Electric Universe – Free Energy – Solar System – Hollow Earth, Part 1 (Tesla, Schauberger, Russell etc)

  • Introduction
  • Viktor Schauberger, Nicola Tesla and Walter Russell – Free Energy
  • The Eternal Cyclical Universe
  • The Electric Sun
  • Gravity Myth
  • Vortex Mechanics (Twin Opposing Vortices)
  • Light
  • Space
  • Solar System (Solar ‘Serpent’)
  • Expanding Planets
  • Hollow Earth
  • Concluding Thoughts
  • Additional Information: More Walter Russell Images and some Videos


I began seriously researching Hollow Earth after a reader of this website made a comment regarding UFOs that were recorded travelling into the mouths of volcanos. I was already aware of this occurring in a volcano in Mexico (cigar shaped UFOs) – from some previous research – but I began researching the phenomenon further. I was amazed at the information I was discovering, and eventually it also lead to some information on Electric Universe.

NASA and (((The Powers That Be))) are lying to us, not because the Earth is Flat – but because if we understood the True nature of our universe, and planet, it would be game over for (((The Banking Cartels))) and (((The Energy Barons))). Infinite abundant energy is all around us waiting to be tapped into.

We would perhaps also understand our True relationship to our Mother Earth and The Sun – which could perhaps be referred to as ‘Father Sun’ (Or perhaps ‘Mother Sun’, depending on which way you look at it) – and then also work out that the Earth is – and must be – hollow.

To ascertain whether the Earth is hollow or not you need to research the fundamental nature of our universe – how it really works. I never bought into the Flat Earth psyop – but when it came to Hollow Earth I was somewhat of a fence sitter. I felt there would obviously be some very large caverns inside the Earth which could support life and possibly civilisations, but I did not have enough knowledge to say that the Earth is hollow. However, after studying the Electric Nature of our universe, sacred geometry, ancient history and ancient architecture it has led me to believe that our Earth is absolutely hollow – it has to be. A hollow spherical celestial body. All planets must be hollow.

(If you did, or still do, believe in Flat Earth, no hard feelings, keep your mind open and come with me on this Hollow Earth, Electric Universe journey)

There seems to be different groups, or personalities, with differing outlooks, proposing the Electric Universe – and for me Robert Otey’s insights and information are the closest to Truth, and they correlate with other information I have discovered in other topic areas – such as ancient history, for example. He has brought information together from many brilliant minds and writes about the Electric Universe on his two websites. Otey has spent over 25 years researching, and teaching, alternative Cosmology.

Robert Otey

I always assess the person who I am researching:

Robert Otey used to have a YouTube Channel with over 700 videos – but (((they))) deleted him. From reading through some of his articles, and watching some videos of his on other channels, he does expose Jewry / Zionists and talks about the Rothschild Mafia and Mossad, as well as exposing some of the Jesuits who have given the world lies about the Cosmos (Of course the Jesuits are controlled by International Jewry – and many Jesuits are actually Jewish). He also exposes how the Albert Einstein psyop was planned and purposely created by Jewry.

Otey was inspired by Nikola Tesla and Viktor Schauberger – two brilliant inventors that understood various Truths about the nature of our cosmos.

In his writings he uses the work of Walter Russell and D B Larson. Though Otey uses Russell’s work he still finds some fault with it and uses others work to fill in the gaps – such as Dr Severash Bhatt’s, in one particular case – so as to complete the jigsaw and get as close to Truth as he can. He has also utilised the work of Frank Chester, Eric Dollard and Neale Adams.

Otey absolutely supports the notion of a Hollow Earth with a central ‘sun’ – or as he says ‘central atoma’. The Electric Universe theory supports Hollow Earth.

Below, in the various sections, some of Otey’s writings and summations from both his websites are used – as well as quotes and extracts from other people. I also provide images and videos. Below are links to both his websites:

http://www.feandft.com and https://robertotey.com/

I don’t pretend to understand every single element of the Electric Universe (some aspects are quite complex), and every single element of the work of Walter Russell, but I understand the key / most significant concepts. This information below should give you a good feel for the subject, so that you too can learn about and understand the key concepts. I took this information and correlated it with other information / topics – such as Sacred Geometry and Ancient History. Both of these other topics absolutely support the information in this post. My two further posts – covering Sacred Geometry, Ancient History and the technology of the Atlanteans – absolutely correlate with the Electric Universe information presented below. You don’t need to fully understand every aspect of the Electric Universe after reading through the below article. I would suggest that after this post you move straight onto Part 2, and then Part 3 of the series, and then revisit this Electric Universe article after them… once you read all three it should all make sense.

This is just the first part, of a 4 part series. Parts 2 and 3 are completed and published. Part 4 is a work in progress. All provide evidence for a Hollow Earth:

  1. Electric Universe – Free Energy and our Solar System – Hollow Earth, Part 1
  2. Chestahedron – Sacred Geometry, Human Heart, Vril, Ancient History, Religion – Hollow Earth, Part 2
  3. Atlantis – Technology, Knowledge, Genetics, Spirituality – Hollow Earth, Part 3
  4. Hollow Earth – Further Evidence (full title yet to be decided) = Hollow Earth, Part 4

Schauberger, Tesla & Russell – Free Energy:

Nikola Tesla

“This planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball.” – Nikola Tesla

“In 1901 Nikola Tesla was one the first to identify “radiant energy.” Tesla says that the source of this energy is our Sun. He concluded that the Sun emits small particles, each carrying so small of a charge, that they move with great velocity, exceeding that of light.” – https://www.nuenergy.org/nikola-tesla-radiant-energy-system/

“Tesla’s intent was to condense the energy trapped between the earth and its upper atmosphere and to transform it into an electric current. He pictured the sun as an immense ball of electricity,”

In 1901 on Nov 5 Nicola Tesla registered a patent called “Apparatus for The Utilization of Radiant Energy.” Figure 1. US Patent 685,957

“This new power for the driving of the world’s machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities.” – Nicola Tesla

(There is a short video about Nikola Tesla in the Additional Information section)

Viktor Schauberger

“If we were to switch over to Victor Schauberger’s implosion turbines – for instance – they require no fuel. They don’t run on fuel, they implode air or water – and once you get them going with the electric starter motor they are self perpetuating because they create an organic vacuum, and they suck, and they suck, and suck air or water – and they create enormous amounts of energy, and so Viktor Schauberger has the key – he worked with nature. Implosion is how all of nature is working. We were talking earlier about the elements, those male and female sexed wave forms, they’re imploding together – to that still point, the fulcrum, which each one can become the other, it is causing a rhythmic balance energy exchange between the male and the female. The very foundation of this electric light cinema we are involved in are these spiralling electric motions. So everything, from the so called elements to galaxies is doing the same thing. So implosion is the way nature works – and we need to copy nature in order to have unlimited abundance without pollution and death and disease and destruction.” – Robert Otey

“Schauberger designed a suction spiral, known as the “Home Power Generator” in an attempt to harness this principle, and create a free-energy device. By sending either air or water through a spirally coiled channel of a special design, he could produce a drop in temperature, which would then produce suction, and ultimately, implosion.” “https://subtle.energy/viktor-schauberger-and-implosion-technology-potential-for-free-energy-levitation/

“According to Schauberger, the answer to these much needed technological advancements can be found somewhere in the balance between hot and cold, in the spiral, the vortex, and the vacuum.” – https://subtle.energy/viktor-schauberger-and-implosion-technology-potential-for-free-energy-levitation/

“Viktor Schauberger was one of the greatest self taught illuminates in the history of our world. He discovered the deepest secrets of Nature by personal observation and utilized them to create free energy implosion turbines and water management systems that worked directly with Nature instead of against it as we do with our failed: straight water channels, straight spillways for dams, backwards explosion based, fuel sucking, war causing, disease creating, environmentally destructive and seriously fucked up academic slave technologies.

If we were to follow Schauberger’s teachings we would reclaim the beauty of our world and make a world wide population: prosperous, abundant, healthy, happy and free of the wickedness, disease, war, pollution, environmental devastation etc. generated by our academic/archontic slave network of bondage for the masses, run by the most evil people who have ever walked the planetary face of our dear Mother Earth! – https://robertotey.com/2018/08/18/connecting-with-universal-mind-in-nature-the-key-to-surviving-in-the-truth-movement/

River Vortices and ‘Tornado’ Generator – Schauberger

“Walter Russell’s concept regarding implosion was realized with Viktor Schauberger’s invention of the Free Energy Repulsion Turbine in the 1930’s. It was an Implosion Turbine, which inwound and unwound air or water to create Free Electrical Energy. It also produced bio-magnetism which gave it the levity to ascend away from the Earth.” – http://www.feandft.com/vortex-mechanics/

Walter Russell

It is important to note that Walter and Lao Russell also developed a free energy device. In 1959 Walter Russell invited NORAD to work with him, and offered them the details of his free energy invention. In 1961 Walter Russell gave the device to the US government. Walter Russell died in 1963. The Optic Dynamo-Generator was never released to the public.

“On September 10, 1961, Walter and Lao Russell reported to their contacts at NORAD, that the coils had worked and that the President of the United States could announce to the world that a “greater, safer power than atomic energy” could be provided for industry and transportation.”

Walter and Lao Russell and their Optic Dynamo-Generator diagram.

More details on Russell’s Optic Dynamo-Generator at the end of the post in the Additional Information Section.

The Eternal Cyclical Universe

“In other words, the Universe is cyclical and operates according to the process of “eternal abundance” via twin opposing vortices of light and dark (yin and yang) and there is no longer a “second manmade law” of thermodynamics, which will not allow mankind to have “over unity” technologies, otherwise known as “free energy” machines. It was all just a huge egghead mistake, a nightmare world of slavery to energy barons, war mongers, pharmaceuticals and central bankers, which really never existed for legitimate reasons. The excuses used by our social engineers (central bankers, military industrial complex, media, pharmaceutical and energy barons), are now plainly deduced as frauds, leveraged for the maximum exploitation of labor, so that there may be a caste system for these oil sucking, coal and uranium grubbing, war mongering parasites to breed, thrive and operate within.

When mankind understands the Great Creator Spirit’s, “Law of Eternal Abundance” as outlined in this web page, we will produce legions of Teslas and Schaubergers, because people will finally see the Universe according to models that are not intentionally rigged, based on the ever present lie of “scarcity” and it’s concomitant problems, which benefit the purveyors of this erroneous assertion and the money men who fund it, with astronomical profits.” – http://www.feandft.com/the-eternal-cyclical-universe/

“The “Still Magnetic Light” or “neutral center” as John Keely called it, is the heart (Tao) of all manifestations in our Universe. It is the source and cause of all energy and it’s resulting masses (elements). It is the fulcrum of “potential and kinetic energies” which manifests themselves as two opposite conditions of rhythmically balanced interchange, matter and space, via the twin opposing electrical vortices of white light (galaxies, suns and atoms) and the dark light Space, which is the wave-field surrounding the incandescent sphere (“the six empty spaces” of the taoists, bounding galaxies, suns and atoms).” http://www.feandft.com/the-nature-of-space/

The Sun

“The Sun is not a nuclear furnace raging at millions of degrees. It is electric and cold!” – Robert Otey

Sun Spots. The Sun is hollow.

“Heat does not travel to the Earth through the immense cold of space, it is created here as the electric wave forms – coming from the sun – strike matter creating an Actinic effect on Earth, moons and planets of our Solar System – which we call heat and light.” – Robert Otey

From “Living Energies” by Callum Coats: And this is perhaps the moment to drop Viktor Schauberger’s bombshell! Viktor considered the Sun to be a cold, dark body, expressing this view in the introductory remarks to “Questions for Science” in his book Our Senseless Toil published in 1934, in which he states:

“Since the very beginning of time the Sun has stood above everything, staring down in icy silence at the frenzied activities of humankind, who regard it as a fiery orb. How could it be otherwise, such is their direct mental approach towards life! The closer we approach this source of light and heat, the colder and darker its face will become. The nearer we are to it, the brighter the stars will be and as its light diminishes, heat, atmosphere, water and life will also disappear…..

We shall therefore examine the two claims of darkness and cold more closely. Let us begin with the aspect of darkness, for there is some evidence to support his view that, without any atmosphere, no stars would be visible.” – Viktor Schauberger

“The age old idea that the heat from the Sun “travels” through the immense cold of space to heat our planet is false, because once again, it is based on appearances. As can be seen above, heat travelling through the near freezing, near vacuum of space is impossible. The condition of the Sun’s positive electrical polarity is repeated on the side of the Earth which faces the Sun. The negative radiating vortices of electrical force spiraling from the Sun (anode) reach “the inertial plane of equal pressures between the Earth and the Sun where there is a reversal of the reproduction of an expanding counterpart into the reproduction of a contracting counterpart”. (The Universal One, Pg. 30) – Walter Russell

“The nuclear furnace myth of the Sun, which was created to support energy baron profits and control, is exposed by Eric Dollard for the sham it is. This invalidates all tokamak fusion reactors based on the idiotic theory that the sun is a nuke furnace. Meaning, that 48 billion dollars of taxpayer money has been wasted on this fraud called nuclear fusion. This is how the racket is run folks, TPTB fund all of this worthless ‘quackademic psyence’ in order to keep you paying for energy, which should be practically free in all applications.

Their slave system of backwards explosion based technologies insures them that we keep paying for their fuels, fighting their dirty lying wars and enriching the subhuman filth who profit from these demonic world destroying activities.

The Sun’s energy comes from the Creator’s still magnetic light Universe and not another dimension. The Magnetic light Universe controls all motions of our Electric Universe which gives form to Atoms, Suns, Galaxies and everything else in Creation. The magnetic Universe is dimensionless, zero temperature and zero curvature. It is the fulcrum from which sex divided electric conditions of male and female spiralling wave forms create the illusion of the 3d Cosmic Light Cinema which man calls the Electric Universe, aka “Maya”.” – Robert Otey – https://robertotey.com

“Nuclear fusion is fraud, concocted by the ‘mythematicians’ of ‘quackademia’ and does not even exist!” – Robert Otey https://robertotey.com

“These negative unwinding vortex waves [from the Sun] become positively imploding vortices as they spiral through the electrical pressure gradients and atmospheric lenses of Earth. The wave-fields are compressed and concentrated toward the Earth’s center as they curve inward on their implosive journey through the convex, “lens like” atmospheric and electrical pressure gradients, thereby producing light on the side of the Earth facing the Sun (cathode).

This process produces heat here on our planet as the Actinic Force of the positively imploding currents of electric light react with the negative (grounding) physical matter of our world. A magnifying lens used to start a fire, works upon this principle of bending and compressing wave-fields in this same manner. The night side of Earth is simultaneously discharging these positive Solar vortex currents through the “lens like” atmospheric and electrical pressure gradients via the negative electro-magnetic radiation of heat and light otherwise known as cold and darkness, respectively.” – http://www.feandft.com/the-electric-sun/

“The Nuke atom has been a myth since it’s idiotic inception and has been thoroughly debunked, for example see: DB Larson’s “The Case Against the Nuclear Atom”. https://robertotey.com/2015/10/29/the-gravity-myth-the-nuke-atom-myth-the-nuke-furnace-sun-myth-lmao/

Eric Dollard on The Sun:

“Eric P. Dollard is an American electrical engineer and researcher, considered one of the few people to have successfully duplicated Nikola Tesla’s wireless power research. His energetic theories and corpus of work, linking the thought of Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, and Wilhelm Reich, represent some of the most important borderland material ever published, and has inspired a whole generation of alternative researchers to continue in their explorations and experimentations.” – Source

Eric Dollard Video Transcript from 2.48mins:

Dollard: There’s no inside structure [to The Sun].

Questioner: Is it [The Sun] hollow?

Dollard: There’s only a surface, there’s nothing inside.

Questioner: Is The Sun, do you believe… actually combusting?

Dollard: It’s not burning anything, there is no fusion in The Sun, that’s well understood. Well there’s just not any way to prove that there is anyway. It’s only in the flares that you get fusion, that’s with all the x-rays. Flares, arcs and x-rays, and the microwaves, are results of fusion in the arcs… There’s no fusion in The Sun – they don’t know how The Sun works. It’s a transformer. Its transforms from some other dimension – its not burning anything, it doesn’t have to. Its a converter.

Questioner: Of what?

Dollard: I don’t know, nobody knows, but that’s what it does. That’s the only thing it can do, because that’s how everything works… Yeah, you can say its taking energy from another dimension – counter space. There is no energy actually. Most of it you can’t even measure in outer-space, or see. No you can’t see the sun in free space.

Questioner: So The Sun is not visible?

Dollard: Not in free space. Its only visibly when gross matter becomes involved, like the Earth’s atmosphere and envelope and the surface of the moon, or whatever that makes the light, otherwise there is no light. You can see The Moon, you can see the Earth but you cant see the sun, and you cant see the stars. Yeah, you can see material objects but you can’t see the sources of light, there is no light until there is material objects. So that means there is no time delay. So the whole time delay thing is meaningless. It doesn’t take light years. There are no light years, because there’s no light. So that means that the light you see from the distant space isn’t 4 million years old. It could be only minutes sold, it could be instantaneous. All the [academia mainstream] theories collapse when you can’t see the stars in outer-space.

Dollard: Well nuclear fusion is a religion, its a law, the world must believe that’s all there is. So The Sun is an atomic bomb burning in the sky, if you don’t believe that you’re gonna go to jail.

Close up of a sun-spot. Hollow Sun.

Questioner: Your theories on The Sun I want to get…

Dollard: It’s hollow.

Questioner: Every planetary object is hollow?

Dollard: All hollow. Well, the sun is definitely hollow, because I studied The Sun for 4 years straight and its obviously hollow. The sun spots are holes that allow you to see inside. It’s dark inside. It’s well understood in radio-physics and [in] studying the ionosphere and sunspots, and all that stuff, that the sun does not operate by fusion. They don’t know how The Sun operates, the fusion only comes out of the arcs, because of the current density.

The Gravity Myth

Robert Otey’s book

“I contend here that mass has nothing to do with gravity. So-called gravity does not exist. Water Russell redefined gravity as point and shafts of the Creators ‘Still Magnetic Light’, which is omnipresent, meaning that it is points and shafts of stillness, and not a force at all. In my honest opinion it would have been better for Dr Russell to have taken my tact and eliminate the term gravity all together, rather than try and redefine the cursed term. The reason being that the language confuses people greatly. This is the reason I am going on record at this time to redefine gravity as ‘non-existent’!” (Gravity is a Myth and Does not Exist, p 10) – Robert Otey

“The electric lines of force move through the poles and work both within the Earth and without to create the illusion of a so-called “gravitational force”. As I have explained in my book “Gravity is a Myth and Does Not Exist: Electricity is the Only Force in the Universe”. Electricity is the cause of the illusion of Gravity and also the illusion of so-called Magnetism. There is only Electricity and Electric Force in the Electric Universe. These illusions must be comprehended with “knowing”.

The electric density of the Earth’s crust draws electric matter to it whether you are on the inside or the outside of the crust. This creates the illusion of so-called Gravity. So, we experience being held to the Earth on the Outside, or on the inside if we were to go into the Hollow Earth. The so-called gravity would be the same only there is no gravity force, so the electric force would be the cause. All matter will seek to rest on the inner or outer surface of the Earth since that will be the electric condition which is similar to the electric condition of the matter which seeks rest there.

Everything in the Universe is seeking its equi-potential relationship to every other thing in the Universe according to it’s electric Nature. All elements are electric, all matter is electric and the only force in the Electric Universe is Electricity. So, the cause of the illusion of so-called “Gravity Force” is logically and indisputably proven to be Electricity and not the mythical force dreamed up by Newton and sought after for hundreds of years now, without a shred of proof to support it! Only later, to be more mystified and absurd by the delusional theories of ‘al einstein’ with his warped imagination.

All academia has a a huge list of dysfunctional theories about so-called gravity being waves, particles, curved space and time, quantums, etc. ad nauseum! In their desperation to submit to the public an appearance of understanding their dysfunctional gravity theories they are now guilty of academic fraud with the lies based on LIGO, which they have released recently to the public so as to pretend that they know what gravity is and that they have found empirical proof. This proposition is a bold faced lie and subhuman fraud created to protect their monolithic control of mind control PSYENCE for the masses!” – Robert Oteyhttps://robertotey.com/

“There is no 1/6th Moon gravity as faked in all Apollo ‘missions’. The so-called gravity of Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars, etc, is identical, since all of these heavenly bodies are centred by a shaft of stillness. What we have falsely called gravity is the same for all bodies in space and is in reality, due to electric potential compression. So these astro-nots hopping around the Moon using support wires and slow motion video reveal instantly NASA created a massive blunder by faking the gravity lies about the Moon.” (Gravity is a Myth and Does not Exist, p 6) – Robert Otey

“A meteor, for example, is a dense piece of highly charged material which is seeking its proper equi-potential condition on its course through our Solar System. The electric potential of Earth is also very high, so the meteor will mate (so-called attraction) with the Earth’s electric condition and moves inward towards the centre of the Earth, where it would seek rest, when it passed near our planet; only to find it on the Earth’s surface or consumed by fire on its entry into our atmosphere.” (Gravity is a Myth and Does not Exist, p 11) – Robert Otey

“Magma Ball Earth with a Nickle Iron core is a joke, taught in quackademia. The curved electric pressure gradients surrounding Earth – and falsely called “magnetic fields” by academic quacks – are the cause of our Spherical Earth, not a result of a Nickle Iron magnetic core. This is an Electric Universe and all heavenly bodies are created by electric force.

Magnetic Fields are a Myth and do not exist: Curved Electric pressure gradients, which give Earth and Sun their global forms are the source and cause of the academic myth falsely called magnetism, or magnetic fields, relating to Stars, Planets and Galaxies” – Robert Oteyhttps://robertotey.com/

Robert Otey’s book: “Gravity is a Myth and Does not Exist: Electricity is the Only Force in the Universe” can be purchased directly from his website: http://www.feandft.com

Video: The Electric Universe, Gravity Fallacy Reading Robert Otey:

Vortex Mechanics

(All the diagrams in this section are by Walter Russell – some are Walter Russell diagrams that have had colour added to them by other people)

“No two vortices are the same, so the math describing vortex movement is extremely complex due to periodicity, chaos and the fractal type structures witnessed there. The vortex is the means by which states of motion are transferred from one condition to another. Twin opposing electrical vortices are therefore the means by which the infinite variety of motions and their resulting physical forms manifest themselves in our Universe. It required the genius of a man like Viktor Schauberger to mentally image these vortex motions from his natural observations relating to native Trout in the fast moving, well protected and highly pristine alpine streams of Austria. He converted his mental images into machines which mimic Nature’s endless cycles of generation and regeneration (bio-mimicry). Schauberger exploited the two way spiral piston of gravity, to control the positive and negative rhythmic electrical interchange between twin opposing electric vortices of either water or air, depending upon which medium was used to power his implosion turbines.”– http://www.feandft.com/vortex-mechanics/

“Motion cannot express itself in the direction of a straight line. newton’s first law of physics which states that a moving body left to itself, moves on forever in a straight line with uniform velocity, is not in conformity with the laws of motion. In this Universe of varying pressures, all masses floating ‘in space’ constantly move in the direction of their changing potentials. This direction is always spiral. All motion being spiral, all direction being curved and all pressure planes being conic sections. Electric action cannot proceed directly North from South in a straight line, but must progress toward North in a spiral direction. (The Universal One, Pg. 154) Walter Russell – http://www.feandft.com/the-motions-of-light/

“From the heart of the Atom to the core of each Galaxy, imploding vortices, radiate forth and drive our Universe through endless cycles of growth and voidance, generation and regeneration. Twin opposing electrical vortices are the heart of creation, they are the workers controlled by the “two way push/push pump” defined as gravity shaft controlled, spinning light rings on this site, by which all energy and matter manifest themselves in the infinite and eternally changing, Universe of electrically curved and divided, spiral, vortex wave motions.

Since producing vortices for locomotion is not a natural anatomical function of the mammals we inhabit, it has not been obvious to mankind that this is the means of our salvation. The powerful force of the vortex must be learned from those creatures who exploit it naturally, or from observations of nature’s vortices. The average Hurricane expends more energy in ten minutes than the entire nuclear arsenal of planet Earth. This ought to be a massive clue for humanity, that harnessing the vortex, is the solution to our many problems.

Complex sets of vortices roll off of the wings, fins, gills etc., because nature evolved them to exploit the naturally powerful motive force of the vortex. This is how a trout stays stationary in a fast moving stream without beating it’s tail. Vortices are made by the trout manipulating it’s gills with little effort. They squeeze the sides of the trout, holding it still in the onrushing water, as they exit the gills and roll around it’s body. This holds the trout stationary in a fast moving stream without the trout having to expend any serious energy to do so.

From the so-called Subatomic to Super Galactic Clusters, the Vortex, is the natural movement of Plasma and Matter. The solution to many of our problems will be found by understanding the true nature and power of vortex movement. It is not an explosion in the distant past which drives the Universe and gives it power, but implosion. Mankind has been obsessed with the explosion side of reality because it is the easiest property to observe physically, hence the internal combustion engine, steam pressured electrical turbines, jet engines, helicopters, nuclear fission/fusion and nuclear bombs, solar panels, windmills, wave machines, hydro-electric dams. These all are concerned with only the “one way” destructive “pushing” side of events and reveals the half assed perception and “understanding” of the engineers who design them.” – http://www.feandft.com/vortex-mechanics/

In my Atlantis Post (Hollow Earth, Part 3) I show how it is extremely likely that the Atlanteans, and their colonies / outposts, knew about the electric and spiral nature of our universe, and twin opposing vortices. Here is a very small taster in the images below – Knowledge stemming from Atlantean Refugees :

Anglo Saxon Fylfot – Basque Lauburu – Celtic Triskelle
Viking Fylfot with serpent heads – Germanic Fylfot

“Galaxies are visibly vortices. Has it never occurred to these academic dummies that vortices suck into themselves (implode) which is a cyclical process as they radiate their wondrous electric light outward? Unfortunately the very obvious escapes their academic intellects, because they are mentally imprisoned by so-called academic laws which are in fact, dysfunctional theories and not laws at all. The fact that they compare the unnatural manmade machines on Earth to a natural Galaxy in space, reveals instantly, how out of touch academics are with reality. Further more, when they say, “there exists places in the universe where entropy is reduced (neg-entropy) rather than increased, where dissipated heat energy is somehow collected and converted back into organized motion. They are treating this anticipated cyclical process as if it is the exception, whereas, this is the fundamental means by which all motions of the universe operate, from the so-called subatomic, to the super galactic. It is not the exception, it is the very foundation of creation in all of its forms.

In the cyclical spiralling nature of eternity there is no need for a single direct line of evolution towards some perfected form from another less perfected form, because the spiral towards evolution is unwound by the spiral of de-evolution. Everything in this Universe is birthed, then it “evolves” to maturity after which it grows old (de-evolves) and dies and is reborn again as something else. Since the Universe was not birthed according to the provably untenable “big bang scenario”, it is not evolving. It would actually be de-evolving according to this failed theory based on a “big bang”, from a state of organized matter and energy (the observable galaxies and stars) into absolute nothingness (entropy). This ugly academic theory of “universal annihilation”, is due to a falsely imagined, “heat death” because of the theories of those scientists who are slaved into the false and discredited, unidirectional thermodynamic “laws” of academic construction.” – http://www.feandft.com/the-electric-sun/

The golden spiral / The golden ratio. Fractals.

“[Walter] Russell explains that all is the same, as above so below, as within so without. From the atom to the galaxy and stars, all are the same, and twin opposing electric vortices are the mechanism by which light is given form.” – Robert Otey

There is a video about twin opposing vortices in the Additional Information section at the end of the post.


“Concentrated spheres, such as Earth and Sun, are surrounded by layers of light of equal pressures. Clouds float around the Earth in them. The reason they float in curves parallel to the Earth is because of these spherical equipotential planes of pressures which curve as the Earth curves. Curved pressures of light act as lenses to multiply and divide light radially. (Spiralling) Light rays which pass through curved planes concentrate to a point when projected through light lenses of space in the convex direction and decentrate when they pass through the concave direction.” (The Secret of Light, Walter Russell, Pg. 244)

“Light does not travel it repeats itself from wave field of space to wave field. The threads or ropes of light are not continuous. They have a break of voidance and rest at the meeting every every wave field of space. To our senses they appear to be seamless, because we do not see the voidance and repetition of the wave forms at the planes of still magnetic light which separate every wave field from every other one in the Universe.” http://www.feandft.com/spiral-light-waves/

“It is presumed by Man that light travels (in straight lines, rays), because the evidence if his senses so convinces him. Light does not travel and the appearance of its doing so is another of the many illusions of dimension which deceive Man. All light units of matter are given the appearance of form by the magnetic reaction of the attempt of electricity to seek higher pressures. This attempt is registered by magnetism and the resistance is registered in electricity as heat. The rebound into lower pressures and the sudden cooling of the electric whirling particle by the expansion of the lower pressure causes it to solidify. It is turned into ice. It freezes. It becomes what is known as crystallic. All matter is crystallic. Crystallization is a dimension. It is the first appearance of form. Matter registers its energy through the temperature dimension of heat and cold in solids of light which Man calls ‘crystals’. Crystals are but ‘solids of light’ sustained in that illusion of appearance by motion”. (The Universal One, Walter Russell Pg. 60) http://www.feandft.com/the-motions-of-light/

“Light only seems to travel. It is one more of the countless illusions caused by wave motion. Waves of the Ocean seem to traverse the Seas, but they only appear to do so, for waves are pistons in the Universal engines and pistons operate up and down. Wave pistons of light, or of the Ocean, operate radially and spirally inward and outward, toward (heavenly bodies) and away from gravity (levity, it’s other direction). Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave-field to wave-field of space. The planes of zero curvature which bound all wave-fields act as mirrors to reflect light from one wave-field into another. This sets up an ‘appearance’ of light as travelling, which is pure illusion”. (The Universal One, Page 169 – Walter Russell)http://www.feandft.com/the-nature-of-space/


“Space is created by the negative electrical vortex wave motions of negatively unwound, electrically simulated, Light. Space does not contain matter, Space is the inversion of Matter and Matter is enfolded Space, the two give to each other endlessly via rhythmic balanced interchange of in-winding and unwinding twin opposing electrical vortices, which emanate from motionless centers of “still magnetic light” and return from motionless boundary planes of “still magnetic light”. The Space is millions of times more expanded than the highly compressed center of the matter (Atom, Sun or Galaxy) which is its source. This massive imbalance between these twin opposing vortices of matter and space, creates the dynamic stage for all of the appearances of matter and energy we witness in our physical Universe.” http://www.feandft.com/the-nature-of-space/

“Space is not the unlimited source of energy as claimed by “the electric universe model” (EUM), or the “zero point energy” (ZPE) people and similar theories, it is caused by electrical vortex motions in “time” and is full of matter, plasma and energy to be sure, but it is not the cause of matter, energy or the plasma. They are viewing just half of the process and are not correctly perceiving the cycling spiral nature of the rhythmic balanced interchange of positive and negative electrical vortices, which is taking place beyond the range of the “sensory based” experimental data, which they are analyzing.” http://www.feandft.com/the-nature-of-space/

Solar System

“All planets are born from their Suns and they expand as they grow to maturity moving further and further away from the Sun as new planets are born.” – Robert Otey

“I had the good fortune of speaking to Dr Batt many times on Skype, before he passed away unfortunately, about, it must have been about 4 years ago, he was up in Yellowstone vacationing… He studied astronomy around the globe in equatorial regions like Madagascar, Venezuala, India – places like that. For 40 years he did observations of our local solar system. And he came up with the conclusion that we are not going around the Sun, we are following the Sun in the Sun’s equatorial discharge vortices. Because we implode through the poles and and you discharge electrically through the equator. There’s a lot evidence to back that.” – Robert Otey

“Descartes had an earlier and widely accepted physical theory of orbits that claimed the planets were dragged along by an invisible material, known as ether, which presumably swirled around the sun. Dr Keshava Batt offered dozens of proofs in his book ‘Helical Helix: Solar System a New Interpretation’, that Descartes was correct.

He showed the the Sun was the tip of a vortex which dragged all of the planets in its wake, through the ‘17 space gases’ as defined by Walter Russell, since the ether theory of Descartes has been disproved. The OAH-SPE written in 1880 also shows an ether vortex solar system based on this model in ‘The book of Cosmogony and Prophecy.” – (Gravity is a Myth and Does not Exist, p 9) – Robert Otey

Schauberger Tone Tower

“Schauberger’s, “Tone Tower” ( Music of the Spheres) is a vortex. Note how when the dynamic motions of the z axis are added to a model of the Solar System a vortex is seen due to the forward motion of the Sun around the galactic core as the planets trail behind it. One can clearly see that the ellipses that we observe as Earth bound watchers in a moving frame of reference, is due to our mutual position in our helical trajectories following the Sun. The horizontal bars (circles) seen on the Tone Tower show that the paths of the planets are perfect circles and not ellipses as Kelpler believed and everyone else who has accepted this Earth bound illusion, since his time. The spiral circumferential trajectories of the planets, falsely known as “ellipses” are in fact perfect circles and ellipses are observational illusions. The planets ride on Electric Nodes of the Sun’s discharging equatorial Vortex, conforming in distance to Bode’s Law. A new Octave begins at Neptune!

The planets do not: go round the sun, they follow it, they do not speed up and slow down as per academic drivel, they do not tilt on their axes, their poles remain parallel at all times, they do not wobble and their distance to the sun remains constant in unchanging perfect circles, stretched out along the z axis of their paths, which I have called Spiral Circumferential Orbital Trajectories, aka SCOT’s! So named, to immortalize all of the Great Scottish Scientists of the Ages!” – https://robertotey.com/2017/02/27/elliptical-orbits-are-earth-bound-illusions-keplers-circles-and-dr-bhats-votex-solar-system/

Helical Helix : Solar System a Dynamic Process

Helical Helix: Solar System a Dynamic Process Written by: Dr. Keshava Bhat Figure 19b page 35

“This diagram demonstrates that the so-called tilting of the Earth’s Axis is an illusion due to our position in the Master Vortex of the Sun above and below it’s Ecliptic at peaks called solstices and twice a year as we intersect the ecliptic at the Equinoxes. The illusion to our senses is created by a belief in academic clock work orbits on a flat plane, which would mean that the Earth would have to tilt to account for this process. According to Dr. Bhat the Earth is not tilting at all. It is following the Sun in a Vortex trajectory and the seasons are seen to change due to our position in relationship to the ecliptic plane of the Solar Vortex.” – Robert Otey

“The Path of our Solar System is identical to that of a Spiraling River. A horizontal line through the “Energy Canon” represents the Galactic Ecliptic. The spiraling motions of our Sun and Planets are seen in the spiraling flow of water.” (From Callum Coat’s “Living Energies” pg. 167)

“Some of the most important info related to this video is that the poles do not tilt – of planets and Moons – they all remain parallel to the Sun. And, the term “helical trajectory” needs to be substituted for the term “orbit”… Orbits do not exist. Planets never go around the far side of the Sun. The Sun is moving forward around the galactic core in a huge spiraling helical trajectory and the planets follow the Sun, how could they possibly race forward in front of the Sun??? IMPOSSIBLE!

The axis of the Earth is not inclined nor does it wobble. The so-called “precession of the equinoxes” is therefore false and so is the changing of seasons due to tilting, since the tilting myth has just been revealed for the fraud it is.” – https://robertotey.com/2013/06/12/dr-bhats-vortex-solar-system-proved-by-edward-leedskalnin/

Our Solar System

“As part of the Pleiadean System our Sun, a fairly average star, revolves around Alcyone, taking about 180 million years to complete one orbit”. (Page 77, “Living Energies” by Callum Coats)

Alcyone, our Sun’s Central Sun

“By applying Dr. Keshava Bhat’s understanding of the helical trajectories of all heavenly bodies, we see that we do no “orbit” Alcyone as claimed, rather we trail behind her as pictured above, completing each full helical spiral once every 180 million years!

Update May 2022: After further information came to light I removed the images of the Gosforth Cross and Aztec architecture, as I do not think these large serpents on the Gosforth Cross and the Aztec / Mayan Pyramids represent the spiralling universe, but represent something more insidious. I will explain in a further post.

The Great Serpent depicted in the OAHSPE. The words Great Serpent means solar phalanx (solar system).

I have noticed that in the advanced and knowledgeable ancient civilisations that the serpent seemed to be used to symbolise a phenomenon related to ‘spiritual’ energy, perhaps the kundalini energy… as well as depicting a specific type of generated spiralling energy… (Note: And it was also used to represent something otherworldly and physical they were seeing in the skies). So it is important to take all this into account.

Ancient Egypt: The electricity inside this, what looks like a type of light bulb, is depicted as a serpent. I don’t think it was just a light bulb – but something more significant

Expanding Planets

The Earth’s diameter has not been constant as proposed. The planets structure is gradually expanding. Expansion caused the break up of pangea. The expansion still continues to this day. Which means the Earth has to be, or at least it is extremely likely to be, hollow – a tennis ball like structure.

These images below are from the book ‘Land of No Horizon’. The authors investigated the topic of Hollow Earth, they came to the conclusion that the Earth was expanding and hollow – and would now look somewhat similar to this diagram on the lower right. They did get a fair bit wrong in the book, with regards to certain concepts, especially gravity… And if they had understood the electric nature of the universe and sacred geometry they would have been more accurate – but the book had a good expanding Earth chapter.

On the image on the right they have not included the holes at the North and South, and the cap at the South Pole. As well as this, the inner sun / atoma would likely not be quite as big as this. My post on the Chestahedron and Sacred Geometry provides more evidence for the Hollow Earth.

The expanding Earth looks to be absolutely correct, however the one major issue for me is that the people who demonstrate it do not include, and take into account, the islands of Lemuria and Atlantis (Which were both very likely obliterated by the ‘gods’ at some point in our history – Atlantis roughly twelve thousand years ago, and Lemuria some time before that). It does not make them wrong, it is just that they have not included the two destroyed islands in their expansion reconstructions.

A significant aspect of understanding expanding Earth is taking into consideration the continental shelves.

Video by Neale Adams:

James Maxlow on Expanding Earth:

Hollow Earth

Dutchsinse Video:

Dutchsinse commentary on the Video:

These large earthquakes are tied to our deep Earthquakes, it is no coincidence that we have seen a flurry of deep earthquakes today, in conjunction with the large X9.3 solar flare.

You have to understand when these solar flares occur they send large blasts of charged particles towards Earth. It takes a few days for those charged particles to physically reach Earth and hit the upper atmosphere to ionosphere. When those charged particles hit Earth we get large air glow, which is called the northern lights or aurora borealis up in the northern hemisphere, and the southern lights down in the south. These northern and southern lights are huge amounts of electricity. That electric potential goes down into the core of the Earth.

And what would you do if I told you that the textbooks that you have all read – and the professionals who have said are correct – are incorrect? And that the core of the Earth is not a solid ball of metal – that it’s instead an electro plasma torch powered by The Sun – and it is rotating very fast – it is super heated and can melt any element? And if we increase the power to that core, guess what happens? Heat and expansion occurs, that then causes deep earthquakes – which you see raised high off the globes (in the video diagram) – those deep earthquakes then cause shallower larger earthquakes – one to two magnitudes larger.

Robert Otey commentary on the Video:

“Well, that was a great analysis by Dutchsinse here. .. the reason I am uploading this is because it is confirmation of the electric universe. He is saying that The Sun energises the core of the Earth – which is not a liquid, you know, metal iron and nickle like the academics say, that’s a myth. They say that though, to justify this magnetic field thing, that doesn’t exist either. There is electric lines of force only.

As Dutch showed you here, the poles are imploding that energy towards the centre. The North and South poles take the electric wave forms of The Sun, and all that energy is imploded through the core of the Earth and it ignites and keeps lit for aeons – I guess – the atoma, the central sun of the Hollow Earth. So here we have confirmation of a globe Earth, not a Flat Earth. Its a Hollow Earth because is has an atoma that’s inside, and that means that the Hollow Earth stories are True…

And it shows how the electric activity of The Sun and Earth create these weather phenomena and earthquakes that we are seeing… Anyway, just a really good job that Dutch did here by pointing out that the ‘academics’ got it all wrong. The Earth is not just a big ball of magma with a nickel / iron core, its Hollow and it has an atoma – atoma is like a little miniature sun. So this is conformation of Hollow Earth, Global Earth and Electric Universe.”

Northern and Southern Lights
Earth’s halos
Hollow Earth Images:

Here are two images. The first was created by someone on Reddit who proposes an Electric Universe and Hollow Earth. He hasn’t got everything correct, but it is certainly one of the better diagrams. I believe the second image is an image from a Jan Lamprecht book, which has had annotations added by someone else. Jan Lamprecht was also some who came to the conclusion of a Hollow Earth, but looks to have got a fair bit wrong in his book – these annotations are not from him. These two images below may have been annotated by the same person – as both suggest the crust is 3000km thick, which is much thicker than all the prominent Hollow Earth authors suggest. Many suggest the thickest part is at the equator, and that it is about 800 miles thick (around 1200km). It would be less thick near the poles. Other researchers suggest the crust is around 700km at the equator. The person annotating these images below is the only one I have seen estimating such a thick crust. The estimated size for the polar opening is also open to debate. I have seen some estimate it to be as little as 250 miles wide, and some as much as 1400 miles wide.

Saturn and Jupiter vortices.

Just because I am saying Hollow Earth is a reality, it does not mean any of those novels written throughout the 20th or 21st centuries about Hollow Earth are true stories. All seem to be fiction, very likely written by people who belong to Masonic lodges – 33rd degree masons perhaps – with some access to secret knowledge. And Admiral Byrd looks to have been a Freemason as well – his story was not true – as I will explain in the Additional Information section… There was an agenda behind Byrd’s Hollow Earth story.

But there are a great many ancient tales from tribes and peoples – from all around the world – about visitors from the Inner / Hollow Earth, and some about the Hollow Earth realm itself – and we will look at some of them in ‘Hollow Earth, Part 4’. It is important to remember that some people live in the crust, in huge caverns – and some visitors to the surface have journeyed from the Hollow interior – living under the inner sun / ‘smoky god’. A huge complex world we are cut off from. It looks like the people in those lands stopped interacting with us on the surface at some point – and they hid, protected and blocked off the entry points and pathways.

Concluding Thoughts

I have not included the very significant work of Frank Chester in this post, which demonstrates, through sacred geometry, the parallel twin vortices that exist inside the Earth – as well as the central core / sphere within the Earth. His work is the focus of my next article in this series ‘Chestahedron, Sacred Geometry, Ancient History, Religion – Hollow Earth, Part 2’. It very much correlates with the Electric Universe proposals.

We can also correlate the work in this Electric Universe post to ancient symbols, ancient architecture, ancient technology and ancient activities. This will be shown in both Parts 2 and 3 of this Hollow Earth Series. In Part 3 we will also discuss the very advanced civilisation of Atlantis and how the knowledge about that destroyed civilisation – and it colonies /outposts – correlates to the Electric Universe and Scared Geometry information.

In Hollow Earth, Part 2 you will also further see why the Powers That Be have hid all the Truth regarding our Electric Universe. It was not just the fear of us gaining knowledge on free energy, but also concerns about us tapping our human bodies into the electric energy sea we are in, and then bringing this invisible ‘vril / chi / prana energy’ into our chakras and pineal gland – and then advancing spiritually / metaphysically.

Hopefully this series of articles does inspire some new inventors… Some new inventors to take over from where Tesla, Schauberger, and Russell left off.

Additional Information:

The Universe and Rest

“The Creator uses extremely fast motion in this “3d Cosmic Light Cinema” of illusions, to simulate the eternal idea of rest, which can not be found anywhere in the Electric Universe of Motion. For example a Galaxy moves with enormous velocity, but to our senses it appears to be absolutely motionless! The same can be said for the book on your table. It is composed of elements which are produced from varying pressure conditions of electricity, moving at the so-called velocity of light, yet the book appears to be at rest! Also, the book is moving at enormous spiralling velocity with our Galaxy as it moves through the Universe. The theory of rest is as fallacious as that of gravity. Rest does not exist anywhere in our Electric Universe of motion and effect. It is however, the very eternal and unchanging foundation of the Creators Still Magnetic Universe of Cause.” (Gravity is a Myth and Does not Exist, p 11) – Robert Otey

As I have seen Otey himself also allude to – it is not really all an ‘illusion’ as such – it is real and we face consequences as a Soul, or Soul group, due to our actions. It is an ‘illusion’ in that their is this illusion of death and finiteness – and also an illusion, in that, from higher state of consciousness / different states of being, we can precisely observe the mechanisms behind the scenes of physical reality / the ‘light cinema’ and how it is produced.

More – Walter Russell Diagrams :

Thumbnails. Click to enlarge:

Golden Mean / Ratio – Fibonacci
Nature – Electricity and Spirals – Fractals

Walter and Lau Russell – The Optic Dynamo-Generator:

“This new power and light generator employs a multiplication principle of nature which has not yet entered within the realm of human consciousness… It is the principle of growth in nature which multiplies one kernel of corn into thousands… or multiplies the cold of space into hot stars and novas of incredibly high temperature… Power multiplication is the most conspicuous characteristic of nature. It is amazing to me that it has never yet been discovered.”
(Walter Russell’s memo from 1961)

In the fall of 1959, General Chapman, Colonel Fry, Major Sargent, Major Cripe, and others from NORAD in Colorado Springs, attended a meeting at Swannanoa, Virginia (University of Science and Philosophy) at the invitation of Walter Russell. At this meeting Russell explained the workings of a device he proposed to build to take advantage of the vacuum state energy, and the two directional movement of energy from gravitation, (generation), to radiation, (degeneration). During the following year Russell, his wife, Lao, and their assistants built the device. The prototype that was built consisted of two sets of dual and magnetically-sexed coils. On September 10, 1961, Walter and Lao Russell reported to their contacts at NORAD, that the coils had worked and that the President of the United States could announce to the world that a “greater, safer power than atomic energy” could be provided for industry and transportation. After giving the device over to the U.S. Government, Dr. Russell refolded a year and a half later on May 19, 1963. The Russell Optic Dynamo-Generator was never released to the public.

“We have proven the validity of our concept by making a simple small scale working model which is now supplying all the heat, light and power needed for our four story 52 room University. Our reactor generates much more power than needed for whatever purpose intended, so enough of that surplus is taken off from its generator to motivate the reactor in perpetuity.

Nuclear reactors need whole buildings for operation while ours occupies no more space than a furnace or oil heating plant to house its reactor, its steam-turbine and its generator. The nuclear reactor must be prevented from harming humans by building great concrete walls around it, while ours is perfectly harmless and occupies so little space that the one which operates at our headquarters occupies hardly more than six cubic feet, has no moving parts, and weighs not more than four hundred pounds, exclusive of its small steam turbine and generator.

It is needless to say that such a simple, mobile, light and power producing machine would not only effect the whole world-economy, but would be the first step in bringing abundance of the necessities for human existence to every nation on the face of this earth.” – Walter and Lao Russell – (Information from – https://www.philosophy.org/russell-optic-dynamo-generator.html#/)

Additional Videos:

Viktor Schauberger:

Nikola Tesla, Wardenclyffe, Free Energy (There is no title image for this video some reason, but the video plays just fine):

Twin Opposing Vortices Explained – Robert Otey and Matt Presti:

The Sun’s surface is Electric:

The Earth was previously closer to The Sun:

Hollow Earth, Land of No Horizon video: an interview with Kevin and Mathew Taylor.

Ignore George Noory at the beginning going on about the Freemason Admiral Byrd and his fake story. Byrd was actually said to be in the Antarctica at the time of his so-called journey into the Hollow Earth via the Arctic. The Byrd Arctic Hollow Earth story was made up after the failure of Operation High jump in Antarctica – where the German UFOs had sent the expedition running – and Byrd’s story was just fabricated misdirection. His story was designed to get you to think that all the flying saucers people were seeing were from the Inner / Hollow Earth – when they were actually the Germans. Byrd actually tells you that he sees flying saucers inside the Hollow Earth in his made up story, and that they belonged to an Inner Earth race. We can see the agenda.

Admiral Byrd got in trouble for his interview with the Chilean newspaper “El Mercurio” – he gave the interview to them straight after the Operation Highjump events. The interview occurred before his superiors could get hold of him – he was not supposed to say what he did. Byrd went very quiet after that interview, and never spoke about what he said again. To make up for his mistake he had to tell the world a story about him travelling into the Hollow Earth – so as to try and make out that the UFOs were from an Inner-Earth civilisation.

Anyway, some interesting thoughts from the Taylor’s regarding the formation of planets in this video:


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36 thoughts on “Electric Universe – Free Energy – Solar System – Hollow Earth, Part 1 (Tesla, Schauberger, Russell etc)

  • October 27, 2021 at 5:41 pm

    Hello Entity Art,

    Here is another link of interest. The interviewed doctor here does discuss in a short section our electric bodies and how the jab is being used to negatively affect it. It will be of help to see how all of this fits together… and how we can use the esoteric knowledge that has been lost (but you bring to attention here) to “combat” this jewry agenda. Wow – I feel we’re having to educate ourselves in an extremely accelerated manner right now on so many fronts.


    • October 30, 2021 at 1:37 pm

      Hi Alp

      I have come across this lady numerous times in my research on the ‘vaccine’ and the agendas related to it. She does a good presentation here about the transhumanism agenda through injections. But then, at the end, comes the subversion (she does this in her other interviews as well):

      (This is not aimed at you Alp, I am just taking the opportunity to explaining it for readers so people do not get subverted by the nonsense at the end)

      The subversion at the end is related to her talking about solutions and it begins with her talking about love, and us recognising that we are light beings with a powerful heart energy. Remembering that you have a heart that emits energy is not going to stop it – just love is not going stop the (((NWO))).

      And then she talks about how love can change water molecules… smh. So what…. How does that stop psychopaths with incredible amounts of control, influence and power?! Psychopaths have no empathy – zero – and they never change.. ever.

      She also expresses how she is a believer in ‘Jesus Christ’. And says how we should be worshipping and praying. That is certainly not going to stop anything!

      This whole notion of using love to stop the NWO just reminds of the shill David Icke and the jewish run New Age movement. This ‘love is the answer’ and ‘we are all one’ subversive rhetoric that Icke and other shills have promoted throughout the years.

      Our (((governments))) are not bringing in ‘Love’ speech laws. They are bringing in ‘Hate’ speech laws.

      Large groups of angry, disenchanted, very motivated, focused, knowledgeable people is what governments are afraid of.

      Love can be a powerful motivation, but it does not stop psychopaths from doing what they do. All the emotions we have as humans are there to help us survive, they are all valid and of use. But you do have to have control of your emotions, and use them wisely – so as to take wise and focused action based on valid acquired knowledge.

      I have also heard her equate this (((New World Order))) agenda to those ‘evil’ ‘Nazis’ in some of her other interviews, which makes me even more suspicious of her. She seems controlled to me.

      But yes, it seems a good presentation, until the subversion at the end.

          • July 21, 2022 at 2:23 pm

            Hi atlasshrugged

            Do you know this to be the Truth? You don’t know that this is what really happened. Things can be made up to give controlled people attention and credibility. I have research too much fake terrorism to believe something like this without clear evidence. Even if she was hurt in a crash there is no evidence it was done on purpose.

            I have heard enough from her, and seen enough of who she works with, to know that she is controlled opposition.

            Never underestimate how much controlled opposition there is – (((they))) want to control the narrative at every level.

            This woman says we need to just love each other and worship Jesus to stop the NWO agenda! What nonsense.

            Oh, and if you listen to her, you will hear that the ‘Nazis’ (the only force to really fight against the NWO agenda) were evil.

            Best regards.

        • November 11, 2021 at 6:08 pm

          Hi Adam

          Yes, I have seen the diary. It is all lies. It is just misdirection. One of the first Ufology psyops. I will bring more clarity to the topic.

          At one point in the diary he says this:

          “Off our port and star board wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we!”

          Why would he say ‘this is fantastic’ when he sees a ‘type of swastika’? When he is a U.S admiral who… 1. Was a part of the expedition to hunt down the ’Evil Nazis’ in Operation Highjump… and 2. Had been at war with them just a few years back. These people aren’t even good at lying and making up their stories.

          It is all just to get you to think that the flying saucers are coming from this Inner Earth group. When they are made by the National Socialist Germans and piloted by the NS Germans… those ‘Evil Nazis’.

          The advanced flying saucers did not, and do not, belong to a ‘Germanic sounding Inner Earth’ group.

          The Inner Earth ‘master’ – Byrd supposedly speaks to – says this:

          “Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads”, to your surface world to investigate what your race had done. That is, of course, past history now, my dear Admiral, but I must continue on.”

          Their agenda with this Byrd story is so obvious. They do not want people to know that the National Socialist Germans had not been defeated and still live on – on Earth and in elsewhere in our Solar System. As I show in my article ‘Ufology Explained Part 2’, this is what Ufology has been all about since Operation High Jump – and this Byrd story was one of their very first psyops… all misdirection.

          (Though from what I have seen, and from my research, the National Socialist Germans did eventually set up some operations, and living areas, inside the Earth. They made it to the Hollow Earth and the very large Caverns inside the crust)

          Operation Highjump in Antarctica (The South Pole) ended / returned in late February 1947. Byrd was definitely on this expedition – he was the leader of the expedition! But somehow at the same time he apparently flew to the other-side of the planet and went inside the Earth at the Arctic North pole? It’s nonsensical.

          He then gave an interview to El Mercurio, a Chilean paper, straight after the Antarctica expedition – which was printed in the Chilean newspaper on the 5th March 1947 – where he was very concerned about craft that could fly at amazing speeds from pole to pole, and he wanted to warn the world about them. No mention from him to them of this amazing Inner Earth journey and the craft he supposedly saw inside there… And if he supposedly flew inside the Earth in February 1947, and saw that these flying saucers were from a benevolent Inner Earth group, why is he so concerned and panicked about the advanced craft in this interview?

          The PTB tried to bury the El Mercurio interview – it was not officially translated and printed in any English speaking publications.

          Hope that helped.

      • December 4, 2022 at 2:24 am

        Right, but Walter Russell is talking about love, light and Jesus Christ as well. How is he any different?

        • December 6, 2022 at 5:08 pm

          Hello Lia

          Russell is not talking about him how regular modern day Christians talk about him. He is looking for hidden Truth in the Bible etc. Russell is talking about some of the metaphysical Truths that were hidden in the subversive book.

          Walter Russell:

          “Jesus said “GOD IS LIGHT,” and no man of that day knew what He meant. The day is now here when all men must know what Jesus meant when He said “GOD IS LIGHT.

          For within the secret of Light is vast knowledge yet unrevealed to man. Light is all there is; it is all we have to deal with, but we do not yet know what it is. The purpose of this message is to tell what it is.”

          Russell is talking about the mechanics of the cosmos here.

          Russell would surely have known that Jesus was not talking about Yahweh (the bipedal reptilian ‘god’) when he said God , but about what I refer to as Universal Mind.

          He is also not talking about ‘light’ in the way these naive clueless ‘new agers’ do. Wishing people ‘love and light’ – those new agers don’t even know what they are saying. Again, he is talking about the mechanics of creation and the cosmos.

          The Bible is a very subversive book that took some old occurrences and some metaphysical Truths and then inserted them into subversive stories. They created a book to subvert people… to misdirect, manipulate, control and confuse people.

          I do not agree with everything Russell says – calling Jesus a messiah, for example. (He seems to have got carried away there). Jesus seems to have worked out some metaphysical truths and was sharing them with people a long time ago, that is all.

          From my research, I would suggest Jesus was a knowledgeable White giant – like Siddhartha Guatama (buddha) was a knowledgeable South Asian giant. Then after a one or two destructive resets, subversive rhetoric and new stories were created to subvert people away from what both of these men really knew and taught. Their lives and teachings were very likely greatly different from what we are told.

          The Israelites were White giants. Jesus would have been a White giant. You can see that he was in the medieval art – they illustrated him as a White giant time and time again.

          I am not saying every single thing Tesla, Schauberger and Russell said throughout their lives is perfect – I don’t know every single thing they said… But I am showing in this article, and Hollow Earth series, that these three great minds shared very similar information on the nature / mechanics of the cosmos… And that is also correlated with information from elsewhere – with some of the modern day alternative cosmology, with ancient energetic practices / knowledge and with ancient symbols.

          Hope that helped.

  • December 21, 2021 at 10:18 am

    Sincere greets from Eastern Europe Entity~Art ! Though a bit quiet, I’m constantly around reading new comments & rereading articles 🙂

    Thank you for bringing forth these knowledge. This is the first time I’ve learned about some of these. I did know for many years about the possibility of the hollow earth, bits of Shauberger’s water vortex principle and bits of story about Tesla but never about the electric universe / vortex as the main force of the cosmos / the sun being hollow / etc and never about Walter Russell & Robert Ottey… interesting guys and so much to learn from all of them. So, no questions in these fields so far since all of these are too new for me… for now it’s just learning the basics :)))

    Still, here are some questions about Shauberger from a historical point of view. Did Adolf Hitler or other SS members coerced him in any manner to participate in those special engineering projects before and during WW2 ? Why did he collaborate with the US gov ? Was he part of the “Paperclip Operation” ? Did the US gov coerced him ? And… what was his understanding about National Socialism and Hitlers fighting response against the NWO ?


    • December 26, 2021 at 3:12 pm

      Hello Gilgamesh, good to hear from you.

      Happy new year. I hope all is good with you.

      I have wondered on a few occasions when I would hear from you again.

      Some interesting questions.

      Here is some of what I know about it – and some of my thoughts on the matter:

      Of course, we are very likely going to get various pieces of misdirection and subversion from our controlled media regarding Schauberger. So when looking into the subject you will need to use critical thinking and be aware of our enemies’ patterns and agendas. Difficult to know all the Truth on this subject with all the incessant lies and subversion we receive from the (((victors of WW2)))

      I don’t know much about the man’s personal life and his thoughts on National Socialism. There seems to be no readily available first hand evidence of his thoughts on these matters. There really is not a lot out there about him in this regard. There is really just information on his fantastic insights into nature, vortices, implosion and energy etc

      But we know that whenever there are some brilliant minds connected to National Socialist Germany -people who may be seen in a positive light by the general public – we get the rhetoric that these people were coerced, deceived, indoctrinated, manipulated or threatened by the ‘Evil Nazis’.

      For example; various controlled opposition agents say this sort of thing about The Vrillien women of the Vril society – Maria Orsic etc. Saying that these women had been corrupted by the ‘Nazis’ – when, of course, that is a whole lot of nonsense.

      The also try to make out that the Tibetans did not like the NS Germans, when all evidence suggest otherwise. The NS Germans that went to Tibet were invited, and were given access to areas no other foreigner had ever been allowed to venture – and they were also allowed to take away a very large and very important ancient Buddhist manuscript. There is also clear first-hand evidence of positive correspondence. But all the (((controlled agents))) will tell people the Tibetans and the Tibetan leaders did not like them… so many lies from (((them)))

      So on some sites we get rhetoric like this about Shauberger:

      “As an Austrian, naturalist and free-thinker, Schauberger despised the Nazis and their occupation of his motherland Austria. In 1940, during the beginning of World War II, he was forced by the Nazis to continue his research into vortex technology. They threatened to hang the fifty-eight-year-old Schauberger and to harm his family if he did not cooperate” – Source

      Firstly there is never any evidence provided – none, ever – that Schauberger “despised the ‘Nazis’”. People say this online without providing any evidence – they are just repeaters. Secondly, the NS Germans most certainly were not occupying Austria! There was a vote and around 99 percent of Austrians wanted to unify with Germany! Third, there is no evidence that Schauberger was threatened. We have to remember that most of the prominent mainstream rhetoric will be created by the same people who created the holohoax lies. These are a people who have absolutely no qualms about telling blatant outright lies.

      In fact, it is likely Schauberger would have been in favour of the NS Germans. It is the logical conclusion when you look at the facts:

      Firstly, the NS Germans were environmentalists and looking to create non polluting technology and free energy – which Schauberger would have greatly approved of. (When the NS Germans were building their autobahns they took great care to not destroy ecologically important area and areas of great natural beauty). Secondly: The NS Germans were also giving lots of funding and resources to inventors. Which would have been a dream for all these great German minds, and especially Schauberger. Funding, staff, facilities etc. And Thirdly, in a broader sense, after Adolf Hitler implemented his well thought out society changing polices he had a roughly 98 percent – almost 99 percent – approval rating in Germany. Austria and Germany were thriving, the people were very happy. The likelihood that Viktor Schauberger was in this disapproving 1 percent is very unlikely indeed.

      Whether he was immediately enamoured with the NS Germans – when they first came to power – I do not know, as many did not really know exactly what to expect. But I have no doubt that if he was initially sceptical he would have soon been on-board and in favour of them.

      Schauberger would have seen Austria and Germany thriving, a united abundant nation – and an environmental friendly government giving funding and resources to free thinking inventors. Why would he have despised them? Not logical at all.

      I know that Wilhelm Landig (Who very much seems to be a credible source of information – as he was a member of the SS and worked in various significant facilities) says in this books that Schauberger developed the V-7 (vril-7) flying disc in Vienna, Breslau and Prague with the engineer Schriever.

      And let’s look at what Ernst Zundel says about Schauberger in his book ‘UFO: Nazi Secret Weapon?’:

      “Now we must turn our attention to another man who has been closely linked with the German UFO story — Victor Schauberger. Reproduced here are photos of two of his electro-magnetically powered “Flying Hats” and some photographs that show how strikingly similar they are to actual UFO’s photographed flying over the United States. Victor Schauberger lived for some years in the United States after the war where he was reported to be working on UFO projects. Apparently he was well financed and supported by a group of mysterious, but obviously wealthy people. He received wide publicity in the middle 1950’s when he first published his work on “implosion” instead of “explosion”, which is a concept as revolutionary as saying “not nuclear fission but nuclear fusion” is the way of the future. His articles were greatly discussed and then one day in Chicago he just vanished. His battered body was found and as to who killed Schauberger or why has never been solved. One version has it that gangsters tried to beat his revolutionising secrets out of him and accidentally killed him.

      However, Schauberger did experiments early in 1940-41 in Vienna and his 10 foot diameter models were so successful that on the very first tests they took off vertically at such surprising speeds that one model shot through the 24 foot high hangar ceiling, damaging not only the roof but also causing the first UFO casualty, namely itself, for it was blown to bits. After this “success” Schauberger’s experiments received “Vordringlichkeitsstufe” — high priority and he was given adequate funds and facilities as well as help. His aides included Czechoslovakian engineers who worked at the concentration camp af Mauthausen on some parts of the Schauberger flyinq saucers. It is largely through these people that the story leaked out. There is a further witness to all this, he is a Diplom-Wirtschaftsfachmann (Economist) named Hermann Klass from Muhlheim a.d. Ruhr who wrote extensively about his wartime involvement in the UFO development in the “Bergische Wochenpost” a regional paper in his area. We reproduce here a few of his photo copies which date back as far as 1941.” – UFO: Nazi Secret Weapon? P. 108

      “Hermann Klaas knew Victor Schauberger personally and transported U.F.O. parts from
      Mauthausen to Vienna and most likely to the factory named Kertl which is mentioned in the book “Flying Saucers over South Africa” written by Sievers. The director of this Viennese firm complained once to Klass about the fantastic speed and silent take-off of Schauberger’s invention which had caused the hole in the roof — earlier reported.” UFO: Nazi Secret Weapon? – P 113

      The official story we get from the victors of WW2 (Jewry) is that Schauberger was put into a concentration camp by the ‘Evil Nazis’ and forced to work for them, and threatened with death if he did not do as they say! We are told this on various sites on the internet, without any evidence provided. People just repeat lies without investigation, evidence or critical thinking.

      We can see that what Zundel say is likely to be true: That it was the Czech engineers that created some parts for the craft at one of these work camps – and that Schauberger was not put in a ‘concentration’ camp to work on very secretive advanced technology (An absurd notion when you think about it! Totally illogical). We know the NS Germans were very fond of compartmentalisation, so these engineers at the work camp may not have even known what some of these parts were for.

      We cannot know for sure exactly what occurred and exactly how – as Jewry have such control, with so many agents – and as well as this the Germans did not leave much evidence / documentation about all these activities behind. But I have more faith in what Landig and Zundel say than anyone else.

      It certainly looks like Schauberger was captured and held / imprisoned by the Allies for roughly a year, and then perhaps coerced (forced) into going to the USA at some point. They also confiscated all his work (not the very secretive UFO work in Vienna, but his work on agricultural / environmental applications and other related projects). Apparently he was also forbidden by them to take up again any research into the atomic energy fields.

      But did he actually go to the US and work on any projects there? In this PDF article extract below a time-line is given of his time after WW2, which shows he was working on projects in Austria:


      1947 Construction of further “water refining apparatus” in Salzburg.
      1948 Co-operation with the company Rosenberger in Salzburg concerning the production of apparatus for soil cultivation
      (“Golden Plough”). Schauberger invents the “Spiral Plough”.
      1950 Taking out patent on “Apparatus for soil cultivation made of copper”.
      1952 Tests with “spiral pipes” at the Technical College in Stuttgart. Schauberger proves his theory that different materials used in pipes influence the friction of the various fluids. Further tests with copper ploughs by the agricultural research institute in Linz.
      1954 Development of the “suction spiral”, the centrepiece of the so-called Heimkraftwerk (“Home Power Generator”) which was demolished during the first test run due to regulatory failure.
      1955 Publication of the book “Implosion statt Explosion” (“Implosion instead of Explosion”) by Leopold Brandstätter.
      1957 Co-operation with the company Swarovski from Tyrol. Construction of more Home Power Generators. Problems regulating the number of revs can’t be solved.
      1958 An American consortium offers financial means for practical experiments with “Implosion Energy”. Visit to Texas with his son Walter. Return to Austria after a heavy dispute. (Schauberger, Viktor) Viktor Schauberger was forced to sign an agreement, forbidding him any further research with Implosion. All documents, models and equipment are left behind in the USA. Five days after his return, Viktor Schauberger dies on September 25th …

      This PDF also suggests Viktor refused to work with the Reich after meeting with Adolf Hitler in 1934 – again no evidence, and no context is provided. But Viktor certainly seemed to be very busy in the following years, creating and innovating – innovations that would benefit the Reich. Working on various projects within and for the Reich after 1933:

      1933 Publication of his first and only book “Unsere Sinnlose Arbeit” (“Our Senseless Toil”) in Vienna.
      1934 Meeting with Hitler, discussion about fundamental principles of agriculture, forestry and water engineering. Schauberger refuses to work for the German Reich.
      1935 Application for two patents: “air turbine”; “procedure for lifting liquids and gases”.
      1937 The “warmth-cold machine”, constructed for Siemens, melts in an unauthorized test run.
      1938 He instructs his son Walter to repeat the Water Capillary Research (Lord Kelvin’s Falling Water Experiment): A voltage
      of up to 20.000 volt is achieved.
      1940 Construction of the “Repulsine” in Vienna
      1941 An intrigue caused by the Viennese Association of Engineers resulted in Schauberger’s enforced confinement in a mental hospital in Mauer-Öhling and in continuous observation by the SS. In Augsburg, Schauberger works with Messerschmidt on engine cooling systems. Correspondence with designer Heinkel about aircraft engines.
      1942 Start of the “Repulsine” which shattered to pieces on setting it in motion
      1943 Further development of the “Repulsine”. The aim is to develop a submarine engine.
      1944 Continuous development of the “Repulsine” at a Technical College of Engineering at Rosenhügel in Vienna.

      From my research it is clear that the NS Germans were very careful about gathering up all their UFO / anti-gravity technology / equipment, and knowledge, at the end of WW2. There was a big focus and large operation to clear it all up and transport it to bases in Antarctica and the Arctic. They planned well ahead and knew the importance of not leaving important information behind. It does not look like Schauberger was a massive help to the US – with the US using very old basic outdated technology to get up to the Moon in the 60’s… and they are still far behind the Breakaway Germans. The evidence suggests they did not get that much from him.

      It is also likely Viktor would have been working on just a few parts of the technology used for the craft – just the technology that created the levitation / movement, for example, as well as the cooling systems. There was a variety of technologies used to create a fully functioning flying saucer – a saucer that was safe to use. Again, the NS Germans were very fond of compartmentalisation – which was wise. You would need all the scientists / engineers who worked on the craft, as well as the overseer for the whole project, to get a fully functioning craft.

      The question remains. Why did Schauberger not go with the Breakaway Germans to Antarctica, the Arctic or South America? All the other top UFO scientists seemed to. The German facilities were cleared out at the end of WW2, and the scientists were gone… nowhere to be found. Maybe Viktor wasn’t deemed to be one of their top UFO guys, maybe he was not considered essential, and maybe he requested to stay – or it could be a wide variety of other reasons.

      Schauberger’s death is suspicious. Different stories about what happened are out there. Some say he died 5 days after returning to Austria from the US in 1958. Which in itself is suspicious. Zundel says Viktor actually died in the US, in Chicago – and that he had been beaten to death.

      Schauberger apparently had to sign away certain patents in America towards the end of his life, in 1958 – some say he was tricked – some say he was forced. I wonder how much they really got from him though. I wonder if it is even true. Lies and subversion everywhere.

      Schauberger would very likely have been aware of how the ‘allies’ (who were purposely wound up by incessant nonsense propaganda, and encouraged to commit war crimes) ransacked, stole, raped and murdered at the wars end. He would have likely been aware of numerous war crimes. These controlled agents, in their fake stories, make out that the Germans would have loved the Americans and the ‘allies,’ and wanted to live with them and work for them etc…. But, of course, the ‘allies’ were the unethical immoral ones and the Germans scientists would have likely had first hand knowledge of this. All these German and Austrian scientists were captured, imprisoned and then coerced and blackmailed – and then often taken to the Soviet Union or the US.


      This excerpt below is from the book ‘Living Energies’ by Callum Coats. It suggests Adolf Hitler was a fan of Schauberger’s work and ideas, and was not happy when some of his advisers were dismissive of Schauberger and his work. Hitler had read his work, asked to meet him, and had an hour and a half discussion with him – even asking Schauberger to try to explain solutions and concepts to his advisers.

      From everything I have learnt about Adolf Hitler – his intelligence, insight and love of the natural world I can only think that he would have had a lot of time and respect for Schauberger.

      “Whatever might have been thought of Viktor Schauberger in Austria, word of his abilities and the statements contained in his then recent book, Our Senseless Toil – the Source of the World Crisis, evidently reached others ears including those of Adolf Hitler. At a time when the relations between Austria and Germany were at an all-time low, Viktor Schauberger was summoned to an audience with the Reichschancellor in Berlin. Special papers were arranged and all the documentation carried out within one day. Suddenly Viktor Schauberger left for Berlin and a meeting with Hitler, who greeted him warmly as a fellow countryman, telling him that he had studied all the reports about Viktor’s work thoroughly and was very impressed with what he had learned.

      Thirty minutes had been allocated for the discussions, which Prof. Max Planck had been requested to attend as scientific adviser shortly before he was rudely deposed from his position as Privy Councillor. This exchange of views eventually lasted 1 1/2 hours, during which Schauberger explained the destructive action of contemporary technology and its inevitable consequences. He contrasted this with all the processes of natural motion and temperature, of the vital relation between trees, water and soil productivity, indeed all the things he considered had to be thoroughly understood and practised in order to create a sustainable and viable society.

      When Viktor had finished his explanations, Max Planck, who had remained silent, was asked his opinion about Viktor’s natural theories. His response was the remarkable and revealing statement that “Science has nothing to do with Nature”. Pausing for a moment to take in this astonishing admission, Viktor then referred to the proposed four-year plan, the so-called Goering Plan, seating that not only was the time frame was far too short, but if instituted it would gradually undermine and ultimately destroy Germany’s biological foundations. As a result, the Third Reich would last only ten instead of the boasted 1,000 years.

      During the earlier part of the discussion, Hitler had been enthusiastic, but he became greatly perturbed at what he had just heard and ordered his technical and economic advisers, Messrs. Keppler and Wiluhn, to discuss with Schauberger what could be done. Once outside the door these two men demanded to know how Viktor had got in there in the first place. Angered at their truculently condescending air, he replied “Through the same door I’ve just come out of!” – Living Energies – Callum Coats

      So we have in this information above Adolf Hitler reading Schaubergers first book (and other initial work) and recognising the brilliant ideas within it – and this book was focused on protecting nature and sustainability, it had nothing about anti-gravity technology in it. Then Adolf Hitler inviting Viktor for a discussion, which went on for an hour and a half, and then Hitler even asking Schauberger to explain his thoughts and insights to his advisers. It was clear Adolf Hitler was interested in preserving the natural world and working with nature, and valued Schauberger’s work. It was the two advisers that did not properly comprehend Viktor’s work and see eye to eye with him, not Adolf Hitler.

      Schauberger – Our Senseless Toil (1934)



      So this is the information I have, and some of my thoughts on the topic. I can’t be more conclusive as primary source information is not readily available, or perhaps there isn’t any.

      Let’s finish with these things that we must always bear in mind:

      In this crazy jewish run world, that we currently live in, it is important to always remember that to be a success in any field, or profession, you cannot suggest or even insinuate, in any way whatsoever, that Adolf Hitler and the Nationals Socialists were a positive force – you cannot even suggest that they were not quite as bad as some people say. You can’t ever even hint that the official jewish story about the ‘Evil Nazis’, and WW2, may not be totally accurate. If you do, you are finished… obscurity is your next destination. And if you lie about them, ridicule and hate on them then you will be promoted, praised, publicised and rewarded… and this has been the case for over 75 years. Because you must always, ALWAYS, keep to the ridiculous narrative that they were pure evil.

    • January 27, 2022 at 3:33 pm

      Hello Gilgamesh

      Just to let you know that I have read your more recent longer comment, which contains some questions and links. I will definitely reply to it at some point (It will likely need a long reply, and I need to look at the videos you linked)… I am deep into some research at the moment (‘in the zone’)

      Best regards.

      • January 28, 2022 at 4:57 pm

        :))) I’ve just posted another long comment under the “Atlantis – Technology – …” article in which I added a PS asking if you received my previous long comment. It was before reading your reply. No worries, I always appreciate your answers even if it takes a longer time for you to reply… so take your time and good luck researching ‘in the zone’.

        Till next time.

  • December 26, 2021 at 1:25 pm

    I haven’t read this whole article yet, but the fact that you acknowledge EU is very telling. I too do not buy into flat earth, but find so many people do. EU is not only passing acid tests, but accurately predicts future experiments, and mission results. Flat earthers can’t come close.

    Wal Thornhill has talked about his thoughts on hollow planets, and is leaning towards that theory. I hope his upcoming book explains more!

    Thank you for linking the EU, hollow earth, and the Reich. You and I seem to be the only ones doing it.

  • December 26, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    Get into the Thunderbolts forum (electric universe) and let’s talk more about this.
    Haunnebu, EU, hollow earth and the natural order belong together!

  • January 16, 2022 at 2:38 am

    Dear Entity Art,

    Many thanks for your replies to my previous questions.

    After re-reading these new insights on the electric universe and all that it entails, it seems that a whole list of concepts would be irredeemable: black holes, dark matter, event horizons, circular orbits, planetary cores, solid planets and light speed- to name only a few.

    Do you believe that any have any truth to them, or are they all fictitious “scientific” blunders.

    What about moons, our’s in particular, but also those of other planets in our solar system? Do you believe that they are hollow as well?

    You have shown photos of Saturn and Jupiter. Do you believe that the “gas giant” theory of their composition is correct?

    I hope all is well,

    • February 5, 2022 at 6:27 pm

      Hi Vincent

      “After re-reading these new insights on the electric universe and all that it entails, it seems that a whole list of concepts would be irredeemable: black holes, dark matter, event horizons, circular orbits, planetary cores, solid planets and light speed- to name only a few.”

      “Do you believe that any have any truth to them, or are they all fictitious “scientific” blunders.”

      I believe they are both blunders and intentional misdirection.

      “What about moons, our’s in particular, but also those of other planets in our solar system? Do you believe that they are hollow as well?”

      Yes, I think they are all hollow.

      You have shown photos of Saturn and Jupiter. Do you believe that the “gas giant” theory of their composition is correct?

      I don’t know – but there could well be something solid within and under. But they must also be hollow.

  • January 23, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    I just found this site. Thanks to you for in a round about way allowing it to fall into my lap. I have intuitively known for some time that we’ve been spoon fed a diet of bullshit for centuries – especially in the last one or two I’d say. After witnessing several “unexplained” events starting in 1976 or so, I am here. I’ve never really trusted (((tptb))), and intuitively KNOW they are the SCUM of the Earth. We must all stand firm and hope to be a part of eventually ELIMINATING the problem ENTIRELY.

  • February 1, 2022 at 2:40 pm


    You are amazing.
    I’m especially thankful for the alternative astronomy and physics, which I haven’t seen elsewhere.

    The amount of info that the media hides/distorts is insane and a serious impediment to those of us who seek truth.

    Some questions:

    What is your MBTI ? (I’m INTJ btw)

    Who runs this quarantine?
    -and if Germans could emigrate this planet with 1940s tech surely the cabal can now..?
    Doesn’t space travel just require a few special alloys being magnetised and arranged in a pattern?

    You’ve mentioned orgone, but is orgonite (metal+polyresin) legit?

    Has a faction in the US military been fighting the cabal (arguably since 2011), making arrests, clearing out DUMBs,
    executing killary etc.? This faction is known as the ‘white hats’.
    If not, then why-
    was the vatican’s square empty at Xmas,
    was the queen ‘dressed down’ in the House of Lords,
    is there a wall being built around the white house,
    is joe biden in a fake white house,
    is ‘fauci’ a masked actor?
    -and other anomalies…

    • February 3, 2022 at 2:10 pm

      Hi spore star

      You are welcome.

      “Has a faction in the US military been fighting the cabal (arguably since 2011), making arrests, clearing out DUMBs,
      executing killary etc.? This faction is known as the ‘white hats’.
      If not, then why-
      was the vatican’s square empty at Xmas,
      was the queen ‘dressed down’ in the House of Lords,
      is there a wall being built around the white house,
      is joe biden in a fake white house,
      is ‘fauci’ a masked actor?
      -and other anomalies…”

      No, the US military have not been cleaning out anything… all pacifying lies. I would ignore all that rhetoric you mention above. It is mainly just distracting and pacifying misdirection from controlled opposition agents.

      “You’ve mentioned orgone, but is orgonite (metal+polyresin) legit?”

      I am not sure if that metal poly-resin is legit or not. But copper is very conductive and was used by people for these sorts of purposes a long time ago, in various devices – in theory you should be able to harness this subtle electric energy with it.

      “What is your MBTI ? (I’m INTJ btw)”

      I do not know what my MBTI is (had to look it up – I did not know what that was). Reading my writings on the site should give you a good feel for what I am like.

      “Doesn’t space travel just require a few special alloys being magnetised and arranged in a pattern?”

      You can look into the books on the German UFOs that I have linked in other posts – and look at the techniques they likely used. Space travel, I should imagine, is not that difficult – but successful, safe, efficient, speedy, competitive and secure space travel is more tricky.

      “Who runs this quarantine?”

      It may be complicated. But it is very likely to have been this reptiod / bipedal reptilian group running it / controlling the planet (in cooperation with some ‘A.I’) – with Jewry as their proxies. But The Breakaway Germans, with the help of the Inner Earth groups have changed the dynamics and fought back. They are the ones in the craft we can see patrolling our lower atmosphere – that are neutralising the so called ‘meteors’ / ‘fireballs’. So the ‘quarantine’ has really been enforced by both forces. Other groups have been not coming down here over the centuries because this malevolent ET force has made it known that Earth is theirs – and now The Breakaway Germans and Inner Earth groups have fought back and now control Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and Inner Earth – and they are protecting us from malevolent forces.

      This is what I believe is most likely from the information we have, and from what I have seen in my memories.

      “-and if Germans could emigrate this planet with 1940s tech surely the cabal can now..?”

      A big focus of the Breakaway Germans has been to sabotage all the very advanced tech development down here. They are unlikely to have been completely successful, but there is evidence they have been doing this. The Germans had a massive head start and a big advantage – an advantage that would have increased once in contact with other groups in the Cosmos – and with other materials available. Look at all the orbs (craft), and fleets of orbs, being seen low down in our atmosphere – from their behaviour it is obviously a scouting protective force. They will not be letting any of the (((the cabal’s))) craft get to The Moon and Mars etc. That’s what it looks like to me, with the information I currently have.

      I hope you don’t mind, but I took out the two links at the end. I would have to check them out, and at the moment I don’t have the time.(I don’t like having links on here that I have not vetted and commented on) I will check them out at a later date and re-implement them to the bottom of your comment with an additional comment.

      I hope you found some of that useful.

  • March 20, 2022 at 7:47 pm

    Hello entityart
    Thanks for this great article and all the work you put into this. I very much enjoy your articles and especially this series, can’t wait to read part 4 and 5!
    I wanted to know what are your thoughts on 432hz vs 440hz frequency for listening to music and sounds in general. The claim is that 432hz is the natural frequency which, as with most natural things, has the ability to heal us. As 440hz is the standard frequency used today. Weird about it is that it was changed in the 50’s, from 432hz to 440hz, and we all know who took complete control a few years before.
    However, the 432hz movement has a lot of (((new age))) stuff in it aswell, so I’m very sceptical.
    Would be happy to get your thoughts on this, thanks.

    • March 21, 2022 at 1:10 pm

      Hello Denti

      You are welcome.

      I do not have a definitive answer for you, but here are my thoughts:

      I have recently been looking at getting a few more singing bowls and I was checking out the Tibetan metal bowls, as well as the modern crystal bowls. All the crystal bowls seem to be either 432 of 440. The Tibetan metal singing bowls I looked at ranged from 70 to 690. (And of course, all bowls play different notes)

      As well as this, the organs in churches and cathedrals were originally for healing and assisting in expanding consciousness. This was the cathedrals and churches original use before religion. Church and cathedral organs are very complex – many frequencies I should imagine.

      I am also suspicious of this – one frequency (432 or 440) is all you need rhetoric. The effects of sound on the body is not something we fully understand. The ancients seemed to know a lot about it. We can also look at the infinite types of cymatic patterns that are created by different sounds… What affect all of them would have on the body – on our cells, blood and the water inside us?

      (The ancients also used to use large ‘cauldrons’ which were said to be able to heal and help expand consciousness. I believe these were really very big singing bowls.)

      So yes, I think you are right to question it. I question it. We have so much to learn about sound and how it can benefit us. The Buddhists don’t seem to understand much about it either – most seem to use the bells and singing bowls for the sake of tradition – and to ‘assist’ with meditation, but they don’t understand exactly how they work and the effect each bowl or bell has on the human body.

      Best regards.

  • May 3, 2022 at 5:03 pm

    Someone to know if you are interested in topic / free energy Ken Wheeler

    • May 5, 2022 at 10:52 am

      Hi Thierry

      Some thought-provoking explanations from him on light and the aether.


  • March 19, 2023 at 3:08 pm

    Hi there again Entity Art!

    In a couple of comment replies you were saying that for some of the recall collection experiences you are pretty certain you were in Inner Earth. I was curious- what was it about what you saw that made you think so? What made it seem like you were inside a planet? And why Inner Earth, and not the inside of Mars, or the inside of any other planet?


    • March 20, 2023 at 8:46 pm

      Hi Mike

      It is the different light. The light from the inner sun is a bit different. But mainly it was the different landscape and strange very rounded boulders.

      You are correct though, it could have been inside another planet. But I have a strong feeling, and my art suggests this as well, that when I came back from my time on Mars a lot of my night-time missions involved this planet – which would make sense.

  • April 9, 2023 at 3:33 pm

    Hello Entity Art!

    I just wanted to let you, and anyone else that is interested in further study of electric universe, that Robert Otey actually has a channel on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Calentannerlightheart:8

    His archive (robertotey.com) was shut down and he changed his name, so it was not easy to find him. His archived videos on odysee helped me a lot though so thats why I am posting this.

    Best regards and thank you for amazing work

    • April 10, 2023 at 8:57 pm

      You are welcome.

      Thanks for the link, it looks like he has uploaded some useful videos on there.

      • August 2, 2023 at 6:30 pm

        Good evening EA
        Massive thank you for your website and all your incredibly evidential information,
        I’ve still got quite a lot to read up on but I’ve just started this series on hollow earth , electric universe, i remember i watched a documentary on YouTube called Aether , it has similar content in it from here but she says its all powered by water=Aether that the gods built a water powered civilization.

        Have you seen that documentary?
        I will leave a link to it if you feel compelled to have a look.

        It is a good watch loads of detailed images to.


        If you do find time to reply to my observe the feelings meditation palavar lol thank you in advance and i look forward to reading your reply.


        • August 7, 2023 at 11:15 pm

          Hi Ryan, you are welcome.

          Yes, I have seen that documentary. It does contain some very good images, and it has some Truth related to energy, but the documentary gets a lot wrong. It feels like a controlled opposition production to me. My Resets and Genocides series, as a whole, will get you a great deal closer to the Truth.

          Controlled Opposition content creators utterly dominate (((YouTube))) – I don’t think there are any genuine Truthers left on there, they have all been deplatformed / chucked off over the last 6 years (numerous purges took place over the years) and Jewry and the Freemasons have seeded and funded huge amounts of controlled opposition on there. They are gatekeeping a great many aspects of this Resets / Old World topic – and ancient history in general. I expose a lot of what they are gatekeeping in my 13 part Resets and Genocides series (I am working on Part 14).

          But yes, water was very significant energetically – there were huge networks of waterways both above and underground, as I have shown in Part 8 – however, I don’t think saying it was a ‘water powered’ civilisation is necessarily accurate though.

          The energy created, harnessed and moved by the water was beneficial to Human and the Bipedal Reptilian ‘gods’ bodies. There was also many other energy harnessing techniques being utilised.

          There is still a lot we do not understand about water. I have some information on water in part 8 of my Resets and Genocides series. Part 8 is the one most related to that documentary you linked, the waterway networks are discussed in it:


          Best regards.

  • December 7, 2023 at 7:17 pm

    I keep hearing about massive tree trunks floating around the poles which seem to correlate to a hollow earth connected to the poles via the water in some way. I read a comment on youtube a few weeks ago for something entirely unrelated to inner earth where a fisherman described almost hitting a massive tree while sailing near Antarctica. Also, there’s mention of it from the book A Smoky God or a Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth.

    • December 9, 2023 at 11:05 pm


      I read quite a lot of testimonies from the explorers of the North Pole.

      Yes, the massive tree trunks and other strange plants seen. Also the masses of strange pollen seen there, and animals that should not be there are sometimes seen…. and the unusual masses of migrating birds seen in the region. There was more, but I read them quite some time ago.

      They also say the frozen mammoths may have floated out from the inside.

  • February 10, 2024 at 11:45 pm

    Hi entity

    I am seeing some people say the tesla was a Mason or is that lies made by jewry.

    Best regards

    • February 13, 2024 at 4:09 am

      Hi Michael, hope all is good with you.

      I do not think he was a Mason. I’ve not seen any evidence of this. The information he shared also suggests he wasn’t – information that greatly ties in with the information I present in a fair few of my articles – look at Parts 8 and 9 of my Resets and Genocides series as well 🙂

  • July 2, 2024 at 8:01 pm

    Hi Entityart,

    When these great scientists say “electric” do they mean prana or vril? I remember seeing a broken electric line on the ground melting the rock. That does not seem to be like the force that is in all Life.
    Rudolf Steiner spoke about the sun like Schauberger, said gravity was a false theory, and spoke about the planets following in the sun in a spiraling motion like leaves around a plant stem. He also spoke in detail about the four ethers – Life ether, Light ether, Chemical ether, and Warmth ether which correspond to the four elements, earth, air, water, and fire. I wonder how this picture of the Universe fits with the Electric Universe? Thank you

    • July 6, 2024 at 1:02 am

      Hi Robert

      You didn’t say what specific scientist and in what context – so I will write a general response.

      I will try to help. It very much seems that there are different types of electricity – there is that which comes through our plug sockets and there are also different types of subtle electric cosmic particles. Read through the article linked below. I have included three extracts from it.


      “The Master Dowser Guy Underwood, whose geodetic system of earth energies we have thoroughly researched, discovered that Silbury Hill was sited above a vast source of underground water and numerous energy lines and underground streams converge and emerge from the site. Thus, Silbury Hill a regional power centre. Our studies reveal that although invisible to the naked eye, within and beneath the mound there is perpetual activity. Under the planet’s unrelenting bombardment by cosmic rays, the water’s molecules – the small nuclei – disintegrate, and in the process release fast-moving beta particles, slower moving alpha particles and ultra-high frequency gamma rays at the top end of the electromagnetic spectrum. So, at this location we have the in-filled mound with its alternate layering, standing above a reservoir of underground water generating negative ions, sub-atomic particles and gamma rays. Indeed most of the particles would never reach the surface but the negative ions and gamma rays would, creating a highly energetic cocktail at the regional geodetic power centre. If this energy was harnessed by the mound’s geometric shape, as we suggest it was, Silbury Hill was generating a continual source of geodetic energy charging the surrounding area with invisible power.”


      Some interesting information on the pyramids at Giza related to water:

      “…the pyramids [at Giza] are geographically located over a powerful natural generator: underground rivers and aquifers. Piezo electricity could be harnessed from the power of the current as the water flows, and it has been proven that thousands of years ago, the Nile River ran straight past the pyramids.”


      “In personal communications Dr. Philip Callahan has suggested that the pyramid structure and certain cone topped round towers are open resonance antennas tuned to a resonance frequency of the earth. In his book, “Paramagnetism – Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Force of Growth” Dr. Callahan wrote this about the stone towers of Ireland:

      “I had discovered that round towers are indeed high tower ELF radio antenna paramagnetic amplifiers. More astonishing yet, I discovered the ancient Irish monks of the 5th to 9th centuries were rock antenna radio engineers.

      Most round towers of Ireland are now without floors or ladders, however, I was able to visit the tower on Scattery Island where the door is at ground level. Inside I discovered that without even touching my jute-saltwater cord to the walls, that at the center there was a two- to four-time increase in the strength of the waves.

      The 8-Hz and 2,000-Hz waves always came in strongest at dawn and dusk. I recorded the same ELF phenomenon in so-called megalithic tombs and even found a megalithic pictograph of a target wave on the side of the chamber at Loughcrew.”

      Note: ELF = ‘Extremely low frequency’. It is the ITU designation for electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz.


      Prana and Vril are two terms that are given for some of the subtle cosmic electric energy / particles. Other people have used the words Chi and Ormus.

      Below is a list of terms, that are a little more precise, which deal with these different subtle cosmic particles (these are mentioned in the various articles I have produced on this topic):

      Ultra high frequency gamma rays
      Beta particles
      Sub-atomic particles
      Electro-magnetic energy / radiation
      Piezo-electric energy
      Telluric currents (related to Earth’s magnetic fields etc)

      You are also have the sound / vibrational energy and its effects – which we do not fully understand yet.

      Hope some of that helped. There is so much that we surface Earth humans do not know about this important topic.


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