U Boat Convoy & Atomic Bomb – WW2 – National Socialist Germans – Breakaway Group

P 65 – 75  from the book ‘UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon?’ by Ernst Zundel et al

So we have seen Berlin fall. We have looked into the suicide drama, we have seen Hitler
leave Berlin for Denmark and Norway. We have double-checked every angle, even Hitler’s mind and motivation. We have traced his thinking back to as early as 1920 right up to 1945 and gleaned from his own book “Mein Kampf” and from his various speeches right up to the last days in Berlin and all are valuable insights, having a direct bearing on the solution to the UFO mystery.

Now we must follow the U-Boat convoy that allegedly has Hitler and Eva Braun aboard on its
secret underwater journey — to where? Will it be possible to break out of the ring of steel and fire the seemingly all-conquering allies have thrown around the crumbling Third Reich? The first indications come from a captain of the British Navy. His cruiser was part of a large allied force which engaged the Fuhrer’s convoy in a battle. The allies were obviously not aware of the significance of this particular convoy, but must logically have expected some isolated break out attempts by a select group of top political and military leaders from fast-sinking Germany. They had thrown up a virtual blockade around the entire North Sea, stretching from the polar region down to the Spanish coast.

The Fuhrer convoy was detected and promptly engaged by all available allied units in the general area, and with unexpected and devastating results. It would seem that the secret weapons, which Goebbels had spoken of in such glowing terms only a few days previous, were now put to use for the first time in an actual battle situation. The result, was one sole survivor from a British destroyer and it was from this, the captain, that the words were uttered: “May God help me, may I never again encounter such a force”. The report of the captain’s words was carried in El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile and in “Der Weg” a paper published by exiled Germans living in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Michael X in “We Want you — Hitler is Alive” mentions that the great mediaeval seer and prophet, Nostradamus prophesied Hitler’s escape from Germany, and in a submarine, and we quote him as follows:—

“The leader who shall lead an infinite number of people,
Far from their home land to one of strange manners and language,
Five thousand in Candia and Thessaly finished,
The leader escaping, shall be safe in a barn on the sea”.

But there is another verse, even more explicit, mentioning an “iron cage” — a clear reference to a submarine.

Wild beasts for hunger shall swim over the rivers,
Most of the land affected shall be near the Danube
Into an iron cage he shall cause the great one to be drawn
When the child of Germany shall see nothing”

The wild beasts are obviously the raping, all-devouring Allies, fording the Neisse, Elbe, Rhine
Moldau, Danube, that’s where it all ended in April 1945. Or did it?

Michael X also involved Donitz and the German submarine fleet, and speaks of a paradisical oasis in Latin America. There is even more weightier evidence of the submarine escape of Hitler and Eva Braun. On July 10th, 1945 a sensational news report made headlines around the world. (A world that was busy getting ready for the sell-out conference of Potsdam where a final stamp of approval was givento the Bolshevik armies allowing them to rape, plunder and drive from their ancestral homes, millions of Germans beyond the Oder Neisse line, who were now defenceless since the German soldiers, beaten, disarmed and starving were performing unpaid slave labour in England, France and America. The Soviet methods were even more indescribable than those of the rest of the Allies.)

A German submarine, of the latest design, “U-530”, had given itself up to the Argentine
authorities, but not before all scientific instruments and weapons on board had been destroyed. The U￾boat had calmly slipped into the harbour of Rio de la Plata. The Commander’s name was Otto Wermoutt. The world was stunned and electrified! What was a German submarine doing all the way down there in South America more than two months after the war had officially ended? Why had they not surrendered earlier?

The U.S. government immediately demanded internment and extradition of the entire crew to the United States. As per usual in Yankee dealings with South America, the colonial master whistled and the Latin dog had to wag its tail. In order to save face the Argentinian authorities “studied” the request just long enough to question the officers and crew about the why and where of their surrender unusual. Since Washington became very insistent, the prisoners were turned over to the U.S. authorities. Special planes had been dispatched to Argentina and the men were shipped off to the United States for interrogations. An icy silence settled over results obtained and also about the whereabout of the crew. Rumours have it that the entire crew answered all questions put to them with similar answers so that the impression remained that they had been prepared for this eventuality.

Apparently little useful information was obtained from officers and crew about the intended purpose and final destination of their U-Boat. However, the Argentinian investigators did find that the U-530 was part of a larger submarine convoy which was travelling entirely underwater and under strict orders to keep absolute radio silence, a measure usually employed only during extremely sensitive and highly-secret missions, for this type of movement risks the loss of cohesion of the convoy and therefore the possible loss of U-Boats and crews to the watchful enemy. Obviously, whoever had planned this mission was willing and capable of losing some boats. The precautions taken in order to safeguard the secret of the final destination are extraordinary.

It was later revealed in a news report that James Forrestal, then U.S. Secretary of the Navy, (who later supposedly jumped to his death from a 13th storey window while in the Walter Reed Army Hospital) had stated that the U-530 was chiefly a transport submarine and had only carried a few torpedoes. They were of a new type called “torpedoes-arana” or “spider torpedoes”. In effect, they were wire guided underwater missiles and remote controlled and they never missed their targets. Due to the devastating effectiveness of the secret weapons carried by the convoy, there apparently were few Attack U-boats in the convoy.

Two things, however, aroused the suspicions of the interrogators. The U-530 carried a crew of 54 men aboard. The usual German crew size was only 18 men. There were also unusually large food stocks on board. However, the real surprise was 540 large tin cans or barrels, all hermetically sealed and upon opening were found to contain nothing but cigarettes. This was especially unusual since all crew members turned out to be avowed non-smokers. Now what was a German U-boat of the very latest and very largest design doing, cruising around South American waters two months after the end of the war? And with a triple strength crew; carrying a cargo of nothing but cigarettes?

Photograph of U-530 after surrender In Argentina. Note “tin cans” on submarine — mentioned in text.

The average age of those 54 men turned out to be less than 25 years, with the exception of
the machinist who was 32 years old. The commander himself was only 25, and the second officer an incredibly 22 years young. (Photograph shows the extreme youth of the crew. Shown with them are the tin cans on the deck of the submarine.)

Extensive checks and cross checks were conducted by the American and the Argentinian authorities with the files at the German Naval Headquarters in Kiel, and another mystery was brought to light — there was no record of a Captain by the name of Otto Wermoutt as commander of U-Boat 530; he along with several others of the U-530 had similar mysteries surrounding them. Interrogation by the allies brought forth from Otto Wermoutt and his crew members the same response — “We are alone. We have no living family relations”. Apparently, their wives, parents, brothers, sisters and sweethearts had died in air raids or had been killed in some way or another during the war.

Soon the world forgot about U-530 and its fate and was busy listening to radio reports of the
sudden arrest of Rear Admiral Karl Donitz, whom Hitler had designated as his successor as military leader of Germany — significantly enough not as the new Fuhrer but as military leader of Germany. Donitz was arrested and with his entire cabinet was shipped off to Nuremberg for war crimes trials. Germany thus became a country with its entire government behind bars.

In the meantime, Allied Naval Intelligence Units were engaged in endeavouring to locate Hitler’s
monster submarines which had been built on the insistence of Hitler and whose success once led him to remark “I am of good mind to scrap all surface vessels — the future belongs to the submarine”. Not one single operational submarine was found. It was not until the surrender of Japan that a number were turned over to the Americans. Occasionally, stories were heard of mysterious submarines appearing and disappearing, mostly alleged to be of Soviet origin, or more often, of unknown identity.

On August 17th, 1945, five weeks later, another sensational submarine surrender took place and again at Rio de la Plata. A German U-boat, U-977 under Commander H. Schaffer gave itself up to the Argentinian authorities, and this, three months after the end of the war in Germany. This time the crew consisted of only 32 men, but this was still fourteen above the average crew number. It was soon learned that another 16 men, all of them married and with families in Germany, had been dropped off “on orders”, on the Norwegian coast. It would certainly seem that whoever was in charge of this operation was completely in control and knew the smallest detail right down to an individual crew member’s family and marital status. From the logs of both submarines, the U-530 and the U-977, it was found that they had left Kristiansund, Norway, on May 2nd, 1945; none other than the exact same spot where earlier reports
stated the Fuhrer had been taken after his departure from Berlin.

The fact that Captain Schaffer had waited another five weeks before giving himself up in the same manner and in exactly the same spot as the U-530 can only mean that he had waited, in the hope that he was to be picked up by a search party. He must have known of the fate of the U-530 since radio reports were regularly monitored. Captain Schaffer wrote a book about his experiences called “U-977” in which he supplies these details. “We were whisked out of Argentina with great haste. However, not before every square inch of the U-Boat, even floor boards, walls and corners had been painstakingly examined and probed for a trace of the Fuhrer — In the clear knowledge that the Fuhrer was still alive”.

Map taken from the Spanish book “Hitler esta vivo?” — “Is Hitler Alive?”, showing the Fuhrer
convoy route and the deviation of U-530 and U-977 (broken line)

Less well known, but equally significant, is the report supposedly originating with the British
Admiralty. On June 5th, 1945, five weeks before the surrender of the U-530, the 47 crew members of a German submarine had surrendered to the Portuguese authorities, opposite Leixoes, after they had scuttled their heavily damaged submarine. One can certainly assume that this submarine also belonged to the Fuhrer convoy. Time and direction certainly seem to coincide. Perhaps the submarine which had been abandoned had been damaged during the allied blockade force attack?


On April 4, 1944 at 4:40 a.m., the German submarine U-859 under Kapitanleutnant Jan Jepsen left Germany for a mysterious mission which was to come to an abrupt end several months later, at a place half way around the world. The unusually large crew of 67 men had not the faintest idea where they were heading. For several months they cruised around Africa then Arabia and India and finally they ended up in the area of Sumatra, Indonesia. During this time they sank some freighters and an Allied troop transport.

Just outside Penang in the Straits of Malakka, fate caught up with U-859. The U-boat was sunk
by a British submarine and most of the crew lost their lives. Not in itself an unusual event in wartime, and therefore soon forgotten by the world. Almost forgotten that is. One of the survivor’s mentioned on his deathbed, almost 30 years later that U-859 had taken a treasure to its watery bed. He insisted that welded into the bow and holds of U-859 were 33 tons of mercury, all in glass bottles and sealed again in watertight tin crates.

Since mercury is a very expensive item, even today, an expedition was organized to investigate the rumour. After months of effort U-859 was indeed located, and just where the dying sailor had indicated his comrades’ large steel coffin would be found. Divers went down into the shark-infested waters and started to cut open the hull with the latest of underwater blow torches. After several months of very difficult work the divers found large black tin crates which were hauled to the surface and opened with blowtorches. The dying man’s story was found to be true in every detail. Packed in neat rows, none the worse for their 30 years at bottom of the ocean was 33 tons of mercury.

Again the question must be asked, what was a German U-boat doing with an incredibly large crew of 67 men, carrying a secret cargo of war-vital mercury half way around the world? To where was the U-boat heading? For whom was the cargo intended? And for what use was the mercury to be put to? Obviously the British did not know the real mission of U-859.

The Mercury Treasure of U-859 after it was salvaged (above)

Here again, was that remarkable loyalty and discipline of the German displayed — this secret
had been kept for 30 years, almost unto death. It is interesting to speculate how many more submarines, similar to U-859, were on mysterious missions and to ponder as to where they now may be.

Still more reports of mysterious German U-Boats arriving in South America can be found in “The Avengers”, page 105, written by Michael Bar-Zohar, published by Hawthorne Press. Excerpts reproduced here.

Two more U-boats, according to reliable sources, appeared off an uninhabited stretch of the
coast of Patagonia between July 23 and 29, 1945. Two sailors from the Admiral Graf Spee, Dettelman and Schulz, who were sent to Patagonia by Captain Kay with several of their shipmates, later described their “mission.” They were lodged at an estancia belonging to a German-owned firm, Lahusen. From there they were taken to a deserted part of the coast and saw two U-boats surface. The Graf Spee men went aboard the U-boats and collected some heavy crates which they ferried ashore in rubber dinghies. Then the crates were quickly loaded on eight trucks and taken to the estancia, but very soon afterwards the trucks set off again with their load, heading inland. The rubber dinghies also served to bring about eighty people ashore, a number of whom were in civilian clothes. Judging by their manner of giving orders, they were obviously important people. They got quickly into cars waiting for them with engines running, and were driven off.

There has been a great deal of speculation about the size of the Fuhrer convoy. An assumption
can be made that it must have been considerable, for otherwise the loss of three boats, with large crews, would have prompted “rescue attempts”, an easy enough task in the quiet waters off the South American coasts during that summer season. If Hitler had indeed set up some refuge in South America, we might ask ourselves with how many people. No definite answer can be supplied but again, by deduction, we can arrive at an approximate number.

Perhaps unknown to many north American readers, is the fact that in Europe, there exists a
registration obligation for each member of a community. Precise and detailed records are kept of where a person lives, number of children, sex, age etc. and also place of work. Also noted, are details of closest relatives. In Europe, therefore, it is relatively easy to trace and locate anyone and at short notice. True, there was a temporary breakdown in the last few months of the war due to heavy bomb damage and the refugee problem, but conditions soon returned to the usual bureaucratic precision. The Allies found these exact records to be extremely useful in the job of ferreting out “Nazi war criminals”. They soon discovered that 250,000 persons had disappeared. Taking into account, casualties and deaths from all causes, this number of 250,000 has remained relatively constant and has been a continual source of speculation. To where could so many people disappear in densely populated Germany? Could the answer be found in a new “Third Reich” located in some far away place? Were select individuals withdrawn, over a long period of time, and re-located somewhere? Were they the “last battalion” to which Adolf Hitler referred several times In his prophetic speeches towards the closing days of the war? Are they the cream of the crop — saved for the day — that inevitable day when east and west shall meet in mortal combat and WE, as Hitler put it in several speeches, “will be the tip of the scale”? Will they hold the balance of power? How? With what? Will their Secret Weapons be the disappeared “Kraut meteors” the “Fliegenden Scheiben” or the flying discs? With what will they be armed? The death rays spoken of by Prof. Dr. Phillips?

* According to a Washington report at the end of 1955, the United States Air Force was then shortly going to test aircraft models whose appearance would fully correspond to the conception of the “flying saucer”. Secretary of the Air Force Donald Quarles has stated that these models are disc-shaped and able to take off vertically. They will do without expensive runways (see “German flying discs”)


The great guessing game as to whether Hitler had or did not have the atomic bomb can be
answered rather conclusively. The German scientists whom the western Allies scrounged together afterV.E. day who were working on the atomic bomb revealed they had reached a critical point in their research. They were part of the teams who had done research work near Berlin and at the Max Plank Institute. Later on they worked at Haigerloch, a little Swabian town in the south of Germany. The scientists were imprisoned after the war in Farm Hall, an English maximum security prison. Their rooms and cells were bugged with microphones. During the night of Aug. 6th, 1945, when the American A-Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the British “listeners” found out how far Hitler’s atom bomb had progressed. Apparently it was ready. Prof. Oppenheimer is reported to have said that the bombdropped on Hiroshima was made in Germany.

Germany first started atomic research when Hitler was sent a letter by Prof. Dr. Harteck. Hitler’s
order was signed Sept. 26th, 1939. Dr. Esau was put in overall charge. With the capture of Norway there was available to Germany a source of heavy water which had previously been lacking. Production was ordered to be increased by 5,000% at the heavy water plant at Vermork. This plant was the repeated targetof frantic Allied bombing raids and a favourite source for “commando raids”. Some were very damagingand did hamper Germany’s efforts. Apparently one tanker full of heavy water had not been accounted forto this day. It was presumed lost or sunk by a mine. An interesting question would be — “Did it get sentto some place else for later use?”

It is interesting to note that Hitler sent Field Marshall Erhard Milch to the Gottow laboratories near Berlin, where atomic research was also being carried out in 1945, to do an inspection. He also was given wide powers to supply the scientists with anything they might need. During the inspection Milch asked Dr. Werner Heisenberg: “How big would a bomb have to be in order to destroy New York or London?” Heisenberg told the Fuhrer’s envoy: “About as big as a pineapple, and we will have a basketful for the Fuhrer by Christmas . . .!” Heisenberg was later tried and the above statements were introduced by the allied prosecutors as evidence!

 Atomic Research Lab 

As a passing note, it may be of interest to the reader to know that America’s atom bomb effort
took 125,000 workers and cost well over two billion dollars. It was later betrayed to the Russians by communist spies, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Nobel, David Greenglass, Fuchs and other Jews.

Was Wernher von Braun and his staff of conventional rocket experts deliberately sacrificed to put America on the obsolete track of wasteful fire-cracker rocketry while the Nazis perfected the superior U.F.O.’s somewhere in South America?

Link to original / source article:

Ufology Explained – The German Breakaway Group – Psyops, Disinfo and Truths – Antarctica, WW2, UFOs, Technology
