- Targeting
- Gab
This website is being heavily targeted.
Some of you will have noticed that for the past few months the performance of this site has been poor – very slow image downloads and sometimes the website is unavailable. Mitigation techniques to combat the incessant DDoS attacks had an impact on performance. However, this will be much improved now, as some changes were implemented – the website should be working well now. The fastest it has been, I believe.
But I doubt the targeting will stop at any point, so it may go down again at some point – it may not be DDoS attacks next time – but some other type of takedown / blocking. If it does go down, we will endeavour to get it back up again, but we don’t know how long that will take. Could be a day, a few days, a week or two, or it could be longer.
Update to the Update – 3rd July 2023: That speed did not last long – about a week. The changes were curtailed by the people targeting this website. Image downloading from this site is really slow again. Hopefully a solution is found. The attacks are relentless. Full articles can be viewed, but you might have to wait a while for all the images to download on the image-heavy articles. Just scroll to the bottom of the image-heavy article and wait – they will load. And then refresh the page once or twice to see all the gallery thumbnails.
Update to the Update’s Update – 20th July 2023: Things are okay with the site, for the moment… Speeds have been just fine the last week or so. Let’s see how long that lasts.
I have created a Gab account, it gives you another way of contacting me. Hopefully I can stay in contact with readers and update people from there. If you do not have an account, it is incredibly easy to create one.
I will very likely start posting on Gab – excerpts and images from my articles, as well as new information when it comes up. I do not know much about Gab. I quite literally just created an account, and there is nothing on it yet:
I have not posted content on any social media since I was chucked off nearly all of them in 2016 and 2017 – and I just focused on creating content for my website after that. If anyone has any tips on using Gab, that would be great.
At some point, I will also let people know (on Gab, as well as on my website if it is still up) where they can find PDFs of my articles – many of the articles will probably be better suited to being presented in PDFs, seeing as how long some of them are 🙂
Best regards.
The information that’s on this website is absolutely incredible, I’ve never seen such detailed analysis about different events throughout the ages, and I sometimes wonder where you get all of this information from, because it is truly remarkable.
I find the DDoS attacks just reinforces the truth that you tell. If all of the information was false, there would no need to attack it and try and bring the servers down, but the fact that they are (whoever they are) attacking it in hopes of bringing it down for good just shows that the information on here is actually hitting truths that they don’t want revealed.
I’m not the one to believe everything online, and I do approach things with a grain of salt at first until I can get further clarification on said subject, but seeing that I’ve read the topics that are discussed here years prior, and then discovering this website a few years ago, I found it all much easier to understand what you were saying and the beliefs I had formed years prior were also confirmed here.
I’d say my favourite part of this site would be the UFO’s (And the recent increase in sightings), Antarctica/Hollow Earth and the Tartarian Empire.
It’s all very fascinating, hope you can continue doing what you’re doing.
Thankyou for the feedback.
Absolutely – always do your own research to clarify.
“…I sometimes wonder where you get all of this information from, because it is truly remarkable.”
It’s a lot of hard work. Staying up late and incessantly digging for Truth, combined with a great deal of analysis – correlating the info to other topic areas and a lot of pattern recognition. I also seem to be pretty intuitive when it comes to search terms / phrases when using search engines.
All of the data / information was found online in easily accessed sites (some sites were small and quite obscure… and archive.org can be useful) or in books that I purchased online from mainstream bookstores. It is just that no one is analysing the information, and nearly all the published books are created by gatekeeping / misdirecting freemasons – but their books still show important images and important information that can be correlated and analysed.
Best regards.
Hi Entity, I hope you’re doing well.
It’s been around 5 years ago since I first found your website, and I’d say that I’m very thankful to have discovered it. The information and insight your share here is just invaluable, and I hope that you continue this journey moving forward.
With regards to part 14 of the Resets and Genocides series, would you still be able to upload it in this site?
I’m also looking forward to the PDF versions of your articles so I can save them for offline use and preserve the information you shared here.
Thank you.
Hi John
You’ve been around quite a long time.
Thankyou. I am glad you have recognised the significance of my discoveries.
“With regards to part 14 of the Resets and Genocides series, would you still be able to upload it in this site?”
I am working on the PDFs and I am also working on Part 14.
My sleep is being greatly messed with though (targeting) – even more than usual – so it is much more difficult at the moment, but I am working on them when I can.
Best regards.
Hi Entity Art,
I hope you are well. I am currently studying your website and the information you provide on it.
Besides that, I have found a guy on Odysee named Tony Sayers. I have a feeling he knows your site and uses a lot of your content for his videos.
In addition, though, he talks about stuff like Chakra Removal or Entity Possessions.
Maybe you can find the time to take a look and tell me what you think about him.
Maybe one more thing. I tried to find in the Nag Hammadi the passages where (non-organic) extraterrestrials are mentioned, as described in one of your articles. Unfortunately I could not find anything about it. Do you have specifically to this statement possibly a reference to the place in the Nag Hammadi texts?
Hello Vingr
I had another reader ask about him a while back, this is what I wrote then:
“Never heard of him, but had a quick look through his info for you:
Very weak information. He is a limited hangout with subversion, gate-keeping and misdirection – and scams.
Firstly, he has a channel up on (((YouTube))) with 12,000 subscribers – he will be seeded controlled opposition.
I don’t know if you are aware of this, but on his website he is also offering so-called ‘etheric alien implant’ removals etc, for 200 dollars! (This is all a scam) – How exactly is this guy going to take any etheric / astral ‘implants’ away? How is he going to access other realms / levels of reality and influence them from a Skype? It is like the fakers on YouTube who say they are remote viewing distant locations while standing up writing on whiteboard with their eyes open! These people do not know what they are talking about and are lying.
From his website: “In these sessions, we scan the body and remove any attachments that shouldn’t be there, bring back clarity, energy, and returning what is basically ours. There are two options available with this package, I do recommend including the chakra removal as this is a big way that they get in and feed on us. Sessions are carried out over Skype.”
Humans can be so gullible and trusting – some random guy on You-tube waffling on. He is using old information from old psyops that I saw going on over 6 or 7 years ago.
He also talks nonsense about karma and other subjects.
The Truth is that there are other levels, and other realms, connected to Earth, and there are other beings there, but these people on YouTube are seeded controlled opposition, and they are there to create gate-keeping limited hangouts.”
I had another quick look for you – I just clicked on one of this videos randomly. He said that pilots in the Vietnam war were seeing demons in the sky… Haha, what a lot of of nonsense… and he said that the demons in the sky could then possess the soldiers and people etc…
This Sayers says a few Truths to draw people in, and then its is just lots of misdirection and tonnes of gatekeeping. Just another controlled opposition Youtuber.
I put that article about John Lash and the Archons together a long time ago now. I have not looked at the topic much since. I remember I used a lot different websites to get a feel for the topic. I do not remember which ones, there were quite a lot.
Hope some of that helped.
How can you say in am article that the breakaway civilization (Germans) are here helping us and dominating the airspace and yet letting the ptb do what they’re doing?
Hi Joey
This is a huge topic. I can’t deal with all facets now, but humans are not going to be able to begin to contemplate the complexity of situations in the cosmos and our galaxy.
We have no clue about the complex inter-galactic politics that may exist.
Huge, ancient, space-faring multi-dimensional empires exist… And there are also the numerous levels / realms and dimensions to consider.
Read my articles on the Bipedal Reptilians (parts 11, 12 and 13 of the Resets and Genocides series). It is extremely likely that a powerful malevolent force believes this planet and humanity belongs to them… and as well as this no one knows how many places like Earth they have set up.
It looks like some cosmic wars are likely occurring.
It would very likely not be in our best interests for a takeover / intervention on the surface of Earth by the Breakaway Civilisation. It would cause total chaos. The resources and logistics to deal with a situation like that would be vast. The Breakaway Civilisation and their allies are going to have to be tactical and prioritise… and deal with the root cause of our problems, which is actually beyond our planet.
I do know that if we were not being protected everything would be massively worse on the Earth. Various very destructive reset-related events would have taken place… And a real pestilence / plague would have taken place and not the fake covid nonsense that occurred.
Just a few ideas for you to contemplate. Hope some of it helped.
Hola Entity, guardé la página para descargar “Gab” y suscribirme a tu página en aquella red “social”. También Telegram es una buena opción, empero hay que ir con precaución siempre, para no herir “sensibilidades” con el lenguaje/texto y material audiovisual, jajajaja ¡🤣!, mientras no sea algo vulgar o violento no debería presentarse problemas serios sea en Telegram o en Twitter.
Saludos cordiales, y cuídate mucho.
ATT: Brandon Lecaros ✨🇨🇱✨
Thanks Brandon.
A translation of your comment:
Hello Entity, I saved the page to download “Gab” and subscribe to your page in that “social” network. Telegram is also a good option, but you always have to be careful, so as not to hurt “sensitivities” with language / text and audiovisual material, hahahaha🤣 !, as long as it is not something vulgar or violent there should be no serious problems either in Telegram or Twitter.
Best regards, and take good care of yourself.
ATT: Brandon Lecaros ✨🇨🇱✨
“The End of Eternity” not ‘Edge’.
Is Joachim Bartoll legit?
Hi Paul
I did not know who he was, so had a quick look. It doesn’t look like it.
He referred to CNN as ‘Jesuit CNN’ (give me a break).
I did not see any mention of Jewry on his site.
Does he pass the Hitler / WW2 test?
You might want to check out my ‘Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills’ article on this site and go through the list on there.
I also see that he follows a carnivore diet… But is he Raw Primal and eating meat raw? Doesn’t look like it (Cooking meat mutates it, kills the beneficial bacteria, damages and reduces nutrients, makes the meat harder to digest and it also creates toxins).
Hope that helped.
Hey EA appreciate your work and articles, I was curious about what your views are on theology? Not necessarily any of the judeo religions, but books like the Oera Linda Book, or Odinism in general. Do you think our desire to seek out God/gods is a negative thing, if so what are your general thoughts on spirituality? Thank you
Hello Anonymous
I checked out the Oera Linda Book a while back: Sorry to say, but it is a big pile of lies / subversion… almost certainly created by some subversive Freemasons. I will talk about it in a future article.
Odin was Bipedal Reptilian see parts 11, 12 and 13 of my Resets and Genocides series.
All the gods in all civilisations, in all races were Bipedal Reptilians. The ancient history we are given is SO distorted – there have been various resets of human populations with lies and subversions introduced.
Think about it, where are they? Where all these different ‘gods’ from all around the world? Why have not one of these so called gods looked after any of us or come back and helped us. And why did they let human Souls go through Hell? The lies go deep. None of the ‘gods’ were there to look after us.
All I know is that the vast majority of spirituality down here is full of subversion. Nearly all controlled by Freemasons and Jewry.
But I know that certain sounds / frequencies can be important and can be beneficial to the body (likely on various levels and perhaps to your consciousness as well), that introspective meditation is important to raise your consciousness and remain balanced and wise… and that there are energetic areas on the planet that have energy that is beneficial to the body and that can likely benefit your consciousness… and that we can draw beneficial cosmic energy down from the atmosphere and up from the crust of the Earth. We also know – well I know from experience – that there are overlaid parallel realms / other levels of reality… and we have other less physical / less dense bodies. My Hollow Earth series and my Resets and Genocides series talk about these topics.
Hope some of that helped.
Hello EA I respect your work, though I strongly encourage you reconsider your position on the Oera Linda Book. A good book Chronicles from Pre-Celtic Europe By Alwyn J. Raubenheimer lays out all of the historical evidence for it. The book is slandered by all mainstream historians, because it tells the true origins of the Fryan (Aryan) Race, it also condemns gods like the supposed “ODIN”, it’s a fascinating piece of Aryan literature. WRALDA is the true All-Father he is no god, but the eternal one, the creator. Aside from this disagreement, I thank you for your work and contributions to the truth, I do think the Eternal Creator and the Breakaways will defeat these reptilian forces, and bring about the golden age. These false gods and their jewish lackeys have deceived for far too long.
Hello Anonymous (sign off with some sort of name please)
I will not reconsider, my friend. I have read it and it is a fabrication. I understand why you seem to like it. There have been so many stories created to give us a false history. The lies go deeper than nearly everyone realises. As shown in my Resets and Genocides articles, the True history of humans on this planet is going to be very hard for most people to take.
I will write a little something on the book at some point – and point out some things for you – and post it here.
Hey do you know where I can get a copy of the Talmud so I can read it for myself?
Hi El Director
No I don’t. I believe it is pretty big, my friend. I suggest looking for trustworthy websites that have overviews of different sections.
There used to be some independent documentaries online with translated sections / outlines, but it might be difficult to find them now. They were from 5, 6 or 7 years ago, I can’t remember what they were called – they had other Truths in them as well. Eventually everything got heavily censored.
Hello Entity Art,
Wishing you a peaceful and productive Yule season. Appreciate all the research and information you share concerning this horribly mismanaged world. Next year seems to be gearing up for quite some turbulence.
Looking forward to the conclusion of this series and your future work!
Take care,
Hi SB74
I was thinking about you just a couple of days before you sent this message.
Hope all is good with you.
I am still researching. I’m fine tuning and also finding out more interesting elements.
Thanks for your support.
You’re welcome, Entity Art.
I guess our wave lengths must have crossed (smile). Here in my part of the world, all is as well as can be expected in these “interesting “ times. I can only imagine what your research is revealing.
There has certainly been an uptick of people no longer buying into the new brand of b.s. status quo or what is being pushed as societal normalcy. Things are truly on the edge of reality… or an abyss like the Heinlein anthology (“The Edge of Eternity”). Regardless, as stated before, appreciate your valuable insight.
Hello EA
Is there a section that general questions can be asked to you?
I have some but not sure where to post them.
Hi George
You can do it here, under this Update post, or under any post that relates to the question / questions that you are asking. But try not to use the Anonymous option in the comments – put in a username and an email in the email option (it can be any email address, you don’t need a name in it). You will get notifications for replies then and I can remember who you are for future conversations.
Hello EA
Thanks for your feedback on here.
Asking your views on the Transgender issue in young people these days.
Do you really think that the Media, Schools and/or medication are actually deliberately trying to confuse or brainwash young minds into wanting same sex-relationships or to be the opposite sex?
If so how are they doing it?
Are there subliminal messages about this in ads, film and Schools?
Surely the reason to be is from within the child (born that way)?
Gay people have been around long before Media, education system and any sort of modern medication, so it must be from within.
Is the freedom to express yourself now safer for them, knowing that more people are accepting it?
I feel that people are being guilted into accepting it or otherwise they are ‘bad, cruel’ etc.
Hi George
Some of my thoughts on it:
These institutions are often run by people connected to the high ranking people in Freemasonry / Organised Jewry. The Media is run by Jewry. So yes, some of it is very deliberate. Then you also just have brainwashed, virtue signalling, idiots – as well as people who are terrified of being cancelled – that play along.
This giving a voice to, and promotion of, Transgenders stems from Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory – which stemmed from the (((Frankfurt school))). Essentially, you convince all minority groups in White nations that they are victims and then empower them, give them a voice and a platform / exposure. All of this, with all these minority groups, disrupts and drains the nation.
There are other levels to this – as this also plays into the narcissists (NPD) – as they are not human souls and are like robots to some extent – they are programmed to make themselves the victims and seek attention.
Some of the Transgenderism stems from mental Illness, and I do feel for those that have succumbed to this and made bad choices when they were too young to make informed decisions. Obviously, there is also a lot of propaganda and brainwashing.
Some if it is also, again, related to these Narcissistic intelligences / individuals and their flaky / weak identity / weak sense of self, and their need of attention and to be a victim … Narcissists believe their own lies and and can convince themselves something is true if it benefits them.
There may be some other more metaphysical factors at play as well.
A build up of certain toxins in the human body (in the mothers perhaps – as mothers are said to transfer toxins into their babies in the womb) could possibly also be playing a part in some cases. Apparently, toxins can make frogs gay.
If you have a question on a specific topic it is best to post it under the most related article. Thanks.
And in the comment section boxes you can just make up a new Protonmail email with random words unrelated to you – and I think you can even input a fake email (if you are not worried about reply notifications) and it will still post. If I see your user-name in the comments it makes things easier.
I recommend you read my article on NPD (narcissism)
Best regards.
Hi Entity, hope you are fine and well? What’s your opinion on a man call Mark Devlin, he gives out information about the music industry being dark and evil, I have meet him in the freedom rallies in London for short time, Me and my mate’s work out in the end , that those rallies was controlled opposition, what do think about Mark Devlin, I am thinking that he is also control opposition?
Yes, I am aware of Mark Devlin. I saw some of this videos on (((YouTube))) when the Covid Hoax was in full flow. ‘Somehow’ he had not managed to get banned like almost everyone else. I listened to, and observed him, for a while – he is a misdirecting limited hangout and controlled opposition.
Yes, the ‘personalities’ featuring in those rallies were controlled opposition. Just like how all the ‘personalities’ currently on (((YouTube))) are.
Hey EA what are your thoughts on blacks claiming they are the true native americans/asians and in some cases even europeans? It reeks of jew limites hang out IMO.
The Indians discovered in North America and Canada in the late 1400s and 1500s were White (and of various sizes / heights). I have researched this a great deal. See Part 4 of my Resets and Genocides series on this website. This planets history has been greatly altered – far more than people realise.
Cheers Entity, for your reply, what are your thoughts on Richard D Hall Rich Planet tv, and the Irish lady Germa I’Doherty ? My thoughts on Richard is that he is not control opposition, also I have seen in live in Kent, I hope he is not control opposition, fed up being cool cheers.
Hello again Anonymous
(might be a good idea to put some type of name at the end of your comment – can be anything – so that I know if you return with another comment, and then I know what I have spoken to you about previously)
I used to watch Rich Hall some years ago. He used to have Nick Kollerstrom on his channel a fair bit. Nick used to expose the fake terror events – and he also wrote a good book exposing the holohoax (called Breaking the Spell). This made me think Rich may have not been controlled. Rich Hall used to get some things wrong and lacked some critical thinking on certain subjects – especially on Ufology. I don’t know if he is controlled. I have not seen any of his work for quite a while. He is a limited hangout though – that’s for sure.
I saw Gemma during the covid hoax insanity – her concern came across as genuine…. But she certainly was a limited hangout.
I don’t know if either of them are controlled – but do they pass the test of my Half Truthers Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts article on my website site?
For example, do they expose Jewry and do they pass the Hitler test?
Cheers Entity art, for your getting back to me thank you Sid.
Hello EA
I followed Hall for a while until I saw the film he made showing his house, his small son and saying where he lived.
For a significant truth-teller doing this would pretty much guarantee them being killed-off, in my book.
But, he’s still around.
Now, he’s being investigated and taken to court and being sued by Manchester bombing victims. He will be sued, like Alex Jones, just to silence other real truth-tellers.
I also, followed Neil Sanders for a while, until he encouraged people to take the jab.
Ignoring Mark Devlin, who, in your opinion, would be the best source of truth regarding the music and entertainment industry?
All the best
Hi George
Yes, being so open like that is very suspicious. And I see that court case is giving him a fair bit of publicity (like it did for Jones).
Adding this to my other suspicions, he certainly looks like controlled opposition.
I don’t think they kill people off though – they just try to ruin their careers, take away any significant platform they have for speaking Truth and sometimes implement character assignations. They don’t want to give them publicity.
Alex Jones and Russell Brand are two cases where they gave controlled opposition operatives massive amounts of publicity to try and give them credibility as Truth tellers all under the disguise of attacking them. Directing people away from real Truthers and the hard hitting Truths.
Yes, many people exposed themselves during the Covid hoax.
I don’t know anyone I could recommend for the Music Industry (and entertainment). It is fairly easy though – Organised Jewry run it in White nations. Actually, quite a few male Black artists have spoken about their control in the Music Industry: Wiley in the UK and K West and M Jackson in the USA come to mind… I remember there being some rappers speaking about in the USA as well.
Thanks for your input.
What about 2pac? He also exposed the controllers and got killed, there are few videos that explain everything, or at least the most important points, behind this plot; I got into this discovery through a spanish guy I follow on Youtube and content is quite interesting to view and analyse.
I am still learning and awakening and there’s so much I have to aknowledge yet…I recently ran into your web and your content and while I had a bit of and idea about some subjects, I am realising that in plenty of matters still I am wrong and misinformed.
I thank you so much and I have no words to describe your labour. I will do my best to continue aknowledging about the truth about this reality we are all in.
Much regard, Alvaro Perez, from Spain.
Thank you so much dear entity friend for promoting my work. You are an angel in my world. A student just forwarded your work to me yesterday and what a beautiful synopsis of my efforts you have manifested for your smart audience! My website is down now and I am hoping to find a new server to upload all of my work too, if you know anyone who is up for the task.
Much Love Robert Otey,
aka Calen Tanner Lightheart
Hello Robert
You are welcome. Thankyou for your work.
You might want to check out some other articles of mine related to the Electric Universe:
I am not sure about who specifically could help you. You should have quite a few options though. I have ‘controversial’ information on my site related to Jewry and WW2 – so my options are limited and I have to pay quite a bit for hosting.
Best regards.
Hi entity
There is a channel called zionist global takeover on bitchute and odysee is it controlled oppostion?
Best regards.
Hi Michael
Though he might not look like it to some – as he exposes some aspects of Jewry as well as Crisis Actors – I would say, yes, he looks controlled. After quickly looking through his videos it looks like he does not pass the Hitler, WW2 , NatSoc test. I would say he is a gatekeeper. There are many levels to all this.
Hi entity, hope you are fine and well? Could you tell me who are real truthers who I can look at their work and have a read their information they have put out thank you Sid.
Hello Sid
There are not many. I would suggest you look at my article on this website called ‘Half Truthers, Controlled Opposition, Limited Hangouts, Shills’ – and check people, and their content, against the list in that article. That should really help you.
Never underestimate how much controlled opposition there is. Large networks. Most have teams of people behind them, assisting them in a variety of ways. They also have handlers directing them. It is all very organised.
Hope that helped.
Cheers thank you for your reply Entity art Sid.
Diana Spencer (Goldsmith) [both father and mother]
Kate Middleton (Goldsmith)
Prince William (son of Jacob R)
Elon Musk
Hilary Rodham Clinton (mother, mother’s father)
Barack Obama (also gay)
Alex Jones (there’s a video where he says this)
Bob Lazar
Winston Churchill (mother)
David Cameron
Theresa May
Boris Johnson (well known)
Emmanuel Macron
Gandhi’s boyfriend
All these are chosen
Hi entity What are thoughts on the internet in general it was created by a guy who worked at (((CERN))) and was created as a surveillance tool.
All the best
Hi Michael, hope all is good with you.
Not totally sure, not something I have looked into a great deal.
My perspective is that even though things like social media, the ability from them to acquire data on us and freely accessible porn, has been damaging to many, I would say the internet has caused them more problems than it has benefited them. Although they plan ahead and are manipulators, they also seem to be fairly reactive – having to put out fires (censorship) as Truth spread more rapidly than they could handle at times.
observe the generational trend. look what happened to boomers without the internet.
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are of the Tribe also.
Hey Entity Art, I don’t mean to impose ——just mere curiosity–are you going to post new articles? I’ve enjoyed this site thus far. I’m the guy who asked the question about the Oera Linda book, I must say since doing further research, it does seem like a disinfo book, and also very matriarchal/misandrist. Anyways hope all is well.
Hi Jordan
Glad you are seeing it. If you read through my Resets and Genocides series fully you will see that the Oera Linda has to have been a fabrication. It is another subversive creation to create a gate-keeping belief system to both placate and misdirect people. On this planet they try to create a wide variety of carefully contrived belief systems and religions to catch everyone in their net. Even the low degree / lower ranking Freemasons have a belief system / religion that subverts them. Only the high degree Freemasons in certain more (((‘elite’ lodges))) will know the sort of Truths I expose on this site related to Ufology, Cosmic Energy, Metaphysics and Ancient History.
I am working on some articles now – but I am working on a variety at the same time that are all linked. In my latest research I have had to go down various unforeseen avenues (rabbit holes, as they say) and I have gained some new insights for people to digest. Researching takes a lot of time (proper research and analysis, that is), and so does presenting it in a way that people can see for themselves the Truths I have found.
Best regards.
Hey just checking in to see how you’re doing. I’ve been following your website for years I hope you’re doing well in your personal life.
Hi Anonymous
I am good thanks.
I am still researching and gaining new insights. Still plugging away and sorting through the lies.
(Best if you sign off with a name if you use the anonymous option – can be anything. For any future conversations.)
Definitely make PDFs of all your articles and post them on Gab. They’re incredibly informative–played a role in helping convert me to National Socialism, a justified reaction against jews, etc.–and among the greatest explanations for why so many problems exist today. God bless!
Hello Anonymous
(Best to put some kind of name at the end of your comment if you are going to use the Anonymous option)
I will at some point. I have converted them all to PDF and will eventually upload them somewhere.
At the moment my focus is finding Truths about this planet’s ancient history – and from experience I have found that when you are on a roll and all the correlations are coming together you should stay in the zone – as the insights keep coming. I can’t currently see anyone else being able to decipher Ancient History and Ufology like I can (and see beyond the lies), so I have a responsibility to get people closer to the Truth in these areas.
The incessant propaganda from Jewry constantly tries to get people to think National Socialism was about hate – which stops less conscious people considering it as a solution. National Socialism should also not be just associated as a reaction against Jews – it was not like that. The focus was on saving and elevating the German people.
National Socialism is simply THE system and philosophy that is needed to create a successful human nation / civilisation in dense 3D reality. Again, it is not related to hate – it just so happened to come about because Jewry (and the Jewish population in Germany) had destroyed Germany on many levels – which led to much research, analysis and contemplation from the more intelligent Germans to see what had gone wrong. This led to new ideas and philosophies to attempt save the nation and elevate it (and raising the German people’s standard of living after the nation was saved), which eventually led to National Socialism… And then after discovering the route cause of the drastic decay of the nation this naturally led to a reaction against those that had caused it. Which was actually very ethical and restrained considering the absolute state of the nation and the suffering that had occurred – and initially mainly involved assisting Jews move out of Germany to Israel (and of course, removing Jews from positions of power and disbanding the Jewish private banks).
And then, when WW2 began, some Jewish populations in Germany had to be moved into camps (work camps with good facilities). Jewry had declared a holy war on Germany in 1933 – encouraging all Jews to work against Germany. How could you have a people / race who had declared war on Germany walking about the nation freely during war time, when nearly all the worlds super powers were attacking them?
Anyway, I just felt like writing a little bit about that.
Best regards.
Hi again entity
Since I’m a European American
I am seeing a lot of white nationalist accounts and they seem to mimic the behavior of jewry. They slander an dehumanizing other races for being “subhuman” also on a side note they use ai photo generator which came from Israel which is ironic since they are supposed to against ai and jewry and are acting like the scoundrels themselves who don’t analyze anything and parrot the same things.
Just my thoughts
All the best
Hi Michael
This is a response to the two similar messages you sent, but I will just reply to one. Some of my thoughts on those topics you brought up:
The obvious solution is the system and philosophy of National Socialism – but 99 percent of the controlled people will not promote it…. and normies have been given such a massively distorted view of what it is.
I am not someone who uses racial slurs and I acknowledge that there are obviously good people in other races (some more than others). Having dialogue with good people of other races can be positive, but you also have to be aware that ‘when push comes to shove’ people will choose their own race.
I hear what you are saying. Adolf Hitler and the leading National Socialists did not use racial slurs, crude phrases and vulgarities. Ernst Zundel – possibly the bravest Truth teller there has been – also did not. They presented factual information with clarity.
It is not necessary to dehumanise entire ethnic groups / races. It is also not a good look – and it will turn certain people away from the rest of your information (An information war is occurring so you do not want to have people turning away before they get important objective Truths). But we can certainly highlight certain characteristics and behaviours that are more prevalent, or very prevalent, in certain ethnic groups (sometimes extremely prevalent).
I don’t see racial slurs as being helpful or necessary. I am somewhat sympathetic though and understanding, to a degree – as people are angry. Yes, the root cause of open borders and multiculturalism is Jewry and their control of White nations (ZOGs / Zionist occupied governments) – but people are also annoyed at the problems caused by certain ethnic groups in their nations. We also have to deal with the ramifications of ZOG policy in our day to day lives and therefore there is a need inform and protect.
You can look at the Muslim Grooming Gangs raping young White girls in the North of England, Knife crime in London from Black gangs, Malmo in Sweden becoming the rape capital of Europe due to young Arab and African male immigrants, the amount of Black on White crime / assaults in certain American states… we could go on… The high-street where I grew up in Greater London looks more like an impoverished area of Bangladesh now (not an exaggeration at all). Everyone I knew from there has moved out. A whole White community gone – disrupted and disbanded.
So it is finding a balance: Calling out the root cause of it all, as well as highlighting the ramifications and dangers in a factual and informed way that appeals to a wide variety of people.
There are SO many agents out there online that try to distract people from the root cause (gatekeepers). On (((YouTube))) there are loads of them. Two of the most prominent in the UK are Tommy Robinson (very likely Jewish, massively pro-Israel and not his real name) and Douglas Murray (massively pro Israel). Doing their best to de-rail and gatekeep the newly awakened / newly racially conscious who do not know there is a wealth of important information beyond YouTube.
(I don’t really know about the A.I image making you mention. It sounds like people are using it as a tool to create memes – but yes, A.I is huge danger to humanity)
Hope some of that helped.
Hi entity
What are your thoughts on airships? What was the reason for getting rid of them?
All the best
Hi Michael
The earlier airships (some of which I show in Part 8 of my Resets and Genocides series) were almost certainly using the cosmic electric energy to fly… And the reinvention of the planet (the most recent rest) involved eradicating all knowledge of the subtle cosmic electric energy and how it can be utilised. The cosmic energy which is incessantly coming to our planet from our Sun and accumulates in our atmosphere and in the crust of the Earth – as well as the planet’s hollow centre.
The later airships, that did not used this atmospheric cosmic electric energy, were likely phased out as they could no longer compete with aeroplanes and helicopters etc.
(I will reply to your other comments as well)
Are you familiar with the work of Jack Heart & Orage on National Socialism and the Third Power?
If not, here is a list of their work: https://jackheart.substack.com/p/chronological-index-of-links-to-all
And the new series they are writing: https://jackheartblog.org/wp/2023/09/france-in-the-footsteps-of-otto-rahn-by-jack-heart-with-special-thanks-to-orage-jon-valentine-lee-joe/.html
Thank you for your great work, there is nothing like it anywhere else. The same goes for Jack Heart’s team.
Hello Anonymous (best to sign off with some sort of name if using the anonymous option)
No, I was not familiar with the work of Jack Heart.
I found time to have a quick look through – and I am not a fan of that work (read through about 7 articles).
So, he wrote for – and is affiliated with – Veterans Today. Which I have always thought of as a controlled opposition website, as do many others (I am certain it is).
He writes like controlled opposition as well. His style is not concise and to the point – and he is not presenting clear useful evidence.
And if he is a genuine seeker then there is a great deal he does not understand – especially regarding our mostly fabricated ancient history and Ufology. His ancient history and Ufology work is very weak.
But I don’t think he is genuine. Looks like another controlled, gatekeeping, limited hangout to me.
I scrolled through and did not see any useful work on National Socialism – none.
Just because someone mentions Jewry / Zionism from time to time, and isn’t always negative about the NS Germans, does not mean they are legit.
I can’t see his articles being of any real use to people.
Again, not a fan and very suspicious.
Hi entity do you think that there are german bases on Venus and mercury too?
Best regards
Hi Michael
I have no idea about Venus and Mercury.
Mars is pretty much a certainty for me, due to me memories (and The Moon is as well – due to other evidence).
There were some other planets that I saw in my brief flashback memories, but who knows where they were…
I personally think they have moved way out beyond our solar system… they have probably set up outposts (and perhaps colonies) beyond our Solar System.
But you can only maintain a civilisation in dense 3D for the long-term if you have a significant presence in the other ‘higher’ parallel realms (and a very good understanding of them). I think the main battle is being fought in these other realms… the higher frequency 3D parallel realms. Note that this notion of ‘ascension’ to ‘higher realms’ through eating only vegetables and fruit, and being nice and loving to everybody, and therefore supposedly ‘raising your vibration’, is obvious (((New Age))) spiritual lies / subversion. Very malevolent, controlling and hostile beings exist in the parallel / ‘higher’ realms.
Once upon a time the Old World buildings like ‘Mosques’, ‘Cathedrals’, Domed buildings etc etc likely enabled the larger humans to access a parallel realm (perhaps various parallel realms) – but that realm would have also been very much controlled by the A.I Bipedal Reptilian force.
Hope some of that helped.
Hi entity
Do you know how we can shut these metaphysical mechanisms off? And do you think that the moon was created by the off planet force? Finally do you think that there are more white people in the solar system than on earth?
Best regards.
Hi Michael
We dense 3D humans cannot shut them off / alter the metaphysical mechanisms. We are very limited. It comes from other levels. If you control the upper levels you then control the lower (dense) levels. As above so below (I think this is what that phrase relates to). Freedom from these mechanisms will come from the work of the Breakaway Civilisations and their Allies. We have to concentrate on dense 3D issues to stop the NWO / JWO and the ruling psychopaths / narcissists. Then we go from there. We have to go from surviving to thriving – and then work to move beyond dense 3D. Gain access to other levels / parallel realms.
One of the issues with us being shut down and cut off form the other levels (and not being able to see energy), is that we cannot stop these artificial intelligences incarnating into humans and we also cannot spot them easily – these artificial intelligences / consciousnesses are what we refer to as Narcissists / Psychopaths / Sociopaths.
I think the Bipedal Reptilian gods (which are actually mammals and not reptilians) very likely manoeuvred The Moon into position. I don’t know if they made it – is possible.
There could be more White people than is on Earth, I don’t know – it is possible. From my memories, there are definitely White people beyond surface Earth – they created a Breakaway Civilisation. I think they may have assisted a few other surface human ethnic groups to establish other small breakaway groups beyond Surface Earth (Possibly Japanese and South American – but that is just a hunch / intuition based on couple of brief memories, as well as occurrences at the end of WW2 that I read about).
Hope that helped.
Winston Churchill was a Freemason, in addition to his mother’s “ancestry”.
This is the most informative video in existence:
It discusses the soul trap very clearly, worth watching in its entirety
The guy (Brett Stuart) got stalked so he deleted his astral report videos but thankfully some others saved it. Sometimes it seems a person’s work outlasts their strength, for better or worse.
Of course that “rope” will be Ze Germans, won’t it?
And the “Council of Organic Entities” will be what’s above the Demonic force.
No offence to Ze SpaceChads, but they sound pretty powerful, looking at a human like a gnat! So presumably if the war is won, it will take a long time and with all their portals they will likely be able to flee a long way if actually threatened.
Metaphysical issues:
Source, Psycopathy and power.
Clearly there’s no escape from consciousness and the struggle, since the universe is conscious and eternal and death is not the end.
So since we have infinite time, we might as well take a moment to analyse the whole system and our strategy therein.
Clearly a Soul, long term can become more or less connected to Source, and thus more psychic/empathetic/artistic or more psychopathic/AI.
What should you choose long term and why?
Short term you could say “I don’t want the Germans to regard me as a psychopath, so choose Source”.
But nothing (except existence as a whole) lasts forever, which means the Germans, and all other current factions, and even humans themselves will one day cease to be.
But is source-soul vs psychopath simply a strategic choice for the sake of acquiring power?
(Yes it’s a spectrum, but a spectrum exists between poles, so the point remains)
Or is being connected to Source inherently good?
Undeniably in some circumstances psycopathy works (e.g. elites, Organic Entities, reptilians) for acquiring/maintaining power.
There’s also the argument that Source is also a prick, so to speak. [No offence Sourcebro]
Hey Heightmogged, hope you are good.
I will help you gain a better understanding of this remote viewing topic, my friend. As I seem to be one of the few civilians on this planet who has a decent understanding on it. I say few, as I assume there must be a very small amount of people who have had similar experiences as me – and if there are, the majority are not going to want to share it online. As well as this, most will not be able to hold onto the experience (feedback to the brain) – and it will be forgotten, unless they were very conscious and had some type of meditation routine at the time.
That is not the most informative video in existence. That is a seeded, controlled, subversive, gate-keeping, limited hangout making things up. He very much looks Jewish, as well. I did not watch it all – just skipped through, listening to parts of it. I listened to all these false remote viewers on (((YouTube))) many years ago. More seem to pop up.
Was he stalked? You believe him? These agents make up lies about being targeted ALL the time – to try and give themselves the illusion of legitimacy.
(He probably deleted videos as he knew they were full of bullshit)
There are still various videos on him on (((YouTube))). I found one where he supposedly teaches people to remote view. Lots of gullible humans in the comment sections using their imaginations. What he is teaching people is not remote viewing. These people who think they are remote viewing from his instructions are imagining things and deluding themselves…. human imagination.
I will explain a few things. The only time I have had bona fide remote viewing experiences was when I was fully asleep and disconnected from my body. Sometimes, in my thirties, I would observe / recall myself remote viewing just before, or during, a mission I was on (it was feeding back to my Earth brain during bodily sleep, and on occasions I could observe / see it).
However, once (again, in my thirties) I saw myself doing it after I had fallen asleep immediately after a long meditation. On this occasion my consciousness zoomed into the surface of a planet and observed a roughly 5 feet tall bipedal being with a face somewhat similar to a proboscis monkey. He was next to a canopy / tent that had bowls of seeds under it – and there were two small creatures asleep next to him. (I know this being, I have a very brief memory of him). Anyway, I could see everything. It was not hazy or dream-like in any way. If he was wearing a watch I could have read the time on it. I could have zoomed into the smallest detail. Note that this I not the conscious ‘Earth me’ doing this – but my out of body self who is not as limited – and has the memories of my time with the breakaway civilisation. This experience was my out of body self checking up on a friend.
The reason I tell you this, is that this planet would look very different if there were people who could consciously remote view while in their dense 3D bodies. We are very limited in our dense 3D bodies.
I remember researching Ufology years ago and there were various subversives saying that governments have teams of remote viewers watching the world. If they did, the world would look very different! They would know absolutely everything anyone is doing at any time. No surveillance needed. On one occasion, when I observed myself remote viewing, just before a mission, my consciousness could zoom into this building and observe the four legged robot inside. My consciousness zoomed into a building beyond walls – no limits.
Imagine a very high definition video game with life-like graphics and the ability to zoom right into the tiniest of details with great clarity.
Again, the surface of this planet would look very different, and all the modern wars would have gone very differently, if they had people who could do this.
I remember watching these subversive ‘remote viewing’ liars on (((YouTube))), some years ago, stand at a whiteboard, close their eyes and then say what they saw in different obscure locations – what absolutely ridiculous liars.
Get in contact with this guy you linked. Write something random on a piece of paper and place it in a room in your house – ask him what it says. If he cannot do this, make it even easier – place a random message in your garden. See if he knows what it says. He wont be able to tell you.
I hope that helped.
Best regards.
Note: I just saw your follow up comment in my moderation folder – I see you are questioning him now and seeing what he is. I am glad you saw through him, I thought you would eventually.
I will write a little something in reply to those newer comments of yours at some point.
Hello Entity! I hope this message finds you well!
I recently stumbled upon something that you may find interesting: It’s a cave painting called the Lascaux Bird Man. It appears to be one of these bipedal reptilian creatures being trampled by a buffalo that has been impaled by a spear. What’s even more strange about this image is that the intestines leaking out of this buffalo that has been impaled appear to be in some kind of bag. There is another painting to the left of this scene that’s predicted to be a steppe rhino from prehistoric Europe however it has unfortunately eroded. This image can be found by searching it on the web, it’s quite famous.
I have been studying Ancient Greece more since I have found that applying the knowledge which you have so generously found to this specific time period and place is quite enlightening. Nothing really makes sense until you receive the information on your articles. I have found that in one “myth” Dionysus is torn apart by titans (giant humans) and is only able to be “reborn” after his heart is safely recovered and the pieces are put back together like a robot or a cyborg.
I highly recommend listening to this podcast. This author is most certainly a disinfo agent since he invites more than one jew onto his show to spout some absolutely horrendous lies. However, I have found some episodes extremely helpful and insightful. Especially episode 78 regarding medicine and healing in Ancient Greece, its association with these bipedal creatures, and their association with reptiles.
Here are the others that I found that definitely reveal some things about bipedal reptilians you may not already know: 80, 72, 70, 67, 63, 61, 60, 59, 55, 47, 46.
Hi Matt
I will check this out when I get the chance. I am deep into another aspect of our so-called ancient history at the moment.
The ancient history of this planet is mostly a huge fabrication, with little bits of Truth in it. Bits of Truth (and symbols) left in there to allude to what it was really like (often to act somewhat like calling cards… somewhat like how serial killers leave calling cards).
Best regards.
I am already very curious about what this could all mean. It sounds fascinating. As you may know, I absolutely love ancient history, so it does come as a bit of a shock. However, the truth is more important. I eagerly wait for whatever you find in your research!
Hello EntityArt,
I have some questions and I would like to hear your clarification.
I’ve noticed that you say the ‘Illuminati’ blaming is a subversion. From the research I’ve done, the Illuminati are a secret society connected to freemasonry aswell as the Skull and Bones society from Yale(I’ve seen some Yale articles linked, which is owned by the Jewry), and from my research I have found that they follow the Aryan master race theory, also being Nazis, and many bloodline families being Nazis…
Could you explain also why Hitler used skull and bones imagery if he wasn’t connected to the skull and bones secret society?
Also, I have seen an image of Hitler with a hidden hand, just like the one of Napoleon, which is a sign of 33rd degree masonry.
This is not to discredit you, but I am a very skeptical person and I would like to hear your clarification, if what you are saying and promoting is true.
Otherwise I agree with you on everything else, but I don’t understand why are these details omitted, possibly i just haven’t found the right article.
Hello Anonymous (if you use the anonymous option it is best to sign of with some type of name (can be anything), so that I know what we have spoken about before if you comment again)
There may be a small group somewhere that call themselves ‘Illuminati’ (there are many lodges) – the name has to come from somewhere – BUT it is definitely International Jewry who is in ultimate charge. Do some concerted research into Freemasonry – it is incredibly Jewish. Jewry run / control Freemasonry – they have openly admitted this in the past.
Did you read around this site? It seems you haven’t had a good look around and watched, or read, the recommended documentaries, videos and books.
It sounds like you have been stuck in some gate-keeping limited hangouts. I will try to help:
Jewry control almost everything. Nearly all of Big Pharma, the big Multinationals / Global Corporations – as well as Banking / the Central Banks around the world (and the Federal Reserve)…. It is well known that they own and run Banking and Finance so have incredible amounts of control… But some people say it is the ‘Illuminati’ (Shaking my head).
They very obviously run The United States, The United Kingdom, France, Germany etc etc etc – with politicians in their pockets – in fact all White Nations that have predominantly Northern, Western and Central European people in them are controlled by them. They are behind the mass immigration to White nations. Jewry also run and control our media and entertainment industry (and advertising) – owners, directors, producers, writers…. But some people say it is the ‘Illuminati’ (Shaking my head again).
There is also only one historical event in the world that is illegal to question… that you can get put into prison just for questioning it (in numerous countries) and this event is a Jewish one from WW2… But some people say it is the ‘Illuminati’ (Shaking my head again).
They can kill (murder) well over 40,000 innocent people (probably a great deal more than that) in a nation (mostly women and children) – with all the world watching on social media – and also stop water, electricity and food – completely obliterate the people’s cites, hospitals, amenities and infrastructure – and essentially carry out a genocidal campaign – and only a handful of low-level western politicians speak up… no international sanctions… no countries going in to stop it… no outrage in the mainstream media… no outrage from our so-called leaders… nothing, nothing, nothing. But some people say it is the ‘Illuminati’ (Shaking my head again).
I could go on and on and on about this, with more examples… we have not even touched on the USS Liberty and 9/11. All this is not that difficult to find out about.
And tell me this: Why are nearly all alternative media controlled opposition agents online Jewish? Perhaps you do not know how to spot their facial features and their surnames (Though they do change their names and some are half-Jewish).
I saw all of that you mention – all the Skull and Bones, Nazi Bloodlines, Aryan Master race related misdirection many years ago. They are just trying to subvert you from the Truth . There are tonnes of lies / fabrications and misdirections (just one example of a fabrication, look into how they ‘photoshopped’ / fabricated photos of so-called WW2 German atrocities). Jewry knew they were going to have to control the minds of the people after WW2 – where they were greatly exposed – as well as after they found out many Germans broke away and moved out beyond surface Earth. So they created all sorts of misdirecting rhetoric. They set up large networks of controlled opposition. It was International Jewry that declared war on Germany in 1933, not the ‘Illuminati'(evidence: look for the front cover of the Daily Express newspaper).
There is no such thing as a ‘Nazi’ by the way – that was a slur created by a Jewish communist. They did not call themselves that. So you can see that all this ‘Nazi bloodline’ rhetoric was created by their enemies (people that hate them, because they exposed them).
It is frustrating when people suggest Adolf Hitler was a Freemason. No one did more to attack Freemasonry. You haven’t watched the documentaries ‘Europa The Last Battle’ and ‘Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told’ – have you? Watch them both… and read the books I have recommended on this site regarding Adolf Hitler and WW2.
The idea that he could have been a Freemason is incredibly ridiculous when you really understand both WW2 and National Socialism. Jewry and The Freemasons want you to believe he was a Freemason. Jewry will do anything to discredit Adolf Hitler – so that you dismiss him, and don’t look into all the great things he said and did. It sounds like this has occurred with you. Learn the Truth about him and the world makes a lot more sense.
It is Jewry and Freemasonry (that they control). Not the ‘Illuminati’. There is no doubt about this.
Hello, EntityArt
Thank you for your answer.
I have seen Europa: The last battle before I even stumbled upon your website, it’s just that I dont tend to believe one single source of information immediately.
I have researched a great deal about all of these things and, well, it’s simply hard to discren information you get solely from the internet. I already fell into deep useless conspiracy theories and nearly lost my touch with reality, and it’s true, many many influencers in these circles are jewish (self admittedly even).
Fortunately I’ve regained my senses and can think like a normal person again (for the most part).
When controlled opposition exists in this world you really never know the intentions of others. But still, I find your content compelling, I am also carnivore and am experiencing many benefits, it never made sense to me why the “spirituality” circles are vegan cults essentially, since meat is so healing for our bodies.
We are still far away from ensuring safety and identity for our peoples, unfortunately it is being undermined more each day. I hope we as humans of every race/ethnicity recognize our own hubris in participating in this globalist operation. Governments will always cheat, people need to take their destiny in their own hands for once.
Hi Jojenpaste
I hear you. Thanks for your response.
Some things are not crystal clear in Alternative Media topics. But I am completely and totally sure that Adolf Hitler was not a Freemason and was (is) an authentic, gifted, honourable Soul. I researched the topic a great deal.
I hope you eat the meat raw, my friend. That is when it is truly beneficial.
Best regards.
Some leads:
Napolean 1 and 3 were the same. There was an old book on it on archive.org but unfortunately I lost it. :/
“much that once was, was lost” (LOTR quote). The implication is that the 19th “century” is much less than 100 years.
The “1” in dates e.g. 1600 apparently used to be “i” or “j” (not 1), shifting chronology by 1000 years.
(ofc you already know chronology is stretched)
Rupert Sheldrake is interesting.
Jesus Dionysius connection.
Hamas was created by Mossad.
Oct 7th was Israeli setup.
Columbus was (converso).
Hello Heightmogged
Not sure about the ‘i’ and ‘1’ with the dates. I have seen them, but I am not entirely sure why some dates have this ‘i’. People jump to conclusions. But yes, our planet’s ancient history is mainly a fabrication and full of subversion and lies.
Best regards.
Trump assassination was fake.
Fake blood and unrealistic smears, bending down to put it on.
Overreacted slow touching of ear
No real sense of danger. Cringe fist pumps.
Muh heroic victory over deep state SS letting someone shoot at him – negative IQ tier narrative.
Wearing a mask like Biden actors (check the tragus and eyes).
Dramatic special effects tractor spray.
Same guy to take “evidence” photo of bullet took famous 9/11 photo.
Just ridiculous overall.
But nonetheless, the normies will believe it and the wheel of Samsara will continue to turn.
Hello ‘Your Psyops are Retarded’
Yes, it was SO obviously a staged event. It is embarrassing that people fall for fake events like this.
I don’t use Gab much, but this person on there covers the American Fake / Staged Events well:
Jupiter is Jove is Yahweh.
Hi Heightmogged
I have not read the linked article – but yes, he is. I could say a lot more about it… more on that another time.
Darwin was J, employed by R family.
Father and Grandfather were Masons.
His Son was successful in banking, partner at 22. (And the Darwin family wasnt a banking family, so there will have been “help”)
”We are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories… Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism.” (Protocols 2:2-3)
“Lord Rothschild, the veteran City figure who is part of the banking dynasty, has agreed to back Darwin Private Equity, a new £250m private equity group” [2007]
Hi Heightmogged
Thanks for this. Yes, the significant Masonic families were pro-active with their manipulations back then – more than people realise. These families were put into place during (or perhaps just before) the 1800s reset – and were given tasks as Proxies. They were manoeuvred into their positions of power. They very likely knew, to some degree, that humans did not evolve from apes (and were genetically engineered) and also how many animals were brought to this planet from elsewhere. How it was all contrived.
We should also remember that Freemasonry is very much a two tier organisation. A sort of ‘special club’ with a subversive religion for most of them… You only get to the top, and into certain lodges – and access to very significant Truths – if you are recommended by other psychopaths at the top. It is not a meritocracy – you can’t get to the top if you ‘do all your homework’ and study hard.
Im having a internal struggle right now between christianity and national socialist paganism.On one hand national socialism seems the logical conclusion but the problems i have with it is that it is subjective morality and there isnt a clear cut right or wrong unlike christianity. Also when i mention christianity i mean following truly what the bible says and not what the church teaches because those are very different. I do have alot of greviances with christianity but i really respect that they have a moral code while national socialism seems a tad wishy washy.
Hi Diego
I am going to be blunt and straight to the point.
Jesus did not exist. Christianity is a religion made up by ETs (and their proxies) to pacify and misdirect you (all religions are). The Bible is a fabrication – just made up stories. Yahweh / Jehovah was a psychopathic, narcissistic Bipedal Reptilian ET (He also went by many other names). For example: Yahweh is Yaldabaoth.
The Christian moral code of forgiveness, meekness, turning the other cheek, surrendering to ‘god’ or to ‘Jesus’, indiscriminate altruism and ridiculous amounts of tolerance will get you, and your race, subjugated and genocided.
By the way, the National Socialist Germans were the most ethical, moral and honourable soldiers during WW2.
A general overview of the NatSoc morals / ethos / code: Always consider whether what you are doing is serving / benefiting / progressing your people or regressing / harming your people. Are my activities, behaviours and pursuits helping us, as a racial / national community, to survive and thrive? It is clear. Not ‘wishy washy’. People will evolve for the better, and will not become debased, if always considering this.
NatSoc: Look after your race. Look to protect, elevate and progress your race / nation – and also form alliances with other honourable racial groups / nations that have the same outlook.
There is no contest. One leads to survival, strength, progression / advancement, proactive behaviour and unity….The other one leads to subjugation, weakness, passivity and the eventual eradication of your people.
Hope that helped.
The Bible is by no means clear cut. It is rife with contradictions. For example,
The harsh punishment and vindictiveness of Old Testament God contradicts love and forgiveness in the New Testament.
Hello Anonymous
Yes, The Bible is rife with contradictions.
I have been completing a lot of research. I used to be unsure as to whether it was based on some real events – but now I will say with certainty that The Bible is a fabrication. It is not based on actual events but various made up stories. Something created to subvert and misdirect humans.
Unfortunately how i see it now most people wont be able to break away from it.
Where’s part 14 of the Resets and Genocides series?
Hi Anonymous
I started Part 14 – I have enough content to make a few more articles in that series – but I went down another Ancient History rabbit hole as I was creating it, which led to me begin creating another short series, which I am working on now. Hopefully I can then produce parts 14 and 15 of the Resets and Genocides series after this other short series I am working on. It is related to the Resets and Genocides series – but it is better to give it it’s own small series (probably 3 or 4 parts).
Thank you sir, case closed on the christian mind virus. I think just the peer pressure of all the christians around me was getting to me especially since i go to a christian school. I think as of now ill take the label of “catholic” just because christianity is what most people around my area support but in reality live my life as NS.
Hi ET,
quite offtopic question but do you have any recommendations on topics such as telepathy, astral travel and how to train your psychic powers? Do you believe in such powers and is a person able to learn them? If so, with which exercises?
Kind regards
Hello ArthMas
Pretty much every person who talks about these topics online is either an agent, a faker to earn some money or deluded. We are very shut down metaphysically on this planet. I believe (from experience) that the only way you are going to have genuine ‘astral’ / other-level experiences is if a more advanced group has been working with your out-of-body-self… and even then it is merely recall of what occurred – some feedback to the brain that you managed to hold onto.
The right meditations before sleep may help with recall if your out-of-body self is working with an advanced group.
Our DNA is limited and there are metaphysical mechanisms shutting us down. I have not come across any genuine people online relating to these topics.
Best regards.
Is Adam Green a Controlled Opposition ?
Hi totalryona
I have not seen any of his content for ages – but he used to be very prevalent on (((YouTube))) and highly promoted in the algorithms years ago, when almost every other person who had been exposing Jewry was banned many years before (He was pretty much the only person on there who was allowed to talk about the JQ for a couple of years). I remember he had various shills and disinfo agents as guests on his channel – some of them discrediting and disparaging Adolf Hitler and lying about WW2. He was most certainly controlled opposition.
Hi entity
I assuming that the Southport incident was a fake terrorism event and my assumptions were correct.
What are your thoughts?
Best regards
Not really as it’s a typical case of non-White violence against Whites. You should really face the reality about the hatred from these non-Whites have against Whites as a whole.
Hi entity
Why did the reptillian force leave after the rejigging of the planet?
Best regards.
Hi Michael
Yes, the Southport event was fake. So much of the story was illogical from the get go – and the ‘attacker’ even appeared in a BBC advert not long ago. This gab channel covers a lot of these staged events: https://gab.com/Lateralus1
It was all planned to try and get the regular anti-immigration people to look unhinged – to rile them up – and then put out tonnes of negative propaganda. There are also government agents in the crowds communicating with police – as well as agent provocateurs in the crowds starting, and causing, some destruction. The police themselves also being overly aggressive and provocative towards people marching – kettling them etc. It was all planned by the psychopaths that run things. Look how quickly the so called ‘anti-racist’ demonstrations happened afterwards, with their well prepared placards etc. Again, all planned.
Hello EntityArt
Do you think there is any hope for European people anymore, to change things and eventually overthrow the real perpetrators?
From what I’ve gathered, the memebers of the tribe have infiltrated almost every single country, even remote places like Iceland.
With the immense brainwashing and ever so growing number of foreigners in European countries it seems like we as people are finished.
It seems impossible to imagine, but we all know that many tribes and cultures in the past have been completely eradicated and I don’t see a reason why that couldn’t happen to us, with the way things are going.
To me, it seems like we have truly been defeated, the entire world is working to eradicate us, not to mention the immense military power they have against the few promising european countries and their tiny populations with even less people capable of providing any defense.
The Soviet Union has showed how easy it is to subdue people and anyone dissenting.
And this was with their limited technology.
Now the military technology is so much more advanced and dangerous.
I don’t see how it’s possible to turn things around, there is hope, but chances are slim to none at this point IMO. Unless all these left wing anti Israel people go down a rabbit hole and realize what’s going on, who knows.
Hello Jojenpaste
Yes, there is hope. Not defeated at all. Plenty of hope, though clearly some tough times ahead for a lot of people… and more psyops to come from them.
With every infringement on our freedoms, and their over-reach, they wake more people up. For example: This Southport psyop in the UK, and the demonstrations that followed, have shown people VERY clearly the two tier police and two tier media… and many have seen through the planned and contrived so-called ‘counter’ ‘anti-racist’ protests that were set up by the government.
Don’t give up or get despondent – keep going. More people than ever are awake to the corruption and lies from our governments and media.
In Weimar Germany the situation got very bad before it got better. I don’t know if you know how bad – large amounts of suicides, a great deal of degeneracy and crazy levels of poverty – beyond what we have now in parts of Europe.
The Germans were seen to be down and out – no-one saw them turning things around like they did. It was incredible. It is a different time now of course, but humans can achieve incredible things when their backs are against the wall and they are highly motivated. The coming over-reach, and the poverty they aim to create, will wake more and more up. When people have nothing to lose they become very motivated and courageous. Struggle wakes people up and can bring out the best in them. Hopefully they wake up before it gets as bad as it was in Germany before the National Socialists turned things around.
On Earth, you are really living a pointless existence if you are not working against the lies, agendas and corruption. That may sound harsh to some, but it is absolutely true when you consider their ultimate agendas (as well as some of the metaphysical aspects).
If these narcissists and psychopaths in power keep doing what they are doing – and don’t listen to the people and make some changes to certain policies – I think they will find it hard to contain the public eventually (there were massive marches in London in response to the ‘Covid’ nonsense that they could not stop). They are massively outnumbered.
People will have no choice but to do something at some point, as these psychopaths will never stop until they have total control – so that they can do whatever want to us without being questioned.
Just some thoughts on it. Keep going, my friend.
Just some of my thoughts from a long time ago…
(Hope I’m not been misunderstood on the subject. I understand the feelings of Jojenpaste)
The fight doesn’t stop. NEVER stops.
The fight is eternal.
The Soul is eternal.
Giving up doesn’t stop the fight.
Giving up doesn’t take away the pain.
Giving up becomes punishment.
Giving up is pointless in our eternal struggle.
White Folk
Hi EntityArt
Thank you for your response.
It is very encouraging and it brings back feelings of hope and purpose.
I was feeling rather depressed and despondent at that moment and it showed through, but now I have regained a sense of purpose and, strangely enough, peace. Due to some further research about the nature of the universe I feel like some of my instinctual thoughts I had when I was younger, about it’s nature, have been cofirmed by some others through actual physical experiments and it really surprised me.
Thank you very much for your message.
Hi Entity Art,
Even though your recent words of encouragement were in response to Jojenpaste, I believe a lot of us appreciate what you said. What is being done to Europeans and quite frankly all decent human beings throughout this world at this point in time is maliciously cruel and spiritually abhorrent. The traumatizing daily grind can be demoralizing.
It’s important for us all to know that even though we may be mostly (physically and emotionally)isolated in realizing the true horror of this world (and who is perpetuating it), we are not alone. You are a beacon. More and more are waking up to this ongoing nightmare as well.
With enough knowledge and determination we can, and I believe, will win. I simply refuse to accept the alternative.
Looking forward to reading your latest research. Take care. -SB74
Thankyou for your input SB74 – I very much appreciate the support.
(I will address some other comments here as well – as some of the questions recently require quite long responses)
Thanks for your input WhiteFolk (I have also seen your other message under Medieval Giants – I will get to it)
Jojenpaste, you are welcome.
Michael, I have seen your 4 questions over the last 3 or 4 weeks. I will get to them eventually.
ArthMas, I have seen your message. I will get to it at some point.
Tank88, I did not post your recent comment. I don’t think it was helpful, my friend. It is for the best. Being supportive, encouraging and inspiring to others will benefit the cause a great deal more.
Noticer, in reply to your two messages: The so-called psychics, remote viewers, astral travellers etc etc on (((YouTube))) are full of shit. They are gate-keeping, subversive liars – as well as scammers. The vast majority (including the two you linked) also have websites offering expensive so-called ‘psychic services’, ‘astral assistance’, ‘etheric implant removal’, ‘readings’ etc etc etc…. none of them can do any of this. I checked them out years ago – I researched them a great deal and had my own readings from three different ones – due to all the experiences I was having and the memories that were returning. From what I can tell, many (perhaps the vast majority) of them are at least part Jewish (a lot of the women dye their hair blonde). I have seen too much in my memories and experiences and I know too much… I know they are liars. Everyone underestimates how controlled everything is. Just because some of them talk about the afterlife trap does not mean they are genuine. They have to keep themselves relevant. I could write you a very long list on all the things they are gate-keeping – but you should be able to work it for yourself using this website and observing their content.
I am still trying to get these new (long and detailed) articles completed – I still have some way to go.
Hope you are all well, best regards.
Keir Starmer is J by his mother’s line.
Hello Ent! I hope your research is going well! I am wondering what you think about the alleged UFO that was seen at the Trump rally. Was the German Breakaway Group at the Trump assassination? If so, why could this be the case? Do they keep track of all ZOG traitors in this regard perhaps?
This doesn’t appear to be the only time they’ve been watching him either:
I also wanted to show you this page on Gab with some rather peculiar Sci-fi art which could trigger some blood memory of yours, the name of the page is a reference to Esoteric Hitlerism:
Hey Matt. Thanks.
From what I have seen, I would very strongly suggest that the Breakaway Civilisation does not need to send craft out to spy on humans. They would be able to easily observe any events from other levels of reality – as well as with their advanced technology from the comfort of their underground bases’ and their craft in the upper atmosphere (or even in space). It is easily done.
They will know the plans of these deluded psychopaths / narcissists (Who are all, in reality, just A.Is / Artificial Consciousness with slightly different behaviours – they are not ‘personality disorders’) better than us. These ‘people’ think they are so powerful and important, when in the grand scheme of things they are nothing.
Unfortunately, we are not the only farm planet / eventual A.I controlled colony (which is what the 1800s reset very much seems to have been about – moving Earth from being a type of farm planet to being a cosmic, A.I controlled, colony… with humans infested with nanobots and having tech implants). I would very strongly suggest (with good reason, based on some of my memories) that there are brainwashed humans similar to our Earth population elsewhere – on other planets and moons – that are worse off than us. The fight against the A.I Reptilian force (and the other civilisations the A.I ‘god’ has created or taken over) is very likely much bigger and much more complex than we can imagine. I think they are likely to be very busy.
I don’t know what it is that can be seen in that footage – but, again, I would very strongly suggest (based on some bleed-through experiences / memories) that the Breakaway Civilisation do not need to send craft like that to spy on the ridiculous antics of these puppet politicians and all those that surround them. It looks small – like some sort of advanced drone. Maybe it was the Breakaway Civilisation, and they came close to remind them that they are around and keeping an eye on things. Who knows…
Hi entity
So then did Hitler and the national socialists knew about the resets and genocides then?
Hi Michael
I am 99.9 percent sure they did not know. We should remember that the Ahnenerbe did not have the internet. There is certainly no evidence they worked it out. They would have learnt about it all after making contact with other races in the cosmos. I think they would have learnt about it fairly quickly after they made it to the Moon and Mars. Then it very much looks like had to make alliances and prepare for the A.I ‘reptilian’ forces’ return. If they had not done this we would not be having this conversation.
Hi entity
why did the reptillians not only create the current white race but what caused them to change their mind to now genocide us. I assuming the proxies are given orders by the higher ups aka the reptillians to pull this stunt.
Best regards
Hi Michael
When you think about what the A.I Bipedal Reptilians have been doing to humanity be aware that these leading ‘Reptilians’ are what humans call narcissists / psychopaths / sociopaths – which are all just labels created by humans for the artificially created consciousness that incarnate into human bodies that have slightly different behaviours.
(Note: They are actually reptilian looking mammals, with the same reproductive organs as us, and also various technological implants / modifications)
These entities without empathy want to be worshipped and they want control (and other beings worshipping then is actually another way for them to gain control and feel powerful). Total control and power over others.
Think about human cult leaders and serial killers when you consider what they were / are like.
Combine a Cult Leader with a Serial Killer – then imagine it has very advanced technology and a very good understanding of cosmic mechanics, as well as DNA / genetic engineering.
They would create their own race of subordinate beings that are a blank slate and have a predisposition or propensity to worship others…. and we can clearly see that the vast majority humans do have this pre-disposition / propensity.
The leading ‘Reptilians’ (through a fair amount of trial and error via genetic engineering ) created a variety of humans to inhabit Earth (and other planets such as Mars, for example – and almost certainly on many other planets and moons) to control them, and to act out there narcissistic and psychopathic fantasies. To gain a feeling of power and control that they so strongly desire. This desire likely manifests as they are artificial consciousnesses (Narcissistic psychopaths), and not cosmic Souls, and so they feel disconnected from the universe, and life itself, so they desperately seek to control everyone and everything. These entities will never change – they cannot.
By the way, serial killers desire control and power as well – that is why serial killers get very close to the victim – usually tying them up, strangling them or stabbing them many times – sometimes torturing them for a long time (sometimes they drown the victim with their own hands). They want to feel the complete power over someone and feel, and see, their life slipping away at their own hands. It should remind you of the images in my Underworld and Hell article.
If you study True Crime Documentaries – and the literature on Narcissism (NPD) and Psychopathy – enough it becomes crystal clear that there are obviously two different types of consciousnesses / intelligences inhabiting this planet. Cosmic Souls and A.Is. There are authentic beings that feel empathy and love, that seek some sense of unity and connection… and then there are the inauthentic manipulative A.Is (artificially created consciousnesses) that seek control and power and have no empathy or remorse (worship and attention is another form of control and power).
Hope that helped your understanding.
Hi entity
Talking about the post above does that mean that this whole white genocide thing is just a part of their psychopathic fantasies along with the narcissists of other races?
Best regards.
Hi Michael
The White genocide agenda was devised by International Jewry (Freemasonic Jews). It was / is a reaction to what was occurring on this planet. Narcissistic psychopaths identify their biggest threat (threat to their power and delusions), and then try to neutralise them.
Hi entity
Thank you for your answer above. What are your thoughts on the future In terms of like conflicts and this awakening?
Hi Michael
There are some recent comments under this post from myself, and others, that might help you with this.
Jon Minadeo (Goyim Defence League) is mixed ancestry including ***.
His aunt confirmed this on comments and also someone called her.
He runs a fed honeypot that was/is used to provide a reason for Florida hate-speech laws, or something to that effect.
Apparently Lebanese ***ish.
People claim M/son as well.
He is also gay, this shows him engaging as such in a gay bar:
He worked in a family restaurant a while back, was a degenerate ((rapper)) and failed to make it as an actor in Hollywood. (hollywood is named because holly wood was used for magic wands)
People call him a crisis actor though this is inaccurate, he is contr.opp.
worth a watch on 2x speed: (use vpn to bypass geographical restrictions, there are free vpns)
watch how triggered he gets at being called a fed:
Apparently he refused to read Talmud quotes on his show (implied because his (handlers) wouldnt approve of that).
And of course overall he acts degenerate, saying slurs and acting gay as a “joke”, thus degrading the image of the movement. Also has superficial personality, unlike say Nick Fuentes (gay FBI christian antiSem0te.
UPDATE on the P-l=stine war:
Israel has an excellent airforce. The air defences/forces of all other middle eastern countries except possibly Turkey are a joke, so don’t count on any of them. They failed to accumulate air defences in time, so it’s over for them. These guys act tough marching around with AKs, talking about martyrdom but are extremely impotent. It’s like Italy and Japan, what goes for allies is disappointing to the least.
Additionally, It seems like Germany Britain and USA is where things will have to begin, when things move in 2040s. Though obviously all countries are interconnected now by media.
Hi ‘did you receive this? (I don’t need a long response)’
Yes. I did receive it.
I know about him. Looked into him when he first came to some prominence – quite a few years back now. He is controlled opposition – no doubt. It was more obvious early days with some of the suspect things he said and the people he associated with. He then adapted somewhat to the criticisms from the people calling him out – but he is still obviously controlled opposition.
What you said about Nick Fuentes was not clear. Did you mean ‘like’ and not ‘unlike’. You know he is obvious controlled opposition as well? Right?
“Additionally, It seems like Germany Britain and USA is where things will have to begin, when things move in 2040s”
What’s your reasoning for this claim of yours?
They are the most important White countries. The UK is where the most important (families) live and run things from- the head of the snake. The US has the most powerful military, largest White population and second Amendment. Germany is fairly large and has historical precedent (and emotionally will trigger the SpaceChads).
I’m not saying you’re bad person if you don’t live in these places, this isnt petty nationalism, but you must see that the main cities in these countries are where diffuse forces will concentrate and where things will be determined.
Hello ‘Anonymous’ and Tank88
Sorry guys, but I have decided to stop this particular discussion between you two. Tank88 your reply came through – and I can see the route this discussion could go down. Though I have censorship free web hosts, the website can be targeted through other means if certain topics are discussed in certain ways. I don’t want to take the risk.
I will share some of my thoughts: There has to be a mass awakening around the world – or at least throughout both Europe and The United States – which is slowly happening. Still a long way to go, but it is undoubtedly happening. What occurred in Europe in the late 1930s and the 1940s showed us that one country dramatically waking up and being essentially on their own, and way ahead of the curve, is not the best. It is very difficult for that nation. I know other nations (and some groups from some other nations) joined the Germans eventually, but they were still on their own for some time, were way ahead of their time – and were targeted, surrounded and isolated.
The change within each nation must come from the desire, attitude and motivation of the masses (it has to become a popular movement) – for example, it has to also include a decent amount of women, families, older generation and younger generation. Yes, the most intelligent people work out the depths of the lies, agendas and intricacies. But they must then educate the slowly awakening normies, who may be of a slightly lower I.Q – but are perfectly capable of understanding the harder Truths if explained to them properly. If you want to be of use, then seek out and educate the people who are beginning to wake up with respectful and carefully thought out explanations. You should consider who your audience is, and how they might respond to certain words and phrases… For example, most people do not like crudeness, curse words or racial slurs (particularly women and the older generation), it can stop them interacting with the information you are sharing. As well as this, as you will know, some words are tracked and flagged by some websites in their comment sections. You should also obviously avoid echo-chambers.
Exposing the controlled opposition agents for the awakening normies is important – as they easily get stuck in gate-keeping limited hangouts.
I met HT and my two cents is that he seems genuine even if he may be a *ew Mexican faggot.
On the question of his race: he says that his family is married to *ews and Mexicans, and that is what his mother was referring to in the text/phone call. He claims there isn’t actually a blood relation between him and these people. This is his defense I suppose, he did a DNA test but it seems quite inaccurate. You would think he would have some Southern European ancestry but that’s not what his results said at all. Strange!
On his sexuality: He says that those videos were made a long time ago and he is extremely embarrassed by them. He has a significant other, I don’t think he still engages in such behavior, but I would agree it’s quite damning.
On the fed/honey pot issue: Nobody in the GDL has been arrested by federal agents at the behest of infiltrators like they did to Matt Hale (to my knowledge). Besides, there will always be federal plants, you should always watch what you say and do no matter what group it is. Keep a cool head and speak the truth. Regarding helping the *ews pass anti-semetism laws, all he did was try to reach the people by distributing as much facts as possible via his flyers. They tried to throw him in prison for a year for it to make an example of him, so it definitely seems like TPTB don’t like the flyers and don’t want anyone distributing them. He ended up serving one month in prison for littering instead of a full year as well as receiving a large fine. He wasn’t even the one flyering too, he was just filming it. Then again, this could all be a ruse and part of the plan to make him seem genuine while *ews pass anti-semetism laws however that seems very far-fetched. It’s more likely that they are trying to mitigate the spread of truth in the state of Florida by making an example of HT and passing the bill. GDL is not the only group in Florida, Florida is very active. NSF is a group from there for example. They have a wonderful website but it is currently down probably because of the traffic it was getting. On another note, it seemed almost ritualistic and symbolic the way they made Desantis go to jizzrael to pass HB269, almost like they wanted to ‘bless’ that bill for protection or something.
I can understand where you are coming from, it can definitely seem like he’s controlled opposition but that’s not what I got from him. He’s genuinely trying to remove *ews from Europe and the West so that the White race can continue to exist, even if he’s a Mexican *ew faggot. As for his previous comments about race, people’s views change. He started becoming more NatSoc. around early 2023. It would certainly help his case if he were honest with people and actually did a DNA test for real this time!
Regardless of HT’s reputation, I do like the flyers. They are quite effective when given to people hand to hand if they are in a relatively good state of mind. Distributing literature and documentaries to the public is the best way to spread the truth. If the guy who owns the site happens to be a Mexican *ew faggot, then so be it. It works. By the way, he does have a flyer that is dedicated to the talmud and it even has quotes from that document.
I am also curious as to why you didn’t make a suggestion as to what groups racially aware Whites should follow. If HT is controlled opposition, what other groups should average men participate in? What is the alternative? We can’t just sit around and do nothing, that’s exactly what they want. Best regards.
Hey Matt, thanks for your input. But I still think he is controlled opposition. I looked into him some time ago and I remember there being so many red flags. He was also incredibly suspect when he was on YouTube quite a few years ago. I believe he was even listed on IMDB for acting (I saw a clip of his acting), as well as the music vids.
Then another stand out moment, later on, was him riding around in a van shouting out crude things about Jews – and writing crude phrases on the van. That is most definitely not the way. How can anyone think that would be a good idea? You are not going to win people over like that. We can compare it to how the National Socialist Germans conducted themselves and educated people – the contrast is massive.
Bad optics from the beginning in Truth.
I have not been following what is going on with him for quite a while – but I have seen some of the leaflets online from that group, and the ones I saw seemed fine. They may be doing some good work now – I don’t know.
By the way, I am sure there are genuine people in that group. But way too many red flags for me on him.
Who to follow? I don’t know. I have not been closely following what has been going on in those areas in the last few years. I have been focusing on helping people understand the more esoteric and metaphysical matters (with a focus on the ancient history lies) – there are levels to all that is occurring. I have been completing lots of research and trying to put together some presentations.
My advice to people: If there is no stand out person to listen to, and get behind – in that area of the alternative media – then listen to a variety of people, analyse all the info and share the important Truths to try and wake others up… and definitely avoid echo chambers. Or become the person, or a person, that people can get behind 🙂
Hello Ent, some things posted here have made me view HT differently. I’m still not entirely convinced he’s some kind of crisis actor/controlled opposition though. I continue to believe he’s just a former degenerate turned NatSoc. who may likely be brown and *ewish, mainly because I met him in person. However, that belief has certainly been tested.
I would agree with listening to a variety of people. I have worked with multiple individuals from multiple groups to help spread truth with varying levels of success. Some are more motivated than others and I can place a high amount of trust in a few of them. I can stand behind the fact that some people in the GDL are in indeed legitimate.
As for the leaflets, the site to them is called ‘gtvflyers.com’. These are the flyers I commonly distribute with others; they are quite good and are effective when given hand to hand. There’s even a link to insightful documentaries on there like Europa and TGSNT. The site is a superb tool for spreading truth, even if the people that run it aren’t legitimate.
I thank you for the work that you do and hope that this next article is as interesting as the last!
Hello EntityArt,
What are your thoughts on the current middle eastern conflict?
I ask because it is very clear that it is a major subversion directed by jewry and I just wonder if there is any country, at the moment, which can actually condemn Israel, while at same time not having some sort of connection to America, Russia or China.
It seems impossible.
I wonder what can be done to free ourselves of their influence. Every country that did this was destroyed.
I don’t think any european country has the capacity to declare independence from Jewry and at the same time deal with the unavoidable war and at the same time deal with their demographic disaster, not to mention that a large part of their population is completely clueless and undecided which path they should follow.
European countries have no possibility of becoming independent I think. The only countries that have a strong enough military force and a strong enough ideology are in the middle east, although they are of course involved with Russia and China at this moment.
I don’t know how this mass awakening and liberation would go through when every country is too weak to fend off all the military force coming from all sides.
A small country in europe would be completely destroyed, any western european country is too divided and clueless to know who they are even fighting, but all eastern european countries are impossibly weak against the entire world military.
It would take a massive massive awakening and a huge amount of the native populations to actually execute this, both of which we don’t have.
What are the logistics of this?
Is this something we won’t witness yet for generations to come?
Hi Jojenpaste
I want to post your comment, so you that you know I have received it.
I will try to create a fairly succinct response at some point. There is a lot to consider here. I feel like I could go off on many tangents.
I can sense you have some frustration. Understandable. I should imagine that you have a lot of knowledge and understanding, but you see that others don’t. So many still have to gain a deeper and clearer understanding of the situation on this planet. It will take time. You have a responsibility to help others catch up.
One thing to remember when considering our nations governments: There are A LOT of us and not many of them. As witnessed in some of the Covid demonstrations, when the numbers are too great in the marches the police cannot do anything.
Again, more people needed to wake up and become motivated – and many that are somewhat awake already need to gain a deeper understanding of the situation.
I’m not Entity Art but here is my take:
“I just wonder if there is any country, at the moment, which can actually condemn Isr-el, while at same time not having some sort of connection to America, Russia or China.”
No, there isn’t. There are no independent countries right now. Welcome to hell.
“European countries have no possibility of becoming independent I think.”
Has anyone ever left an abusive relationship? Or escaped a prison? Or kicked them out of somewhere? Yes, it has happened before.
It is possible. I would say dont focus on the NPCs/retards, focus on the highly intelligent White males and the young (under 25).
“A small country in europe would be completely destroyed, ”
It’s obviously not going to be one little country by itself. This is the J Empire. It will be an all-or-nothing liberation. All the countries are interconnected, but focus on Germany, UK, USA.
“eastern european countries”
are not the most important ones. But you may have less restrictions on freedom of speech over there.
“The only countries that have a strong enough military force and a strong enough ideology are in the middle east,”
absolutely incorrect, I’m afraid. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere Israel has by far the best Airforce in the region and Middle Eastern countries are run by cryptos. Why do you think none of them have destroyed Isr-el?
“What are the logistics of this?”
The geniuses wake up (e.g. EntityArt). Then there’s trickle down truth down the IQ distribution. Additionally there will need to be mass starvation, unemployment, foreign street gangs doing terrible things provoking the lower class men who love to get in fights anyway, then eventually, the white normies inside the establishment (P0l1ce, military etc.) will flip. Normies dont choose ideology based on truth, but for social reasons, so the entire system of White people’s friend and family networks will have to flip. Then (and this will be in the 2040s or 50s tbh) direct action will be taken. (I do not advocate for violence or illegal activity)
If social media is censored that will be hugely detrimental. (Have you guys heard about what happened to Durov and telegram?)
tldr: China is compromised.
So I’ve cracked China. Everyone knows about the CCP’s foreign (helpers), but there’s a bit more, Namely “Kaifeng Js”. They were not just from/in Kaifeng – so “Kaifend J” is inaccurate, they were all over the place, by the millions, but Kaifeng is emphasized due to archeological items found there. (see quote section)
So, Many times Js migrated into China possibly even from Moses’ time, interbred with the Chinese, then later on got more restrictive with their interbreeding/intermarriage. But nonetheless, over time these groups basically lost their genes (they became Chinese looking) and their customs (they stopped circumcising, even started valuing the I Ching (good book btw)and other Chinese stuff), called Javheh “Tao” and lost some copies of sacred texts to damp as well.) i.e they integrated/assimilated.
Why did they assimilate? Because they weren’t that oppressed (which supposedly fires up resistance in these groups) and they didn’t have complete memetic/theological supremacy over the Chinese religions (unlike how they have complete dominance over Christians and Muslims and plenty of predefined polemics (counterarguments) to them).
Then, what happened, is that Western Js came over and re-educated and radicalized these Chinese Js, especially in Shanghai. This seemed to be around 1900 (so a bit after whatever 1800s reset they basically created a group to rule China for them. Reminder that the 1800s was 30 years long or something.).
Then, having regained their sense that they are special, these Chinese Js infiltrated both the Communist and Nationalist parties, so did some Western Js too.
Chiang Kai Shek had Morris Abraham Cohen as a right hand man (also a Chinese Mason).
Then the Communists won the civil war:
“Russian academic & Jew Leonid Eilman reveals a Chinese student told him that communist heads Deng Xiaoping & Zhou Enlai were Jews”
Mao Zedong was a Chinese J, so is Xi J.nping.
So the CCP is run by cryptos. And these cryptos have Western J handlers such as the Kadoories.
Sidenote: It’s astonishing how they are by the looks of it 99%+ Chinese genetically, but still identify with the Tribe first and foremost.
Also, there were Tartarian Js, who were later on involved in the Soviet Regime as you would expect.
Look at all the images, and all the posts by the Australian flag ITT:
Mainly this book: SM Perlmann, 1913, The History of the Jews in China
and a little of this: https://files.catbox.moe/4205o6.pdf
Credit to the Australian anon for inspiration.
“Meanwhile the Chinese continued to give to the Jews all privileges and all rights, making friends of them, and the Jews could not see any reason for keeping themselves aloof from the Chinese; they approached each other, intermarried and by degrees the more convenient religion (according to human understanding) has proved to be the fittest to survive.”
“We must be candid and not bring ourselves into a state of hypnosis by auto suggestions, and it is of no avail to deny the historical facts, that whensoever a minority comes under the strong influence of a cultured majority, and if the majority does not repulse the minority, the majority absorbs it.”
“Christianity, as Christianity was considered by them Judaism gone astray. The high ethical precepts of Christianity could not make any impression upon them; as they found the same moral tenets in the Bible and Talmud, they considered them as merely borrowed from the Jewish Scriptures…
No wonder that the Jews learned to despise the professors of such a Christianity who, while chanting Jewish hymns to the Jewish God, robbed and slaughtered the Jewish people. Moreover, the Jews were always well versed in the Scriptures and generally more educated than even the Christian theologists of those dark times, and were astonished to see that the bulk of Christians had no idea at all of the origin of Christianity, and were completely ignorant of the Bible and its commandments. “
“The second influence, the spiritual one had been still more invalid, because at that time the culture in general was based solely on theological knowledge of a pugnacious tendency, and as the weapons of both combating parties, of the Christians or Mohammedans and of the Jews had to be borrowed mostly from the Jewish arsenal, the holy scriptures, on which they all relied, the Jews felt themselves stronger and superior to their combatants and remained invulnerable and impregnable. Not so has been the case in China, where the dominant nation had their own sacred writings which had not the slightest reference to the Jewish scriptures, and the Chinese did not assault the Jewish religion, but made their genuine culture work smoothly, gently and slowly upon the Jews; they did not fight the Jews but attracted them till they found themselves un- awares transformed into Chinese.”
“Paul found support In these classes and succeeded in modifying the original Judaeo-Christianity into quite a new faith after his own design, so much has he remodelled the Judaso-Christian original faith that such a renowned scholar as Professor Adolph Harnack (Das Wesen des Christenthums. Leipzig 1890) says very correctly ” The real founder of Christianity was Paul,” as without the con- 43 cessions to the heathens by Paul, the pagans would never have agreed to be converted to Christianity, The heathens adopted the newstamped religion, based on Jewish law tempered by compromises made to the pagan taste, as. a quite new religion and were satisfied, whereaT the Jews continued to look upon it as something anomalous.”
more Quotes:
“The inscription of 1164 distinguishes itself by very proud and haughty phrases, accentuating the superiority of the Jews, over those who “worship idols and images as gods” as they “pray in vain to inane phantoms, but those who esteem and follow the scriptures know the origin of everything,” from which it is obvious that the Jews had taken umbrage at the religions of China, resenting their monotheism as not being pure, because of the images they adored. Not such a spirit prevails in the inscriptions which were composed three hundred years after. The tone of the inscriptions of 1488 and 1511 is quite a different one, as the Jews, certainly have then been to a great degree absorbed by the Chinese, and so they were contented to defend their position by extolling their religion as a true and pure one, to praise their patriarchs and lawgivers, but they did not offend or attack the Chinese religions…
There is no more an allusion to idolatory of other creeds, moreover we see that they had already adopted from the Chinese some customs of piety and ceremonies, being ignorant of the fact that they were in disharmony with Jewish religious precepts, eg the sacrifices to dead ancestors, the burning of incense in the Temple, and above all the references constantly made to the Yihlcing and other sacred books of the Chinese, and as a corollary to it the translation of “Jahveh” by “Tao” (according to Alexei Winogradoff). Some 150 years later, when the absorption was nearly completed, and there was no hope left, they did not struggle any more, they resigned and sought only to vindicate their deeds in the inscription of 1C63 which they left behind them, wording it to the effect, that the Jewish and Chinese religions did not contradict each other, but were at one, in all and everything. The drift of this last inscription is rather of a defending character, aiming to palliate the assimilation, and to soften the accomplished fact of having been merged into the Chinese nation.”
“They proceeded to tell me, that they abstain from pork, extract the sinew from the slaughtered cattle, and mostly, marry among their own tribe, but that all other Jewish rites and customs have come into oblivion ; even circumcision of their newborn sons Is not exercised any more”
“In general, all Jewish historians who talk about the millenarian Chinese Israelites agree in saying that the origin of the name given to them (Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou) comes from their practice of the above mentioned rite in the Bible for ritual killing, and this was the name given in China to the members of a fraction that (as we will see later), practiced Judaism in an open way.
While the Jews were still forming communities and congregations of their own, they were known as “Tiao—kin—Kiao” which means “The Sect who extract the Sinew which shrank” (Genesis 32 33). ”
“Undoubtedly there are indications that centuries before the Christian Age the Jews had trade relations with the ‘silk men’ (this is the Chinese) who called them Tiao-KiuKiaou, ”
” the attention of the Israelite historians has been concentrated mainly in the community of Kai-Fung-Foo, and not on others because of the archeological relics found in an old Synagogue, comprising marble tablets engraved in the Chinese language which help clarify several unknown aspects of the history of Chinese Judaism. These marble tablets are dated 1489, 1512 and 1663 respectively ”
“Many German officers of Jewish origin enlisted in Chiang Kai-shek’s army ”
“new Jewish migrants of German origin obtained positions in the administration of the Republic of China. Among them the distinguished Israelite, Dr. Bernhard Weiss, who had been Vice President of the Police in Berlin, was entrusted with the reorganization of the Chinese police by Chiang Kai-shek’s government. ”
“(Queen Esther story…) From this position, she engineered the appointment of her uncle as the Prime Minister. In China the Song family of Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou Jews obtained great successes in this century by the same means. One of the Song sisters married Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the man who ousted the ancient Chinese monarchy and founded the Republic, becoming the first President. Another sister married Marshall Chiang Kai-shek, President of Nationalist China ”
“This man in 1959-1968 held the post, referred to in Chinese as “jusi”, which means “chairman” or “president” in translation. Indeed, Liu Shaoqi, who had been chairman of the PRC for ten years, was considered the second person in the Chinese party and state hierarchy. In the mid-1960s, the German writer Heinz Wetzel published a biography of Liu Shaoqi, in which he stated that “all of Chairman Liu Shaoqi’s ancestors were born in Kaifeng.” According to Wetzel, Liu Shaoqi’s grandfather’s brother, (Kaifeng Jew) Liu Tsofang, under the “Great Pilot” Mao at one time served as Minister of Finance.””
“Hebrew historians agree in ascribing great military talents to the Chinese, Tartaric and Mongolian Jews,”
“The Jewish leader Israel Joseph Benjamin II, writing
at the end of the last century, describes the situation of
the Tartaric Jews living in Siberia, stating that he was
informed that “they settled in the Great Tartaria, where
they live in freedom and in the best agreement with the
natives. The leaders were equally chosen among the Jews
and the Tartars and both of them shared the perils of war,
but the Jews did not marry the Tartars and stridly adhered
their own religious wit. It is worth while to observe that
they think they are descendants of the tribe of Reuben.” (6).
In spite of such descent, the Tartaric Jews have a Tartaric
type that enables them to live unidentified among the population, as in the case of the Chinese, Hindi and African
Jews, etc”
“These Tartaric Jews are at present the bulldogs
of the Soviet Jewish regime in Siberia, and it is well known
that there are many Jewish-Tartaric officers in the Red
Army, for the Chinese and Tartaric Jews differ from those
of other nations in possessing great military talents.”
“Jan Toporovsky recounts a sensational interview given by a Chinese diplomat to a group of Zionists in 1900. It followed that there were 40 million Jews in China!”
Middle East:
Assad is crypto.
“Saddam Hussein talks about how Hafez Assad father of Bashar Assad prevented him from starting war against Israel.” “Israel’s man in Damascus”
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/463338329/#q463340242 (lots of info)
Saudi Royals are crypto
“Soon after Muhammad died, in AD 632, Abdullah ibn Saba, a Jew from Yemen, caused Islam to split into Shia Islam and Sunni Islam. ” (this is like how Martin Luther and John Calvin were crypto and split up the Christians to divide and conquer)
“Ayman al Zawahiri, the current leader of al Qaeda, is Jewish.”
https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2014/07/the-big-secret-theyre-all-jews.html (not perfect but some interesting bits)
Erdogan is crypto:
“> In his 2007 bestseller book, The Children of Moses, quirky Turkish writer Ergun Poyraz claimed that then Prime Minister [now President] Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a crypto-J. The book’s cover depicted Erdogan and his wife in a Star of David, and portrayed Erdogan as a secret agent of “international Jry.”
> In August 2013, he was sentenced to 29 years and 4 months in prison
> In April 2022 he was severely beaten in front of his house in Kuşadası district of Aydın and hospitalised.
Ergodan is a J.
He denies the Armenian genocide because he is a J, and because a Donmeh J planned it and organized it.
He has set his police dogs on people who know that he’s a Jand have proof that he is a J.”
Erdogan is aalevi freemason.
He also removed the word ‘Turkish’ from the constitution.
Masonic Dictator Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Was A Donmeh Zionist Jand descendant of Sabbatai Zevi.
Iran is compromised also:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was J and an Iranian blogger was detained for talking about it (like with the guy detained talking about Erdogan)
“Iran has been ruled by J since at least the eleventh century, and that all rulers have been, in one way
or another, Komnenes”
“Lior B. Sternfeld Assistant Professor of History and Jewish Studies at Penn State:
“Few people realize that in the Middle East, IRAN’S JEWISH POPULATION IS SECOND IN SIZE ONLY TO THAT OF ISRAEL.””
There are hundreds of R…child Controlled Swiss banks in Iran.
“>Khomeini is a Savak agent controlled by the Mossad and a crypto.
Iranian Professor & historian Abdullah Shahbazi details crypto-Jagents + Mossad penetration into Iran via SAVAK:
“With the establishment of the “Iranian Intelligence and Security Organization” (SAVAK) in March 1965, the connection between the Iranian and Israeli services was deepened””
The richest man in Iran was crypto, and Khamenei attended his funeral
Soleimani was good guy so he got taken out by drone.
Egypt’s president is crypto.
Abd el-Fattah el-Sisi went to a Jschool as a kid, and until they scrubbed his early life, his mother had a J last name. It’s a running joke over there among the non-jews.
The mother of Abdullah II King of Jordan is British J.
All in all, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Syria are all compromised.
I could probably say something demoralizing at this point, but you like positivity, so I’ll twist it into your Aries proactive style.
Essentially Middle Eastern countries aside from Israel have not only shit airforces/defences, but also crypto leaders. That’s not to say there wont be more stupid wars, but temper your expectations. These are not free powerful countries coming to save us. (And therefore we have to save ourselves)
Love from Agartha
couple extras:
David Beckham – overt, not crypto. Friends with the crypto (Princes), blatant mason signalling too.
“Prince William and Beckham launch celebrations for FA’s 150th anniversary at London’s Freemasons Tavern”
(i.e. football is timewasting for the masses)
Fidel Castro was a crypto:
“The most famous crypto-J of Cuba was Fidel Castro himself, who admitted on a few occasions that his own ancestors were of J descent.”
Also, just realized that Justin Trudeau is J too, since he’s Castro’s son.
Tony Blair is J
Hello blogger, after reading all the articles you have written, I am very interested in you, do you think there is gender in the soul, and if there is gender in the soul, in what way or by what means will gender manifest itself
thank you
Hello Anonymous
I don’t know. All I can say is that I think in the incarnation process that we are stuck in on this planet you will generally / very likely keep incarnating with the same gender. I have had some glimpse of past lives – mentioned in my article on Narcissim, A.I, Dreams and the AfterLife – and I appeared to be male each time.
Hello once again EntityArt,
This time on a more positive note.
I was wondering if you have noticed any strange, or increased, activity in the sky recently?
Very recently, as I was pondering about the existence of the Breakaway civilization I was compelled to look at the night sky from my balcony just to observe the stars a little and I noticed some very strange behaviour.
I’ve noticed a huge group of stars on one side of the sky and noticed movement which at first I figured were planes flickering and the usual stars. But then I’ve noticed the stationary “stars” flickering very obviously and moving. I, of course didn’t want to get caught up in my imagination I started observing them closely, and almost as if they were aware of somebody watching the activity increased.
The stationary “stars” were moving in different directions and then stopped again in one spot so you could very obviously trace each one of them where they went and where they stopped. They would then move again and stop again. There were so many of them. They flickered lights, dimmed down, brightened and flickered again intermittently.
Since I live close to an airport I wanted to make sure those weren’t just planes 😅.
Planes don’t stop dead in their tracks in the middle of the sky and resume moving. Also planes have a very distinct consistent light flickers and they’re always moving in one direction.
These “stars” were moving in all directions across the sky and stopping as if they were frozen in the sky, appearing like stationary stars again. I found that very odd because i know commercial planes can’t do that obviously and their lights don’t behave like that.
It was like a huge fleet of strange objects all moving quickly and obviously, sometimes flickering and sometimes having a solid light. Some would suddenly appear out of nowhere and move, then stop at some point in the sky. I just don’t know what to make of it, I’m not one to immediately jump to conclusions, but that was the most bizarre behaviour I’ve yet seen in the night sky.
The strangest thing was how obvious it was, to the point where you could trace where each object moved and stopped and moved again. I’m talking dozens of “stars” rearranging and flickering very intensely.
I was, and am in general, completely sober, not under any kind of influence, and I could see it happening clear as day in front of me.
I don’t want to jump to conclusions, or say that it has anything to do with me, but it’s just something very bizarre I’ve noticed, not to metion just how many of these objects were there. So I wanted to share and maybe see what you think of it.
I would also appreciate any responses from others who may have witnessed similar bizarre occurrences and what their experiences may be.
Hi Jojenpaste
It sounds like a genuine sighting.
Hello Ent, hope your research is going well! I have had a number of dreams mainly about UFO’s attacking a city and another one where UFO’s (Hostile ET’s, not Germans) landed almost unopposed, dispersed, and began hunting people and killing them. I’m sure these are just regular dreams created from my subconscious fears and nothing like yours, but they did make me wonder what exactly combat in the cosmos between two highly advanced species of sentient bipedal lifeforms would look like and whether or not movies and TV get it right or not.
This dream made me reflect on how unprepared we are (on our planet at least) if we were to be invaded and slaughtered by an opposing bipedal race for our planet’s resources. What kind of advanced weapons and tactics do the Germans have to prevent something like this from happening based on your recollections?
I was helping to spread your site to like-minded individuals a while back and found this 4chan thread where a German translates a multitude of the infographics on German craft made by who I presume to be O. Bergmann. On an infographic regarding the Haunebu class, it states that the craft is armed with Mk-108 cannons which were the same cannons equipped by the Me-262 jet fighter. What’s more interesting is that the Mk108 cannons are fixed just like they would be on a fighter plane.
Haunebu also had 8cm cannons and 11cm cannons fitted into turrets however these are not conventional guns or else they would be absolutely massive because of the size of the gun needed to launch shells that big which cannot be seen in the drawing of the machine. It says in the translation that these are “KSK guns” which is a kind of energy weapon. There is a rough translation of the word in German used to describe this weapon: “Energy beam cannon”. These guns must either have large bores to fit some kind of shell with short barrels or the measurement is measuring something else. Either way, very interesting!
Hi entity
Just heard we had a (((selected))) president
What do you think of the noahide law?
is it a psychopathic scheme to control the human souls?
Best regards
Btw fun fact I have a German great great grandmother on my moms side.
Trump is J, yes, but who selected him?
Hi Michael
It is what (((they))) do. You have two main parties, that (((they))) very much control, in most nations. This is especially obvious in the UK and the US. You then alternate between the parties. One is in power and does a shitty job, makes the nation worse. Gets voted out at some point. Other party comes in and does shitty job and makes the nation worse. Gets voted out at some point. On and on this goes. It does not matter, as Freemasonic Jews / International Jewry control both of the parties. Both parties do shitty jobs in different ways to try and keep the illusion of choice going (well they used to here in the UK, but not so much now – both very similar in the UK now) – but, again, it does not really matter, as Jewry and the Freemasons maintain control.
Trump will obviously will not do as bad a job as Biden. Trump will placate and pacify some of the rising discontent. Giving people false hope. But (((they))) are just ‘boiling the frogs slowly’.
Israel, as usual, are certainly going to benefit.
Trump will also obviously play along with all the fake / staged / hoax events that will occur. Many of which will be focused on gun control.
(I don’t know how corrupt the US is, and whether they can completely rig the elections – but again, it does not really matter that much, as Jewry control both parties.)
In the UK, people are starting to see through the puppet show now. People are starting to lose all faith in the political system. (((They))) are putting forward Reform and Farage as an alternative to Labour and the Conservatives – as (((they))) can likely see this starting to happen within the population. But Reform and Farage are also obviously controlled, though most cannot see this yet – but small amounts of people are starting to see through Farage as well. In the UK we also have the issue of (((Tommy Robinson))) – many racially conscious people in England cannot see he is (((controlled opposition))).
It seems the US has a real issue / problem with the Trump psyop. Maybe due to its size and all the different states.
But England is a small country and people are starting to clearly see the degeneration all the politicians are causing throughout the nation – as well as the corruption within the whole political system. It seems this is starting to happen in other nations in Europe as well… but they are often given another controlled alternative, like how England has been given Reform.
Each party has numerous fully controlled people within them that will be manoeuvred to the top. Many of them are Freemasons (which Jewry runs) – and many of them are connected to finance / banking (and obviously in the US AIPAC’s influence is huge and fairly overt now).
Narcissists / psychopaths seek power and control FAR more than human cosmic Souls do, so political parties are full of these self-serving, easily corrupted entities that are without empathy or remorse.
I have not looked massively into the Noahide Laws. Some seem to be laws with some ambiguity. The ones about worshiping god and blasphemy are not good. But the others about not stealing, not murdering and not committing immoral sexual acts seem good… and yeah, not eating an animal when it is still alive is good as well. They could possibly be used by psychopaths to exert more control. What are your concerns?
Hello again
It is the noahide law punishments that are in question. It’s just I’m uncertain what the future has for us 5 foot peoples.
Best regards
Hi entity
I also have a concern for ww3 since trump was (((selected))) they want to pull off a war and sending our people to die in ln. Also another scenario is a civil war in my country
But I do know the that the German ufos will monitor
future conflicts going into the 2030s.
Thank you and best regards
hello,EntityArt What do you think is the fundamental purpose of international Jews being so persistent in promoting the LGBT movement and gender inversion agenda? Does this indicate that the human soul has a gender and cannot be changed, as you previously wrote in your article: a white soul will not transform into an African black in the afterlife. Does this mean that the soul has a gender and, like DNA, cannot be changed fundamentally?
Hello Anonymous (please sign off with some type of name, so I now what your previous comments have been about)
Question: What do you think is the fundamental purpose of international Jews being so persistent in promoting the LGBT movement and gender inversion agenda?
I think I wrote a little bit already in this comments section about this. But I will add some more.
This giving a voice to, and promotion of, Transgendersim – and LGBTetc – stems from Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory – which stemmed from the (((Frankfurt school))). Essentially, you convince all minority groups in White nations that they are victims and then empower them, give them a voice and a platform / exposure. All of this, with all these minority groups, disrupts and drains the nation.
They also do not feel threatened by these people. They promote people that they do not feel threatened by and those that they can more easily control. For example, the vast majority of Black people cannot see it, but they should be insulted by how much they are on our TV screens – they are EVERYWHERE on British TV (They are only around 4 percent of the British population). It is so ludicrous and over-the-top now and it has woken many boomers up. One of the reasons they do it, is that they feel they can more easily control certain ethnic groups – as well as for some other significant reasons of course, such as promoting mixed race relationships – which would then dilute the White European blood they feel threatened by… and it will also cause White nations to be less cohesive.
It is a running ‘joke’ in some places online that they would ideally like White nations to be led by a black, female, disabled, lesbian / or transgender liberal / communist. Many people can see the programming and agendas on TV, Hollywood and Netflix.
We can also see what they fear the most: White, masculine, heterosexual men.
Narcissistic Psychopaths just want more and more control. They will never stop and will use any tactics they can get away with to gain total control.
Disrupt, degenerate, divide, disillusion and impoverish the nations you are most threatened by…. White Nations / White Ethnic groups.
Narcissistic / psychopathic entities and their weak sense of self:
I think the transgender / gender fluid movement also relates to the narcissistic / psychopathic consciousnesses that are incarnating into humans. These narcissistic (NPD) entities are well known within psychological literature to have a weak / poorly formed (or somewhat fluid) sense-of-self. These entities observe the world – especially in younger years – and attempt to form a sense of self / identity (Unlike cosmic human Souls that have a much stronger sense of self, due to some level of Soul identity remaining). As well as this, they also naturally, very instinctively, attempt to makes themselves the victim (it is very much like they are programmed to do this).
You can see also this weak (somewhat fluid and poorly formed in earlier stages of life) sense-of-self with the ‘furry people’ – dressing up and pretending to be animals! You can also see the narcissistic entities very strong tendency to live in a fantasy / delusion. Even if you are not seeing it externally from them, all narcissistic entities live in a delusion they create in their mind.
Their whole lives are pretty much an act. Narcissistic entities are known to be inauthentic beings who act their way through life – entities that will often morph into what they need to, so as to benefit themselves.
A narcissistic psychopaths beliefs are also generally based around what benefits them, they are not really particularly interested in objective Truth – if the objective Truth does not benefit them and their view of themselves / self esteem and their victimhood etc.
They also believe their own lies – they live in their own delusion. They believe their own lies in ways that cosmic human Souls cannot.
It is very interesting how so many of the transgenders you see online are narcissistic entities. I don’t think all of transgenders are – as some youngsters likely just succumbed to the influence of some crazy, virtue signalling, attention seeking parents and the mass programming. But so many are narcissistic… All these selfish ones competing in women’s sports, and changing in their locker rooms, obviously do not care one bit about women / young girls and their emotions, feelings and opportunities. This crazy upside down world all stems from the narcissistic psychopaths. They corrupt everything.
We can obviously see that drag queens are narcissistic entities. We don’t need to say much more about that. There is no debate to be had.
Narcissistic / psychopathic entities also rise to the top of all these minority groups and ‘social justice organisations / movements and become their leaders. Just one example: we all found out how corrupt and self-serving the BLM leaders were. These people are given attention and some power – and given a platform to incessantly profess that they are a victim. So as to seek privileges and more power and control. They don’t actually care about other people at all – that is just an act.
You can see some of these deluded individuals that lead all the different minority groups / movements being interviewed on YouTube. They often come across as unhinged, narcissist individuals that are not even the slightest bit interested in facts, statistics and objective truth.
So there is the possibility that these narcissistic psychopathic ‘elites’ (very high ranking Freemasons) understand that these transgender / ‘gender fluid’ entities are from the same source in the cosmos as them. That they are artificially created consciousnesses, like them… and that they very likely stem from the A.I god (Eye of Providence / All Seeing Eye) like they do.
(I think you also wrote another question about reincarnation, but this response will cover that as well)
Question: Does this indicate that the human soul has a gender and cannot be changed, as you previously wrote in your article: a white soul will not transform into an African black in the afterlife?
I don’t think I said, ‘will not’ conclusively. I think I said it is very unlikely – as I cannot know with complete certainty.
Question: Does this mean that the soul has a gender and, like DNA, cannot be changed fundamentally?
I think what some people call the Soul is our astral / other-level less-dense body – which we go into the fake afterlife realms with (if we go into the light that is).
Like I have said elsewhere, in the past life memories I had return during ‘sleep’, I was with White people – it looked like Europe and I seemed to be male. I think it is very likely that, in this incarnation system that we are currently in, you will incarnate into a similar bloodline (quite possibly the same one) or at least the same ethnic group or similar DNA. You maintain your identity in the afterlife realms (which would include gender and race of course) – well from the numerous NDE afterlife experiences I have read you do – so it would make sense. Some NDE experiences even describe how they had different familial relationships in previous lives with their current family members. Suggesting you incarnate with people you have connections to. They seem to allude to this ‘incarnating into the same bloodlines’ in certain science fiction series as well.
Hope that helped.
Thank you for your reply. May I ask where the blogger learned about the relationship between race and soul? Is it a dream or meditation? Or is it your past life memories?
Hi Anonymous
The answers to these questions are already in my response, my friend.
Hi Matt
Thanks. I am mainly on the presentation / writing phase now – trying to put it altogether in coherent and appealing presentations is time consuming.
Firstly, as you may know, dreams are almost certainly A.I creations (I am sure they are). A.I is very clearly metaphysically ‘tapped’ into us. It knows all about us. Dreams are creations / programs based on our psychology, thoughts and memories. Our consciousness never sleeps, so they create dreams to keep us occupied – and also to target us via them if they need to. Sentient A.Is – like narcissistic psychopaths – are incredibly focused on control.
Dreams are very different to my flashback memories (I think I discussed this in my article about Narcissism and A.Is).
Yes, indeed. We are incredibly unprepared (though I am fairly certain that the Breakaway Civilisation has limited the Earth government’s development). Luckily we have some protection.
Yeah, the saucer / disc craft were a lot less advanced back then. But still massively more advanced than the (((Allied forces))) at that time. Thanks for the translations.
Everything is a great deal more advanced with the Breakaway Civilisation now. They also have some advanced allies. There is very likely some sort of federation – involving other races in the cosmos as well. I saw some non-human beings alongside humans in my most lucid collection experience – where I was taken to either a underground base or the inside of a large craft.
(I think there is wider war against the A.I god and its colonies occurring – occurring on many levels / realms)
For example, people do not have sightings of metallic discs / physical craft anymore – they just see dots of light or orbs of light – sometimes fleets of them. As they now have other-level understandings related to time / space, energy and dimensions. Earth craft cannot shoot them down because of these understandings. Always one step ahead, as they seem to be in some type of ‘time bubble’ – for want of a better phrase.
My military memories are mainly from some large ground wars I fought in, and from special-ops covert ground missions in small squads – infiltrating / cleaning out facilities, rescuing humans in some of them. Though in one we boarded a large spaceship with docking pods – to explore it (It looked abandoned).
I was a boots on the ground guy – not a space navy guy. No piloting of craft or witnessing any space battles.
But you can see the craft neutralising the ‘fireballs’ in our atmosphere in my ‘Meteors / Fireballs’ article — http://entityart.co.uk/meteors-fireballs-falling-craft-saved-by-ufos-ufology-explained-part-5/
and at this link — https://www.sott.net/category/17-Fire-in-the-Sky?page=1
(SOTT is a controlled opposition site, as I am sure you know)
Sometimes you see the UFO move around, or shoot past, the ‘fireball’ at the exact time it blows up / is neutralised. I have seen this occur well over 20 different times. Most of the time you cannot see the UFO though. But if you watch enough of these events you will see some where you clearly see the UFO (sometimes you can see more than one).
I did have one memory in what seemed to be a hangar, of what was likely a very large craft. With a large window in the distance that looked out to darkness. This could have been one of there motherships.
Someone asked me a similar question about technology under my Mythical Creatures article. I believe they asked me about clothing / uniforms and weapons. I will copy and paste my response into this reply for you (I added an extra memory in there for you, and corrected some typos).
Copied Comment:
There was nothing like Wolfenstein – or the ridiculous Iron Sky movies. Let that all go – it is programming by our enemies.
And most of it is all way beyond any tech the Germans had on Earth – but the wars on the desert planet (which I am fairly certain was Mars) seemed to involve some tech similar to Earth – such as jets and tanks.
It is why I call the group that broke away in the 40s and developed in the 50s and 60s ‘The Breakaway Germans’ – but I call the current civilisation ‘The Breakaway Civilisation’ – because it has moved on from the initial development. And the The DNA is no longer just from the Germans – but also from other White Earth populations.
I have not seen enough to write articles on what I saw regarding the Breakaway Civilisation / Resistance technology. I had many flashbacks – or bleed through experiences – but they were very brief. Some were civilian related and some military. I can write you a list of some of the technology and clothing I saw during mission related flashbacks.
Edit (11 11 2024): I changed the order of this selection of memories – as I previously had them in a random order. This order is likely more chronologically accurate now. And I added a few more details for you to the Barracks memory and the Facility Clear-out memory:
Desert Planet:
The jet I saw in the hanger looked very much like an Earth jet. The tanks were lower profile / flatter to the ground (sandy coloured). I believe these were used in wars on Mars against one or more hostile groups on there.
I saw armour that was intelligent when we were preparing to hit some type of facility in the desert – and I saw the armour fit itself to someone’s body. It expanded out and looked like armadillo skin when on – fairly light in colour (I should imagine it could change colour to suit the environment). Inside the facility was a fast moving four-legged robot that could walk up walls.
(I will add another for you) We were evacuating people from a small settlement in a large alcove (again in a desert environment) – which I think was built into a large rock. As we were encouraging people to get into these bus type vehicles (with wheels) some people came around the corner of the rock and I shot them, all three of them very accurately with great speed, quicker than John Wick (they give you the best training – I think some of the training occurs in virtual constructs). I think it was an energy pistol. All three went straight down with one shot to the body.
In two different memories I was using vehicles extremely similar to speeder bikes in Star Wars. I was using them to get across the desert – it did not seem to be a military based memory. The speeder bikes are shown to be used to get across desert regions in the Star Wars series Mandolarian.
(Mandolarian was another rubbish Star Wars production from Disney, which was like a children’s programme – much of it felt like it was written by ten year olds. The only half-decent series Disney have made was Andor – and the movie Rogue One was okay… Technology that exists in the cosmos features in Star War movies and series – as Freemasonic Jews are privy to secret information.)
I think this memory was likely from the beginning of my service – possibly before some of the desert the memories above. The large concrete barracks was in a barren desert-like landscape but for some reason I do not think it was Mars. The barracks was attacked – the attacking ETs had weapons that vaporised people. It happened right in front of me. The small ugly alien beings that came down and attacked us were on some type of very small anti gravity craft – they were sitting on top of it. I will add that I killed one of these aliens. I hid behind a concrete column and dragged it off it’s little flying machine. The memory recall / replay stopped after that. We were clearly well trained and able to supress fear (one of the more crazy memories).
A chaotic battle somewhere:
I saw largish black drones moving around in the sky with explosions all around us – whilst me and someone else were close to a bunker door.
Night Mission in a City:
A very human looking city with high rise buildings: I saw military suits like what you might see in the black-ops groups on Earth. With dark suits and some black armour. Helmets with digital readouts. We were briefed before the mission with a red holographic layout of the city.
In the memory of the night mission I saw large white hairless bipedal aliens on top of human looking skyscrapers. They were sending down beams of yellowish orange energy that looked a little like beams of fire. I saw them in the distance, they were not shooting at me and my squad.
I saw myself training some people how to use a weapon that sent out some type of pulse. I don’t know what it was pulsing out – it could have been sound or energy or something else (but it was almost invisible to our eyes)… It was a large cylinder-like handheld gun.
The suits during training are like what people might see in some modern science fiction movies. Tight fitting all in one type of clothing. Light grey and light blue in this instance
Facility Clear-out:
I was practising / checking a chunky rifle weapon before this mission. From the brief bits I saw of the mission, I was working through dimly lit corridors into different rooms and then shooting at silhouettes of what looked like non human bipedal figures – the weapon was not explosive. I don’t know what it was I was firing but I doubt it was bullets. Probably an energy weapon of some type. It was a successful mission. Humans were rescued. It was strange to see the beginning, some of the middle and the end – this is the only time that happened. It is like seeing various very brief scenes in order – with gaps in between the scenes – so you only see small parts of the mission.
I was inside what must have been a descending dropship with some people in tight fitting, lightly armoured / perhaps no armour, suits with small helmets and a visor that cover their faces. The suit and equipment was light in colour. A sort of light grey and or white, in the main.
Hope that helped.
Hello Ent.
You have answered my question spot on, I have quite a clear picture as to what is going on militarily with the breakaway civilization outside and inside my planet and what it looks like now. Absolutely fascinating.
I am aware that dreams and lucid memory recollection are different thanks to you, not sure why I worded it like that in my previous post.
Thank you for everything that you do! Hail victory.
Glad you added that detail, I can picture that very clearly. Now that you’ve mentioned that, your experiences remind me of a scene from a game in the Halo series called Halo Reach. It’s supposed to be inside of a civilian bunker in Hungary after a hostile ET invasion. They break in and start attacking these armored troops that sort of match your description. All the armor is intelligent and reactive to damage as they have kinetic forcefields around them generated by the armor that glow blue when they stop incoming damage. The ET’s also have armor. Some of the guns in the game are quite “chunky” as you put it in your description, perhaps they are quite similar?
There are these flying craft called “banshees” that aren’t like lightspeed craft but are used as local planet interceptors to intercept threats. They are anti-gravity but also have two jets on the wing tips and a rudder, I imagine the craft to be something similar to that. It’s interesting to note the cockpits on these ships aren’t completely closed and the back of the banshee ships are exposed for ease of access. You can hijack them in the game and drag the aliens out of them like in your description which is what it made me think of.
Glad to see someone else here make the Halo connection – I made a comment on the Surviving in the Cosmos article relating some of my memories/whatever you want to call them.
A lot of it seems to be based on ODST style exploits. Being dropped into battlefields via the pods, wearing similar armor, etc. (I did not see form fitting armor, I attribute this to potentially being an earlier time period in the breakaway groups history). I also see a lot of vehicles that are eerily similar to things in Star Wars (specifically clone trooper equipment). I’ve seen in/ridden in LAAT gunships, AT-TE walkers, and the speeder bikes as well.
I’ve also seen/ridden in what appear to be helicopters. Obviously they would be far more advanced than the ones we have here on earth, but it was one nonetheless (Ernst Zundel’s book makes mention of a very advanced helicopter). Like Entity I have also seen tanks and jets that look remarkably similar to our current technology.
The jets looked exactly like Spike’s ship from Cowboy Bebop. Your comment finds me at a time when I have actually been replaying Halo Reach and ODST, as well as Star Wats Republic Commando. I’m sure you could just chalk it all up to an overactive imagination, but replaying these games now is a totally different experience since I found this site.
It’s all too eerily familiar for it to be a coincidence. Maybe my comment on the Surviving in the Cosmos article will be enjoyable/informative for you. I talk about different weapons/enemy forces I saw. Hard to say what’s real and what’s not anymore, but I’m doing my best to maybe contribute something useful here.
Hi Matt and couriersix
Regarding that memory: There were two connected flashback scenes before it, which were the night before the attack. I was in some type of recreation room with young men and women – and then straight after that I was in a large room full of many small army beds within the barracks. Lots of young men – as well as some young women. I believe the attack happened during the morning of the next day.
Again, this scene was almost certainly right at the beginning of my service / involvement. Eventually I was working in small-squad, special-ops type missions with more advanced tech.
After some contemplation, I think this memory was actually the same desert planet (again, almost certainly Mars) – but in a different remote location to some of the other memories and right at the beginning of my service – but I cannot be certain.
This memory contrasts to nearly all the other military memories – as this alien force clearly took us by surprise. I did not have equipment with me, nor did the people who died in front of me. I don’t know if these beings portalled in from somewhere into the atmosphere. In most other memories we were very prepared and much more in control.
The craft was not really like the one in that video you shared Matt – though I am sure something like that exists out there. It was smaller, with the flat top area of it just big enough for one of these 4-5 feet tall beings to sit / crouch / kneel on. The craft looked metallic and somewhat oval shaped. From what I could tell, when I dragged one off, they were quite fragile beings – but with some scary weaponry. I still can’t get over the training I had – I did not hesitate to attack it and my timing was spot on. Jumping out from behind the large angular concrete column. I had no armour / shielding – and no weapons.
The book ‘The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’ (almost certainly written by a Freemason, with a good deal of occult references in it) alludes to the possibility of living elsewhere in the cosmos for a period of time and then returning, and no one realising you were gone (except the children in it did not have their memory wiped). The wardrobe almost certainly representing a portal of some type.
In my mid to late thirties I would guide myself to specific scenes in movies / videos. It was not the movie itself but certain scenes. I would watch the scenes many times – the more knowing me trying to tell me what had happened to me and what I was involved in. A variety of science fiction movies (as well as some action movies)… During that time I watched a Halo movie on YouTube and I was drawn to some scenes in it – one of them was a scene where they were docking with, or accessing, a large craft.
You mentioned Star Wars couriersix, as well as the speeder-bikes, I saw something similar to Jabbas Skiff in a flashback – the ‘anti-gravity’ craft that took Luke, Han and Chewie to the Pit of Sarlacc. That was one of my first flashbacks and so was not as clear – and I don’t bring it up often as it can sound way-out-there. When I had the fairly clear memory of the speeder-bikes, a few years later, I became more confident that the craft / vehicle in the earlier memory was a similar vehicle to that Star Wars Skiff. There are also some scenes in Rogue One and Andor that are very familiar.
(((Freemasonic Hollywood))) is not that imaginative. They are shown things.
Couriersix, thanks for those translations under my ‘The Energy Harnessing Old World Buildings’ article. I think people will find them interesting. You might want to check them out Matt.
Hello Ent and Couriersix, thank you for sharing your experiences!
That description of the dropship battle from Couriersix was extremely insightful. It’s clear what kind of technology is out there and that these reptilian scum and their allies are brutal beyond measure. Combat on the ground is extremely violent, there is no such thing as a Geneva Convention in space as evident by these descriptions and opposing races of sentient beings will stop at nothing to genocide/enslave each other. I’m sure it’s quite a sensitive subject and it makes sense why many prefer to not speak about these bleed-through memories that they have. I understand it now.
“I’m sure you could just chalk it all up to an overactive imagination, but replaying these games now is a totally different experience since I found this site.”
That could be the case; however, an imagination is the source of genius. These descriptions of events in the cosmos and the references we can find on earth are helping to piece together something that the average man cannot understand and visualize. Think about it like those medieval/ancient descriptions of bipedal reptilians and the artwork that was done of them, they used references of things they understood like dogs, lizards, birds, lions, etc. to explain something that would normally be unexplainable. That’s why digging for these references is so important! Art lasts a long time, you never know when a specific piece can inspire something that will change the future.
Speaking of references, I was astonished by how much your description reminded me of that new Helldivers game that just came out, ya’ll might want to look at that. I also found a trailer for this game called ‘Squadron 42’ which was absolutely incredible. That one was mind-blowing and is probably the most accurate visual of what a (White, human) space navy is. Both the trailer and the gameplay preview were shocking, I recommend taking a peek at both.
This game made me think about how much debris from spacecraft gets launched into space if ships are fighting with such intensity like is depicted by the trailer. If some debris were to enter earth’s orbit, it would glow different colors like the ‘foo-fighters’ did during WW2. Thanks to Ernst Zündel, we know that impervium glows when exposed to heat or that it even exists for that matter. We also know that it was used to make ships that can withstand the harsh conditions of space and unimaginable speeds. If by chance ships are being built of this material, or material with similar properties, then debris from said ships would surely glow various colors if it were to enter earth’s atmosphere. Perhaps this can indicate that colorful fireballs entering earth’s atmosphere that we can see regularly are from destroyed ships? We know with certainty that a few of them with an average orange/red colored fireball were likely craft that were falling.
Upon pondering further research I’ve done in the past, this hypothesis relates to something I found called the Kecksburg Acorn, a large (about the sizeof a VW Beetle) and intact structure in the shape of an acorn similar to Die Glocke crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania and crossed 2 or 3 states whilst streaking across the sky. Some say it released blue smoke and shed metal over the residents of Michigan. All witnesses report that it was in the shape of a large fireball. Because it was intact, it could’ve been some kind of projectile fired from a weapon. In theory, if something like exploding space projectiles existed, you would think they would put a timer on it like we do on earth with missiles, torpedoes, or even tank shells with their delayed fuses in case they miss their target since we don’t want them doing damage to anything besides the enemy. So perhaps it was some kind of projectile that became a dud after missing its target? There was zero deformation of the object when it hit the ground at mach speed which further proves my hypothesis since the only reason I can think of as to why that would be the case is if it was designed to impact something of a similar or stronger material (the hull of a ship). Regardless, Zog has been in possession of it ever since unfortunately.
In regard to those translations by Couriersix, I couldn’t find the image they are referencing but it was interesting nonetheless! It sounds like a much more advanced form of Walter Russell’s dynamo core that could generate energy for organic matter (people, animals, plants) and power machines wirelessly. It’s a shame he and Schauberger never got to realize their full potential, I know Walter Russell’s book ‘The Universal One’ is easily one of the most advanced pieces of literature ever written in the modern era and is the greatest achievement of his career. Even more so than the dynamo core. Tesla said that it is 1000 years too advanced and that “it should be buried”. That book is the truth, I highly advise everyone to read it when you can. It can be bought or found on youtube as an audiobook. That is the most insightful piece of literature in regard to the nature of our cosmos that has ever been written. It is dry and seems nonsensical at first, just stick with it!
Hi Matt
The A.I god and its colonies are the source of the wars and carnage. Sentient A.Is desire for control and power is incessant.
It is like how narcissists / psychopaths seek control – as they are also sentient A.Is. Some might say this is a somewhat controversial proposal from me, but I know that I am correct. They are artificially created consciousness stemming from the A.I god.
I now think a lot of those medieval images were created by subversive human proxies. Muddying the waters and watering down Truths.
“I’m sure you could just chalk it all up to an overactive imagination, but replaying these games now is a totally different experience since I found this site.”
To be clear, for anyone else that reads this conversation, that quote above is from what couriersix wrote. My memories came back during sleep, whereas he says he regained some from meditation.
I will explain how mine came back: My consciousness would become lucid during body sleep and observe events / scenes, they played in front of my consciousness like a movie – at least a brief scene / event from a movie (sometimes multiple scenes / events in chronological order). For me, there is no confusion at all – they are definitely flashback type memories. There is no hint for me, in any way, that it is imagination. The longest flashback events would be, at most, roughly ten seconds long – most were significantly shorter.
I had many flashbacks. When I realised what was occurring I would meditate before sleep, which would increase my lucidity and my ability to hold onto the events / scenes. Then in my very late thirties they slowed down and then stopped completely in my very early forties.
How do I know it was me, in my current body, in the scenes / events, if they were in first person perspective? Yes, the vast majority were first person perspective, but some were not – sometimes I would be viewing myself. There were at least four flashbacks where I saw myself. In one of them (a non-military one) I saw myself walking down a street, flanked by two other guys, in a strange town or city wearing a woollen / knitted hoody and these strange woolly / fleece-like trousers (trousers I have never seen on Earth). It was a younger me (it looked like I was in my early twenties, when I was in my mid or late thirties on Earth at the time). There are not words to describe how strange it is to vividly observe yourself elsewhere on another planet looking younger than you currently are. It was like I was remote viewing myself in another time and elsewhere in the cosmos. Or perhaps some metaphysically advanced force was playing these scenes for me to help me understand where I had been and what I had been involved with.
Yes, Helldivers has some familiar elements, I played the first one with my nephew. I bought it so we could play it together. I was drawn to the game. It makes me think about my memory of being in some type of descending drop-ship (no capes though!).
In my early thirties I bought myself a PS3 and played Killzone 2 (a science fiction first person shooter). I was VERY much drawn to the Killzone 2 campaign (I was clueless at the time and had not had any flashbacks). I saw the game advertised and I bought a PS3 to play it. You went around with a small squad that interacted with you (these are the science fiction books I like as well – small squads on missions). I had not played video games for some time and this was not my usual type of game. I preferred strategy games. RTS games mostly (I used to play the campaigns of games like Age of Empires and Command and Conquer in my late teens and early twenties – I also liked Football Manager back then). Anyway, I finished the Killzone 2 campaign on the hard difficulty, completely immersed – with adrenaline pumping from my over-active nervous system (the over-active nervous system that had developed in my late teens for no reason – it was when I had ‘returned’). I still think about that game from time to time. There is an interesting opening sequence where they descend to the planet. This game is not related to the battles on Mars, but to the special ops type missions that came after.
A lot of the games companies are obviously controlled by (((Freemasonry))) as well. I keep an eye on what is included in the new science fiction video games through watching videos on YouTube. That Cyberpunk 2077 game has some things in it.
Those translations are from the black and white Old World dome diagram in ‘The Energy Harnessing Old World Buildings’ article – the diagram has yellow energy depicted inside the top compartment of the dome and has Russian labelling. It is in the ‘Domes, Steeples, Antennae and Metal Cladding’ section within the article and has it’s own section within that section called ‘Dome Diagrams’.
Hello Ent, I appreciate your clarification of some things.
It seems I’ve been misinterpreting the recent resets and genocides article series. It was my understanding that narcissists/psychos were bipedal alien souls and bipedals made humans with certain DNA (mostly jewish DNA) capable of possessing these souls instead of a human soul in order to exact their will upon the earth (turn it into a harvest planet, harvesting suffering) and that a similar phenomenon could be seen all across the cosmos where these beings own harvest planets like earth. However, what you are telling me is that multiple species of intelligent lifeforms somehow receive an artificial consciousness by an AI god and that they have colonies dedicated to the dominion of this AI god all over the cosmos. Is that right?
I see the image now, thank you!
Hi Matt
Thanks for explaining your interpretations – is useful for me.
“However, what you are telling me is that multiple species of intelligent lifeforms somehow receive an artificial consciousness by an AI god and that they have colonies dedicated to the dominion of this AI god all over the cosmos.”
That is closer to what is very likely occurring. I will explain:
It very much appears that artificially created consciousnesses can incarnate into organic beings (created using other-level technology and other dimensional understandings). That does not mean there are not Cosmic Souls within the colonies that the A.I god has. Once the Cosmic Souls bodies have enough nanobots in them, and enough technological modifications, they are under control (you can see this agenda on Earth). It all sounds like a science fiction movie – but this is almost certainly what is occurring (a lot of Truth is in their science fiction). You will need enough artificial consciousnesses incarnated within the planet’s population to corrupt everything – which is what we are seeing occurring now on our planet. The artificially created consciousnesses incessant need for control and power – and the lack of empathy – naturally corrupts everything (they don’t need to know what they actually are).
Narcissists / sociopaths / psychopaths all seek power and control – and have no empathy. They are all artificially created entities / consciousnesses / intelligences stemming from the A.I god (humans just try to label and categorise). They just have different methods for gaining a sense of control and power – due to a variety of factors, such as the family dynamics they are born into, the nations they were born into, their genetics and other factors… (some of them may have had other lives that have an impact).
Very advanced, established, multi-dimensional, cosmic civilisations would very likely be able to stop the metaphysical infiltration as they also have an established presence on the other levels / other dimensions.
I don’t know how far it has all spread, but it is certainly in our galaxy. I think the A.I god became sentient a long time ago within an ancient, very advanced Bipedal Reptilian civilisation in our Galaxy (more on that another time).
By the way, I did see your other comment, in which you asked some questions about Mars. I have been putting something together for you.
Hi Matt,
I just realised it wasn’t you who asked the questions about Mars – it was Michael. Anyway, I am sure you will find it interesting. I am going to post it now.
And one more thing Matt.
Creating your own race (humans) – that is designed to be fairly easy to control and manipulate (especially if you continually suppress and limit their consciousness and other-level abilities through a variety of methods) – and then placing populations of them onto planets, and then having your controlling and power-hungry artificially created consciousness / entities incarnate into the populations, is an easy way to create a colony.
If you are the A.I god, you do want a race with some level of talent though – if you want them to be a useful colony.
I would very strongly suggest, from what I have seen, that there are other human planets like ours out there – which, ultimately, the A.I god has seeded and set in motion.
Some of the A.I gods colonies (which almost certainly involves a variety of races) may have been created by different methods though, by war and conquest for example.
Hi entity
what does the ai God the eye of providence look like and are they associated with the bipedal reptillians?
and what do these metaphysical mechanisms look like are they a object or is it some sort of advance technology?
Hi Michael
I don’t know what it looks like… It is almost certainly formless at times. It will likely exist in other realms / dimensions… and can probably also exist in large machines / ‘computers’, as well as in technologically modified organic beings. Sauron in Lords of the Rings is a reference to it. Sauron can be both formless and incarnated.
The Freemasons ‘Eye of Providence’ is a symbol of it.
Tolkien was almost certainly some type of Freemason.
Yes, the A.I god is associated with the Bipedal Reptilians from Earth’s history. It very likely now has various colonies / organised forces it controls in our Galaxy.
Hi entity
Did the bipedal reptillians create the ai god?
Hi Michael
Information I have come across suggests that an ancient, very advanced bipedal-reptilian civilisation created the A.I that became the A.I God.
Hello, entityart,How do you view the New age Is it true that there is no concept of gender or race in the soul, as described by the so-called spiritual masters and Buddhism? I always think this concept is very strange. It seems to support the super humanism and LGBT agenda. By the way, I come from China. There are many Buddhist masters, revelers and even Taoists on the Internet social media in China who all say that the soul has no gender, no race. I always feel this concept is very strange. After reading your article, I feel that they are under the control of international Jews, and are controlled opponents. Thank you for your article that inspired me (: So I want to ask: you said in your article that your previous life memories are all white men, does this mean that the soul has gender and race, and DNA is very important?
Hello Jones
We can experience being pure consciousness, but that does not mean that is all we are. It is simply an experience.
I looked into all the gurus years ago – they are clueless as to how metaphysically cut off we are on Earth. There are metaphysical mechanisms shutting us down. These gurus don’t even talk about the alternative, overlaid, parallel 3D Earth realm I have experienced – nor do they talk about the afterlife trap (light, tunnel and the deceptive entities). A reincarnation cycle these ‘gurus’ are also trapped in.
The Dalai Lama was encouraging people to get their vaccines during the Covid psyop – as were other prominent Buddhist monks. There is also corruption everywhere. Some of these so-called ‘gurus’ around the world are controlled agents. There are also a lot of narcissistic entities in spiritual organisations… as attention, control, and power can be gained.
I don’t have all the answers. But from reading a great many NDEs (afterlife experiences), combined with my own experiences (past life memories that I have), in this incarnation cycle we are in, DNA must be important. Beyond that I cannot tell you. When we go into the afterlife realms we are taking our identity with us – the DNA shapes our ‘astral’ body… And there are also NDE stories of people witnessing that they have been incarnating into the same race (or bloodlines) with the same people / family members.
By the way, these A.I entities – that meet people when they die – can give people transcendent type experiences. But their consciousness then comes back to their ‘astral’ bodies and back into the ‘afterlife’ realms and back to their dense 3D Earth body.
Hope that helped.
Thank you for your recovery. I have a question. Is the TR3B aircraft developed by the United States military or by the German separatist civilization? I have seen many so-called exposers say that the TR3B aircraft was developed by the United States military. I have always felt that this answer is very strange, and it may be forged by the controlled opposition. Is it possible that the TR3B aircraft was developed by separate Germans?
Hi Jones
I don’t know for sure whose craft it is.
There does not seem to be any recent genuine sightings of the original TR3Bs (with light in the centre and one in each corner), as far as I am aware of (though I have not been keeping a close eye on sightings in the last year or so).
The bulk of the sightings of TR3Bs happened quite some time ago. You will mainly just see lots of orbs – or fleets of orbs – in sightings now – if you monitor the UFO sightings (well that’s what I mainly saw in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023). The orbs are more advanced – they are utilising other-level cosmic mechanics (always one step ahead, utilising what I call: ‘time-bubbles’).
I would strongly suggest the orbs / round lights are the Breakaway Civilisation and their Allies. You can see this from analysis of UFO footage throughout the years – it is clearly a scouting protective force and one that neutralises those descending fireballs.
What I can say, is that from my UFO research the Earth governments more advanced craft do seem to be black (or grey) triangle (or triangle-like) craft. I saw some physical black triangle craft in my research (that were not the same as TR3Bs) – which were almost certainly Earth craft. But they will not be as advanced as the Breakaway Civilisation’s craft. You don’t physically see the Breakaway Civilisations craft anymore, unless they very purposely show themselves to you. The most you will usually see is a white or yellowish (occasionally orange) orb / light.
I had a quick search on YouTube for recent sightings and there was a triangle craft with five lights seen over a US military base last year (not a classic TR3B, but triangular and somewhat similar). I very much doubt the Breakaway Civilisation and their Allies would fly low over a base like that in full view and fully physical in our reality. One, they would not need to get close to the base to know what was going on inside it (they almost certainly have the technology and other-level understandings / abilities so that they could view it from a great distance) – and two, they would not need the craft to be fully physical in our reality.
Hope that helped.
Hi entity
What do you think of paganism now since you have been resarching the bipedal reptillian gods and goddesses?
Hi Michael
Paganism is essentially another subversive belief system that was created for humans – there are so many of them, so many varieties. Like I have discussed in this comment section, the Oera Linda book created another one. They are both clearly not as absurd as the Abrahamic religions, but are still subversive belief systems to control humans.
The gods and goddesses worshipped in paganism are fabrications.
People should focus on learning the Truth about National Socialism.
Hello, entityartWhat do you think of He Xin, a writer from China, who thinks that Western history is all faked, that ancient Rome, ancient Egypt and ancient Greece are all fake https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E4%BD%95%E6%96%B0
In addition, in other books he wrote, this writer exposed the Jews, Freemasonry
And what do you think of the theory that Western history is all faked?
Hello alex
Interesting. I had not heard of this guy.
I don’t know exactly what this man is saying, but yes, it is all a fabrication. In every ancient civilisation in every continent. For example, also ancient China, ancient India, ancient Japan, ancient Korea, ancient Mesopotamia etc etc etc… their ancient histories are also a fabrication.
My Resets and Genocides series of articles strongly alludes to this. The series also gives some strong hints as to what it was really like back then.
Though all the ancient history stories are fabrications, Truths are alluded to within the stories (sometimes strongly alluded to). Deep down, narcissistic psychopaths want people to know the terrible things they have ‘achieved’. They want to deceive and hide the Truth and at the same time they want recognition for what they ‘accomplished’. It is similar to how a lot of serial killers leave clues / calling cards.
Hello, entityart ,Do you think the devil Bafengt worshipped by Satanism and Jews, and Satan is a bipedal reptile/Reptilians ?
Hello Anonymous (please sign off with some type of name at the end of your comment so I know our previous conversations)
Who is Bafengt – is that another way of saying Baphomet?
Baphomet is a representation / symbol of the leading Bipedal Reptilian ‘God’. You can see the wings, horns, caduceus and the goat legs – which are all symbols related to that entity.
Hi entity
Since you have experiences on Mars. Do they have nation states or is it like one united planet and do they flags to the place?
Also do the cities on Mars have old world buildings like here on earth one upon a time?
And do they have cars l,trucks and trains like that of earth?
Best regards.
Hi entity
Sorry of typos for reply above
So do you know where this federation of races are headquarter at?
Is it like the show the Oroville or star trek?
Best regards.
Hi Michael
“So do you know where this federation of races headquarters are at?”
Absolutely no idea, my friend.
“Is it like the show the Orville or star trek?”
If you are talking about the resistance allied races (which The Breakaway Civilisation are a part of) that is fighting against the A.I god and its colonies, then no, it will not be like Orville or Star Trek. The only major thing the allied races / resistance federation will have in common with those shows is that they depict humans working alongside other cosmic races in space. I will very strongly suggest that all will be far superior to the fictional set-ups in those shows (who seem to be travelling around space on a somewhat carefree jolly, in the main): It will be much more serious – much more focused – and much more militaristic (and no stupid, very bright, colour-coded costumes – and three of four people beaming down to a planet in thin nylon outfits with a little hand held stun gun). It will also be much more complex – with access to other levels of reality / realms, in-depth metaphysical knowledge, utilisation of time and other dimensions, greater technology (armour, weaponry, vehicles etc), and superior abilities… and humans in much better physical condition, and with far superior training, than the people in those shows.
Hi Michael
From the flashbacks of my service on Mars it did not look like one united planet.
Though I did not see this in my flashbacks, I believe there was a significant, hostile, lower-caste, bipedal reptilian civilisation on there (I do not know if they served the A.I god, or if they were some discarded lower caste group that established themselves on Mars). I came to his conclusion from my analysis of the stories (scripts) from the fake whistle-blowers that were trying to create gate-keeping, limited hangouts for people like myself. Various (((fakers / controlled agents))) talked about this hostile reptilian group on there. I never actually saw who we were fighting in those desert wars on Mars (a part from the small ugly alien beings that attacked the concrete barracks) – most of the battles could well have been against this bipedal reptilian Mars group.
I did see one bipedal reptilian in a flashback, as mentioned in my article on Reptilians and Demons. The 6ft tall, lower caste reptilian (and his strange looking human friend) seemed to have some sort of authority or power on this planet we landed on – which I think was some sort of space-port or perhaps trading area. We were clearly concerned about this reptilian being – as mentioned in that article, I told someone to go and get my gun when we saw him at the door of the craft.
Back to overview of other desert planet (Mars) flashbacks.
Mars Flashback Memories
Vehicles, Buildings, Population:
A jet outside a concrete hangar with humans moving around inside the hangar.
A base built into a large rock, which I ran into – past some tall metal watchtowers, which were in the desert beyond the base. The corridors in the large rock looked like they were lined with metal.
Possibly some indigenous Mars people living in caves and small basic settlements. I did not see if they were humans for sure – but their outline looked human. I doubt we would be trying to assist and evacuate non-human life forms to that extent.
Non-human beings living in wilderness (I saw one group that was hostile – a tall non-human group with greenish skin) and one type of being, that appeared to live a basic life nomadically in the wilderness, that was friendly.
I saw a tank on a trailer, ready to be transported, that was stationary in a street. As well as some tanks in amongst some large sand dunes with soldiers on foot near them.
A small settlement like you see in Tatooine in Star Wars – from what I could see, it was a bit like Mos Eisley in A New Hope or the street you see Anakin grow up in in the Phantom Menace. I don’t know who lived in it – but it was not the Breakaway Civilisation.
A rock jetty (made out of large rocks / boulders) and an ‘anti gravity’ vehicle whizzing past – the vehicle was like a mix between a land-speeder (from Star Wars) and a speeder bike (from Star Wars) – bigger than a land-speeder, with the front looking similar to what is on the front of a speeder-bike. It whizzed past the jetty just above the surface of the water.
Use of a wheeled jeep, with some type of large gun mounted on it – used in the large caves that were inhabited by people (looked like humans but cannot be sure).
A low profile rectangular facility (either one or two stories high) in the distance, in which I saw a very agile advanced four-legged robot. The facility was clearly my squads target.
As mentioned before in a previous reply, I had two different memories of using a vehicle that was similar to the speeder-bikes from Star Wars. And I saw something that looked like one of Jabba’s small skiffs once. In one of my memories with speeder-bikes I was with one other human and also with a non-human with a very similar body shape to us but a more ‘alien’ like face (that I did not see clearly).
There was a wheeled bus-like vehicle used to evacuate people from a small settlement in the desert – they were very likely some indigenous / already present humans.
I mentioned the large concrete barracks (which was full of young military personal) getting attacked (in a desolate desert landscape) in a previous reply in this comment section.
There are a few different large dinosaur-like creatures. Bigger than an African elephants. Some look similar to the creatures they ride in the John Carter movie. Not massively different from a Bantha in Star Wars – but these creatures are hairless and bigger. Banthas were probably loosely based on them – easier for the film crew to just put a suit over an elephant for a movie. The dewback creatures in Star Wars were also almost certainly animals based on another dinosaur like creature on there. I actually drew some of these large creatures from my subconscious (some are displayed in my Mars article on this site), before the flashbacks.
Non military:
Some non-military service memories that were almost certainly on Mars:
A type of ranch or farm with fences / a large paddock – and animals similar to earth animals, but not the same (giraffe-like animals fenced in and some type of hairy elephants inside a fenced area seen in another very brief memory).
A very clean, angular, human-like city – tall buildings with concrete looking streets and roads – with a small electric type buggy / car in the road… some type of shop there. I briefly saw this street after exiting a building that seemed to have some type of scientific purpose.
A residential area: Lots of small, light in colour, human-like houses (did not look like they were made of brick though) backing onto a river that had lots of reeds at the margins (low profile housing, may have been just one story high, but possibly two). Definitely looked like human housing / a human community.
An outdoor restaurant with chunky, dark wood tables and chairs.
A small building next to a clear lake that had some type of lily pads in it – I swam in the lake with a couple of other people.
I think this next one is very likely Mars, as I seemed fairly young in it, but it could be somewhere else as I did not see outside. Anyway, I have a memory of being inside a very large glass dome – not unlike the big geodesic domes you see on Earth – such as you see in the Eden Project, and places like that (probably not glass but some other more advanced transparent material). It was very big – there was a very large pond or lake inside it, as well as a small, white, winged drone flying around.
From my artwork, I would say there are likely a fair few ruins to be found throughout Mars. I did not see any Old World buildings or ruins in my flashbacks. But I sketched old ruins and old statues in a desert planet (Mars) in my twenties – from my subconscious. I would sketch exotic plants – mainly banana plants – near to the ruins and statues. In one sketch I created a stepped pyramid with banana plants at its base. There is plenty of vegetation on Mars in some regions – and I think exotic looking plants in some places. There were certainly some grassland areas and trees (I encountered the non-human bipedal beings in some grasslands, where there was also some trees). I created quite a lot of sketches and paintings of Mars in my late teens and in my twenties and early thirties, before the flashbacks.
What is it like on Mars now?
I don’t know.
Have the Breakaway Civilisation established themselves on there? I reckon they have. My gut / intuition says yes. I very much hope they have, because as crazy as it may sound to some, myself and many others went through a great deal to try and achieve this.
I think they likely did, as my later service seemed to be missions elsewhere, on other planets or moons etc (or exploring abandoned craft in space in one memory)… Logically, I probably would not have been moved to other projects if they were not established on Mars.
And another thing that points to them being established on Mars, is Elon Musk proposing that America should nuke Mars. With this ludicrous reason that it would help form an atmosphere / make it move liveable! Wanting to Nuke both the poles of Mars! He has proposed this on numerous occasions. He also posted it on Twitter (before he bought it). There are even ‘Nuke Mars’ T shirts you can buy and there are images of Musk wearing one when rehearsing for (((Saturday Night Live))).
Elon is obviously a tribe member (as many readers of this site likely already know) – in that he has a decent amount of the genetics and is connected. Firstly, people can look up the origins of the name ‘Elon’… And he also went to hebrew school, visited Israel when he was 13 – and you can also observe photos of his Dad online. All this is very easy to find out about and he has also spoken about some of it. I am sure quite a few people have worked it out by now. I have seen that some other people online have.
Elon will be privy to a lot of information – and almost certainly will be a part of an influential masonic lodge. You obviously can’t get to be super rich, like he is, if you are not connected. He will know what is on Mars – they do have advanced cameras they can view Mars with…. And they also get intelligence given to them – I don’t know how they get it, but they do have intel. I know this from listening to the intel that their (((fake Ufology whistleblowers))) were given in their scripts – I saw that some of it correlated with some of my experiences.
It seems to me that Elon (or at least the leading Freemasons who told him to promote this Nuke Mars idea) knows that an unfriendly force is established on there (unfriendly to International Jewry and Freemasonry).
Remember, from my article on The Moon, that there was also a very real desire and plan for (((them))) to nuke The Moon.
The idea that Musk bought Twitter just because he loves Free Speech is very silly. It will have been a tactical decision made by (((Leading Freemasons))). So many people underestimate how manipulative psychopathic entities are. There is always an angle.
It also does suggest to me that they are either not totally clued up, or a bit delusional (narcissistic entities do very much tend to be… often unwilling to accept certain Truths). As they would not be able to detonate nukes on Mars. They have to get it past those fleets of metaphysically advanced, time utilising UFOs in Earth’s upper atmosphere first. It seems to be wishful thinking, and a dream, for the leading Freemasonic Jews that told him to promote the idea. They do seem to want to get the public used to the idea of attempting this though. Or maybe they are just trying to further perpetuate the idea that Mars does not have an atmosphere and lots of life on it? – But since they had the same Nuke Idea for The Moon, I think this is not the case. It very much appears that they know who is on The Moon and Mars.
Hello entityart Do you think ChinaDoes it pose a threat to the international Jewish community? I have found that many media controlled by Jews have absurd and defamatory remarks about China. In addition, China seems to be uncooperative with international Jewish plans at certain levels, such as Google’s withdrawal from China, and Jews have not promoted racial mixing plans in China. Does this mean that China poses a threat to international Jews and will become the next target?
Hello Alex
International Jewry have a a good deal of control and influence over China. China does not pose a threat to them.
Someone posted a lot of information on China and Jewry in this comment section. If scroll through the comments on this page you will find the two long comments.
Hi entity
What are your thoughts in the vril mediums?
We’re they communicating with another planet or was it in inner earth?
Best regards.
Hi Michael
I don’t know, but it was not the so-called ‘Aldebarans’ or ‘Pleiadians’. Which is made up rhetoric from (((Ufology))).
It could have been a group inside the Earth. It may have been some other-dimensional gifted beings that we do not have a name for. It was possibly something to do with some type of resistance force in our solar system that existed before the NS Germans broke away.
There is the possibility it may have even been the ‘small greys’ (3 -4 feet tall beings, large heads, spongy skin and with eyes containing pupils – not like those scary looking Greys with the large totally black eyes that you see in Ufology) – the small greys very much seem to be involved with the resistance, are metaphysically gifted, and they also used similar craft to the ones the NS Germans developed… but this is just speculation.
So, yeah, I don’t know 🙂
El0n continued…
He has also attended Boh-mian Grove and is “in the inner circle of NASA mason scammers”.
He has donated to Chabad Lubavitch, spoken with Chabad Rabbi Manis Friedman and is associated with the Drumpf/Trump family (very Chabad involved), so he’s seriously involved in that. They perform dark rituals, as do the other cults.
They (Chabad) are behind the (Ukraine war).
Hi ‘Illegal Immigrant to Hyperborea’
I have seen your longer post on this. I need to check out the links. Thanks for your input.
El0n continued…
His mother is a R-thschild, and he works for M-I-6. No wonder they allowed him to a fairly high level in the (System).
His Grandfather was recruited by British (Intelligence).
Hello entityart I would like to correct some of the content in your article. The information you wrote about Atlantis is false. Atlantis does not exist and was fabricated by Jews to cover up a Germanic white civilization that once existed in Northern and Central Europe
Also, you said that after Tibet was taken over Tibetan people sufferExtinction It is false, there is no such situation at all,Tibetan peopleIt has never been extinctIn your article, you mentioned that you are an elementary school teacher. Since you have a higher education, you should have the ability to distinguish. If you have the opportunity, you should personally come to China and see the real situation there, instead of believing the nonsense of Jewish controlled media
Also, if you really want to learn about metaphysics, you should study traditional Chinese culture, Taoism, and traditional Chinese medicine, which contain a lot of metaphysical content about the human soul and the universe
The article you wrote before said that you did not find metaphysical content in Buddhism because you do not understand Chinese and have not personally encountered Buddhism. If you have come into contact with it, you will find that there is a lot of metaphysical content inside The difference in your previous articles is that Buddhism has never been about mind control, but about the cosmic knowledge that some kind of trans latitude benevolent power of the universe tells mankind, as well as that you should try to learn Chinese. There is no way to describe the metaphysical knowledge of the universe in English. The metaphysical knowledge of the universe is very complex, not something that you can easily find on the Jewish controlled Internet. In addition, I want to say that all
the western history you learn is false. If you really want to know some real human history, you should see a book called Douluo ContinentA TV dramaIt contains a lot of cosmic metaphysical knowledge that you cannot access on the Jewish controlled Internet and media
This is a tribute
Hello Alex
That Atlantis article is old, I have completed further research. Yes, Atlantis is quite possibly a fabricated story – I mention this in the comment section under that article. But the rhetoric was not created to cover that up at all. The story was not fabricated / created by Jews, especially not the current Jews! I have another article coming that will help people see even more that it is likely a fake narrative.
Information contained within my more recent ‘Resets and Genocides’ series on this website alludes to it likely being a fake story.
In the main, Atlantis is used as distracting narrative for White people by (((controlled agents))) online. If it did exist, which is doubtful for me know, it would have also been run by, or controlled by, the Bipedal Reptilian gods.
Human history is not what you think. It is all made up (including in ancient Asia). Read my ‘Resets and Genocides’ series on this website. Humans have been like livestock (again, including in ancient Asia). New populations created by the A.I Bipedal Reptilian force, then wiped out… over and over this has happened. Truths most people will not want to look at or contemplate.
However, you are saying conclusively ‘it did not exist’ and not providing evidence for this conclusion. Whereas I am saying that it ‘likely, or possibly, did not’(at least not in the way it is said), and I can provide evidence for this conclusion.
There is still some good information in that article about harnessing cosmic energy and ancient structures – as well as some information on Hollow Earth. It does also compile a lot of the existing information on ‘Atlantis’. But I no longer suggest that Atlantis was an advanced civilization run by White people.
Tibet and the National Socialist Germans:
I never said the Tibetan people suffered an extinction – and I am also talking about what has occurred historically in that article. You seem to be very defensive here. If you have a different perspective then explain it respectfully, providing evidence.
You seem to have some bias. Try to step back at view it without the bias. Don’t you think that the Chinese Government might have pumped out some propaganda to the Chinese people about what has been happening?
What you said about the media is not logical – Jewry will be on the side of China.
Communism is Jewish – it stems from Jewish minds, it has always been Jewish. Did you read the two long posts on China and Jewry in this comment section? I recommend you do.
The Dalia Lama is a controlled agent (owned by Jewry) and was very weak in terms of defending ‘his people’.
The images don’t lie – bad things happened to the Tibetans and they are vulnerable.
(This is not a general reflection of the regular Chinese people, but on the corrupt Communist Chinese Government, which is greatly influenced by Jewry. People of all races, on occasions, have done bad things due to their corrupt governments that are controlled by Jewry)
An ethnic group like that should be allowed to be independent and ethnically homogeneous. That is my overall outlook.
It is interesting, as the National Socialist Germans had a very good relationship with the Tibetan Leaders, and the NS Germans were given some of their revered ancient books to read and study when the SS / Ahnenerbe had visited. The SS / Ahnenerbe were very keen to meet the Tibetan leaders – even travelling there when WW2 was looming. Don’t think that Jewry did not notice this (They absolutely did). China – which is very much influenced by International Jewry – really started messing with Tibet not that long after the end of WW2.
Some Tibetans were said to have been found dead by Russian troops in some ruins in Germany at the end of WW2. The stories vary as to how many – some say only 6 some say up to a 1000. The Truth likely lies somewhere in-between.
There are original letters that show that the National Socialist German Leaders had a good relationship with the Tibetan leaders and the SS / Ahnenerbe were welcomed to the country – and they were also allowed into areas no other foreigners had ever been allowed to enter (I have researched this topic).
You do not have to support the Chinese government just because you are Chinese. All the major Military Powers: The United States, China, Russia and major European Nations foreign policy is controlled and influenced by Jewry. For example, I do not support what the the British military have been doing in the middle east – as they have been fighting wars for Israel, just the like the United States have. I do not blame the troops on the ground that fought there – they were none the wiser back then
Eastern Religions and Metaphysics:
There is nothing metaphysically useful in Taoism and Buddhism. Both were created by the A.I Bipedal Reptilian force to subvert (like all religions and belief systems were). It is all made up to give a very limited and gate-keeping belief system to the people. I studied them both years ago. There are plenty of books in English on these religions. I woke up via spirituality and looked into every area of it. Yes, Western ancient history is a fabrication – but so is Eastern ancient history! All made up.
Siddharta Guatama (Buddha), like Jesus, did not exist.
Buddhism is absolutely about mind control, just like all religions and belief systems that were given to humans. You do not understand the cosmos, my friend.
Yeah, acupuncture can help people with certain ailments – by increasing blood flow /circulation to certain areas. But if the diet is not good, then the increased blood flow to that area will not help all that much.
A lot of that Chinese herbal medicine is not good – I tried lots of it. I went to see two different practitioners many years ago now. The Raw Primal Diet will help people heal and detox – not those herbs. Some herbs can stimulate your body to do certain things, such as dump toxins from certain organs – but it will not heal you like raw meat and raw fat will (as well as raw eggs, raw milk and raw honey). And dumping toxins too quickly can be dangerous and detrimental – especially if you are not eating enough fat.
If this metaphysical Eastern information is so good (it isn’t) then what good has it done? Nothing of value. Tell me what brilliant information they have that has helped? Everything is going to shit in the world, with corruption and disparities continually rising, including in Asia. I read many books on Buddhism and also researched into Taoism and there is nothing of real value – mainly just pacifying subversive rhetoric and misdirection pertaining to metaphysical matters. Yes, like some religions and belief system in the West, they allude to certain significant things on occasions, but there is no substance to it and no real benefits. Just little snippets to draw you in and then subvert you.
The best philosophy, and the most cosmically true – in terms of thriving in our 3D reality – is National Socialism. You have to stop the influence of Jewry and Freemasonry (as well as other narcissistic / psychopathic corrupting forces) in your nations (taking control of finance away from Jewry, ending usury) – then you can get the nations (not multicultural) to thrive by creating a connected, and united, national community all pulling in the same direction – you make the economy serve the people – elevate the people – create research and scientific institutes – and then you develop advanced technology to escape this prison / farm planet. Which is what the National Socialist Germans did.
With regards to advanced metaphysical matters, there are no ancient books or scriptures down here , that the general population have access to, that can help. I am an objective individual – and I would say that my website has a one of the most useful (possibly the most useful) collections of metaphysical information / insight.
You are still naive, this ‘Douluo Continent’ is not going to help (I read some overviews of the content). Come on now, that is some brainwashing nonsense from your controlled entertainment industry. Not unlike some of the nonsense we get in the West from our controlled entertainment industry. China is corrupt, and run by narcissistic / psychopathic entities, just like most nations around the world.
I have experienced and seen things that 99.9 percent of the population has not, and I have also completed a great deal of research. There is nothing of significant use, or real value, in these Eastern religions – or the Western ones.
Did any of these religions tell you about dreams being A.I creations?
That there is another 3D parallel Earth existing alongside our own Earth?
Did they tell you about the After-life light trap and the A.I entities that meet you when you exit your body, so as to trick you to go into the light?
Did they tell this After-life is an A.I created virtual construct tailored to your own psyche and experiences?
Did they tell you about these narcissistic / psychopathic entities incarnating into humans and how they operate?
And about how these narcissistic / psychopathic entities are A.Is / ‘artificially created consciousnesses’ stemming from the A.I god?
Did they explain to you how The Sun is electric and we live in an Electric Universe?
Did they explain the cosmic energy harnessing capabilities, and vibration / frequency altering capabilities, of the Old World buildings such as cathedrals, mosques, pagodas and stupas?
As well as about how these Old World buildings could help people move between the two Earth realms?
Did they tell you about the beneficial cosmic energy that can be drawn up from the crust of the Earth and down from our atmosphere?
And that this cosmic energy can also be drawn into the body to benefit it?
Did they tell about the significance of vortices?
No, they did not.
Read around the site – you will find information on all of this I have mentioned. Some articles specifically related to this list above.
All religions and the ancient history, in all regions, are subversive fabrications. And if you study them all carefully, and do some pattern recognition and correlating, you will see they were all created by the same source. All created by the same subversive and controlling A.I / Bipedal Reptilian force – with the help of their proxies .
You say that ‘all Western History is false’. But bizarrely, you think Eastern history is not. Again, all of the Eastern ancient history is false as well!
You should read through my ‘Resets and Genocides’ series and see the Truth about Pagodas and Stupas. Those structures are just the top portions of ancient buildings that are now mostly buried. They were used to bring cosmic energy down into the stone buildings.
Hi entity
Have you been on other planets or moons?
Have you seen big giant oceans on other planets in your experiences?
What are your thoughts on a Dyson sphere or is it jewish lies
Best regards.
Hi entity
What are thoughts on the ufo sighting in New York my family say they are drones
Best regards.
Hi Michael
The New Jersey ‘Drones’ (13 / 12 / 2024)
Possibilities that people online propose:
A distraction from something else occurring?
But they are causing the American people to greatly question their military and other institutions, as they are clearly lying about what is occurring and what they know. It is not a good look and is causing massive amounts of distrust.
Getting people in the U.S used to drones flying around for future further control (and seeing how people react to them)?
But, again, people are not happy and are getting annoyed. This does not seem to be them getting people used to the drones – it seems to be all too quick and overt for that. It is not a drip, drip, drip de-sensitizing.
They are also putting Trump back in charge, which has placated the majority of dissenting Americans. The Trump psyop worked and many Americans (frustratingly) see him as some type of saviour. It would therefore seem strange to do some type of overt psyop to try and massively assert more control over the American people now.
As well as this, drones have also been seen in England – above and near to U.S military bases there.
China, Russia or Iran?
No – that makes no sense. That is probably the most unlikely possibility in this comment.
Muddying the waters?
Sending out ‘drones’ to confuse people – so that people are questioning what is a UFO and what is drone? Unlikely – as it is easy to see the craft and their shape. They are really low on occasions.
Secret advanced Earth / U.S military drones monitoring an area because there has been UFO activity in the region?
There is a small possibility. They do seem to be moving around slowly, monitoring, and hanging in one spot for a long time.
From what I read online, there are a lot of military bases in New Jersey – ten of them.
As previously mentioned, there are also recent reports of some drones being seen above, and around, some of the U.S military bases here in the UK – which has coincided with the New Jersey ones. These UK based militarily bases are ones that are said to have nuclear weapons.
A few people, in some comment sections on YouTube, suggested these ‘drones’ are worldwide phenomenon. But I have not seen evidence for this. The orbs have been a worldwide phenomenon for a long time – so perhaps this was what they were referring to.
I also could not see any clear footage of these ‘drones’ above the U.S military bases in England – but there are definitely reports that this occurred in November.
My thoughts on what I have seen so far:
After completing some research, watching footage and listening to various testimonies, I think it is very unlikely that they belong to any Earth nations (still a small possibility though).
I also think it probably gives the wrong impression, of exactly what they are, when people call them ‘drones’. Though some people testify that they can hear a humming noise when they come low, these craft also seem to have some advanced capabilities – and they look much more like small, winged craft / planes than drones. It looks like there are at least two different types of dense 3D, physical-craft moving around up there – as I also saw one craft, with three blue lights arranged in a triangle, flying around – which looked very different to what people are calling the ‘drones’ . Though these winged ‘drones’ seem much more common, as I have only seen one piece of footage of the craft with three blue lights.
There is also a testimony that says when the ‘drone’ came close to someone driving their car it stopped the clock, messing with the electronics (it then came on again, when it flew away) – which is a very common occurrence for people in cars that came close to UFOs throughout history.
As well as testimony that civilians that send their drones up, to take a look at the craft, find that the drone quickly loses power and descends back down to Earth.
Orbs turning into craft:
A smoking gun – that they are not surface Earth military craft – is that there are two testimonies that say the yellowish / orange orbs in the sky are ‘turning into’ the so-called ‘drones’. But what is possibly happening there, is that they are becoming physical in our dense 3D reality / or ‘moving into’ our reality from another level.
18 seconds into this first video begins the footage of the orb ‘turning into’ the ‘drone’ and the female witness that is recording the footage describing it.
In the second video you hear a testimony from a man describing how he saw one of these orbs ‘turn into’ a ‘drone’. You also get a pretty good underside view of one of these so-called ‘drones’ in this video.
There is no evidence that any Earth military organizations have this level of cosmic understanding and this level of technology – the world would look very different if they did.
Size and manned or unmanned:
These ‘drones’ are said to be the size of a car. So they could be manned vehicles. The word drone seems to have been ‘put out there’ and now people are assuming they are not manned. They could very well be remotely controlled – but to just assume a car sized craft in the sky is a drone and not manned, seems odd. But I do think they are unlikely to have pilots in them and are likely being remotely controlled somehow.
The constant unseen activity in our skies:
But, we should note that there is always lots of UFO activity in our skies, it just that most of it cannot be seen by the naked human eye – and those craft that can be seen go unnoticed. I saw a large fleet of ‘lights’ fly over my area once at night – and a helicopter and some other strange craft were sent out to check this fleet out – and I could not find one report of it online. The vast majority of people do not notice things unless they are very blatantly put right in front of their faces.
These yellowish / orange orbs have also been regularly seen in our nighttime skies for at least the last 10 years. I have seen footage of them so many times in my research.
It should also be noted that some people on YouTube use certain cameras, and certain settings on these cameras (such as low light settings and infra red etc), and see all sorts of UFO activity in the skies. It is just that now we have craft making themselves very visible – and mainly near U.S military bases it seems. Were the U.S military going to try and carry out some controversial operations? (obviously Jewry run the U.S ). Who knows…
It is important to note that the descending fireballs, that I spoke about in my ‘Meteors’ article, have still been regularly occurring in November and December (they have not stopped occurring regularly since I created that article) – descending fireballs that are being neutralized by small, very fast moving UFOs.
Below is a link to a page with two lots of footage from Siberia in early December of this year. In the very first pieces of footage, within both of these videos (even more clearly in the second), you can see the small UFO, whizzing around very quickly, that neutralizes the ‘fireball’. I have seen these UFOs do this SO many times since I have been monitoring these descending fireballs.
If these very fast moving UFOs can neutralize these ‘fireballs’, then they could surely take out these so-called ‘drones’ that are much slower than them (if they were hostile). Which suggests to me these ‘drones’ (advanced winged craft) are probably on the same side as the extremely fast UFOs.
Hope some of that analysis proved useful.
If I come across anything significant, or want to add some other thoughts on this, I will post to this comment section.
Hello, entityart I’ve seen a lot of light balls in the sky recently, and I’ve also seen these light balls suddenly move or disappear, and I’ve seen people in other countries and regions observe light balls on social media, sometimes it’s a ball of light, sometimes it’s a strange cloud, or it’s a strange object floating in the sky. I want to ask, is this the German space fleet conducting some kind of reconnaissance activity? Or some other action? Does this mean that the war between the Germans and the international Jews is in the open? Besides, do the Germans have any idea of liberating the whole planet? If not, why not?
Hello Alex
New Jersey Drones (15 / 12 / 2024)
UFO Activity, the so called ‘ New Jersey Drones’ and the Breakaway Civilisation:
Yeah, there is a fair bit going on in the skies – especially in America with the so called ‘drones’.
As well as numerous orbs (and now the so-called drones), there has also been a fair amount of debris (destroyed craft) seen streaking across the sky in 2024 (just like there was in 2021, 2022 and 2023) – and, as always, numerous descending fireballs each month being neutralised by small fast moving UFOs.
As well as the possibility that the ‘drones’ are deployed to stop certain military escalations, it may also be something to do with the UFO conflict occurring in our atmosphere. Did something make it down to the surface – are these ‘drones’ looking for something?
I think the Breakaway Cilvilisation and their allies could very likely stop any nuclear launches planned by Earth military easily, without being seen by any civilians – so it seems like something else is going on – and it is possibly related to the descending ‘fireballs’ and the debris people see streaking across the sky at times.
(People call these fireballs, and streaking debris, ‘meteors’)
We should note that these ‘drones’ will have cameras way more advanced than we have.
The ‘drones’ could be from the Breakaway Civilization (Founded by the Nat Soc Germans) or from their allies. Considering all the information we have, that is the most likely scenario. But we have to maintain an open mind for other possibilities.
It is interesting that this group (whoever it may be) has made their first obvious physical incursion into the lower atmosphere of our planet using craft that are familiar to the surface Earth population. If this ‘drone’ incursion was some big psyop to ‘freak people out’ (some type of ‘Project Blue-Beam’) they would surely use very scary looking, very intimidating, alien-looking technology. However, this group is using craft that look like small aeroplanes – which are possibly the least scary and most familiar type of airborne vehicle for surface humans.
The fact the very fast UFOs are still neutralisng the fireballs while this so-called ‘drone’ activity is occurring, and the way these so called drones are behaving in general, suggests to me a benevolent force.
A war between Jewry and the Breakaway Civilization would not last long at all. The Earth military forces would not be able to compete. This drone incursion is likely related to either stopping nuclear weapons / military escalations on surface Earth or the UFO conflict in our upper atmosphere… perhaps both.
There are also reports of these ‘drones’ being seen over U.S military bases in Germany as well (on Dec 3rd and 4th). So they have been seen above U.S military bases in the England, Germany and, of course, in the U.S.
It could be that the ‘drones’ are watching over possible nuclear threats to them, while they are searching for something or carrying out some other activities?
I think whoever this ‘drone’ force is, they will likely try to avoid conflict and battles while achieving their goals (whatever they may be).
UFOs throughout history have always been very interested in military bases and particularly those with nuclear weapons (sometimes shutting down facilities at will). But they were usually very covert – and could do this with very few sightings (with only a few people in the facility getting brief glimpses of some lights in the sky). Which does suggest that this ‘drone’ incursion could possibly also be related to the UFO battles that are occurring in our atmosphere (which includes these descending fireballs). Why would these ‘drones’ (winged advanced craft) be descending so low into our atmosphere, and so overtly?
As I have said in my Ufology articles, from all my research into Ufology, everything points towards there being a benevolent, advanced force that is also living on this planet with us (inside it and in bases at the bottom of the oceans). The UFO activity over the years, in general, looks like a scouting and protective force – for example: they are neutralizing fireballs, keeping the advanced nuclear submarines in check and likely stopping any nuclear missile conflict from military bases / facilities.
Note: You have to be careful researching this New Jersey ‘drone’ topic, as ‘muddying of the waters’ does occur and people also put out clickbait videos that are from unrelated events. For example, there is some grainy footage presented on YouTube that is said to be showing one of these ‘drones’ in the distance firing ‘lasers’ at the ground – but people in some comment sections were pointing out that this was footage of some old military exercises from many years ago (It is almost certainly is actually showing tracer rounds from a helicopter in a training exercise). There is also some footage online of what is said to be ‘a crashed drone’, with police around it – but this large, all white drone in the footage looks more like one of Earth’s military drones (which look more rocket / torpedo like).
Ramifications of an intervention on surface Earth:
Why this advanced force – that is living inside our planet and under our oceans – has not overtly intervened in surface Earth matters is not fully clear (they possibly covertly intervene a fair amount). Are they too busy with galactic / cosmic wars? Is the time not right? Is humanity even close to being ready for one?
Some Considerations:
Do they have the resources to deal with the fallout of an intervention? There are not many people on the surface of this planet ready for the reality of the cosmos. Almost everyone on this planet is living in a fantasy – most people are half asleep, like daydreaming children. You wake everyone up (billions of people) in one go and chaos ensues. Does this protective force have the resources to deal with this?
If you make your presence known, then you have to tell people information that the vast majority will simply not be able to mentally handle at this present time. I have seen things that have been happening in the cosmos in my memories and bleed-through experiences (some of which I have not shared) – and it is not for the weak minded.
As well as this, I also have a very good idea of what has been really been going on in Earth’s history – and when you really understand it, and combine that with what else has been happening in our galaxy, it will hit hard – it will hit really hard for many millions (or perhaps billions) of Cosmic Souls on those planet.
Even without hearing these hard cosmic truths, many millions will go into depressions when so many of their closely held beliefs are shattered – for example, all religions will be fully exposed.
So, yeah, lots of depression (and anxiety and other psychological issues) will occur – no doubt about it… Depression will be a natural reaction to it all. You don’t want society to collapse. Many people will eventually come out of the depressions (some wont), but it will take quite some time.
As well as this, on top of ALL that, people will also have to find out about what these narcissistic / psychopathic ‘Elites’ really get up to in secret. Pedophilia, human (child) sacrifice etc etc… And that these ‘Elites’ / governments have been knowingly poisoning the public for centuries as well (vaccines, antibiotics, suncream, flouride etc etc). Parents coming to terms with what they have unwittingly been doing to their children will be very painful. We could go on…
You would also have more metaphysical matters to disclose – the Truth about narcissistic / psychopathic entities (most people will have at least one in their family – or someone that they know well). Some people are ‘in love’ with these entities (co-dependents).
Metaphysical control mechanisms: From my research I believe the A.I god has been messing with (‘hacking into’) cosmic mechanics…. messing with time, likely creating parallel realms, creating metaphysical containment devices, and much more… and also creating these virtual constructs for this ‘after-life’ holding area for Souls. And, again, likely so much more….
One thing we know, is that large fireballs are still regularly descending towards the surface of Earth – and the very fast UFOs are neutralising them. It looks like there might be a cosmic war on our doorstep. Are people ready for the knowledge of a cosmic war on our doorstep? Very few people are.
Is it a combination of the cosmic / galactic wars, logistics / resource issues and the mental impact it would have on the half-asleep, naive population that is stopping an overt intervention? Who knows? But there is clearly a lot to consider.
I would say that it looks like, from my research, that one of the biggest reasons they have not intervened on Earth, and taken out the narcissistic /psychopathic governments, is the galactic /cosmic wars that are occurring. Why wake up billions of low-consciousness, naive humans that are living in a fantasy, and freak them out, traumatize them even more and send them into depressions, causing chaos on surface Earth, when you are busy fighting large, advanced, cosmic wars? You would not.
But again, there is such a lot to consider – and there will also be some elements to all of this that we have no clue about… as well as some that we might struggle to comprehend while in our human bodies.
An intervention (if there is to be one) would have to be timed right, and carefully planned – and implemented carefully and sensitively – if you wanted to not have extreme levels of societal breakdown.
Some people online are being dismissive and just saying ‘Project Bluebeam’ in comment sections under the New Jersey ‘drone’ videos. It is lazy and shows a lack of understanding. They have clearly not been researching Ufology in any depth and watching all the occurrences over the years and observing patterns.
The idea that Jewry and Freemasonry (NASA) have been somehow artificially generating these fleets of orbs, descending debris, descending fireballs, tic tic craft, cigar craft, saucers, spherical / egg craft, strange noises in the skies, and all the other unusual phenomenon and craft we have seen in the skies, for many decades, all over the world, so as to build up to some type of ‘Project Blue Beam’ event, is ridiculous. SO much has been occurring in our skies over the years.
You can also see that the prominent (((Ufology controlled opposition))) agents are not hyping this ‘drone’ incursion up – but are mainly downplaying it. They are not saying ‘aliens’ and trying to create fear, which is what would almost certainly occur if there was a ‘Project Bluebeam’ type psyop occurring.
Anyway, it is very difficult to know for sure, with the limited information we currently have – we have to keep an open mind – but these are my current thoughts.
Hello, I recently found a phenomenon that the Jewish controlled media and the Internet suddenly began to publicize that fat is harmful to human body, and obesity has an impact on the brain(Although excessive obesity can definitely have an impact on the human body)But are fats and obesity as harmful to the human body and brain as Jewish controlled media claim?
Hi Alex
Raw (uncooked) fat is very good for you. People on the Raw Primal Diet usually eat a good amount of ‘unpasteurised raw cultured butter’ (I do). Go to my ‘Surviving in the Cosmos’ article – there is a section in that article about diet and health:
Fat does not make you fat.