Mud Floods and Old World Buildings – (‘Mudflood / Tartaria’) Resets and Genocides, Part 5
(Part 5 of a 14 Part Series)
- Introduction and Misconceptions
- Mud Flooding – The Cause
- Excavations
Partially Buried Old World Building’s – Europe and North America – Ancient Mud Flooding:
- Case Study – Dodge Street., North America, Omaha Church
- Partially Buried Windows
- Castle Case Study – Hohenzollern
- Follies – National Trust buildings UK
- Windows, Arches and Acoustic Openings Turned Into Doors
- Depth of Old-World Buildings
- Cathedrals
Possible Evidence for 1800s Mud Flooding:
- Possible Mud Flood Images (1800s)
- Empty Muddy Streets (mid to late 1800s)
- Some Clearance of Mud
- Empty Cities
- Repopulating and Movement of People – 1700s and 1800s
- Muddy Streets with Impressive Old World Buildings.
Mud-flooded Asia:
- Stupas buildings / complexes
- Pagodas buildings / complexes
- Asian and European cross over
Concluding Thoughts
Additional Images and Info:
- Windows into doors
- Sparsely populated / empty cities and muddy streets:
- Excavating
- Mud flooding 1800s?
- Italy in the mid 1700s (c 1750) – sketches:
- Italy in 1890 (sparsely populated)
- Delhi, India – Empty
- Venice – Empty
- Toronto – Empty
- San Francisco – Empty
More Old-World Building Examples:
- Australian Old-World Buildings – comparison to others around the World.
- Shanghai (‘European’ style Old World)
- London Bridge (Single ‘Russian’ Old World building)
- England (Some famous buildings)
- Winter Palace (Partially buried famous Russian Building)
- Deep / Tall Buildings (A few more examples)
Introduction and Misconceptions:
I will refer to all this ‘baroque’, ‘renaissance’, ‘gothic’, ‘greco-roman’ – as well as the mosques, Asian pagoda and stupa-based architecture (and other variants of these themes) – as ‘Old-World’ architecture. It seems an appropriate phrase. This Old-World architecture that was not built by us, but very likely by taller (giant) humans, as shown in Part 1 of this series.
We dealt with the labels that have been given to the different types of Old World architecture around the world in Part 1 of this series, so I will just offer a quick visual reminder of some of the different types of Old World architecture from around the world.

Not all Old World architecture was so intricate and fancy, and not all were in isolated regions. In the cites and towns in the 1800s and early 1900s Old World architecture was everywhere.
The image below is showing a small town in Russia lined with mud-flooded Old World architecture in the late 1800s or very early 1900s:

Image Above: Some extra points. That building was not built in 1904, I am not sure what that numbers purpose is, but that is not when this very old building was originally built! You can also see that there has been some modifications to the Old World building on the right: See the cladding at the lower level and also observe the top part of some windows just peeking up above ground level on the right side of the building. Also obverse the huge windows at a strange height and the doorway that was created at a later date – you can see the remaining top portion of the original large window above the door.

Note how tall these Old World buildings could be.
Our cities have greatly changed since the 1800s and early 1900s. Whenever ‘The Powers That Be’ had an opportunity they pulled down / demolished Old World buildings, especially in cities and large towns. They want us to forget the Old World buildings that we used to see everywhere we turned!
Important note: In this article we are dealing with both the deep mud flooding that occurred in more ancient times, as well as some (possible) more recent shallow mud floods (muddy streets in some locations), which may have occurred in certain locations and were perhaps related to the reset that was completed some time in the 1800s.
I feel I must first deal with a few misconceptions on ‘Mud Floods and Tartaria’, as some people coming to this article may have researched these subjects before and listened to subversive, controlled opposition agents on YouTube:
First Misconception: For ‘some reason’ many so called ‘Mud Flood’ ‘researchers’ talk about a ‘World-wide Tartarian civilisation’ – and call all this world-wide Old World architecture ‘Tartarian’, which is totally inaccurate. It certainly looks like TPTB have got their controlled opposition in place to confuse and muddy the waters. As soon as any topic begins gaining a little traction in the alternative media controlled agents will be seeded, funded, assisted and promoted in the algorithms. I even saw that two of these so-called ‘researchers’ suggest much of this Old World architecture was built by The Moors… which is total nonsense.
I was not going to mention this until Part 14, but I will share some information related to this topic here:
In this series I show that the main bulk of this Old World architecture – ‘baroque’, ‘renaissance’, ‘greco-roman’, ‘gothic’, star forts, castles and certain types of pyramid complexes – were extremely likely to have been built by the White giants (To be more accurate: Built by the ancient White / Caucasian civilisation which contained humans of various sizes) that used to be dominant and very widespread on the surface of this planet. The Pagoda complexes (which are much bigger than they look, as the stone structures underneath the Pagodas are buried) were very likely built by the Chinese Giants, and Japanese giants. The ‘Stupa’ structures and other intricate Old World Asian temples etc, were likely built by the Southern Asian giants and perhaps also by the tall blue skinned Indian ‘Gods’ who used to live with them in ancient times (they were definitely not built by the small people who live in India and the nearby regions today). Siddhartha Gautama was very likely one of these ancient Southern Asian giants. The Old World Mosques and ‘Ottoman’ architecture were possibly built by the type of giants (dark hair and somewhat fierce looking) that we see as leaders in the Ottoman and Persian regions in some of the 1600s and 1700s art from those regions (You can see what might be some of their descendants in Part 3 of this series. We do not have a name or term for them). But in Truth it is not entirely clear which people (giants) built the large impressive Old World ‘mosques’ and nearby ‘Ottoman’ architecture.
Old World Architecture can be used as a type of key to show you which people lived where in the Old World before the takeover. For example, the ‘European’ / White / Caucasian Old World architecture (which included ‘Greco Roman’, ‘Renaissance’, ‘Baroque’, ‘Gothic’, Castle Complexes, ‘Cathedrals’, ‘Churches’, ‘Star-Forts’ as well as certain types of Pyramid Complexes) dominated North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and some of West Asia (As well as some other small areas of Asia).
Africa? Yes, Africa. You can still see plenty of the ‘European style’ Old World architecture in North Africa (Various ruins) and South Africa (Plenty of Old World buildings are still standing in Cape Town and some other locations), in case you were wondering about that continent – more evidence in other articles in this series.

‘European style’ Old World cities can be seen depicted on maps from the 1500s in North Africa, and many so called ‘Greco-Roman’ ruins are dotted around North Africa (As well as some castle and pyramid ruins). Not really ‘Greco-Roman’ though, that is just a subversive term made up by ‘The Powers That Be’. The so-called ‘Greco Roman’ style is found in so many locations all around the world. There are also old illustrations of tall White ‘Africans’ living in North Africa from the 1500s and 1600s.
There are many controlled agents online, particularly on (((YouTube))), purposely misdirecting people.
The Tartarians did not even control all of Asia, let alone the world! It was not even close to being a worldwide empire – at its biggest it covered a large part of Asia (most of it), it is difficult to tell for how long exactly. The majority of the Old-World architecture (perhaps all of it) was extremely likely to have been created by very knowledgeable giants well before the Tartarian civilisation developed in Asia. Again, there was no ‘worldwide‘ Tartarian civilisation. See Part 3 of this series for more information on the Tartarian Empire and the related regions and people.

Second Misconception: Many so-called mud flood / Tartaria YouTube content creators also say that this so-called Worldwide ‘Tartarian’ civilisation was subdued and partially destroyed in one big world-wide Mud Flood in the 1800s. Most of these so-called ‘researchers’ suggest the mud flooding all occurred in the 19th century… all of it (Again, not Tartarian, but various Old World, giant led civilisations that were extremely likely to have very good relations with one another before the takeover).
If you do the relevant research, you will see that there were most certainly severe mud flooding events in ancient times which swamped the Old World cities. You will also see that there has been a well planned systematic, incremental destruction of the remaining Old World / Giant infrastructure since those ancient mud floodings. This incremental destruction, since those ancient severe mud floodings, has been occurring for thousands of years.
To be crystal clear: The latest reset of this planet, that looks like it was completed some time in the 1800s, was not caused by one big worldwide mud flood in the 1800s. I also show this very clearly in Part 7 of this series (Old Artwork Evidence) where we look at a lot of old artwork. The evidence I present through the analysis and comparison of old artwork completely blows the notion of a ‘massive 1800s mud flood event’ out of the water.

There has also been the vitrification of castles / forts, the melting of building complexes, the complete obliteration of large cities (which created some of the desert regions) and there have been many so-called ‘natural’ disasters, such as ‘earthquakes’ and massive city-wide fires to assist with the moulding and oppression of the surface population and its infrastructure.
There have also been various large scale resets throughout the planet’s history (certainly throughout the last 4000 years) – some of which would have been targeted resets, which just targeted certain regions or locations.
So in this article, as well as showing the ancient mud-flooding evidence, I am also looking at whether there were any significant mud-floods that took place in the 1800s to assist with the creation of the 1800s reset.
In this article I will present some of the images that the ‘mud flood’ content creators use in their YouTube videos to try and convince people that a huge 1800s mud flood occurred, and that this event was the cause of all the partially buried Old Word buildings. I will use some critical thinking and put the images into context – which these people on YouTube, and on some websites, do not do.
It is important to note that there were many different types of disruptive events that occurred in the 1700s and 1800s to help create our most recent reset. My article on Comets (Part 10) will certainly help you see this.
It is also important to note that the muddied streets in Europe in the 1800s, that we see below, could have been the by-product of other targeted, disruptive / destructive events – as could the empty cities. We should also consider that some of the muddied streets in cities could also be the by product of other human societal activities.
All the articles in this series are very much related. But Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are particularly related. Read them together and see the correlations. You do need to correlate information from all these articles to get a good feel for what events occurred to create the 1800s reset.
Mud Floods – The Cause:
Here are some diagrams, from a few online sources, on mud liquefaction. These very large-scale, ancient, targeted mud liquefactions, that seem to have flowed into towns and cities at various points in Earth’s more ancient history, are very likely not occurring due to naturally occurring earthquakes – it is all very targeted and extreme. Unless we contemplate that this is being created by advanced technology then we will not be able to understand the mud flood / reset subject.
We are not talking about a water flood that leaves behind some dirt – as in water rising over all the land and leaving dirt or mud behind. But the mud in that particular location turning into a river of mud. This has been shown to occur fairly recently in some locations on Earth. The earthquake in Sulawesi Indonesia seems to have caused a very noticeable mud flood in a specific location. Soil liquefaction was also shown to be the reason for buildings falling or moving in the Niigata, Jagan earthquake. During the 1989 Loma Prieta (California) and Christchurch (New Zealand) earthquakes there was also some small amounts of documented liquefaction of the soil. But none of these recent events were anywhere near as large as the ancient mud-floods – they would have been very small in comparison.

“Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading. Liquefaction and related phenomena have been responsible for tremendous amounts of damage in historical earthquakes around the world.
Liquefaction occurs in saturated soils, that is, soils in which the space between individual particles is completely filled with water. Prior to an earthquake, the water pressure is relatively low–the weight of the buried soil rests on the framework of grain contacts that comprise it. However, earthquake shaking can disrupt the structure, the soil particles no longer support all the weight, and the groundwater pressure begins to rise. The soil particles can move farther, and become entrained in the water–the soil flows. Liquefied soil will force open ground cracks in order to escape to the surface. The ejected material often results in flooding and may leave cavities in the soil.
Whether and where liquefaction will take place depends on many factors. These include the degree of saturation, the grain size distribution and consistency at a site, the strength, duration, and frequency content of the shaking and even the grain shape and depth of soil. There is much active research into the mechanisms of liquefaction, because its effects can be so severe yet its process remains imperfectly understood.” –

These Old-World buildings we looked at in the ‘Ancient Giants and their Old-World Buildings’ article (Part 1 of this series) and the images displayed in this post, are incredible works of engineering, likely to have very deep foundations – they do not just topple. The mud likely just flows through the Old-World cities and towns, filling in lower levels of buildings (The Old World cities also had huge underground reservoirs and large underground rivers for energetic purposes) and then raising the ground level in the cities and towns. We are talking about mud swamping a great many whole cities in our planet’s history – which was mud flooding on a MUCH bigger scale than in the Niigata, Sulawesi, Christchurch and Loma Preita events shown above.
Evidence in this series suggest the deepest mud flooding took place a long time ago – at least 500 years ago from looking at the artwork available in Part 7 of this series, and likely a lot further back than that, when you consider when religions were created (we will discuss timelines more in later articles).
Exactly how this mud-flood phenomenon relates to the melting of Old-World buildings / complexes / civilisations – which has clearly been occurring in various locations (a shown in further articles on this site), is not entirely clear. But they were clearly two of the methods used by the invaders to break up the Old World energy harnessing networks, energy harnessing cities and energy harnessing complexes.
Again, these large, city swamping mud-floods were not natural occurrences. Another force has been creating them with some type of advanced technology – this force is exposed in further articles in this series.
Here are some of the most well-known images of excavation work that revealed buried, unseen and unused floors of buildings. A couple of them show buried structures that were discovered during road works.

Some places seem to have deeper layers of mud than others.
Partially Buried Old World Building’s – Europe and North America – Ancient Mud Flooding:
Case Study
Omaha: St. Mary Magdalene Church and the lowering of Dodge Street 1920
It is rare to see images like this. The official story accompanying images of the church excavations is that it was ‘underpinning’ work, though it clearly wasn’t. Large portions of Dodge Street were lowered – not fully lowered, but lowered.

Important Note: Look at that pointed arch above, which is circled with a yellow oval. That was never a door. It was originally an opening that was a long way above ground level. It is (was) an opening which would have had an effect on the sound frequencies emanating from the building. It is not a door but an acoustic opening. You will see these openings (often pointed arches) being used as doors many times in other Old-World buildings. You will see another one of these arches a long way above ground level on Hohenzollern Castle, in a further section below.

Important Note: This is very likely the excavation of mud from an ancient mud flood. Most North American Old World Cities were empty for a very long time and then repopulated in the 1700s and 1800s.
Partially Buried Windows:

Buried Castles:
The image below is of a castle / stately home that is mostly buried. We are just seeing the top portion. The stairway has been added and the ground / mud that was around the building after the ancient mud flooding has been shaped to a degree. We can see how low to the ground the windows on the left are.

Hohenzollern Castle:
Look closely at all the discolouration of the lower part of the main castle walls and the lower part of the outer wall. This is where the castle was previously buried. Excavation work has taken place.

Image Above, Hohenzollern Castle – an impressive ‘German’ castle. Most castles were built on mounds (Likely artificial created mounds with energetic benefits). This castle is surrounded by a ‘star fort’ wall (More on ‘star forts’ in a later article in the series). You can see that the lower levels of the main castle building have been buried by mud at some point. You can see the discoloration in the stone walls and the rust marks (Pink Arrow). Excavation of mud has occurred. The star fort wall also has some discoloration, and is deeper at some levels – it should all be as deep, or perhaps a little deeper, as the area the blue arrow is pointing to. Showing that mud has been pushed up against the outer wall and not all of it was excavated. These Old World builders were experts – they shaped, cleared and flattened land and these walls had an energetic purpose they would not have buried any part of the wall in dirt. Inside the ‘star fort’ wall the area between the wall and the castle has been filled in – concrete has been poured on top of some of the dirt that was left in there. The castle would have been as deep as those lowest parts of the outer star fort walls. We can see this, as there is the top of a tower poking out of the concrete (Green Arrow). This tower would have been the same height / depth as the ‘star fort’ walls. We can also the top of another fortification, wall or building pointing out a hill of mud at the bottom (Orange Arrow). It has been mostly buried. This shows that there were further walls or buildings around this castle that have been obliterated (melted) and covered by mud.
Important Note: The yellow arrow in the castle image above shows an arch window with a point just above the level where the discoloration and rust occurred (Like we saw on the Omaha church in a previous section). As mentioned in the Omaha case study, we can see in mud flooded buildings around the world these large, pointed arches at the front of buildings which are sometimes converted into doors – and used as the main doorway. When they are not doors at all. These types of arch openings on churches and cathedrals had some type of energetic purpose, related to sound and energy.
The castles would have had various additional walls, at different levels of the mound / hill, all the way down to ground level. The complex has been both partially melted (the outer walls missing) and mud flooded. The next article in the series – Part 6 -will delve into the subject of melted buildings and melted castle mounds.
This is one of my favourite parts of the deception. We humans have been in a trance. When you go to stately homes, castles or National Trust properties / grounds in the UK you will sometimes see a random small building in the distance, or in a very unusual, isolated place. These are ‘follies, apparently’.
Here are a couple of definitions of a folly:
“A costly ornamental building with no practical purpose, especially a tower or mock-Gothic ruin built in a large garden or park.”
“(Architecture) a building in the form of a castle, temple, etc, built to satisfy a fancy or conceit, often of an eccentric kind.”

Obviously, these buildings make no sense… and obviously, when you think about it, all of these small buildings used to be a part of a much bigger structure / complex at some point. They only make sense when you understand that they are the very top portions of buildings – some of them are clearly the top portions of of buried towers. You will visit the main castle or stately home and see these in the grounds, in distance. (All of these examples of follies are from Britain)
‘It’s just the whimsical eccentricity of the designers you silly goyim, move along now…’ – The Powers That Be
Doors that were Windows (or pointed arches / openings):

Below: Arches with a point like this were certainly never designed as doors. They are the openings / ‘windows’ that you find on cathedrals, churches and castles. You can see two of these have stairs up to the / ‘doors’ / ‘windows’. These pointed arches / openings would have had some kind of intricate pattern inside them originally, which would be related to acoustics and energy – as churches and cathedrals sent out healing sound / frequencies to the rest of city.

As shown above in the St. Mary Magdalene Church in Omaha case study and in the analysis of Hohenzollern Castle in Germany, these arch openings would have originally been at last halfway up the church. Way above ground level.
There are more images in the first gallery of the Additional Information section, that show windows and acoustic openings that have clearly been converted into doors – as well as the evidence of mud flooded windows (the top portions of windows poking up a above ground level).
Depth of Buildings:
I am not suggesting all Old-World buildings in Europe and North America were as deep as this, but some were and then became partially buried. In fact, we have no idea how deep most of them were. Also remember the very tall Old World New York buildings displayed in the introduction.

The Pennsylvania building above is clearly partially buried as well. The foyer / entrance looks so bizarre. Those short, squat arches are just the top portions of much taller arches. The Waldorf Astoria would have been partially buried as well.

The top portion (perhaps the top half) of a building. Notice the modified / created doorways. Acoustic openings would have been way above ground level (All are European Cathedrals). Acoustic openings are discussed more in Part 8 of this series.

Possible Evidence for 1800s Mud Flooding
Possible Mud Flood Images (1800s):
In this section I will be using a lot of images that ‘mud flood’ content creators use on (((YouTube))) that supposedly show that a world-wide mud flood occurred in the 1800s. They nearly always show images without context or dates. But I research the dates and context.

Image Above: The official story is that this image is documenting construction works in Marseille. This looks like a lot of rubble to me, and some of the buildings on the right look badly damaged. It perhaps looks like evidence for some type of destructive event, but not necessarily one that involved mud flooding.

Important Note: The North American and Canadian Old Word cities were very likely empty for a very long time before being repopulated in the 1700s and 1800. This image above is very likely clearance of mud from ancient mud flooding events.
Below is another image I have seen used by so-called ‘mud flood’ content creators on YouTube. But this is an illustration from 1550. It is also a cemetery. It could be muddy as a byproduct of a destructive event that occurred in the city or for perfectly normal reasons related to human activity.

Empty Mudded Streets (In the mid to late 1800s):

I clearly show you in Part 7 of this series, through comparing old sketches with modern photographs, that St Petersburg in the mid 1700s is the same depth as it is in our current time. There is clear evidence in Part 7 that no deep mud-flooding occurred in the 1800s in St Petersburg. The streets have become muddied for some reason though. A shallow layer of mud.

In the Additional Information section at the end of the article there is a gallery of photocrome prints of Rome in the 1890s (it is very sparsely populated), there are also a variety of illustrations from around the 1750s. There is also a strange image in a below section of ‘Santa Giustina In Prato Della Valle’ from Italy. View all the photos and sketches and you will see that something is not right. It very much looks like at least a few significant destructive reset events occurred in Italy in the 1700s and or 1800s (Likely quite a lot of events occurred in Italy, but we only have evidence for these two regions).
The Muddied Streets in Cities:
There is the possibility that some of the muddied streets in cities or towns in the 1800s are in some way due to the extensive use of horses in the cities.
The Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894:
“By the late 1800s, large cities all around the world were “drowning in horse manure”. In order for these cities to function, they were dependent on thousands of horses for the transport of both people and goods.”
“Morris points out that, by the late 1800s, large urban centers were “drowning in horse manure.” Not only were there no solutions in sight, people were making dire predictions:
In 1894, the Times of London estimated that by 1950 every street in the city would be buried nine feet deep in horse manure. One New York prognosticator of the 1890s concluded that by 1930 the horse droppings would rise to Manhattan’s third-story windows.
Horses are lovely animals, but when crowded into cities they cause a variety of problems. The 15 to 30 pounds of manure produced daily by each beast multiplied by the 150,000+ horses in New York city resulted in more than three million pounds of horse manure per day that somehow needed to be disposed of. That’s not to mention the daily 40,000 gallons of horse urine.”
If they were talking like this in the 1890s then it must have been a significant factor in earlier years as well. The horse manure factor has be taken into consideration when observing images of muddied streets in European towns and cities (as well as some other locations) in the 1800s. I am referring to the the shallow mud seen on streets, pavements and roads – not the deep, condensed mud seen at any excavations.

In the above image we can see the horse and carts and the muddy tracks in the road. If this was just deep mud, with no hard surface underneath, it would not look like this and the road would not be useable. Also notice all the Old World architecture lining the streets.
Clearance of Mud:

Above Image: This deep mud could have been from some of the more severe and much older / ancient mud flooding events. Just because there is excavation of deep mud does not mean the mud is from an 1800s mud flood event. I would suggest this mud is from an ancient event.

Above Image: Some people use this image as evidence for an 1800s Mud Flood (they provide no context or background information). When you do some research on the image you will find that the official story is that these are the excavations to create foundations for a new building – a Museum. That story could very well be lies, but excavation of mud in the 1800s does not mean it is mud that formed there in the 1800s. In fact, in Part 7 of this series I show you an image of Moscow that shows plenty of evidence of mud flooding effects at some point in the 1600s.
Empty Cities

There are plenty more images of San Francisco, Toronto, Venice and Delhi in the Additional Images section at the end.
Important note: Empty cities don’t have to be related to any possible mud flood occurrences in the 1700s or 1800s. Some cities appear to have been empty for a long time before this era (North American and Canadian cities for example) and some cities could have been cleared out in different ways.
A shallow mud flood would also not cause a city to lose all, or most of, it’s inhabitants.
Again, there appears to have been a variety of reset related ‘events’ occurring in the 1700s and 1800s – Part 10 of this series will help you see this clearly – but there is not much evidence for any large mud floods in these eras.
Repopulating Towns and Cities:
I have not seen anyone on (((YouTube))) use these 2 images of Italy that I display below. Probably because they are likely providing evidence of destructive reset related events that took place in the 1700s and not the 1800s.

Image Above: It looks like it might be people arriving to repopulate. It is a strange scene, with well dressed people just milling around / loitering – this time on some sort of wasteland. There could another explanation for this scene, but looking at other evidence we have pertaining to Italy I think this scene could be connected to a reset related event.

Image above: Muddied ground, as well as rubble on the ground, which suggest some destruction of buildings has occurred as well. I have highlighted the vegetation that has grown with red highlights. The city has been abandoned for some time and some people are returning. Or it could very well be that totally new inhabitants are arriving. More images of 1700s and 1800s Italy in the Additional Information section at the end of the article.

Image Above: What are these people doing exactly? Just milling around / loitering? You will see a lot of photos like this – in North and Western Europe and America, in this era of the late 19th century or early 20th century. Small groups of (usually) well dressed people milling around / loitering / looking lost, or without purpose. The cities often do not seem to be bustling cities with any real trade and industry occurring (There are some more images like this in the Additional Images section at the end of the article).

Image Above: I have seen this image used by ‘mud flood / ‘Tartaria’ content creators on YouTube. Though it looks odd, it seems to have a fairly simple explanation. A strange scene for sure, with an Old World Building surrounded by dirt and well-dressed people apparently queuing to get into this museum / building. But it does not provide evidence for an 1800s mud flood. It was said to be an exposition type event they were queuing for. Expositions and World Fairs were a common occurrence in the 1800s and early 1900s. Information about the Museum:
Siberia :
(Images said to be from 1898)
It looks like a reset related event may have occurred in Siberia in the late 1800s. There is also strong evidence for another reset related event occurring in Siberia in the 1800s, and it is discussed in Part 10 of this series.

Old World Buildings and Mud:

The area of mud flood research has been ‘muddied’ – no pun intended. Controlled agents are in place muddying the waters. It very much looks like various destructive / influential events occurred in the 1700s and 1800s to create the 1800s reset, but it was not one big mud flood. When you have also read parts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of this series this will be extremely clear to you. The real, substantial mud flooding events very likely occurred a very long time ago.
Mud Flooded Asia – Stupas and Pagodas
(Stupas and Pagodas are the very top portions of buried buildings)
Most of Asia’s Old-World buildings have quite a different style the White / Caucasian Old World buildings, but not that different. They work on the same energetic understandings. People with the similar knowledge and expertise built them.
In my Hollow Earth 3-part series we looked at stupas and pagodas. I suggested that they were ‘representations’ of energy harnessing devices. Bringing electric energy down from the atmosphere. They are not really representations though, they are / were actual energy accumulating / harnessing / amplification devices / buildings. They are just the tops of towers and the tops of buildings. The rest of the buildings are buried.
In the Hollow Earth series we also looked at how the cone shape and the bell shape were related to creating vortices and energy (as is the pyramid shape). As well as how buildings that consist of many stages, and or resonant chambers, can act like energy amplifiers: Irish Round Towers, Pagodas, the Ancient Egyptian djed pillar, and even the human spine, were designed to harness and amplify energy. These stupas and pagodas were created to bring beneficial electric energy (chi / prana / vril / solar particles) down into the stone buildings below them. We also saw that the dome buildings in Europe were actually buildings with a type of ‘stupa’ on top of them. There is much more information on the energy harnessing and amplification mechanisms of all the different Old World buildings in Part 8 of this series.

The stupas all over Asia do not make sense when you observe their locations and contemplate their official purpose. They only make sense when you know they are the top section of energy harnessing Old-World buildings that have been mostly buried. Below I will show you building complexes that are buried to differing levels. Even the ones that are less buried are still buried, and the large complex of buildings that were attached to them are also partially or fully buried.
We get told religious / spiritual lies about Stupas: About how they represent the path to ‘enlightenment’ and ‘the buddha’ etc. All religion was created to divert us away from the Truth about the energy harnessing Old-World buildings and the electric nature of our bodies and the universe. Religion was, of course, also created for some other controlling and subverting reasons – one of which is related to my ‘The Underworld and Hell’ article in this series.

Both images above are full of made-up religious nonsense about what Stupas supposedly represent. Stupas are energy harnessing structures situated on the top of a tower or building. As are the steeples and domes that are on churches, cathedrals and other Old World buildings around the world.
Important note: A reminder. These Asian buildings below were not buried in a 19th century worldwide mud flood (There was no huge worldwide mud flood in the 19th century). They were buried a long time ago – very likely in mud flooding that coincided with the melting of buildings. From looking at the old art – Part 7 of this series – it was certainly before the 1400s and likely a lot earlier than that. We know this as religion was created to explain away much of this Old-World energy harnessing architecture and divert us away from the Truth of the Old World Buildings original purpose – and some of these religions were created over 2000 years ago.
Just the Stupa showing above ground (The very top of a building or tower):

Stupa with part of the roof of the from main building showing above ground:

Stupa with roof and the top portion of the main building showing:

Stupa on top of building:
Myanmar ‘Stupa’ complex: Huge amounts of buried buildings seen here. Large complexes of once interconnected buildings. We only see the top portions of towers and the top portions of smaller buildings all around. So, to be clear, these are not just random stupas dotted around, but a large, connected complex of buildings that are mostly buried.
In the largest remains you can see the roof and the mid-section… but it is still partially buried, the rest of the building is underground.

Below you can see a ‘Stupa’ on top of a ‘rock’ mound. In reality it is the top of the only surviving part of a large building / complex that has been melted. The people painted the surviving ‘stupa’ white. In my next article in the series, we will look more at melted buildings. Nobody climbed up these large ‘rocks’ and built a ‘stupa’ in the middle of nowhere.

Just the pagoda showing:

The pagoda has a series of resonant chambers that amplify the energy collected by the antenna and brings that energy down into the stone buildings. The stone buildings / complexes that in most cases we can no longer see.
Pagoda and part of the roof or larger complex showing:

Pagoda and the upper portions of the main stone buildings that are underneath pagodas:
You can also see some smaller tops portions of buildings which were connected, and a part of a much larger original complex.

Japan: Pagoda, roof, some surrounding buildings from the original complex and the top of the main stone building:

Japanese Pagodas with the stone buildings beneath them. Again, still partially / mostly buried – there was lot more to these buildings. You will not see the main stone building when viewing pagodas in Japan and China, as they are buried.

As you can see pagoda complexes used to be huge, and massive stone buildings were under the pagodas.

The vast majority of pagodas you see are just the top energy harnessing mechanism of the huge original stone building / stone complex.
Asian and European Old-World Buildings Cross Over:
We have looked at buried Old World buildings in Europe / North America and Asia. Now seems a good time to show the cross over. White (Caucasion) Old-World buildings are seen in Asia – and Asian Old-World buildings are seen in Europe. Not massive amounts, but they are a fair few there.
It does look like the Old World White (Caucasian) Giant Led Civilisation was connected to the Asian Old World Giant Led Civilisations. This cross-over of buildings suggests to me that they had good relations.
Note: There are a great deal more ‘European’ style Old World buildings in Asia, than there are ‘Asian’ style Old World buildings in Europe.
‘European’ Old-World Buildings in Asia:
Of course, all of the images below show signs of both mud flooding (partially buried) or having the surrounding area melted / deformed. And the smaller humans currently in these nations did not build them.
I already showed you some of the dome shaped buildings in India and Thailand in a previous post (Part 1), here are some of them again:

Look at this castle below. It looks like it should be in Germany – but it is in China. Look at the size of it. You can also see it was a part of a bigger complex – you can see it is not all there – it would have had more layers of walls encircling it and many more small structures. Look at all the soil mounded up around the walls – the lower parts of the castle complex are missing. As you will see in further articles in this series, castles always had surrounding arrangements of walls – they were large complexes originally.

This image below shows the ‘European / White Giant Style’ Old Word buildings that are in front of ‘The Castle Hotel of Dalian’. This was a pocket of Old World White giant architecture that survived some reset related destruction. You can see the energy harnessing steeples and domes. The 5 feet tall Chinese people did not build them. They modified them and turned the castle into a hotel.

Again, this castle below is in China:

Churches in India:
(All partially buried / mudflooded)

Japanese (‘European’ style) Cathedrals:

Churches in Thailand:
All these churches below are obviously mud flooded / partially buried. Those arches (some pointed) are not doors – they are acoustic / energetic openings for the vibrations / frequencies – which are created by the ‘cathedrals’ or ‘churches’ large organs or bells – to spread out into the town city and to manipulate energy (See part 8 of this series on the Old-World Knowledge). These acoustic openings have obviously been converted into doorways. They were usually a long way above ground level, as shown in the Omaha and Hohenzollern Castle case studies above.

Japan’s ‘Eiffel Towers’:
Below you can see an old tower (like the Eiffel tower) in Osaka, Japan with European Old World Architecture surrounding it (where did it go?). And you can also see a type of ‘Eiffel’ tower in Tokyo in present day (Both are obviously designed to harness energy from the atmosphere):

Akasaka Palace, Japan:

In the Additional Information section at the end of the article, there are many more European style Old World buildings displayed which are located in Japan.
European and North American Pagodas and Stupas:
England, Spain, France and North America:
All partially buried – some are just the very top portions of huge stone buildings.

Look at this incredible image below. This building was in Paris. It is extremely similar to Ankor Watt in Cambodia. It was supposedly a part of the Paris ‘Exposition’ in France in 1931. These subversive ‘World Fairs’ and ‘Expositions’ took place all over the world in the early 20th century, as a mechanism to fool the public and an excuse to tear down many of these magnificent buildings. The Powers That Be said that they these built these massive structures for the ‘World Fairs’, and that they were just temporary… and the people back then believed the lies. Much more about the subversive World Fairs in Part 9 of this series.

Concluding Thoughts:
Mud flooding is just one aspect of the moulding of our planet by a certain technologically advanced force. In the next article of this series, we look at the melted and vitrified buildings around the world – as well as the desert areas in North America, Africa and Asia.
There is tremendous amounts of extremely convincing evidence for ancient mud-flooding events that swamped Old Word cities, and which greatly raised the ground level. This occurred all over the world. But there is hardly any evidence for a large mud-flood event in the 1800s.
If there were some mud flooding events in Europe, and some other locations, in the 1800s, they were not deep mud flooding events, but shallow ones. This shallow mud flooding / muddied streets in the 1800s, which we do not see in that many locations, could have also been a by product of other events / attacks / advanced technology or some other factor. There is the possibility that some of the muddied streets we are seeing in the 1800s images are in some way due to the extensive use of horses in the cities.
It seems to me that this notion of a worldwide mud-flood in the 1800s was purposely introduced as a subversion and misdirection. I know how the alternative media works – all sections are the same. Elite Jews and Freemasons introduce misdirecting narratives – and they try to muddy the waters as much as they can. Controlled opposition agents are always created – they are given a task and guidelines. They are also funded, supported and promoted in the various algorithms.
What we mainly see in this current article from the images in the 1700s and 1800s is:
- Evidence that reset related events were occurring, through observing the empty / sparsely populated cites and through some of the fresh destruction we see in some cities.
- Some streets in Europe became somewhat muddy, with some shallow dirt / mud covering the streets.
- The Europeans that populated the long time abandoned North American Old World cities did some excavating of the deep mud that they found there.
So to recap:
It looks like a very long time ago – we are talking about thousands of years – there were some massive assaults on the Old-World civilisation, involving the melting of buildings and very deep, city swamping mud-flooding. Since then, it has been a more subtle, systematic, incremental moulding of the cities and the populations – with certain locations targeted at different times. Also see parts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of this series for evidence for these conclusions.
Various ‘planetary resets’ have also occurred since this first major assault.
A type of planetary reset was completed at some point in the 1800s but various tactics in the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s were used to create it, as shown in further articles in the series.
Though their reset was ‘completed’ in the 1800s, there were still ‘events’ in the late 1800s and early 1900s, as ‘The Powers That Be’ never stop influencing the populations with disruptive and destructive events. Their ability to do this greatly diminished after WW2 – other articles on this website in the Ufology section (Ufology Explained, parts 1-5) will help you realise why this ability came to an end, and I will discuss it more in later articles in this series.
Below are many more images related to the ancient mud-flooding, some possible 1800s reset related events and the emptying of cities.
If you have any additional, significant information related to this topic please share in the relevant comments section. If something is not clear to you let me know in the comments and I will try to help.
Additional Images:
This section includes images of empty or very sparsely populated cities. This is very much related to the targeted resets / events that have occurred in various locations in the late 1700s and in the 1800s and early 1900s. Some strange things have been happening. It appears that certain populations of people have been removed and some have been moved around – and humanity has forgotten this. And as far out as it can sound, new populations of people were clearly added to the planet either in the late 1700s or in the first half of the 1800s (Parts 1 – 4 will help you realise this, and further articles in the series discuss these occurrences).
Some people may say that the empty cities in the photographs below were because it was probably the early morning when they were taken. People have looked closely at the images, and from the shadows seen in the images it is very likely not very early mornings. The total lack of activity in some of the images, in various locations, is eerie and confusing (Though if you read the rest of the series, you may get a feel for what has occurred).
Note: After the last Website Update the galleries are all playing up. If they are not displaying properly, if you refresh the page twice (sometimes once) they will work just fine. I will endeavour to rectify this issue as soon as possible.
- Windows and acoustic openings into doors
- Sparsely populated / empty cities and muddy streets
- Excavating
- Mud flooding?
- Italy in the mid 1700s (c 1750)
- Italy in 1890
- Delhi, India – Empty
- Venice – Empty
- Toronto – Empty
- San Francisco – Empty
More Old-World Building Examples:
- Australian Old-World Buildings – comparison to others around the World.
- Shanghai (‘European’ style Old World)
- London Bridge (Ottoman / Russian building)
- Windsor Castle – Mud Flooded
- Deep / Tall Buildings (A few more examples)
These are Thumbnails, click to enlarge:
Examples of mud flooded buildings and windows and acoustic openings changed into doors:
Sparsely populated / empty cities and muddy streets:
1800s mud flooding evidence?:
Some more very flimsy ‘evidence’ for a massive 1800s mud flood. More images that are used by so-called mud flood researchers (YouTubers) that are provided without context and details. There really is very little evidence for a large 1800s mud flood event.
Italy in the mid 1700s (c 1750):
Rome, Italy, 1890. Photocrome images from
It looks to me like a reset has occurred here. Correlate it to the sketches above of Italy. The city has been cleared up to a degree, but it is still a sparsely populated and is certainly not a bustling, fully functioning city.
Referring back to Part 2 of this series: I know we don’t see the people that clearly in these images but they do not look like the tall red-heads and tall blondes that dominated Italy in the 1500s and 1600s?
India – Empty
Venice – Empty
Toronto – Empty
San Francisco – Empty and likely some ancient Mud Flooding evidence (Unexcavated mud areas) – again many of these North American Old World cities had been empty for a long time before being repopulated in the 1700s and 1800s.
‘European / American’ Style Old World Architecture in Australia:
Australian Old-World Buildings. Comparison to others around the World:

Shanghai, China:
‘European’ / ‘American’ style Old World buildings in China:

Old London Bridge:
A ‘Russian’ style Old World building on the Old-World London Bridge.

Windsor Castle:

Pendennis Castle:

Two more large and very deep Old World building examples:

Thanks. Been looking forward to the new chapters! Quick typo spot: “Shanghai Japan” that ought to be “China”? [No need to post this comment public]
Thanks for the heads up, my friend. Will change it asap.
That’s interesting that you mention Ksiaz Castle – Schloss Fürstenstein. Because that Castle was used by the National Socialsts as a large underground facility. A lot about that is still unknown but people have been researching. See here:
Tino’s channel is very interesting as you can find a lot of information on underground complexes in connection wih NS Germany – he explores them personally himself. Also information on Kammler, the post NS-state etc. Though it is permeated with some usual anti NS-narrative it is quite alternative/revisionist too.
As for that castle in China – that looks more like a modern day hotel complex to me? Something to appeal to (European) tourists…. Of course it’s possible that they used an old building for that but it doesn’t look old to me.
As for some of the other buidlings in Asia – maybe not that old built by the colonial rulers? Which would be mostly the Brits. I’m not trying to discount your overall hypothesis – as a matter of fact, it is very compelling and very much indeed looks like we’re not being told the full story (as usual). But I can see some alternative explanations in some cases too.
Keep up the good work!
Hi SunWheel
I do not trust any content creators on (((YouTube))).
So many people do not seem to get this yet… (((YouTube))) is owned by (((Google))) – It is pretty much just an extension of Mainstream Media.
I have been researching long enough to remember what YouTube was like 6 or 7 years ago – with documentaries on WW2 Truth, many Adolf Hitler speeches with English subtitles, Fake terrorism / Hoaxes being exposed by many different people, Jewry being exposed, documentaries on the damage of Vaccines etc etc etc… Then it all started being censored.
6 – 7 years of incessant censorship and thousands of channels being deleted each year. There are no awakened knowledgeable genuine Truthers on there anymore. YouTube is a ridiculous place.
You can get some pieces of information from some of the content, some data etc, but all the people on there are controlled and will be gate-keeping, creating limited hangouts and trying to misdirect you. So, I recommend people use it wisely, using it just to gather some data / selected pieces of info, and then analyse all the data you collect from them with a lot of data from elsewhere. Analyse it all yourself and use critical thinking.
This person you speak of (that you linked) is controlled opposition – just another YouTube gatekeeper / limited hangout. Very obviously. Using the term ‘Nazi’ over and over again and creating videos featuring Joseph Farrell! Just two of the obvious signs that hit you. He will provide some information that sucks people in and them he will distract you – you will find nothing of worth, no game changing information, just gate-keeping and distraction – some distracting entertainment for people.
(((They))) have been incessantly seeding controlled opposition agents on (((YouTube))) for more than 7 years!
I am aware that the NS Germans utilise underground facilities, they had a lot of secret technology they were developing. I may check out that castle’s underground areas.
They were really looking for much bigger underground areas though, areas that could only really be accessed via the North Pole at that time.
By the way, I do not research for entertainment. This is not entertainment or a game for me. I look for important and substantial Truths. I look to show people what the incredibly numerous controlled agents are hiding and gate-keeping.
I don’t even like being on the computer and the internet – I love nature and the outdoors. But I am committed, and I take responsibility. I know the value of Truth – there is nothing more valuable and important.
My friend, that castle in China is not a modern-day hotel complex.
We smaller humans did not build these Old World buildings. I have explained this in Part 1.
Try to find evidence of some 5 foot-tall Chinese people building it. There is none, of course. You can even see the destruction / mounds on the lower levels – mounded up earth etc. These castles were large complexes – you can see some of the remaining lower parts that remained after some sort of attack / destruction. The small 5 feet Chinese people turned this Old World building into a hotel. It is called The Castle Hotel of Dalian
The only European style castle built by the small current Chinese people is the one in their Disney Land complex.
I have added another photo of this castle hotel to the article, showing the other Old World buildings that are in front the Castle Hotel – these other buildings with various domes and steeples – these are also White giant building techniques for harnessing energy.
Those Old World buildings in Shanghai were not built by ‘colonialists’. My friend, you have presented this theory without having investigated. Again, try to find some evidence that 5 foot tall Europeans colonialists built them.
These Old World buildings were not built by the 5 foot tall humans in the 1800s or 1900s, they are much older and were built by significantly taller humans (what some call giants). I do not say these things on a whim – I complete the necessary research.
Hope that all helped in some way.
Sorry my friend, I had a little bit of a rant there. It’s talking about (((YouTube))) that does it 🙂
the year dated is the letter i not the number 1. J stands for Jesus and then the letter i in the year of our lord then the actual year. ie; i789, i854. The FREE MASONRY is the free masonry FOUND in the United States. The mason’s year is 6,023 not 2023 right now. The higher ups in the cult know everything.
Hi private
I have seen this ‘i’ instead of ‘1’ mentioned a couple times in my research. I am sceptical about some of the explanations related to that – a few of the people I saw mentioning it were ridiculous (((YouTube))) controlled agents.
Have you got a link to any information on that particular aspect of this topic?
By the way, are you a Christian that believe Jesus is our Lord? Or are you just relaying what some people believe?
Hello, I stumbled on this page because I’m trying to pinpoint the date of the mud flood. My idea is that this event is what caused the straight of Kalifornia to fill with mud creating what is now the central valley. In the old maps, Kalifornia is depicted as an island, but at some point it became joined to the main body of North America. I thought 1695 was an interesting possibility, because of the drastic stylistic changes in classical music and around that time. It is the end of the Baroque and the beginning of the classical period. Then last week I was browsing the writing of S. Champlain from around 1650. He describes visiting Rome and discovering that most of ancient Rome had been buried, and that parts of Rome lay 30 feet below what was then street level. That is what we find in places like Atlanta, GA as well, where all the streets are viaducts and the original street level is 30 ft. below. I guess I have to push the date back before the middle of the 17th century.
Hi Peter, welcome.
Read the whole ‘Resets and Genocides’ series on my site. There are 12 parts so far.
Parts 1-4 will show you that the history that they have given us before the 1800s was the giant’s history, not ours.
Part 7 will show you there is evidence for mudflooding in late 1300s and the 1400s, 1500s etc
It has been an incremental destruction of the Old World civilisation – though there was likely one particularly large flood-type event (though it could have been a number of flood type events) sometime before the medieval period – difficult to know when, as the artwork evidence only really goes back to the mid to late 1300s.
Part 10 is about comets, and you begin to see that there has been an inter-dimensional and technologically advanced force destroying populations and regions when it sees fit. It has NOT been one big mudflood.
During the 1800s there was a population reset (again, an incremental destruction and wiping out of populations leading up to this reset) – pretty much all the 7 feet plus humans were killed off. Many populations of 5 feet tall humans were added to the planet in the 1800s, and were convinced that another peoples history was theirs – this happened all over the world. The vast majority of bloodlines on the planet were added in the 1800s.
Parts 11 and 12 show you who this force was / is.
Hope that helped.