Adolf Hitler Escapes Berlin – Survives WW2 – Contingency Plan

p34-48 – from the book ‘UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon?’ by Ernst Zundel et al

From Northern Europe, and especially from neutral Sweden, came reports of Flying Saucers,
called by the Swedish Press, “German Secret Weapons”. This caused a sensation not only in Europe but in the entire world.

Stories abounded about overflights by these strange objects at speeds and in formations which
the Swedes had only seen during the latter days of the war. During intense German secret weapon development, many of these weapons were being tested in the then still safe Baltic area. This U.F.O.activity (as it soon became called), occurred at just about the same time as serious European, and especially North and South American newspapers and radio networks, were carrying sensational reports about Hitler.

It was being claimed that Adolf Hitler had never committed suicide but had escaped from the
Bunker in Berlin via a “hospital tank”, had been taken to Tempelhof airfield and there, with his wife, Eva Braun-Hitler, had transferred to one of Germany’s fast jets and flown first to Denmark and then on to Norway. Both Denmark and Norway were still firmly in German hands. From Norway, Hitler and a mysterious group of people, making up an entire convoy, were claimed to have left for an unknown destination. Let us now investigate!

Whilst the last paragraph reads like a story out of a sensational publication, (the type usually
dealing with crime and sex), nevertheless Time magazine issue of May 7th, 1945, (one day before the war was officially ended), gave space for the following article, and this seven days after Hitler’s supposed suicide. Add to this the fact that the Press service from which this report emanated and was distributed, seems to be the same one or at least connected with, the Press service for which a certain Willy Frahm (now known as the retired Chancellor of West Germany, Willy Brandt) quite freely filed stories whilst in exile. Should this be the case then the report must be given added credence, for another of these exiles using this service was Herbert Wehner, today a top West German politician. At this time he was known as one of Stalin’s most active operators in the European underground and under constanct surveillance by the Swedish Police as a “Soviet Agent”.

These types of Press services were usually the mouthpieces of communist spy rings inside
German-controlled Europe. They were organized and financed by the Soviet Komintern or K.G.B. Their sources of information were from secret communist cells operating vast guerilla and spy networks which the Russians had set up even before W.W. II. Usually their information was first hand.

The Reds were waiting for the day of Germany’s defeat when they could then get away with
“murder” by killing all anti-Communists and conveniently calling them Nazi-collaborators.

Another very interesting article was one which appeared in many U.S. newspapers announcing
the formation of a “Capture Hitler Fund”! This is only second to an incredible book written by one of America’s senior diplomats, former Secretary of State Jimmy Byrnes, in which he reveals a lengthy conversation he had with Stalin about the touchy subject of Hitler’s disappearance from the world scene, and confirms Stalin’s belief that Adolf Hitler had not died in the Bunker in Berlin.

Reproduced here is a condensed version of an article which appeared in an American religious
publication entitled “The Cross and The Flag” of date April 1948, and gives Stalin’s response to a direct question from Mr. Byrnes about Hitler’s whereabouts. It seems that even the highest echelons of the Allied governments were not convinced of Hitler’s death, for any reports of Hitler having been seen were always thoroughly checked out.

Is Hitler Still Alive?

Oberst Skorzeny was a famous German Commando leader and a personal friend of Hitler. Hitler
entrusted him with many daring missions, such as the rescuing of Mussolini from his mountain-top prison, and the arresting of Vice-Regent Horthy of Hungary from the Castle in Budapest, at a time when the Castle was surrounded by thousands of Hungarian elite troops. Skorzeny was repeatedly interrogated by the American C.I.C. and even as late as 1947-48, about his alleged role in the escape of Hitler!

Did Hitler and some of his closest men indeed survive the Third Reich? This question is of world
significance, and it is with this in mind that the following articles are quoted, and some are reproduced in photo copy form for those readers who are multilingual.

Of all the articles and the versions of Hitler’s escape from his embattled bunker in Berlin, the
following seems the most plausible: In the German-language book “Das Ende des Hitler Mythos”, page 339, reference is made to a series of events which completely negate the claims of the suicides of Hitler and Eva Braun. These suicides are usually stated to have happened at the Fuhrer Bunker, Berlin, April 30th, 1945, 3.30 p.m. In the above book it is claimed that Hitler was seen at 4.15 p.m. on that same day. Eyewitnesses gave their accounts under oath. Hitler either made a Christ-like resurrection, three quarters of an hour after his “death” or he had left the Bunker alive and with a plan.

Spanish newspaper reports about Hitler’s escape

According to further evidence contained in press reports emanating from Munich and appearing
in the pages of “Diario llustrado” of Santiago, Chile issue of 18th January, 1948, “on 30th of April, 1945, Berlin was in dissolution but little of that dissolution was evident at Tempelhof airfield. Ground support organizations, such as radio, radar as well as harbour and riverboat direction were functioning at peak efficiency. Takeoffs and landings were handled smoothly. The airspace was crowded. Every six minutes a plane landed and ten planes took off every hour, and all of this with a city under siege. Highspeed German fighters and jets could be seen circling about to secure airspace and consequently Tempelhof runways had received only minor damage. The sound of machine-gun fire could be heard in the distance. Radio operators had received reports that the Russians had advanced to the Koch and Oranian Strasse. Contact
to the city’s centre had been interrupted. Two alternatives remained, escape by air from Tempelhof or capture by the advancing Soviet troops”.

“At 4.15 p.m. a JU52 landed, and S.S. troops directly from Rechlin for the defence of Berlin
disembarked, all of them young, not older than 18 years. The gunner in the particular plane was an engineer by the name of B……… whom I had known for a number of years and for whom I had endeavoured to get exemption from military service. He sought to tank up and leave Berlin as quickly as possible. During this re-fuelling interval Mr. B……… was suddenly elbowed in the ribs by his radio operator with a nod to look in a certain direction. At about 100-120 metres he saw a sleek Messerschmitt Jet Model 332. (The reporters must have made a mistake here, it could only have been an ARADO 234 — a mistake not difficult to understand since secrecy was the hallmark of the Nazi Regime. This Turbojet had a range of 4,000 km.) Mr. B…….. and the radio operator saw and without any doubt whatsoever, standing in front of the jet, their Commander in Chief, Adolf Hitler, dressed in field-grey uniform and gesticulating animatedly with some Partyfunctionaries, who were obviously seeing him off. For about ten minutes whilst their plane was being refuelled the two men observed this scene and around 4.30 p.m. they
took to the air again. They were extremely astonished to hear during the midnight military news bulletin, some seven and a half hours later that Hitler had committed suicide”.

It was during this military news broadcast that Admiral Donitz announced that he was taking
over as the new Commander-in-Chief. This same bulletin was broadcast over the German civilian radio network and Dr. Goebbels reported that the Fuhrer had entered Valhalla, (that mystical place in ancient Nordic sagas where heroes dwell after death).

Upon questioning, the engineer Mr. B……….. denied the possibility of error on his part and
reiterated that on April 30th, 1945 at 4.15 p.m., whilst refuelling his plane at Tempelhof airport, and in the bright light of the setting sun he saw Adolf Hitler, and at a time when it was no longer possible to reach the Reichskanzlei (Hitler’s Bunker). When Mr. B……… first heard the news reports he concluded that Hitler had died in an airplane crash.” This particular report by Mr. B…….. with all the sensational content, was never published in the English-speaking press.

The Soviet Information Office reported on May 3rd, 1945, that Hitler’s servant, Fritsche had
been captured and interrogated by the Soviets and had stated that Hitler, Goebbels and the new Chief of the General Staff, General of the Infantry, Krebs, had committed suicide. Lt. Heimlich of the American C.I.C., whose responsibility it was to check all rumours and reports, all sightings and evidence regarding the whereabouts or the death of Hitler, reached the conclusion that Hitler, Eva Braun and Martin Bormann were still alive and that there existed not one iota of proof that Hitler had actually died.

The report (INS) further stated that according to investigations by the American authorities it
would have been relatively simple to escape from Berlin, whilst experts pointed to the almost impossible task of burning a corpse in the open air by just dousing it with a can of gasoline and not leave behind some recognisable evidence.

It is a fact that a working party made up of American, British, French and Russian soldiers did
find a ditch which produced two hats, supposedly belonging to Hitler, and also a pair of panties bearing Eva Braun’s initials, but no corpses or parts of corpses.

This is where Hitler’s hats and Eva Braun’s panties were found. (Allied investigators)

Much has been written regarding identification through medical and dental records and Hitler has been much in the news in this respect. A recent report by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation makes interesting reading. On the programme “As it Happens” on September 17th, 1974 at 7:15 p.m., a Prof. Dr. Ryder Saguenay, oral surgeon from the Dental Faculty of the University of California at Los Angeles revealed the facts that Hitler had ordered a special plane to leave from Berlin with all medical and dental records, and especially X-rays, of the top Nazis and for an unknown destination, and that any drawings, charts and other evidence which have been presented, regarding Hitler’s dental status; have been drawn from MEMORY by the dental assistant to Hitler’s dentist, the latter who was himself never found.

To fully appreciate the importance of the above evidence, the situation of Germany at the end of
the war must be taken into account. Planes were scarce, but apparently not too scarce for Hitler to decideit was of great importance to use one to fly medical and dental records to some unknown place. If Hitlerhad been contemplating suicide why would he have bothered to remove such vital evidence? To where were they flown and why did he feel it was necessary to remove all traces of such identifying material? Unless the “suicide” was a well-thought out ruse to confuse the Allies whilst Hitler was escaping.

There are a few other reports from the Spanish-speaking press which deserve mention and
reproduced here is one as it appeared in Editorial “Zip Zag”. Santiago, Chile, on 16th January, 1948. It seems that on April 30th, 1945, a Peter Baumgart (FlugKapitan — Flight Captain), took Adolf Hitler, his wife Eva Braun, as well as a few loyal friends by plane from Tempelhof airport to Tondern in Denmark (still firmly in German hands). From Tondern, where Baumgart landed, the Fuhrer’s party continued in a new plane with another crew, to Kristiansund in Norway, also still in German hands. There a German submarine convoy was waiting to receive its unusual “cargo”. In the meantime the Junkers which had brought the Fuhrer returned to Tondern, circled the airfield and dropped a mes-, sage to the effect that the Fuhrer had reached his destination safely. This unusual method of communicating was chosen, so as to keep radio silence and not attract undue notice. (From Mattern, U.F.O. Letzte Geheimwaffe des III Reiches page 50-51).

Another dimension is added to this story when comparing some of the statements made by Erich Kempka who had been in Hitler’s employ, as chief of his carpool since 1932. In his book “Ich habe Adolf Hitler verbrannt” — “I burnt Hitler”, page 109, he recounts that after some confused telephoned conversations with Gunsche (Hitler’s personal adjutant), Gunsche shouted at him, wide-eyed and rather theatrically — “The Chief is dead”. Kempka stated how shocked he felt and then how he asked Gunsche how could it have happened since he had spoken to Hitler just the day before when he, Hitler, was completely well and completely controlled. In the same book on page 139 there is further information which all points to a well-conceived plan. A German submarine commander had stated under interrogation by the American C.I.C. that he was under orders since 25th April, 1945, to be at constant readiness, “Besonderen Verfugung”, under immediate control of the Fuhrer. At Bremen this submarine commander declared that at least 10 other submarine commanders had received the same order! .

Further, the C.I.C. found that twelve Flight Captains had been issued a valid secret order from the Fuhrerhauptquartier (Hitler’s H-Q.) to be in a constant state of readiness for Hitler’s departure.

Gross Admiral Donitz has always figured in developments surrounding Hitler’s whereabouts, and Donitz was Hitler’s successor. The American writer, Malcolm X refers to him in his book “We Want You? Is Hitler Alive?”, page 10, and claims that Donitz knew about Hitler’s plans and was instrumental in his escape to an oasis in South America.

Mattern, in his German version of the U.F.O. Story, repeatedly quotes Donitz as playing a key
role in the Fuhrer’s plans. On page 15 he reports excerpts from one of Donitz’s speeches at a graduation ceremony to naval cadets in Kiel, in 1944: “The German navy has still a great role to play in the future. The German navy knows all hiding places for the navy to take the Fuhrer to, should the need arise. There he can prepare his last measures in (“aller Ruhe”) complete quiet”.

Michael Bar-Zohar speaks of the role of Donitz — “The Avengers” page 99. Essentially, Bar-Zohar corroborates Michael X and Mattern. Excerpts below.

Michael Bar-Zohar speaks of the role of Donitz

In 1943 Admiral Doenitz had declared: “The German U-boat fleet is proud to have made an earthly paradise, an inpregnable fortress for the Fuehrer, somewhere in the world.”

He did not say in what part of the world it existed, but fairly obviously it was in South America. As far back as 1933, when the Nazi Party had come to power, the new masters of the Reich had made a special effort to spread their doctrine in South American countries. For several reasons, these countries presented a fertile field. There were large German colonies strongly established in many parts of Latin America. Several hundred thousand Germans or people of German stock were settled in Brazil, At Blumenau and Florianópolis, in the federal state of Santa Catarina, everything was, and still is, reminiscent of Germany—the countryside, the style of the houses, the appearance of the people, their speech. It was the same in several regions of Argentina. In the capital, Buenos Aires, in Tucumán, Formosa, Córdoba, and Cordier, in the Gran Chaco and the vastness of the Paraná Misiones, and at San Carles de Bariloche, a bit of Switzerland in the southern hemisphere, with its pine trees and snow-clad mountainside—at all these places German colonies had settled and expanded with amazing rapidity. In Paraguay, tens of thousands of German immigrants had cleared and cultivated virgin areas to the east of the Asnnción and had given their new towns names like Hohenau to remind them of their origins. Another wave of German immigrants had spread over the southern part of Chile, the region round the towns of Osorno and Valdivia, and the island of Chiloé, as well as settling in the capital. Santiago. Many more had gone to Peru, Uruguay, and other Latin American countries.

Having made an initial study of the mind of Hitler and having some understanding of his modus
operandi we can now move into another area of this story. What are the other indications, which point to where, why, when and how? Let us examine some of the statements made during Hitler’s career.

Hitler never tied the success of his mission on the sole fate of Germany. He fully realised, and
early in his career, that Germany proper could be over-run by his enemies. He said right at the beginning of the war and during the conquest of Poland, “And if our enemies should inundate (uberschwemmt) all of Germany, we shall then fight on from abroad, we will never capitulate.” And another statement from no less a book than “Mein Kampf”, German version, 1938, page 470: “The battle that rages today is for very high goals. A culture fights for its existence, that encompasses the heritage of ancient Greece and modern Germandom as well . . .”

Again, we see that Hitler saw the struggle as a global one even before the war. He had written
Mein Kampf in 1923-24. On page 475, of the same volume he states further: “Certainly the world is approaching a great upheaval. It can only be around one single issue; will it be favourable to the Aryan people or will it benefit only the eternal Jew?”

In these sentences can be found a very clear indication that Hitler felt, as far back as 1923-24 that the struggle, his struggle, (which, incidentally, is the literal translation of the words “Mein Kampf”) was not for Germany alone but for all Aryan man, or to put it in simple language, for the existence of the white man.

It is evident from Hitler’s alliance with “yellow” Japan and his collaboration and active support
with many non-white independence movements, such as the Arabs, the Caucassus tribes, the Cossacks and also India, that he was never the narrow-minded, racist bigot allied propagandists have tried to brain￾wash the world into believing. The German general, Beck, once said about Hitler, “This man has no fatherland”. It is important we approach this entire question with an absolutely open mind, for only then will we be able to unravel this Hitler-U.F.O. connection.

Had Hitler been a narrow-minded, nationalist politician, a mustachioed dictator who experienced his thrills by ranting and raving at large crowds of cowed followers driven to mass rallies at bayonet point, then his end would seem explainable. He was far more than that, namely a prophet, with global vision much in the cast of the prophets of old who have been recorded and revered in the old Testament by both Christians and Jews. He was born into German-speaking central Europe, that’s all. An accident of fate. Undoubtedly, he would have preached the same eloquent sermon had he been born in France or England.

On July 20th, 1944 Skorzeny arrived at Hitler’s Headquarters bringing with him the liberated
Mussolini. This visit coincided with the one and only nearly-successful attempt on Hitler’s life. Hitler made to Skorzeny a most significant statement. “I begin to doubt whether the German people are worthy of my ideals”. This statement again reveals Hitler’s detachment from Germany and points up the mentality of a universal-thinking individual. It must be granted, that indications are present that Hitler was ready to continue the struggle from outside Germany. But how, and with what methods and weapons?

Before we continue we must take another look at the suicide plot.

1. The bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were never produced.

2. The items introduced as “evidence” are only circumstantial; two of Hitler’s hats, 1 pair of
panties with the initials E. B. and a few bones. (There were millions of bones lying all over Germany as the result of the mass-killing by the Allied aerial bombing)

3. The bloodstains found on the furniture in Hitler’s quarters in the Bunker were not of his
blood type.

4. Hitler was not suicide prone. On the contrary, only a few days earlier after he had heard
of the suicide of the Mayor of Leipzig and his family, he had condemned suicide as cowardly and
unbecoming to a National Socialist.

5. The most important witnesses and the men closest to Hitler have never been found, e.g.
Bormann, Stumpfegger, Gunsche et al.

6. Hitler, by his very nature, and his unfailing belief in his mission, (one of global and not
national dimensions), would tend to continue the struggle from elsewhere.

7. There are too many reports and sightings, eye witness reports and even evidence that the
suicide attempt was a brilliantly-successful, carefully-staged scenario. A typical Hitler production.

In view of the above summation, we can assume that there was indeed a contingency plan.

One of the iron-clad rules of wartime Nazi Germany was to never let anyone, however high their
position or rank, know more about a plan or operation than was absolutely necessary to the execution of his or her particular contribution to the overall whole. This rule applied to all and even to men like Himmler who was Chief of the S.S. and who by the end of the war, commanded vast military forces on the eastern front. Himmler had known Hitler since his earliest days and even he could not comprehend the absolute calm and certainty of final victory that Hitler displayed in those terrible last days in the Bunker in Berlin. He saw, when he tabled his ever more devastating reports about lost ground, enemy advances, bombing damage etc. how Hitler would listen attentively and quietly. This led him to speculate aloud and come to the conclusion “The Fuhrer has some kind of a plan” — reported in Trevor Roper’s book “Hitler’s Letzte Tage” on page 101.

There are other indications that even very high level military types, such as General Keitel and
Jodl were not privy to all secrets. An April 22nd, 1945, these two men received orders to leave for the Obersalzberg (Hitler’s famous “Alpine Redoubt” about which we will speak later). Although loyal to the very end to their Commander-in-Chief, they did not want to die in the “Rat Trap” as they called the Bunker in Berlin. Consequently, they tried to persuade Hitler to leave with them. A heated debate ensued, according to the ever-present stenographer, Hergesell, and even a forceful abduction of Hitler to the Alpine fortress was considered by the two top generals. Finally Bormann, one of the few who apparently was in the know about the plan, persuaded them otherwise, and they left without Hitler.

Dr. Josef Goebbels, one of the most brilliant followers and exponents of Hitler, seems also to have been initiated to some degree, in the final phase. He had a three hour meeting with Hitler in those hectic last days and left the meeting calling out “Mein Fuhrer was sind Sie gross” — “My Fuhrer, what a great man you are”. A few days later in a radio broadcast he made a number of interesting statements and one in particular which referred to new Secret Weapons, so fantastic “they made my heart beat more quickly when I saw them”.

There are also some statements he made to his secretary on April 22nd, 1945, as reported in
the book “Mit Goebbels bis zum Ende”, Durer Verlag, Buenos Aires “. . . We want to see if under
these circumstances the Americans will shoot us in the back”. A few days later Goebbels gave a further highly-significant glimpse of what was planned when he said “May God protect our Fuhrer during the approaching danger” — reported also in the above-mentioned book. Was Goebbels referring to the underwater journey to the paradisical oasis in South America? How much clearer could we be told of what was afoot?

Maybe in Hitler’s own words? On February 24th, 1945 Hitler made a prophetic speech at the
end of which he said these words:— “In this war there will be no victors and no vanquished either, but only the dead and the survivors. The last battalion however, will be a German one”. A further definition can be obtained by Hitler’s remark, towards the end of the war, that “. . . the inevitable and automatic clash between east and west will come sooner or later and we (the Germans) will then be and act as the proverbial tip of the scale”.

Should there still be some doubt in the reader’s mind as to whether there was, in fact, “something cooking” in Adolf Hitler’s fertile brain in those days when his world around him was going up in dust, flames and smoke, then read this. Germany’s legendary female flyer, Hanna Reitsch, holder of many world records, first rocket plane jet pilot, daredevil of the air and one of the Fuhrer’s favourite people, had voluntarily accompanied one of Germany’s top men — Ritter von Greim, to embattled Berlin. They flew over the Soviet lines in order to get into the beleaguered capital and were hit by Russian antiaircraft fire. Ritter von Greim was hit by shrapnel and badly wounded. Hanna Reitsch managed to wrestle the controls of the floundering aircraft out of the hands of von Greim and landed the aircraft in Berlin’s famous Unter
den Linden Boulevard.

In the previously-quoted book of Trevor Roper, “Hitler’s Letzte Tage”, page 146, mention is made of a telephone conversation which took place on April 28th, 1945 at Hitler’s headquarters, between Ritter von Greim and his subordinate, General Koller, who was in Furstenberg. “It goes something like this” said General Koller “He, (von Greim) would be lost. Gen-Koller offered his condolences about Greim’s condition, his wounds, and his seemingly useless promotion to new Chief of the German Luftwaffe (after Goring’s firing). He bemoaned the state of things generally and the future of Germany, in particular. He also reiterated his doubts about being able to do anything with the Luftwaffe. Then he paused. He expected a similarly gloomy echo from the Fieldmarshall on the other end of the line. But the world was still full of surprises for Gen. Koller. Life in the Bunker Headquarters seemed even more surreal than his experiences at Furstenberg. Koller was astounded when instead of lamentation of impending defeat, he heard an optimistic analysis of the future, and even promise of an inevitable German victory. “Just wait”, said the new Chief of the hard-pressed Luftwaffe. “Don’t despair. All will be well! The presence and optimism of the Fuhrer have given me new hope. The Bunker affects me like a fountain of youth”. Koller listened in disbelief and was incredulous. He just could not understand it at all.

So the optimism in Germany in these last days was spoken from the mouth of Goebbels, a
brilliant doctor of jurisprudence, the Reichsminister and the hero of Berlin. The man who had wrestled the communist-controlled workers of Berlin out of the clutches of the false prophet’s of Moscow and delivered them to the Fuhrer as a gift to Germany’s inner healing. A level-head and a first-rate brain. Also from Heinrich Himmler, the cold realist, a top cop of Germany, holding the same position and wielding even greater power, than the late J. Edgar Hoover had held in the United States. And lastly, from Fieldmarshall Ritter von Greim’s conversation with a General Staff Officer. All these men had had lifelong careers and training in the martial arts and were cool, non-emotional Prussians to the core. From the above, there can be only one conclusion and that is that Hitler did not commit suicide. Hitler did not die.

That there was a drama could hardly be denied, as evidenced by the article (reproduced earlier)
from Time magazine, but weighing all the evidence, an escape from Berlin is certainly more likely than a Suicide.

Link to orginal / source article:

Ufology Explained – The German Breakaway Group – Psyops, Disinfo and Truths – Antarctica, WW2, UFOs, Technology