of ‘Hitlerism’ is not necessarily helpful either.

      My perspective:

      Adolf Hitler worked out what a race needs to do to survive on this planet and, and also in the Cosmos. It is mostly just common sense for people with a good level of consciousness and intelligence. He brought it all together out of necessity. Out of great strife and trauma can come brilliance. Strife and trauma can often stimulate humans to produce their best work, to learn, become more conscious and evaluate. I do not think he was an ‘avatar’ sent here by some so-called ‘divine’ powers. He was – is- an honourable Soul with certain characteristics. We don’t need to talk in terms of ‘Hitlerism’. I am certain he would not have want this. His focus was the people, the race and the preservation and elevation of it. To turn his life in to something that resembled a religion is not what he would have wanted.

      It is also important to remember that Adolf Hitler was not the only person who contributed to National Socialism – it was centuries in the making, many German philosophers and thinkers contributed, and then many other members of NSDAP contributed. Adolf Hitler brought it all together. He put himself on the line and took responsibility. National Socialism came out of, or evolved out of, the German people, not just through one man

      We need to talk about the fundamentals of National Socialism, the Truth of it – and how it worked so well, and why it worked so well. We just need to be practical about it – talking about practicalities and benefits.

      Just a few thoughts on that interview transcript I read.

      • August 29, 2021 at 6:27 pm

        I do enjoy a lot of your website, but some things bother me.

        Serrano was and stil lis the most legit guy to talk about all of this. Have you even read his books ? Serrano met all of the important people swhile they were alive and had access to private info because he built friendships. He was able to understand the non-political aspects of NS that were not in the open by Hitler and Hess because the masses could not understand it. The SS spiritual order is a REAL thing and absolutely linked to the UFO.

        Hitler was a man of peace but understood war and natural law. Read Mein Kampf and you will udnerstand why conflict and war is a necessary part of life, as NS is a fundemental heroic worldview.

        The whole “racist” thing is a bit of a test also, Why are you scared of the made-up jew word ? Hitler and Germans (even Europeans) of that time did not live the reality that we live today and were not replaced with people that hated them in their own homelands. They had not real experiences of other races other than Jews. Most people who turn NS had horrible expsriences with Blacks, Arabs who are for the most part low IQ morons. Do I want to wipe them out in their OWN countries like globalists? No, but they should stay away from us.

        The solution to multiculturalism is going to be violent, these people have a European passport and will stay in our countries at any costs because they want to benefit from our civilization. This “we are all brothers” against jews is not going to work, it kind of reminds me of a communist propaganda. Are you going to forget all the invasions of Europe that almost wiped our race like Mongols, African Moors, Huns, Bolcheviks, Ottomans ect ? Palestinians and Africans would never help us and cheer our downfall, why would I care about them ?

        Most of these SS recruits of other races were at the end of the war when the situtation was desperate and they needed every man able to fight. It does not mean he thought blacks or aboriginals were capable of great civilizations. You can have alliances were both benefit and with races of good quality like the Japanese.

        Saying national socialism would work for other races is universalist, and ridiculous. Races and humans are not equal, no other races is cut for national socialism because it did not come from their people. The racial soul of Asians like Chinese is like an ant mentality and has nothing to do with us. Blacks don’t even have the capacity for real political systems anyway, they depend of white liberal altruism to keep them alive. It was made for Aryans.

        • September 7, 2021 at 4:58 pm

          Hello Germanicus

          I will share my insights, and perspectives, on these topics that you have brought up:

          (By the way, you have mis-represented my words on more than a few occasions)

          — “Serrano was and stil lis the most legit guy to talk about all of this. Have you even read his books ? Serrano met all of the important people swhile they were alive and had access to private info because he built friendships. He was able to understand the non-political aspects of NS that were not in the open by Hitler and Hess because the masses could not understand it. The SS spiritual order is a REAL thing and absolutely linked to the UFO.”

          When you talk about ‘all of this’ If you mean National Socialism in general, then I disagree, he was not the most ‘legit’ guy to talk about ‘all of this’.

          ‘Hitler’s Revolution’ by Richard Tedor would be a good place to start learning about National Socialism – rather than Serrano.

          And if you mean the more esoteric aspects, then I disagree again. I do not think Serrano’s ‘Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar’ book is that helpful – not very practical – and a fair amount of speculation on some of the esoteric aspects – and he has got some things wrong in it. Just one example from the top of my head, some of his information on Hypoborea and the ‘Gods’ is not right. (And John Lash provides better information on the Archons topic)

          I respect him, and his efforts, and agree with some of what he says, but I don’t think he is the most ‘legit’ to talk about ‘all this’ – but he is certainly worth a read.

          I have researched the Ahnenerbe and the Thule society, and some of the volkish groups before them – and understand much of what they were researching. There is some significant info there that I will perhaps share in a future post at some point. I don’t think Serrano is the best source for information on this area / topic. For example – Wilhelm Landig has better information on the secretive elite SS groups that were formed during WW2.

          Serrano was not a part of the German volkish groups and the Ahnenerbe / SS research teams – and was not privy to the most secret research and operations. But he had obviously gained some decent info from his friendships.

          I have also read Serrano’s book ‘Hitler’s UFOs against the New World Order’ – as well as various interview transcripts and articles on-line. His UFO book was OK , but it is certainly not the best book on the German UFO topic.

          Regarding Serrano’s ‘Ultimate Avatar’ book. I don’t think it is helpful to think in terms of ‘Hitlerism’ or Hitler as an ‘avatar’. Hitler was most certainly an evolved Soul – but National Socialism did not just stem from him. It stemmed from the German people. You could say from the Germanic collective Soul.

          Many German thinkers, for many centuries, contributed. Their learning experiences via their struggles culminated in National Socialism. Many others contributed greatly and should not be forgotten by creating a type of religion around Adolf Hitler – which he himself would not want. Just one example – if Himmler had not set up the Ahnenerbe, and utilised many excellent German minds on his projects, the future of the Germanic people would not be secured – and they would not have acquired so much knowledge on esoteric subjects – and they would likely not have a breakaway civilisation.

          — “Hitler was a man of peace but understood war and natural law. Read Mein Kampf and you will udnerstand why conflict and war is a necessary part of life, as NS is a fundemental heroic worldview.”

          I have never said, or even suggested, that war and natural law were not understood by Hitler. In other posts I have written about the nature of the cosmos, and the inevitability of some conflict – as well as about natural law and natures hierarchies etc….

          “NS is a fundamental heroic worldview” – from what document are you basing this statement?

          Heroism was certainly celebrated and rewarded – but heroism is not just demonstrated in war, heroism can be demonstrated in many ways… Hess sacrificed his life to try for peace – to stop the needless death and destruction.

          I don’t think any nation has tried harder for peace before – and during – a war than the National Socialist Germans did before and during WW2. Conflict does occasionally inevitably occur on a planet like ours, and nations need to be prepared to defend themselves – but war is destructive to all involved, and traumatising for many, it should be avoided wherever possible. WW2 was possibly the most terrible event to happen to the Germanic / Aryan people during our history on this planet. The Germans fought because they had to, they had no choice.

          — “The whole “racist” thing is a bit of a test also, Why are you scared of the made-up jew word ? Hitler and Germans (even Europeans) of that time did not live the reality that we live today and were not replaced with people that hated them in their own homelands. They had not real experiences of other races other than Jews. Most people who turn NS had horrible expsriences with Blacks, Arabs who are for the most part low IQ morons. Do I want to wipe them out in their OWN countries like globalists? No, but they should stay away from us.”

          I am not ‘scared’ of the word at all – I am not totally sure why you are saying that. I have even exposed the word ‘racist’ in other posts, and its origins and the agenda behind it.

          It may be a made up jew word, but it means something to a lot of people. To many ‘normies’ it means irrational hatred towards other people because of the colour of their skin. The NS Germans and Adolf Hitler were not like this at all – they were not ‘racist’ – in that they did not have irrational hatred. So I will relay that to people and inform them of the Truth.

          I am showing people that the propaganda against the Germans was totally unwarranted. In fact the German people were very accommodating and respectful to other races visiting their country. It is important to tell the Truth about this – then more people will open up to the Truths that they can learn from studying the Truth of National Socialism.

          I have never suggested that other races should live in White nations, but expressed the opposite – so I don’t see why you are telling me that ‘they should stay away from us’.

          Sure, some people may turn to Nationalist ethnocentric philosophies because of a bad experience, it can wake them up to the problems of multiculturalism. But with regards to the comment “Most people who turn [to] NS had horrible experiences with Blacks, Arabs” – where are you getting the data that supports this comment?

          The Germans did visit other nations – they had many academics and explorers. They knew of the other races and their histories – they studied them.

          So you want to suggest the the NS Germans would have hated the other races in their nation. Sure, they would not have been in favour of it, but they would have seen that the root cause of the issue was Jewry, and that these people were the unknowing pawns of Jewry. And they would have dealt with the root cause – of the jewish controlled the banks, freemasons and the jewish controlled media – as they would recognise that nothing will change unless you deal with that control, power and influence…. As the top NS Germans were – in the main – emotionally balanced, intelligent and insightful people.

          National Socialism is about love of your own people, not hatred of others. (The official NS Racial Policy clearly explained this). This is how National Socialism came to fruition. Adolf Hitler consistently expressed his love for the German people and demonstrated it as well. Of course love of your own people would mean ethnically homogeneous nations that would protect your people from the unpleasant less evolved elements of other races.

          Hatred and anger are natural human responses to certain situations, but National Socialism is about love – and there was some hatred towards Jewry in Germany – as they had purposely destroyed their nation – it is natural to feel this – but the Germans did not hate the other races.

          Hate and anger certainly have a place in life – but everything is about balance. If you let them dominate you you will make poor decisions – and make many mistakes – it can blind you to certain facts and you can lose perspective.

          Love of your folk is a very powerful motivating and inspiring force, which can bring balance and focus.

          — “The solution to multiculturalism is going to be violent, these people have a European passport and will stay in our countries at any costs because they want to benefit from our civilization. This “we are all brothers” against jews is not going to work, it kind of reminds me of a communist propaganda. Are you going to forget all the invasions of Europe that almost wiped our race like Mongols, African Moors, Huns, Bolcheviks, Ottomans ect ? Palestinians and Africans would never help us and cheer our downfall, why would I care about them ?”

          “The solution to multiculturalism is going to be violent” – We do not know this for sure. Let’s hope not. I don’t want it to be violent – that will also harm White people and White nations, by the way.

          Jewry and the banking cartels control everything. If you forcibly chuck anyone out, more immigrants will be encouraged to come by Jewry, and will be assisted along the way… And as well as this a very oppressive campaign will be organised against your nation by Jewry. Until Jewry and the Bankers lose their power nothing will change.

          I have not said that ‘we are all brothers’ against the jews. But Jewry are the root cause of the vast majority of problems around the world – and like minded people of other races are of great benefit in the information wars that are occurring online – especially when White people get shut down so rapidly for saying anything racially conscious, and for sticking up for White people. You would just be stabbing yourself in the foot and not benefiting your people by making enemies of intelligent people from other races that have similar mindsets. For example, I have seen Chinese and Mexican National Socialists spreading Truths about National Socialism, Jewry and WW2 online.

          The NS Germans and Hitler looked to form alliances and good relations around the world when they came to power. They even proposed possible disarmament agreements with neighbouring nations when they came to power – they tried to have good relations with all other nations. Only Jewry’s influence and manipulations stopped them from having alliances and good relations with a wide variety of nations.

          We need to stop Jewry – they are the cause and source of our problems – stop them and multiculturalism stops. England is multicultural because jews covertly took over many centuries ago – it wasn’t Black people or Arabs who planned to subvert the nation – they are just the unknowing tools of Jewry.

          In this current era of history we would not be having any significant issues / problems with other races if it was not for the manipulations and control of Jewry.

          Like minded people from all races having dialogue to attempt to stop this multiculturalism, cultural marxism and to expose Jewry (The JWO) is absolutely logical. Not every person from other races is a mind-controlled drone without perspective. The NS Germans eventually brought many nations together to stop the communists / Bolsheviks (jews). The NWO is stemming from the jews – they want to oppress everyone – of course their first port of call is destroying the White race. Having allies working against, and exposing, the JWO is a good thing.

          I also think other races seeing Nationalistic White people in a positive light is a good thing. The media want to portray White Nationalistic people as irrational people full of hate – we want to stop that harmful stereotype if we want to get enough people on board to make a difference.

          And if you have more National Socialist-like racially conscious nations around the world, that look after their people, then the people in those nations will be less inclined to want to go elsewhere – but will be focused on improving their own nation – helping their own people – and not wanting to go elsewhere to selfishly benefit from other peoples civilisations. So like I said in my post – the more National Socialist type nations there are the better the world will be.

          Do you think the other nations will vanish if we have a few ethnically homogeneous National Socialist European nations? You will need good relations with nations of other races. People who understand the philosophy. You want them to have similar philosophies and principles so you can find common ground and respect. If the NS Germans had had more allies – nations with a similar mindset – they might not have ‘lost’ WW2. Allies with the same philosophies and mindsets are important.

          You win people over with carefully considered language.

          I see some people with blogs using racial slurs, cartoons mocking other races and showing lots of images of WW2 German tanks and soldiers. This is not going to get many more people on your side – it appeals only to a certain small demographic / aspect of the awakening community. Most women most certainly will be turned off very quickly, as will fence sitters and other less nationalistic seekers of Truth. Look at how the top German National Socialists conducted themselves – they would not take part in this type of rhetoric and behaviour. They would be emotionally balanced, and use facts and their intellect to expose Truths.

          All great movements are popular movements. People need to understand the psychology of the masses and the different sections of the population to win them over. This is exactly what Hitler did, for example, he used red colour on the flag to appeal to fence sitting communists, he won the Christians over even though he was not a fan of their religion – he won the workers over – and he won the women over – and eventually other sections of the German population.

          Hate can turn a lot of people off.

          Other races are in our nations because of Jewry. The other races in our nations did not instigate it. Jewry are behind it all – their worldwide control and influence. You nullify the root of the problem it stops. The more people who see the root of the problems the better. But you seem to just want the Germanic / Aryan people to fight against their control. That does not make sense tactically.

          I am not going to hate a whole race of people because of what the Moors or Mongols did a long time ago. That is like Black people hating all White people because of the slave trade (though of course it was actually jewish people behind it). You know your history and learn form it – but to hate all Black people because of the Moors is not logical – and all Asians because of the Mongols – is not logical. We are in a very different time.

          I never said that you have to care about Palestinians or Africans at any time – but we can recognise when Jewry oppresses them… And as a people they are not what ultimately threatens your own peoples future. Jewry does.

          Africans cheering our downhill: I don’t think the majority would. Many African-Americans and the ‘South African blacks’ would, as they have been subjected to a great deal of propaganda by Jewry – but I have not seen much evidence that the other African nations want to see us destroyed.

          Some Arabs are against the west because the UK and America have been invading their lands and killing their people for Israel. Again, Jewry are the cause of all the current racial problems. Root cause.

          — “Most of these SS recruits of other races were at the end of the war when the situtation was desperate and they needed every man able to fight. It does not mean he thought blacks or aboriginals were capable of great civilizations. You can have alliances were both benefit and with races of good quality like the Japanese.”

          I never said that Adolf Hitler said that these races could create great civilizations. But he would not have expressed any hatred against them or wished them ill.

          Black nations are not all uncivilized places of savagery and degeneracy. There are peaceful nations in Africa – and they don’t all want to come and destroy White people – and many Africans don’t like African Americans and their attitudes.

          Whether it was toward the end of the war or not – other races fought and died against those behind this New World Order, Bolshevism and the destruction of White nations

          I don’t think it is right to be dismissive of the other races who fought against the Soviets / Bolsheviks – they died protecting Europe and working against Jewry and the JWO. They may not have been as good as the German Waffen SS troops… but not many people were.

          I have recently been been reading about the Tibetans who died fighting against the Soviets alongside the Germans. They were known for coping excellently with the severely cold weather conditions and for their resilience and bravery. Loving your own people and knowing their abilities does not mean we have to denigrate the others races and not recognise their contributions.

          In the racially conscious section of the alternative media we can get shown various videos of anti-White crimes – and some are very disturbing and can make your blood boil – but this anti-White feeling and violence in America and South Africa has been created by Jewry, and the media they totally own. The root cause.

          So you are a saying White people’s situation is not desperate, and that we can do without allies? All our nations are run by Jewry – all our media is run by Jewry. All racially conscious White people are shut down on social media. The anti-White propaganda is incessant. And you think we don’t need any allies, and good relations with like minded people, of other races?… White people are roughly 8 percent of the worlds population – and the percentage for Germanic people would be even less of course.

          —“Saying national socialism would work for other races is universalist, and ridiculous. Races and humans are not equal, no other races is cut for national socialism because it did not come from their people. The racial soul of Asians like Chinese is like an ant mentality and has nothing to do with us. Blacks don’t even have the capacity for real political systems anyway, they depend of white liberal altruism to keep them alive. It was made for Aryans.”

          l did not say it would work for all the other races – I said races with a certain level of consciousness. And I did not say we are all equal. I have spoken about this in my ‘Racially Conscious’ article.

          Other nations of different races can implement a system similar to National Socialism – it may not be as successful as the Germans version – but they can implement a similar system. It is of course most suited to Aryan people though.

          Whether they can implement it with success, or not, is not that important, but getting other races to investigate and research the Truth of it will only benefit us. Through encouraging other races to be interested in the Truth of it they can find out about Usury and the Central Banks, Jewry, Freemasons, the Truth of WW2 and the Holohoax – and many other factors. Creating like minded Truthers in other racial groups around the world will only benefit nationalistic racially conscious White people.

          I remember the Black American who was caught wearing a swastika armband driving his cab. He went viral in a YouTube video after he was interviewed by the news. He was supportive of National Socialism, stood his ground and did not cave. That video would have got a fair amount of people questioning and looking for the Truth of Nations Socialism and WW2.

          I want the Truth about German National Socialism and WW2 to spread widely. The more people who know the Truth about the so called ‘Evil Nazis’ – the less effect the anit-White propaganda, based around it, will have on the general population.

          What should happen – (without Jewry’s influence) – the most insightful, gifted, emotionally balanced, and intelligent people in a nation become leaders, and then they set the tone for how a nation should be run and their philosophies. They educate the people and develop the systems and philosophies. Most humans just want to be told what to do. So you only need a small group of intelligent people in a nation to make a huge difference to it.

          I think the Chinese and Japanese would be able to implement a similar NS system. You say Asians have an ‘ant mentality’ – but that is because the Chinese are living under communism. But they are not naturally ‘ant like’ and do not have a hive mind. A great many Asians are living in small villages – living a rural lifestyle, revolving around farming and family – they are not all ‘ant like’. There are many different Asian countries of course.

          (Any people can be seen to act a little like ants under communism . The Chinese people are oppressed, mind controlled and brainwashed, living under (((communism))) – but it can be undone.)

          Some places in the Middle East could also adopt National Socialist type systems. Look at Gaddafi and what he was creating – many similarities to National Socialism. Sometimes it only takes one great individual to transform a Nation’s philosophies and outlook. He openly exposed Jewry / Zionists and the Bankers. He would have been an ally of National Socialist Germany.

          Adolf Hitler expressed that the more racially conscious, and nationalistic, other races were the more he could get along with them. National Socialist nations love their own people, and are happy staying in, and developing, their own nation, and they respect other nations rights to also do this…

          The other races on this planet will not just disappear – and White people are greatly outnumbered. Alliances will be needed – just like during the WW2 era. Other races developing similar philosophies will be a good thing… less conflict and mutual understanding and mutual interests.

          Jewry are behind this NWO – they are the ones behind this anti-White agenda, multiculturalism and are creating the racial problems in the world. If you stop Jewry and the Banking Cartels the racial issues will be resolved. Having dialogue with other intelligent and conscious members of other races, and them then exposing what is occurring, and exposing Jewry (and the JWO agenda), can only help us.

          You will find that my more inclusive approach will spread the Truth of National Socialism, The Jew World Order and WW2 more readily. Which will in turn benefit our people.

        • March 11, 2024 at 12:36 am

          There was a lot of black people in Africa directly loyal to hitler. A lot of black people were national socialists

  • October 2, 2021 at 2:48 pm

    Bitchute is now controlled by an Israeli co… So the links are dead… Please upload elsewhere…

    • October 14, 2021 at 5:54 pm

      Hi Mathew

      You should get yourself a VPN my friend, you cannot be blocked from seeing any videos then.

  • November 25, 2021 at 8:30 am

    Adam Green from Know More News uses Odyssey and I believe DLive. Thank you for all your research, through time to get the truth out.

    • December 9, 2021 at 1:39 pm

      Adam Green is obvious Controlled Opposition.
      Green has been having that obvious controlled opposition shill Jon Bjerknes on his channel for many years (he had various other controlled people on there as well).
      But Bjerknes is the worst. Jon Bjerknes always spewing hasbara nonsense and lies about Adolf Hitler, WW2 and National Socialism.
      And Adam Green does not care about White Folk, he is an actor and an agent. I watched him from the get-go and how he adapted to try and stay relevant.
      There are different types and levels of Controlled Opposition, just because someone exposes some elements of Jewry’s subversions does not mean they are legit.

  • January 16, 2022 at 2:49 am

    Dear Entity Art,

    I have a few more questions and want to put them under the right topics.

    As regards the truth on the Third Reich, what books would you say would be the most effective and persuasive for someone who currently fully believes the mainstream slanderous falsehoods?

    What can be read as a sort of “crash course” so to speak, for those who are completely in the dark; books that are eloquent, articulate, and convincing?


    • February 5, 2022 at 6:22 pm

      Hi Vincent

      I don’t think there is a crash course. I like ‘Hitler’s Revolution’ by Richard Tedor – but that won’t give you the Truth of WW2 – it focuses more on National Socialism. I think that is a good place to start if want to look into the National Socialism side of things. Eventually, if you wanted to deepen your knowledge you could check out somewhere like thirdreichbooks.com

      There are plenty of documentaries and interviews out there that can help with WW2 Truth. There are Links to videos in, and under, the various articles on the topic on this website. Documentaries like ‘Europa The Last Battle’ and ‘Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told’ (though the later gives false information on the leading National Socialists attitude towards Christianity) are 2 good online documentaries to wake normies up with (if you can get them to watch them).

      The Myth of German Villainy is an easy read for normies (though it does not cover the holohoax)

      I recently came across this


      It is a link to the information that used to be on holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com (a now defunct site). But at that link above someone seems to have put all the information from that site into a downloadable PDF. Which will be very useful and conclusive.

  • February 27, 2022 at 2:32 pm

    Ahhh socialism, where those who strive to do the best they can and be the best in the world are weighed down but the dreamers and losers. Essentially socialism, is a hive mind, a satanic tool. A system where the downtrodden lazy sin pigs give what little they can while the capable the strongest in the world do for them and carry the burden. I subscribe to the survival of the fittest. We dont need the whole village to raise a child, you need your family and your chosen tribe.. not these loser welfare addicts. You BS theory on hitlers socialism, is exactly what the jooooos in power are pushing. BTW dumb ass, Hitler was half a Rothschild. The bastard relative so all the retards subscribing to your word are just as bad as the covid idiots.

    • March 3, 2022 at 11:48 am

      “C*ntalicious”? You have exposed yourself immediately with that username. What type of man uses words like that in their username?! You told people a lot about yourself with that name.

      With calling me a ‘dumbass’ and other National Socialists ‘retards’ you are displaying to anyone reading this that you are not a balanced and evolved individual… ranting with insults.

      And you very clearly do not know what you are talking about.

      National Socialism is nothing like (((Communism / Marxism))) – but you have clearly not completed the relevant research and reading. If you took the time to read my three other articles on National Socialism you would have learnt how different it is. And if you had read the recommended books under the various articles about WW2 and National Socialist Germany – like ‘Hitler’s Revolution’, by Richard Tedor, for example – then you would not be saying these things.

      Anyone who is still promoting that utter nonsense about ‘Adolf Hitler being a Rothschild’ should be regarded as extremely suspicious – all that is pure hasbara nonsense that is consistently promoted by subversive jews. So you could well be a subversive tribe member.


      Some quotes:

      Germany’s Hitler, by Heinz A Heinz, on National Socialism:

      “German Socialism – Adolf Hitler’s Socialism (National Socialism) – is a totally different thing from what is generally understood by this term, from the Socialism derived from Marxian and Communistic theory. The first essential difference between the two consists in this, that the former is strictly national in aim, scope and limit ; the latter is international, without boundaries of race or land . The second vital distinction is that the first has been set up by the wish of the people concerned, the second is imposed upon nations by the will of those who organise and propagate it. A third contrast can be drawn inasmuch as German Socialism tends to draw all sections of the nation closely together, international socialism initiates class war. German Socialism is directed by the country’s nationals ; international Socialism is an instrument of the Jews .’ In the former it is the personality of the Leader which tells ; in the latter we have nothing but the inertia of the mass which is exploited by its organisers.” – http://www.jrbooksonline.com/PDF_Books/Germanys_Hitler-Heinz_A_Heinz-1938-263pgs-POL.pdf

      This is an excerpt from an interview Adolf Hitler did in 1923 with George Viereck (friend of Nicola Tesla, fun fact) – The Fuhrer speaks on the difference between Marxism and Socialism:

      “Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.

      We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one.” – https://carolynyeager.net/bonus-g-s-vierecks-1923-interview-adolf-hitler

      Two articles you should read:



  • March 17, 2022 at 9:26 pm

    Dear Entity Art!
    Thank you for all your writing. You managed to put the set-aside, questionable, hard-to-accept doctrines aside in me overnight. And NS, my proud Hungarianness, is equal to the awakening of my national self-awareness! You did a fantastic job!
    Anita Tóth
    Nyíregyháza, Hungary

    • March 18, 2022 at 11:34 am

      Hello Anita

      You are very welcome.

      Thank you for sharing this – it is encouraging.

      Best regards.


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