Quotes, information and perspectives, from a variety of sources, on ascension and multidimensional realities:
Introduction: I have had other dimensional experiences and really the only people talking about being multidimensional were chanellers- so I used their info to try and get a feel about what it means to be fully multidimensional – but I don’t trust channelers – I think the vast majority are psyops and controlled opposition agents – I wouldn’t trust anything they have to say about the Zionist New World Order agenda, geopolitics or extraterrestrials – they give some truth mixed in with disinfo. Anyway, here are some pieces of info that resonated with me. I also feel that all this promotion of an ‘Ascension event’ or a ‘solar flash’ is a psyop to pacify us – I think it is disinfo from Zionist controlled opposition operatives and disinfo agents. There is a link to an article at the end of this article all about the New Age deceptions.
I recommend this much more recent article, linked below, that I produced – for a much more awakened insight into spirituality and metaphysics on this planet:
Meditation – Fake or Limited Spiritual Teachers – Third Eye – Dimensions, DNA, Genetics, Nature
All these quotes below are from Fake Channelers and Subversive Limited Hangouts – some little bits of Truth as well as Disinfo and Half Truths.
“If you can be duped into believing that your physical life is all there is, and that even if there is life after biological death that you are confined to the will of some higher power, then you have been cut off from the direct perception of yourself that is multidimensional. Your life as a human being is both terrestrial, Earth bound, and Cosmic – meaning with access to the entire cosmos, and you are transcendent to it all. This is a vast reality; it is part of your multidimensional nature, and it is who you are. For most human beings the first step is to undo the lies you have been told. The other step is to have direct experience of your multidimensionality. Then it becomes not a question of faith, but rather an intellectual certainty.”
– The Arcturian Anthology – Tom Kenyon
Multidimensional Humans
Multidimensional humans are humans that consciously exist in many different places all at once. Humans are mutating, or evolving, into beings with the ability to flip from one station to another and to understand the grandness of who they are – that they do not end where their skin ends. Human beings do not end where the aura or etheric body ends; they exist in many different realities.
This is the age of the multidimensional self: the self who can move with awareness in many different realities; the self who can eventually bi-locate and disappear; the self who can move into fourth-dimensional consciousness – the perceiver, not the thinker. It is the age of the self who understands that the thinking portion of the self is very important but that it is not to be the CEO of the physical body; it is to be an advisor.
Intuition is the avenue that you are now being guided to cultivate, to bring about a marriage of consciousness. It is the marriage of the male aspect, which is logical, with the female aspect, which is feeling. It involves bringing them together to become one.
– Barbara Marciniak – Bringers of the Dawn
Higher Dimensions
There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions. This is not our experience. It is just that the challenges are different. The opportunities are also different, because you are not confined by the limitations of space and time as you experience them in your current embodied reality. This gives you greater opportunities for creativity and what we call “dimensional evolution.”
Dimensional evolution is the development of the ability to be aware of, and operate within, multiple dimensions simultaneously. The journey to this state of mastery can indeed be a long and convoluted one, because it involves living in a specific dimensional reality through direct experience. For instance, your current embodied life is—from the standpoint of dimensional evolution—an opportunity to master the third and fourth dimensions. It is also an opportunity to experience higher dimensions while simultaneously living an embodied existence. A life lived in this manner rapidly accelerates dimensional evolution, and this message is coded with multiple levels of information for those of you that have entered this radical way of being.
From our perspective, you possess a form that is human-like up through the ninth dimension. Each successive dimension of consciousness is subtler (less dense) than the one before it. For those who enter the tenth dimension, form, as you know it, disappears completely, and you become more geometric in nature.
When we enter the tenth dimension we become spheres. We are not the spheres that show up in photographs that some people refer to as orbs. True orbs, as opposed to photographic artifacts or hoaxes, are interdimensional beings that have spherical geometry. And if you look more closely these spheres will reveal complex labyrinths inside. The spherical nature of interdimensional beings is a commonality, and many different types of beings have this geometric form.
– Tom Kenyon – The Hathors – http://tomkenyon.com/hathors-archives
“You do not finish where your body finishes. You do not finish – there is no end to you. It would behove you well to think of this sometimes, dear one. You may touch yourself on the body, the extremities particularly – like feet and hands – and you may say ‘I do not finish here.’ And as you do, you may raise your hands outward and upward and wider, to symbolize that who you are touches everyone, every plant, every creature, every human, and many who are not – whether or not they have physical bodies themselves. Know that who you are goes through every dimension of reality and probable realities to infinity. You truly are most powerful you know. Beautiful too.”
– P’taah – Jani King
“Transiting into the fifth dimension requires finesse on your part if you are to accomplish the task of living your day-to-day life while accommodating this expanded reality. One of the future abilities of humanity, collectively speaking, will be the ability to live in third and fourth dimensions — meaning space and time as you currently know them — while simultaneously living in the fifth dimension where space and time are not experienced as constraints. This dual reality will offer humanity immense creative insights and abilities.”
– Tom Kenyon – The Hathor Material
“The new pathways of consciousness create new realities, new options, and new ways of living and being. That is why the collapse of your society is inevitable: It does not hold light; it does not hold the multidimensional possibilities; it holds you in limitation, and you are tired of that.”
– Barbara Marciniak
“We are multidimensional infinite consciousness incarnate in a physical body for a period of intense experience on the road of evolution … we don’t ‘die’ because we cannot die. Energy is consciousness and energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed into another expression of itself. When you realise that you are not your physical body, but the infinite, eternal consciousness giving life to that body, your vision of yourself and your potential is expanded beyond measure.”
– David Icke
“After hundreds of excursions out of my body with the mind awake, I have been forced to come to the conclusion that we live in a multidimensional universe, one which expands far beyond what we can see with our physical eyes – a world which is grander, more magnificent and which reaches far beyond the realms of imagination. A world where we can talk to the ‘dead’, relive our past lives as if they were happening right now, where our consciousness can expand to merge with the very essence of its origin. A world, whose substance and nuclear matter is so fine and subtle that it can instantly be moulded into anything we desire.”
– Jurgen Ziewe – Multidimensional Man
“Leaving our physical bodies with awareness not only helps us to experience and learn about multidimensional life first hand, but over time it can also remove our fear of physical death. Once we truly come to know ourselves as beings who can live separately from the physical body, we can approach life from a very different perspective and set priorities that go beyond the trappings of physical survival.”
– Kim McCaul – Multidimensional Evolution
“The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined, so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist.”
– Barbara Marciniak – Bringers of the Dawn
Earth’s Dimensional Shift
Part of this chaotic phase is the simple result of the shift from one dimension of consciousness to another. As Earth and humanity move from 4th dimensional consciousness to 5th dimensional consciousness — which is outside the constraints of time and space as you collectively perceive them — there is a tension between the old world and the new world. You are right in the midst of this.
As more and more people experience paradigm shifts driven by sudden leaps in spiritual understanding, the old world is undermined. The new world with its new cultural, political and economic presuppositions has not yet blossomed, so you are in a kind of no-person’s land where the old views no longer work, but the new views have not yet come into usable expression. So this is one reason for the difficulties you are experiencing in this dimensional shift.
But there is another more insidious element at play here as well. There are vested interests that wish the old world of domination and control to continue, and they are using every means at their disposal to insure it.
The type of control we speak of is so pervasive and so much a part of the fabric of your society that it is often overlooked — which is exactly what those who wish to control you work toward. There is no one person or group of persons responsible for this type of control. It comes from many directions and sources. It comes from sources you might never suspect including religious, political and economic institutions. But the attempts to control you do not end here. Many of the manipulative elements in your world are also coming from interdimensional and intergalactic interference.
But regardless of their source, the days, so to speak, for those who are trying to control your destiny for their own selfish ends are numbered. The shift from 4th dimensional consciousness to 5th dimensional consciousness cannot be stopped any more than the dawn of a new day can be avoided. The evolution of consciousness on your Earth and of Earth, herself, is in the midst of a dynamic shift and you are a vital part of it.
– Tom Kenyon – The Hathors – http://tomkenyon.com/hathors-archives
“From our perspective the universe is infinite in nature, and by this we refer not to external space but to the inter-dimensional realities of your universe, and there is no single being in existence, from our experience, who understands and embraces all that is.”
– The Hathors – Tom Kenyon
“It is difficult to explain this, to a certain extent, because it is beyond the third-dimensional experience. Basically, you are moving into the fourth dimension. When this move is made, you will literally form a new Earth. It will seem as if you have awoken from a dream into a world that is pristine and beautiful. Your skies are full of observers watching and waiting to see how you will do this and offering to give you assistance in doing it.”
– Barbara Marciniak – Bringers of the Dawn
How Extraterrestrial Observers Visit Earth
Some beings make a shift in their awareness and are able to fold time and space in such a way that they actually send a part of their awareness to be present here, although they are not here physically.
Other cultures and civilizations have discovered how to transport themselves by what you might call astral traveling and they are here in the subtler realms.
Of course there are other civilizations that have mastered the ability to transfer themselves physically, using what you would call a space ship, although that term is not really accurate in the way it is generally conceived. But it is a physical device. There are other even more esoteric ways, so there is a wide variety of means to get here to this quadrant of the universe. Since the news has gone out that there is something happening on this arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, much activity abounds.
– Tom Kenyon – The Hathor Material
David Icke – Dimensions
When we open our minds to the suppressed knowledge, we understand that the world we think we live in is only one frequency range of existence. As I mentioned earlier, Creation consists of infinite dimensions of life vibrating at different speeds. Think of the frequencies of the countless radio and television stations broadcasting to your area now. They are all sharing the same space that your body is occupying. You can’t see them and they can’t see each other because they are vibrating to a different frequency.
When you move the dial from one radio station to another, the first station does not suddenly stop broadcasting because you are no longer listening. It goes on broadcasting -existing -just as before. The only difference is that you are no longer tuned to its frequency. All the infinite frequencies of life and existence in all Creation are sharing the same space.
Most people call these different frequency ranges “dimensions” and that’s fine because people know what they mean. More accurately they are “densities” because the slower that energy vibrates the more dense and “solid” it appears. The faster it vibrates the more ethereal and non-physical it seems to be. Eventually it is vibrating so quickly that it leaves the frequency range – the density – of our physical senses and we cease to see it. The frequency range we can see I will call the Third Density or Third Dimension.
At the moment we are tuned to this frequency, the range of our physical senses, and so we can see it and touch it. When we “die” we leave this frequency range and our physical body and we continue our eternal journey elsewhere on another density or dimension. Our consciousness, the thinking, feeling us, is eternal. In the end all frequencies and all expressions of life are the same energy. We are each other.
This is the Law of One that the Illuminati Temple of the Sun has sought for thousands of years to suppress. Some extraterrestrial and other-dimensional beings know how to change their frequency so they can move between densities, appearing and “disappearing” as they move frequency, much like a radio dial. This is why people have reported seeing entities “disappear” before their eyes. They have not, in fact, “disappeared” at all.
They have left the frequency range that person can access. It’s the same with UFOs.
– David Icke
“In our experience of ourselves through all dimensions we remain unique individuals, and the higher dimensions of our being do not obliterate our uniqueness but rather present greater opportunities for creation.”
– The Hathors – Tom Kenyon
“We view consciousness as one continuum, from the highest vibratory levels where non-duality is the reigning principal, down through the realms of light into the realms of matter. There are vibratory boundaries, for sure, but the worlds of matter are just as “sacred” as the highest realms of light and pure consciousness.”
– The Hathors – Tom Kenyon
“Metaphorically speaking, you are like a vast tree, a Tree of Life, with many branches and many, many leaves and blossoms, and your current physical existence is just one of these leaves and one of these blossoms.”
– The Hathors – Tom Kenyon
“You are here because you desired to be so, but you are also a dream of the All-That-Is, a dream of God, if you like. You see beloved, there is not one answer really. There are as many answers as there are people upon your planet and then more and more. That is how vast you are, you see, because who you are is grand and multi-dimensional beings experiencing in every dimension of reality. It is merely that you focused on this one at this time and that is wondrous. However, your consciousness may expand to include more than this little reality. That is your potential.”
– P’taah – Jani King
Multidimensional Transformation
Who are these multidimensional selves? Many times you have been led to believe that there are other portions of yourself that are much more together than you are and that know much more than you do. To some extent that was true, and to some extent it is still true. However, you will find that in being the standard bearer of your soul, you will begin to activate data that is stored inside of your body that carries your whole history.
How will you know when these other aspects of self begin to show themselves? This can be very subtle, or it can be like being hit over the head with a two-by- four. It simply depends on the self. You may be sitting one day and find all of a sudden that upon blinking your eyes you are sitting in a different room. That is getting hit over the head with a two-by-four. More subtly, you may be walking down the street looking at a window display when suddenly a mannequin or picture or word triggers something inside of you; for a moment, you drift off and get a clear image of a simultaneous identity of yours-existing at the same time as you.
You will begin to discover aspects of yourself that exist nonphysically, or parts of self that exist as beings working in space who are truly space creatures. The soul is going to wake up. It will know every aspect of itself, and every aspect of the soul’s self will know of all of itself at once.
You will be aware of all realities at once as you learn to ride the vibrational rate and become fourth dimensional. You will develop this ability by first balancing three or four realities, then five or six, and so on. You are awakening Prime Creator’s abilities and will become your Prime Creator. Your Prime Creator’s goal in creating this universe and all other universes was to develop itself to such an extent and have so many multidimensional channels of data open that it – whose consciousness is in all things you know – could become aware of itself in all things, aware of every event that all things are involved in, and compute this and not go insane.
You are evolving that ability in yourselves. Basically, the part that you are presently going through is the toughest part because you are doubting and wondering if it is really real. The body says one thing and the mind says another. The body says one thing and society says another. The knowing is growing, and it is a knowing of what is awakening inside of you.
– Barbara Marciniak – Bringers of the Dawn
Grand Multidimensional Creative Masters – P’taah
Who you are, indeed, is called Grand Multidimensional Creative Masters. You are so powerful, so absolutely powerful. The power of you, each individual, is greater than any of your grand weaponry on your Earth at this time or any time that has been before or will come after. Every single one of you.
Look at the reality that you create every moment, including that which is called ‘holding together your physical embodiment’. If you were to step back from this dimension that you inhabit to look at how you are in your construction of your cellular body, so it is that you would see that every micro-second of your time, your body winks in and out. You are here, not here – here, not here.
What holds it all together, this homogenous collection of atoms and molecules that is mostly space that you call your body, that you imagine to be very solid? What holds it together? The God/Goddessness of you holds it together. The God/Goddessness, the God Light of you. The power, that power, holds the body together, creates the whole of reality that you think is so solid. You do it.
And you collectively, in what is called your morphogenetic resonance or what is the collective consciousness, agree how the universe should be and so it is. Well, you know, that is what you would call pretty powerful! It is awesome, your power. It is awesome, your beauty, and you do not know it really.
– P’taah – Jani King
Humans’ Intergalactic DNA
Depending on how you classify intergalactic DNA you can safely say that over twenty galactic civilizations gifted you with aspects of their DNA. A gift is, of course, relative to the one giving and the one receiving. What is perceived as a gift by the giver may turn out to be a burden to the receiver. This is the paradox of reality.
From this vantage point, you are intergalactic royalty, a unique hybrid of a biological primate conjoined with the DNA from very advanced beings. The codons of your DNA spiral operate much like internal and external responsive switches. Some of the codons in your DNA become active when internal biological processes occur.
Other codons of your DNA respond to external cues in the environment. Your intergalactic inheritance encoded in the form of DNA is responsive to cosmic triggers. It is as if these advanced intergalactic beings that gifted you with portions of their DNA programmed the codons to respond to future environmental and cosmic triggers.
When the codons were introduced into your DNA these cosmic forces were in your future. Now they are in your present, and you are being activated by cosmic forces beyond your imagination. These cosmic triggers are streaming into your solar system from the center of your galaxy as well as from deep space. Furthermore, your codons are responding to changes in your sun.
All of this cosmic activity is stimulating and activating your codons of intergalactic origin.
Your now has become your future. Your future has become your now. This mass activation of humanity through cosmic triggers is and will continue to release extraordinary latent potentials in human beings. Although you are in the midst of it, and likely are unable to see it, you are in the center point of evolutionary change.
– Tom Kenyon – – The Arcturian Anthology – The Arcturians
The Sacred World of Matter
From our perspective you have been encumbered by many of your religious and spiritual philosophies. While these considerations may seem abstract, in point of fact, these thought forms affect perception, and by their very nature they limit your experience in the worlds of matter.
Many, but not all of your religious and spiritual traditions, look askance at the world of matter. They say that heaven, paradise or some such version of perfected existence, lies outside of your experience as an embodied human being.
Indeed, some of them consider your physicality to be an error or a “sin,” and you are tainted by the mere fact that you have a body. While you may have distanced yourself intellectually from such beliefs, these thought forms move through the underworld of your culture. They affect how the bulk of humanity views itself.
If you consciously or unconsciously accept this thought form then you are bound by it, and there will be a tension between your transcendent aspects (i.e., your multidimensionality) and your embodied existence. This is an unfortunate situation from our perspective.
We view consciousness as one continuum, from the highest vibratory levels where non-duality is the reigning principal, down through the realms of light into the realms of matter. There are vibratory boundaries, for sure, but the worlds of matter are just as “sacred” as the highest realms of light and pure consciousness.
When you attain this realization you will have access to all dimensions of your being, which will increase your spiritual courage, capacity for deep insight, and creativity, as well as your healing/self-healing abilities.
– Tom Kenyon – The Hathors
Interconnectedness vs. Oneness
It is here we feel it necessary to discuss an important distinction between interconnectedness and the concept of “oneness.” We do not view these two terms interchangeably. There are many different definitions of “oneness” upon the Earth, and so it is not possible to address all the subtleties and distinctions.
We will instead turn our attention to what we consider to be the fundamental distinction. Some persons believe that interconnectedness is the same as “oneness” and that as you enter higher states of consciousness and higher dimensions of being, you merge into a blob of light, in which all distinctions disappear. This is not our view.
Interconnection or interconnectedness is the recognition that all beings and all aspects of the cosmos are interrelated and at the same time beings have unique differences. These differences are fascinating and unique. Sometimes they are annoying, and sometimes they are enriching. But these differences are part of the tapestry of manifest reality, and they are not superfluous.
One of the difficulties we see with the concept of “oneness,” as currently propagated by some persons in the New Age and Personal Growth communities, is that the unique differences between people are denigrated and somehow because everything is “one,” appropriate energetic boundaries between individuals can be, and often are, disregarded. Furthermore, some individuals use this belief system (i.e., “oneness”) as an excuse to avoid personal accountability and responsibility. In our experience of ourselves through all dimensions we remain unique individuals, and the higher dimensions of our being do not obliterate our uniqueness but rather present greater opportunities for creation.
– The Hathor Material – Tom Kenyon
All of the knowing is within you. You are not separate from that which you call God/Goddess, All That Is. You are not separate from that which is your light-beingness, your soul energy. This soul energy is likened unto a grand golden ladder or thread that exists through eternity. That is you, and you are unique. You are indeed a tone, a vibrational frequency with sound and color, unique, recognizable in the multiverses, each the most beauteous jewel in the crown of divinity.
– P’taah – Jani King
In nearly every situation that presents itself, most people ask the question “What’s in it for me?” And so that is their primary filtering. A few humans have grown beyond this attitude, of course, which is encouraging. Yet the masses are still unconscious in many ways. While “What’s in it for me?” is appropriate for certain levels of evolution, it is too restrictive for the higher levels of consciousness presently within your grasp.
– The Hathor Material – Tom Kenyon
Again, all above quotes are from subversive disinfo agents.
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