Our Eternal and Infinite Nature










From: The Ra Material, The Law of One — P’taah, Jani King — St. Germain, Azena Ramanda — David Icke — Barbara Marciniak — Ishtar Antares, Aurora 2012 — Osho — Wendy Kennedy — Tom Kenyon, The Hathor Material – Michael Talbot – Jurgen Ziewe:

Introduction: I have had other dimensional experiences and out of body experiences, and I just felt and knew that I would never die – that we just go on and on. But the only people who were really taking about this were channelers – so I used their information to try and get feel of what it means to be an eternal soul. But I don’t trust channelers – I think the vast majority are psyops and controlled opposition agents – I wouldn’t trust anything they have to say about the Zionist New World Order agenda, geopolitics or extraterrestrials – they give some truth mixed in with disinfo. Anyway, here are some pieces of info that resonated with me. I also feel that all this promotion of an ‘Ascension event’ or a ‘solar flash’ is a psyop to pacify us – I think it is disinfo from Zionist controlled opposition operatives and disinfo agents. There is a link to an article at the end of this article all about the New Age deceptions.



“Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.”

– The Ra Material – The Law of One


“Each of you has at the heart, that fire of suns, that spark of creatorness that contains all that there is. And so, in a very important way, each of you is, beyond all changes, yourself. The you that was created before time and space, the only you that was ever you, the only you that will ever be you, you are unique. And truly are you precious and beloved to the Creator who values every distortion and seeming imperfection that has dented and banged you in the fire of learning and made you who you are. For you vibrate with a certain chord that cannot be duplicated, that is essentially you, that is most beautiful.”

– The Ra Material – The Law of One


“From our perspective the universe is infinite in nature, and by this we refer not to external space but to the inter-dimensional realities of your universe, and there is no single being in existence, from our experience, who understands and embraces all that is.”

– The Hathors – Tom Kenyon


“You are an infinite being and as such will continue to infinitely expand and contract. Never do you cease to exist.”

– The Great Human Potential – Wendy Kennedy – Ninth Dimensional Pleiadians


“Unless you know yourself as eternal beings, part of the whole, you will remain afraid of death. The fear of death is simply because you are not aware of your eternal source of life. Once the eternity of your being is realized death becomes the greatest lie in existence.”

– Osho – Love, freedom, aloneness


“That which is the Perfect One, that you are all supposed to be like, to aspire to, you see, creates an incredible dichotomy, because what you understand to be perfection is called a finished product. Indeed? You are not ‘finished’ and never will be and neither is anything else in this dimension of reality and, indeed, in any reality, because once a thing is finished it is no more. Do you understand? Everything is in an impetus of creation, is in a state of growth, of expansion. Everything, everything. Every cell in your body is bursting with creativity, it does not stay still. There is not a molecule which stays still, else it would not be. Looking at microcosm of macrocosm, does anything stay still? Of course it does not, and so that which you believe to be finished, perfection, that you are striving for, is nonsense. You think that when you are enlightened masters it will all finish? I will tell you: it will not! – because the dimensions of reality are infinite. The energy of First Cause does not stay still. It is constantly expanding, moving, else you would not be here and neither would anything else.”

– P’taah – Jani King


“Prime Creator began experimenting with creation a long time ago in this universe for the purpose of greater self-exploration, self-gratification, and self-expression. Prime Creator brought energies and essences of life – extensions of itself – into this universe and endowed those extensions with the gifts that it had. It gave willingly and freely of its capabilities. There are many other universes and many other ways of designing universes; this particular one was designed as a free-will zone in which all would be allowed.

Prime Creator said to these extensions of itself, “Go out and create and bring all things back to me.” This was quite a simple assignment, was it not? In other words, Prime Creator was saying, “I am going to gift you of myself. You go out and gift of yourselves freely so that all you create in this universe can understand its essence as my identity.””

– Barbara Marciniak – Bringers of the Dawn


“I am Ra. The experience of each entity is unique in perception of intelligent infinity. Perceptions range from a limitless joy to a strong dedication to service to others while in the incarnated state. The entity which reaches intelligent infinity most often will perceive this experience as one of unspeakable profundity. However, it is not usual for the entity to immediately desire the cessation of the incarnation. Rather the desire to communicate or use this experience to aid others is extremely strong.”

– The Ra Material – The Law of One


“In our experience of ourselves through all dimensions we remain unique individuals, and the higher dimensions of our being do not obliterate our uniqueness but rather present greater opportunities for creation.”

– The Hathors – Tom Kenyon


“The grandest possible truth is that you are, in every Now moment, no matter how it seems, in every Now, the Perfect and Eternal Expression and Extension of the Mind of the Source. It can be no other way. Each and every one of you is a Perfect Extension of Source. You are gods and goddesses smelling the rose of this existence. You, indeed, have created it all, this life, all life, every lifetime, every situation. You have created it all, co-created it indeed, and all of your creations are valid.”

– P’taah – Jani King


“The one intelligent infinity invested itself in an exploration of many-ness. Due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness. The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present.”

– The Ra Material – The Law of One


“We are an aspect of the infinite mind… and therefore we have the potential to tap into all of the infinite mind because, at our highest expression, that is what we all are. Everything. We are like droplets in an infinite ocean, individual to an extent, but together we make the whole, the sum total of droplets. Without the droplets there can be no ocean. The question, however, is this: How much of this ocean are we connecting with?”

– David Icke – The Biggest Secret


“All of the knowing is within you. You are not separate from that which you call God/Goddess, All That Is. You are not separate from that which is your light-beingness, your soul energy. This soul energy is likened unto a grand golden ladder or thread that exists through eternity. That is you, and you are unique. You are indeed a tone, a vibrational frequency with sound and color, unique, recognizable in the multiverses, each the most beauteous jewel in the crown of divinity.”

– P’taah – Jani King


“We remind you that Prime Creator creates it all, and it endows all things with itself. Just as you are seeking self awareness, Prime Creator is mastering this as well. It seeks to be aware of itself within all things and to endow the things that it is within with awareness that Prime Creator is in them and aware of its existence. The awareness is like a mirror going back and forth between Prime Creator and all creations, down to the smallest little bug or ant that crawls on the ground.”

– Barbara Marciniak – Bringers of the Dawn


“We are also players upon a stage. The stage changes. The acts ring down. The lights come up once again. And throughout the grand illusion and the following and the following there is the undergirding majesty of the One Infinite Creator. All is well. Nothing is lost. Go forth rejoicing in the love and the light, the peace and the power of the One Infinite Creator.”

– The Ra Material – The Law of One


“Fa-Tsang, the seventh-century founder of the Hua-yen school of Buddhist thought, held that the whole cosmos was implicit in each of its parts (and who also believed that every point in the cosmos was its center), likened the universe to a multidimensional network of jewels, each one reflecting all others ad infinitum.”

– Michael Talbot – The Holographic Universe


“Each of you, each of us within this group, each of those infinite sparks of the Logos, rest in unfathomable perfection drenched in a unity so profound that there is none to behold the light, but only the light. And this is your star being. This is your nature.”

– The Ra Material – The Law of One


“We view consciousness as one continuum, from the highest vibratory levels where non-duality is the reigning principal, down through the realms of light into the realms of matter. There are vibratory boundaries, for sure, but the worlds of matter are just as “sacred” as the highest realms of light and pure consciousness.”

– The Hathors – Tom Kenyon



“When you realise that you are not your physical body, but the infinite, eternal consciousness giving life to that body, your vision of yourself and your potential is expanded beyond measure.”

– David Icke


“You see, it is all eternal. As you come into the awareness of what you call seventh density understanding – that is merging with the All-That-Is, ascension as it were, then you may lower your vibration to experience the physical. You may also have experience upon other non physical dimensions with a bit of a lower frequency vibration. You may go to other realms, to other dimensions. You may create universes. When you have a consciousness that is part of the All-That-Is, that is ONE with it, that knows no separation from it, you may do as you choose, for it is omnipotent.”

– St. Germain – Azena Ramanda


“You know, the beginning of life is each and every now! It is eternally beginning! There is never an end. That is what is meant by eternal. Every step you take in your life, indeed, every brilliance you bring forth to reflect the divinity that is you, is merely another now. Chosen to be experienced, as you decide it, in that now moment.”

– St. Germain – Azena Ramanda


“The evolution of consciousness and the ability to house information is what allows one to come into the proximity of Prime Creator. Many people on Earth have felt that they have merged with God. They may have merged with a portion of Prime Creator that best suited their vibration at the time. The total vibration of Prime Creator would destroy the physical vehicle in an instant, because it cannot house that much information. Those that represent “God” to you are but a minute portion of Prime Creator.”

– Barbara Marciniak – Bringers of the Dawn


“Choosing this thought of ascension, of Oneness, of stepping forth into the eternal void, into the merging of the Mother/Father principle of life, you may also choose to simultaneously continue in one or another manner of density. For you are not limited! You are God! You are omnipotent! You are not limited to ascension.You may ascend and have limited experience simultaneously. That is what you call multidimensional experience. Simultaneously expressed as all the levels of awareness of that which be you, all the understandings of experience, all the expressions of your soul essence in different manners and manifestations – in myriads of form and fashions.”

– St. Germain – Azena Ramanda


“When you desire to transcend into an unlimited life, it is not leaving a lesser life behind. It is merging the lesser into wholeness, unlimitedness.”

– St. Germain – Azena Ramanda


“In a fashion you could say that the impersonal God Being is unknowable to all, except through reflection. And I am speaking about beings who are – in terms of dimensions of reality – far, far beyond this dimension. You could in fact say, that you may know the divine Source, through that which is emotion. That which is love, dear one, that which is lack of separation. That is the knowing of God.”

– P’taah – Jani King


“The source of energy, in whatever form it manifests, is simply the Source, the All That Is, the unknowable, dear one. We cannot give you a definition of God, except by the definition that all you need to do is look into the mirror.”

– P’taah – Jani King


“The moment we allow joyful anticipation to rule our hearts and lives we open ourselves to the present, and breach the great divide. We don’t have to wait for our big day to arrive. It is already here – now – every moment. Fear is not part of it, only joy and the ecstasy of the moment. We have nothing to fear, because reality is eternal, timeless and limitless.”

– Jurgen Ziewe – Multidimensional Man


“There is no end to life. You are not separated from your loved ones at death. In a way, you may say that with the absence of the physical body, the relationships with your loved ones are now enhanced because there is nothing standing between you, no impediment to true communications of the heart, no misunderstandings.”

– P’taah – Jani King


“There is never an end to love. When you have loved somebody, that love goes on to infinity, there is truly no separation.”

– P’taah – Jani King


“There is only now. And what you regard to be the future is limitless possibilities. You are limitless beings.”

– P’taah – Jani King


I hope this proved useful to you, peace.

Related Article:

‘Spirituality’ and ‘New Age’ psyops and deceptions – false philosophies and pacifying modes of thinking. The New Age Movement is mind control – that is run by the Zionists
